Source code for azure.mgmt.apimanagement.models.api_management_client_enums

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from enum import Enum

[docs]class ExportResultFormat(str, Enum): swagger = "swagger-link-json" #: The Api Definition is exported in OpenApi Specification 2.0 format to the Storage Blob. wsdl = "wsdl-link+xml" #: The Api Definition is exported in WSDL Schema to Storage Blob. This is only supported for APIs of Type `soap` wadl = "wadl-link-json" #: Export the Api Definition in WADL Schema to Storage Blob. open_api = "openapi-link" #: Export the Api Definition in OpenApi Specification 3.0 to Storage Blob.
[docs]class ProductState(str, Enum): not_published = "notPublished" published = "published"
[docs]class BearerTokenSendingMethods(str, Enum): authorization_header = "authorizationHeader" #: Access token will be transmitted in the Authorization header using Bearer schema query = "query" #: Access token will be transmitted as query parameters.
[docs]class Protocol(str, Enum): http = "http" https = "https"
[docs]class ContentFormat(str, Enum): wadl_xml = "wadl-xml" #: The contents are inline and Content type is a WADL document. wadl_link_json = "wadl-link-json" #: The WADL document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address. swagger_json = "swagger-json" #: The contents are inline and Content Type is a OpenApi 2.0 Document. swagger_link_json = "swagger-link-json" #: The Open Api 2.0 document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address. wsdl = "wsdl" #: The contents are inline and the document is a WSDL/Soap document. wsdl_link = "wsdl-link" #: The WSDL document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address. openapi = "openapi" #: The contents are inline and Content Type is a OpenApi 3.0 Document in YAML format. openapijson = "openapi+json" #: The contents are inline and Content Type is a OpenApi 3.0 Document in JSON format. openapi_link = "openapi-link" #: The Open Api 3.0 document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address.
[docs]class SoapApiType(str, Enum): soap_to_rest = "http" #: Imports a SOAP API having a RESTful front end. soap_pass_through = "soap" #: Imports the Soap API having a SOAP front end.
[docs]class ApiType(str, Enum): http = "http" soap = "soap"
[docs]class State(str, Enum): proposed = "proposed" #: The issue is proposed. open = "open" #: The issue is opened. removed = "removed" #: The issue was removed. resolved = "resolved" #: The issue is now resolved. closed = "closed" #: The issue was closed.
[docs]class SamplingType(str, Enum): fixed = "fixed" #: Fixed-rate sampling.
[docs]class AlwaysLog(str, Enum): all_errors = "allErrors" #: Always log all erroneous request regardless of sampling settings.
[docs]class PolicyContentFormat(str, Enum): xml = "xml" #: The contents are inline and Content type is an XML document. xml_link = "xml-link" #: The policy XML document is hosted on a http endpoint accessible from the API Management service. rawxml = "rawxml" #: The contents are inline and Content type is a non XML encoded policy document. rawxml_link = "rawxml-link" #: The policy document is not Xml encoded and is hosted on a http endpoint accessible from the API Management service.
[docs]class VersioningScheme(str, Enum): segment = "Segment" #: The API Version is passed in a path segment. query = "Query" #: The API Version is passed in a query parameter. header = "Header" #: The API Version is passed in a HTTP header.
[docs]class GrantType(str, Enum): authorization_code = "authorizationCode" #: Authorization Code Grant flow as described implicit = "implicit" #: Implicit Code Grant flow as described resource_owner_password = "resourceOwnerPassword" #: Resource Owner Password Grant flow as described client_credentials = "clientCredentials" #: Client Credentials Grant flow as described
[docs]class AuthorizationMethod(str, Enum): head = "HEAD" options = "OPTIONS" trace = "TRACE" get = "GET" post = "POST" put = "PUT" patch = "PATCH" delete = "DELETE"
[docs]class ClientAuthenticationMethod(str, Enum): basic = "Basic" #: Basic Client Authentication method. body = "Body" #: Body based Authentication method.
[docs]class BearerTokenSendingMethod(str, Enum): authorization_header = "authorizationHeader" query = "query"
[docs]class BackendProtocol(str, Enum): http = "http" #: The Backend is a RESTful service. soap = "soap" #: The Backend is a SOAP service.
[docs]class SkuType(str, Enum): developer = "Developer" #: Developer SKU of Api Management. standard = "Standard" #: Standard SKU of Api Management. premium = "Premium" #: Premium SKU of Api Management. basic = "Basic" #: Basic SKU of Api Management. consumption = "Consumption" #: Consumption SKU of Api Management.
[docs]class ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType(str, Enum): automatic = "automatic" #: Supported scale type automatic. manual = "manual" #: Supported scale type manual. none = "none" #: Scaling not supported.
[docs]class HostnameType(str, Enum): proxy = "Proxy" portal = "Portal" management = "Management" scm = "Scm" developer_portal = "DeveloperPortal"
[docs]class VirtualNetworkType(str, Enum): none = "None" #: The service is not part of any Virtual Network. external = "External" #: The service is part of Virtual Network and it is accessible from Internet. internal = "Internal" #: The service is part of Virtual Network and it is only accessible from within the virtual network.
