Source code for azure.mgmt.apimanagement.models.api_management_service_name_availability_result_py3

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from msrest.serialization import Model

[docs]class ApiManagementServiceNameAvailabilityResult(Model): """Response of the CheckNameAvailability operation. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar name_available: True if the name is available and can be used to create a new API Management service; otherwise false. :vartype name_available: bool :ivar message: If reason == invalid, provide the user with the reason why the given name is invalid, and provide the resource naming requirements so that the user can select a valid name. If reason == AlreadyExists, explain that <resourceName> is already in use, and direct them to select a different name. :vartype message: str :param reason: Invalid indicates the name provided does not match the resource provider’s naming requirements (incorrect length, unsupported characters, etc.) AlreadyExists indicates that the name is already in use and is therefore unavailable. Possible values include: 'Valid', 'Invalid', 'AlreadyExists' :type reason: str or ~azure.mgmt.apimanagement.models.NameAvailabilityReason """ _validation = { 'name_available': {'readonly': True}, 'message': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'name_available': {'key': 'nameAvailable', 'type': 'bool'}, 'message': {'key': 'message', 'type': 'str'}, 'reason': {'key': 'reason', 'type': 'NameAvailabilityReason'}, } def __init__(self, *, reason=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(ApiManagementServiceNameAvailabilityResult, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.name_available = None self.message = None self.reason = reason