Source code for azure.mgmt.compute.v2019_03_01.models._compute_management_client_enums

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from enum import Enum
from azure.core import CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta

[docs]class AccessLevel(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """AccessLevel.""" NONE = "None" READ = "Read" WRITE = "Write"
[docs]class AggregatedReplicationState(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """This is the aggregated replication status based on all the regional replication status flags.""" UNKNOWN = "Unknown" IN_PROGRESS = "InProgress" COMPLETED = "Completed" FAILED = "Failed"
[docs]class AvailabilitySetSkuTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the sku of an Availability Set. Use 'Aligned' for virtual machines with managed disks and 'Classic' for virtual machines with unmanaged disks. Default value is 'Classic'. """ CLASSIC = "Classic" ALIGNED = "Aligned"
[docs]class CachingTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the caching requirements. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Possible values are: :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **None** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **ReadOnly** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **ReadWrite** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Default: **None for Standard storage. ReadOnly for Premium storage**. """ NONE = "None" READ_ONLY = "ReadOnly" READ_WRITE = "ReadWrite"
[docs]class DedicatedHostLicenseTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the software license type that will be applied to the VMs deployed on the dedicated host. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Possible values are: :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **None** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **Windows_Server_Hybrid** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **Windows_Server_Perpetual** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Default: **None**. """ NONE = "None" WINDOWS_SERVER_HYBRID = "Windows_Server_Hybrid" WINDOWS_SERVER_PERPETUAL = "Windows_Server_Perpetual"
[docs]class DiffDiskOptions(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the ephemeral disk option for operating system disk.""" LOCAL = "Local"
[docs]class DiskCreateOption(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """This enumerates the possible sources of a disk's creation.""" EMPTY = "Empty" """Create an empty data disk of a size given by diskSizeGB.""" ATTACH = "Attach" """Disk will be attached to a VM.""" FROM_IMAGE = "FromImage" """Create a new disk from a platform image specified by the given imageReference.""" IMPORT = "Import" """Create a disk by importing from a blob specified by a sourceUri in a storage account specified #: by storageAccountId.""" COPY = "Copy" """Create a new disk or snapshot by copying from a disk or snapshot specified by the given #: sourceResourceId.""" RESTORE = "Restore" """Create a new disk by copying from a backup recovery point.""" UPLOAD = "Upload" """Create a new disk by obtaining a write token and using it to directly upload the contents of
#: the disk."""
[docs]class DiskCreateOptionTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies how the virtual machine should be created.:code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Possible values are::code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **Attach** \u2013 This value is used when you are using a specialized disk to create the virtual machine.:code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **FromImage** \u2013 This value is used when you are using an image to create the virtual machine. If you are using a platform image, you also use the imageReference element described above. If you are using a marketplace image, you also use the plan element previously described. """ FROM_IMAGE = "FromImage" EMPTY = "Empty" ATTACH = "Attach"
[docs]class DiskState(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The state of the disk.""" UNATTACHED = "Unattached" """The disk is not being used and can be attached to a VM.""" ATTACHED = "Attached" """The disk is currently mounted to a running VM.""" RESERVED = "Reserved" """The disk is mounted to a stopped-deallocated VM""" ACTIVE_SAS = "ActiveSAS" """The disk currently has an Active SAS Uri associated with it.""" READY_TO_UPLOAD = "ReadyToUpload" """A disk is ready to be created by upload by requesting a write token.""" ACTIVE_UPLOAD = "ActiveUpload" """A disk is created for upload and a write token has been issued for uploading to it."""
[docs]class DiskStorageAccountTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The sku name.""" STANDARD_LRS = "Standard_LRS" """Standard HDD locally redundant storage. Best for backup, non-critical, and infrequent access.""" PREMIUM_LRS = "Premium_LRS" """Premium SSD locally redundant storage. Best for production and performance sensitive workloads.""" STANDARD_SSD_LRS = "StandardSSD_LRS" """Standard SSD locally redundant storage. Best for web servers, lightly used enterprise #: applications and dev/test.""" ULTRA_SSD_LRS = "UltraSSD_LRS" """Ultra SSD locally redundant storage. Best for IO-intensive workloads such as SAP HANA, top tier
#: databases (for example, SQL, Oracle), and other transaction-heavy workloads."""
