Source code for azure.mgmt.botservice.models.azure_bot_service_enums

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from enum import Enum

[docs]class SkuName(str, Enum): f0 = "F0" s1 = "S1"
[docs]class SkuTier(str, Enum): free = "Free" standard = "Standard"
[docs]class Kind(str, Enum): sdk = "sdk" designer = "designer" bot = "bot" function = "function"
[docs]class EnterpriseChannelState(str, Enum): creating = "Creating" create_failed = "CreateFailed" started = "Started" starting = "Starting" start_failed = "StartFailed" stopped = "Stopped" stopping = "Stopping" stop_failed = "StopFailed" deleting = "Deleting" delete_failed = "DeleteFailed"
[docs]class EnterpriseChannelNodeState(str, Enum): creating = "Creating" create_failed = "CreateFailed" started = "Started" starting = "Starting" start_failed = "StartFailed" stopped = "Stopped" stopping = "Stopping" stop_failed = "StopFailed" deleting = "Deleting" delete_failed = "DeleteFailed"
[docs]class ChannelName(str, Enum): facebook_channel = "FacebookChannel" email_channel = "EmailChannel" kik_channel = "KikChannel" telegram_channel = "TelegramChannel" slack_channel = "SlackChannel" ms_teams_channel = "MsTeamsChannel" skype_channel = "SkypeChannel" web_chat_channel = "WebChatChannel" direct_line_channel = "DirectLineChannel" sms_channel = "SmsChannel"