[docs]class NameAvailabilityReason(str, Enum): valid = "Valid" invalid = "Invalid" already_exists = "AlreadyExists"
[docs]class Confirmation(str, Enum): signup = "signup" #: Send an e-mail to the user confirming they have successfully signed up. invite = "invite" #: Send an e-mail inviting the user to sign-up and complete registration.
[docs]class UserState(str, Enum): active = "active" #: User state is active. blocked = "blocked" #: User is blocked. Blocked users cannot authenticate at developer portal or call API. pending = "pending" #: User account is pending. Requires identity confirmation before it can be made active. deleted = "deleted" #: User account is closed. All identities and related entities are removed.
[docs]class GroupType(str, Enum): custom = "custom" system = "system" external = "external"
[docs]class IdentityProviderType(str, Enum): facebook = "facebook" #: Facebook as Identity provider. google = "google" #: Google as Identity provider. microsoft = "microsoft" #: Microsoft Live as Identity provider. twitter = "twitter" #: Twitter as Identity provider. aad = "aad" #: Azure Active Directory as Identity provider. aad_b2_c = "aadB2C" #: Azure Active Directory B2C as Identity provider.
[docs]class LoggerType(str, Enum): azure_event_hub = "azureEventHub" #: Azure Event Hub as log destination. application_insights = "applicationInsights" #: Azure Application Insights as log destination.
[docs]class ConnectivityStatusType(str, Enum): initializing = "initializing" success = "success" failure = "failure"
[docs]class SubscriptionState(str, Enum): suspended = "suspended" active = "active" expired = "expired" submitted = "submitted" rejected = "rejected" cancelled = "cancelled"
[docs]class AsyncOperationStatus(str, Enum): started = "Started" in_progress = "InProgress" succeeded = "Succeeded" failed = "Failed"
[docs]class KeyType(str, Enum): primary = "primary" secondary = "secondary"
[docs]class NotificationName(str, Enum): request_publisher_notification_message = "RequestPublisherNotificationMessage" #: The following email recipients and users will receive email notifications about subscription requests for API products requiring approval. purchase_publisher_notification_message = "PurchasePublisherNotificationMessage" #: The following email recipients and users will receive email notifications about new API product subscriptions. new_application_notification_message = "NewApplicationNotificationMessage" #: The following email recipients and users will receive email notifications when new applications are submitted to the application gallery. bcc = "BCC" #: The following recipients will receive blind carbon copies of all emails sent to developers. new_issue_publisher_notification_message = "NewIssuePublisherNotificationMessage" #: The following email recipients and users will receive email notifications when a new issue or comment is submitted on the developer portal. account_closed_publisher = "AccountClosedPublisher" #: The following email recipients and users will receive email notifications when developer closes his account. quota_limit_approaching_publisher_notification_message = "QuotaLimitApproachingPublisherNotificationMessage" #: The following email recipients and users will receive email notifications when subscription usage gets close to usage quota.
[docs]class PolicyExportFormat(str, Enum): xml = "xml" #: The contents are inline and Content type is an XML document. rawxml = "rawxml" #: The contents are inline and Content type is a non XML encoded policy document.
[docs]class TemplateName(str, Enum): application_approved_notification_message = "applicationApprovedNotificationMessage" account_closed_developer = "accountClosedDeveloper" quota_limit_approaching_developer_notification_message = "quotaLimitApproachingDeveloperNotificationMessage" new_developer_notification_message = "newDeveloperNotificationMessage" email_change_identity_default = "emailChangeIdentityDefault" invite_user_notification_message = "inviteUserNotificationMessage" new_comment_notification_message = "newCommentNotificationMessage" confirm_sign_up_identity_default = "confirmSignUpIdentityDefault" new_issue_notification_message = "newIssueNotificationMessage" purchase_developer_notification_message = "purchaseDeveloperNotificationMessage" password_reset_identity_default = "passwordResetIdentityDefault" password_reset_by_admin_notification_message = "passwordResetByAdminNotificationMessage" reject_developer_notification_message = "rejectDeveloperNotificationMessage" request_developer_notification_message = "requestDeveloperNotificationMessage"
[docs]class PolicyScopeContract(str, Enum): tenant = "Tenant" product = "Product" api = "Api" operation = "Operation" all = "All"
[docs]class ExportFormat(str, Enum): swagger = "swagger-link" #: Export the Api Definition in OpenApi Specification 2.0 format to the Storage Blob. wsdl = "wsdl-link" #: Export the Api Definition in WSDL Schema to Storage Blob. This is only supported for APIs of Type `soap` wadl = "wadl-link" #: Export the Api Definition in WADL Schema to Storage Blob. openapi = "openapi-link" #: Export the Api Definition in OpenApi Specification 3.0 to Storage Blob.