[docs]class GalleryApplicationVersionPropertiesProvisioningState(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The provisioning state, which only appears in the response.""" CREATING = "Creating" UPDATING = "Updating" FAILED = "Failed" SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" DELETING = "Deleting" MIGRATING = "Migrating"
[docs]class GalleryImagePropertiesProvisioningState(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The provisioning state, which only appears in the response.""" CREATING = "Creating" UPDATING = "Updating" FAILED = "Failed" SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" DELETING = "Deleting" MIGRATING = "Migrating"
[docs]class GalleryImageVersionPropertiesProvisioningState(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The provisioning state, which only appears in the response.""" CREATING = "Creating" UPDATING = "Updating" FAILED = "Failed" SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" DELETING = "Deleting" MIGRATING = "Migrating"
[docs]class GalleryPropertiesProvisioningState(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The provisioning state, which only appears in the response.""" CREATING = "Creating" UPDATING = "Updating" FAILED = "Failed" SUCCEEDED = "Succeeded" DELETING = "Deleting" MIGRATING = "Migrating"
[docs]class HostCaching(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The host caching of the disk. Valid values are 'None', 'ReadOnly', and 'ReadWrite'.""" NONE = "None" READ_ONLY = "ReadOnly" READ_WRITE = "ReadWrite"
[docs]class HyperVGeneration(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The hypervisor generation of the Virtual Machine. Applicable to OS disks only.""" V1 = "V1" V2 = "V2"
[docs]class HyperVGenerationType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the HyperVGeneration Type associated with a resource.""" V1 = "V1" V2 = "V2"
[docs]class HyperVGenerationTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the HyperVGeneration Type.""" V1 = "V1" V2 = "V2"
[docs]class IntervalInMins(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Interval value in minutes used to create LogAnalytics call rate logs.""" THREE_MINS = "ThreeMins" FIVE_MINS = "FiveMins" THIRTY_MINS = "ThirtyMins" SIXTY_MINS = "SixtyMins"
[docs]class IPVersion(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Available from Api-Version 2017-03-30 onwards, it represents whether the specific ipconfiguration is IPv4 or IPv6. Default is taken as IPv4. Possible values are: 'IPv4' and 'IPv6'. """ I_PV4 = "IPv4" I_PV6 = "IPv6"
[docs]class MaintenanceOperationResultCodeTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The Last Maintenance Operation Result Code.""" NONE = "None" RETRY_LATER = "RetryLater" MAINTENANCE_ABORTED = "MaintenanceAborted" MAINTENANCE_COMPLETED = "MaintenanceCompleted"
[docs]class OperatingSystemStateTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The OS State.""" GENERALIZED = "Generalized" """Generalized image. Needs to be provisioned during deployment time.""" SPECIALIZED = "Specialized" """Specialized image. Contains already provisioned OS Disk."""
[docs]class OperatingSystemTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The operating system of the osDiskImage.""" WINDOWS = "Windows" LINUX = "Linux"
[docs]class ProtocolTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the protocol of listener. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Possible values are: :code:`<br>`\ **http** :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **https**. """ HTTP = "Http" HTTPS = "Https"
[docs]class ProximityPlacementGroupType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the type of the proximity placement group. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` Possible values are: :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **Standard** : Co-locate resources within an Azure region or Availability Zone. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` **Ultra** : For future use. """ STANDARD = "Standard" ULTRA = "Ultra"
[docs]class ReplicationState(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """This is the regional replication state.""" UNKNOWN = "Unknown" REPLICATING = "Replicating" COMPLETED = "Completed" FAILED = "Failed"
[docs]class ReplicationStatusTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """ReplicationStatusTypes.""" REPLICATION_STATUS = "ReplicationStatus"
[docs]class ResourceIdentityType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The type of identity used for the virtual machine. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. The type 'None' will remove any identities from the virtual machine. """ SYSTEM_ASSIGNED = "SystemAssigned" USER_ASSIGNED = "UserAssigned" SYSTEM_ASSIGNED_USER_ASSIGNED = "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" NONE = "None"
[docs]class RollingUpgradeActionType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The last action performed on the rolling upgrade.""" START = "Start" CANCEL = "Cancel"
[docs]class RollingUpgradeStatusCode(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Code indicating the current status of the upgrade.""" ROLLING_FORWARD = "RollingForward" CANCELLED = "Cancelled" COMPLETED = "Completed" FAULTED = "Faulted"
[docs]class SettingNames(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the name of the setting to which the content applies. Possible values are: FirstLogonCommands and AutoLogon. """ AUTO_LOGON = "AutoLogon" FIRST_LOGON_COMMANDS = "FirstLogonCommands"
[docs]class SnapshotStorageAccountTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The sku name.""" STANDARD_LRS = "Standard_LRS" """Standard HDD locally redundant storage""" PREMIUM_LRS = "Premium_LRS" """Premium SSD locally redundant storage""" STANDARD_ZRS = "Standard_ZRS" """Standard zone redundant storage"""
[docs]class StatusLevelTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The level code.""" INFO = "Info" WARNING = "Warning" ERROR = "Error"
[docs]class StorageAccountType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the storage account type to be used to store the image. This property is not updatable. """ STANDARD_LRS = "Standard_LRS" STANDARD_ZRS = "Standard_ZRS"
[docs]class StorageAccountTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the storage account type for the managed disk. NOTE: UltraSSD_LRS can only be used with data disks. It cannot be used with OS Disk. Standard_LRS uses Standard HDD. StandardSSD_LRS uses Standard SSD. Premium_LRS uses Premium SSD. UltraSSD_LRS uses Ultra disk. For more information regarding disks supported for Windows Virtual Machines, refer to and, for Linux Virtual Machines, refer to """ STANDARD_LRS = "Standard_LRS" PREMIUM_LRS = "Premium_LRS" STANDARD_SSD_LRS = "StandardSSD_LRS" ULTRA_SSD_LRS = "UltraSSD_LRS"
[docs]class UpgradeMode(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the mode of an upgrade to virtual machines in the scale set.:code:`<br />`:code:`<br />` Possible values are::code:`<br />`:code:`<br />` **Manual** - You control the application of updates to virtual machines in the scale set. You do this by using the manualUpgrade action.:code:`<br />`:code:`<br />` **Automatic** - All virtual machines in the scale set are automatically updated at the same time. """ AUTOMATIC = "Automatic" MANUAL = "Manual" ROLLING = "Rolling"
[docs]class UpgradeOperationInvoker(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Invoker of the Upgrade Operation.""" UNKNOWN = "Unknown" USER = "User" PLATFORM = "Platform"
[docs]class UpgradeState(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Code indicating the current status of the upgrade.""" ROLLING_FORWARD = "RollingForward" CANCELLED = "Cancelled" COMPLETED = "Completed" FAULTED = "Faulted"
[docs]class VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the eviction policy for the Azure Spot VM/VMSS.""" DEALLOCATE = "Deallocate" DELETE = "Delete"
[docs]class VirtualMachinePriorityTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the priority for a standalone virtual machine or the virtual machines in the scale set. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` 'Low' enum will be deprecated in the future, please use 'Spot' as the enum to deploy Azure Spot VM/VMSS. """ REGULAR = "Regular" LOW = "Low" SPOT = "Spot"
[docs]class VirtualMachineScaleSetScaleInRules(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """VirtualMachineScaleSetScaleInRules.""" DEFAULT = "Default" OLDEST_VM = "OldestVM" NEWEST_VM = "NewestVM"
[docs]class VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuScaleType(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """The scale type applicable to the sku.""" AUTOMATIC = "Automatic" NONE = "None"
[docs]class VirtualMachineSizeTypes(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta): """Specifies the size of the virtual machine. For more information about virtual machine sizes, see `Sizes for virtual machines <>`_. :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` The available VM sizes depend on region and availability set. For a list of available sizes use these APIs: :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` `List all available virtual machine sizes in an availability set <>`_ :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` `List all available virtual machine sizes in a region <>`_ :code:`<br>`:code:`<br>` `List all available virtual machine sizes for resizing <>`_. """ BASIC_A0 = "Basic_A0" BASIC_A1 = "Basic_A1" BASIC_A2 = "Basic_A2" BASIC_A3 = "Basic_A3" BASIC_A4 = "Basic_A4" STANDARD_A0 = "Standard_A0" STANDARD_A1 = "Standard_A1" STANDARD_A2 = "Standard_A2" STANDARD_A3 = "Standard_A3" STANDARD_A4 = "Standard_A4" STANDARD_A5 = "Standard_A5" STANDARD_A6 = "Standard_A6" STANDARD_A7 = "Standard_A7" STANDARD_A8 = "Standard_A8" STANDARD_A9 = "Standard_A9" STANDARD_A10 = "Standard_A10" STANDARD_A11 = "Standard_A11" STANDARD_A1_V2 = "Standard_A1_v2" STANDARD_A2_V2 = "Standard_A2_v2" STANDARD_A4_V2 = "Standard_A4_v2" STANDARD_A8_V2 = "Standard_A8_v2" STANDARD_A2_M_V2 = "Standard_A2m_v2" STANDARD_A4_M_V2 = "Standard_A4m_v2" STANDARD_A8_M_V2 = "Standard_A8m_v2" STANDARD_B1_S = "Standard_B1s" STANDARD_B1_MS = "Standard_B1ms" STANDARD_B2_S = "Standard_B2s" STANDARD_B2_MS = "Standard_B2ms" STANDARD_B4_MS = "Standard_B4ms" STANDARD_B8_MS = "Standard_B8ms" STANDARD_D1 = "Standard_D1" STANDARD_D2 = "Standard_D2" STANDARD_D3 = "Standard_D3" STANDARD_D4 = "Standard_D4" STANDARD_D11 = "Standard_D11" STANDARD_D12 = "Standard_D12" STANDARD_D13 = "Standard_D13" STANDARD_D14 = "Standard_D14" STANDARD_D1_V2 = "Standard_D1_v2" STANDARD_D2_V2 = "Standard_D2_v2" STANDARD_D3_V2 = "Standard_D3_v2" STANDARD_D4_V2 = "Standard_D4_v2" STANDARD_D5_V2 = "Standard_D5_v2" STANDARD_D2_V3 = "Standard_D2_v3" STANDARD_D4_V3 = "Standard_D4_v3" STANDARD_D8_V3 = "Standard_D8_v3" STANDARD_D16_V3 = "Standard_D16_v3" STANDARD_D32_V3 = "Standard_D32_v3" STANDARD_D64_V3 = "Standard_D64_v3" STANDARD_D2_S_V3 = "Standard_D2s_v3" STANDARD_D4_S_V3 = "Standard_D4s_v3" STANDARD_D8_S_V3 = "Standard_D8s_v3" STANDARD_D16_S_V3 = "Standard_D16s_v3" STANDARD_D32_S_V3 = "Standard_D32s_v3" STANDARD_D64_S_V3 = "Standard_D64s_v3" STANDARD_D11_V2 = "Standard_D11_v2" STANDARD_D12_V2 = "Standard_D12_v2" STANDARD_D13_V2 = "Standard_D13_v2" STANDARD_D14_V2 = "Standard_D14_v2" STANDARD_D15_V2 = "Standard_D15_v2" STANDARD_DS1 = "Standard_DS1" STANDARD_DS2 = "Standard_DS2" STANDARD_DS3 = "Standard_DS3" STANDARD_DS4 = "Standard_DS4" STANDARD_DS11 = "Standard_DS11" STANDARD_DS12 = "Standard_DS12" STANDARD_DS13 = "Standard_DS13" STANDARD_DS14 = "Standard_DS14" STANDARD_DS1_V2 = "Standard_DS1_v2" STANDARD_DS2_V2 = "Standard_DS2_v2" STANDARD_DS3_V2 = "Standard_DS3_v2" STANDARD_DS4_V2 = "Standard_DS4_v2" STANDARD_DS5_V2 = "Standard_DS5_v2" STANDARD_DS11_V2 = "Standard_DS11_v2" STANDARD_DS12_V2 = "Standard_DS12_v2" STANDARD_DS13_V2 = "Standard_DS13_v2" STANDARD_DS14_V2 = "Standard_DS14_v2" STANDARD_DS15_V2 = "Standard_DS15_v2" STANDARD_DS13_4_V2 = "Standard_DS13-4_v2" STANDARD_DS13_2_V2 = "Standard_DS13-2_v2" STANDARD_DS14_8_V2 = "Standard_DS14-8_v2" STANDARD_DS14_4_V2 = "Standard_DS14-4_v2" STANDARD_E2_V3 = "Standard_E2_v3" STANDARD_E4_V3 = "Standard_E4_v3" STANDARD_E8_V3 = "Standard_E8_v3" STANDARD_E16_V3 = "Standard_E16_v3" STANDARD_E32_V3 = "Standard_E32_v3" STANDARD_E64_V3 = "Standard_E64_v3" STANDARD_E2_S_V3 = "Standard_E2s_v3" STANDARD_E4_S_V3 = "Standard_E4s_v3" STANDARD_E8_S_V3 = "Standard_E8s_v3" STANDARD_E16_S_V3 = "Standard_E16s_v3" STANDARD_E32_S_V3 = "Standard_E32s_v3" STANDARD_E64_S_V3 = "Standard_E64s_v3" STANDARD_E32_16_V3 = "Standard_E32-16_v3" STANDARD_E32_8_S_V3 = "Standard_E32-8s_v3" STANDARD_E64_32_S_V3 = "Standard_E64-32s_v3" STANDARD_E64_16_S_V3 = "Standard_E64-16s_v3" STANDARD_F1 = "Standard_F1" STANDARD_F2 = "Standard_F2" STANDARD_F4 = "Standard_F4" STANDARD_F8 = "Standard_F8" STANDARD_F16 = "Standard_F16" STANDARD_F1_S = "Standard_F1s" STANDARD_F2_S = "Standard_F2s" STANDARD_F4_S = "Standard_F4s" STANDARD_F8_S = "Standard_F8s" STANDARD_F16_S = "Standard_F16s" STANDARD_F2_S_V2 = "Standard_F2s_v2" STANDARD_F4_S_V2 = "Standard_F4s_v2" STANDARD_F8_S_V2 = "Standard_F8s_v2" STANDARD_F16_S_V2 = "Standard_F16s_v2" STANDARD_F32_S_V2 = "Standard_F32s_v2" STANDARD_F64_S_V2 = "Standard_F64s_v2" STANDARD_F72_S_V2 = "Standard_F72s_v2" STANDARD_G1 = "Standard_G1" STANDARD_G2 = "Standard_G2" STANDARD_G3 = "Standard_G3" STANDARD_G4 = "Standard_G4" STANDARD_G5 = "Standard_G5" STANDARD_GS1 = "Standard_GS1" STANDARD_GS2 = "Standard_GS2" STANDARD_GS3 = "Standard_GS3" STANDARD_GS4 = "Standard_GS4" STANDARD_GS5 = "Standard_GS5" STANDARD_GS4_8 = "Standard_GS4-8" STANDARD_GS4_4 = "Standard_GS4-4" STANDARD_GS5_16 = "Standard_GS5-16" STANDARD_GS5_8 = "Standard_GS5-8" STANDARD_H8 = "Standard_H8" STANDARD_H16 = "Standard_H16" STANDARD_H8_M = "Standard_H8m" STANDARD_H16_M = "Standard_H16m" STANDARD_H16_R = "Standard_H16r" STANDARD_H16_MR = "Standard_H16mr" STANDARD_L4_S = "Standard_L4s" STANDARD_L8_S = "Standard_L8s" STANDARD_L16_S = "Standard_L16s" STANDARD_L32_S = "Standard_L32s" STANDARD_M64_S = "Standard_M64s" STANDARD_M64_MS = "Standard_M64ms" STANDARD_M128_S = "Standard_M128s" STANDARD_M128_MS = "Standard_M128ms" STANDARD_M64_32_MS = "Standard_M64-32ms" STANDARD_M64_16_MS = "Standard_M64-16ms" STANDARD_M128_64_MS = "Standard_M128-64ms" STANDARD_M128_32_MS = "Standard_M128-32ms" STANDARD_NC6 = "Standard_NC6" STANDARD_NC12 = "Standard_NC12" STANDARD_NC24 = "Standard_NC24" STANDARD_NC24_R = "Standard_NC24r" STANDARD_NC6_S_V2 = "Standard_NC6s_v2" STANDARD_NC12_S_V2 = "Standard_NC12s_v2" STANDARD_NC24_S_V2 = "Standard_NC24s_v2" STANDARD_NC24_RS_V2 = "Standard_NC24rs_v2" STANDARD_NC6_S_V3 = "Standard_NC6s_v3" STANDARD_NC12_S_V3 = "Standard_NC12s_v3" STANDARD_NC24_S_V3 = "Standard_NC24s_v3" STANDARD_NC24_RS_V3 = "Standard_NC24rs_v3" STANDARD_ND6_S = "Standard_ND6s" STANDARD_ND12_S = "Standard_ND12s" STANDARD_ND24_S = "Standard_ND24s" STANDARD_ND24_RS = "Standard_ND24rs" STANDARD_NV6 = "Standard_NV6" STANDARD_NV12 = "Standard_NV12" STANDARD_NV24 = "Standard_NV24"