Source code for azure.messaging.webpubsubservice

# coding=utf-8
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

__all__ = ["build_authentication_token", "WebPubSubServiceClient"]

from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import jwt
import six

import azure.core.credentials as corecredentials
import azure.core.pipeline as corepipeline
import azure.core.pipeline.policies as corepolicies
import azure.core.pipeline.transport as coretransport

# Temporary location for types that eventually graduate to Azure Core
from .core import rest as corerest
from ._version import VERSION as _VERSION
from ._policies import JwtCredentialPolicy
from ._utils import UTC as _UTC

    from azure.core.pipeline.policies import HTTPPolicy, SansIOHTTPPolicy
    from typing import Any, List, cast, Type, TypeVar

    ClientType = TypeVar("ClientType", bound="WebPubSubServiceClient")

def _parse_connection_string(connection_string, **kwargs):
    for segment in connection_string.split(";"):
        if "=" in segment:
            key, value = segment.split("=", maxsplit=1)
            key = key.lower()
            if key not in ("version", ):
                kwargs.setdefault(key, value)
        elif segment:
            raise ValueError(
                "Malformed connection string - expected 'key=value', found segment '{}' in '{}'".format(
                    segment, connection_string

    if "endpoint" not in kwargs:
        raise ValueError("connection_string missing 'endpoint' field")

    if "accesskey" not in kwargs:
        raise ValueError("connection_string missing 'accesskey' field")

    return kwargs

[docs]def build_authentication_token(endpoint, hub, **kwargs): """Build an authentication token for the given endpoint, hub using the provided key. :keyword endpoint: connetion string or HTTP or HTTPS endpoint for the WebPubSub service instance. :type endpoint: ~str :keyword hub: The hub to give access to. :type hub: ~str :keyword accesskey: Key to sign the token with. Required if endpoint is not a connection string :type accesskey: ~str :keyword ttl: Optional ttl timedelta for the token. Default is 1 hour. :type ttl: ~datetime.timedelta :keyword user: Optional user name (subject) for the token. Default is no user. :type user: ~str :keyword roles: Roles for the token. :type roles: typing.List[str]. Default is no roles. :returns: ~dict containing the web socket endpoint, the token and a url with the generated access token. :rtype: ~dict Example: >>> build_authentication_token(endpoint='', hub='theHub', key='123') { 'baseUrl': 'wss://', 'token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ...', 'url': 'wss://' } """ if 'accesskey' not in kwargs: kwargs = _parse_connection_string(endpoint, **kwargs) endpoint = kwargs.pop('endpoint') user = kwargs.pop("user", None) key = kwargs.pop("accesskey") ttl = kwargs.pop("ttl", timedelta(hours=1)) roles = kwargs.pop("roles", []) endpoint = endpoint.lower() if not endpoint.startswith("http://") and not endpoint.startswith("https://"): raise ValueError( "Invalid endpoint: '{}' has unknown scheme - expected 'http://' or 'https://'".format( endpoint ) ) # Ensure endpoint has no trailing slash endpoint = endpoint.rstrip("/") # Switch from http(s) to ws(s) scheme client_endpoint = "ws" + endpoint[4:] client_url = "{}/client/hubs/{}".format(client_endpoint, hub) audience = "{}/client/hubs/{}".format(endpoint, hub) payload = { "aud": audience, "iat":, "exp": + ttl, } if user: payload["sub"] = user if roles: payload["role"] = roles token = six.ensure_str(jwt.encode(payload, key, algorithm="HS256")) return { "baseUrl": client_url, "token": token, "url": "{}?access_token={}".format(client_url, token), }
[docs]class WebPubSubServiceClient(object): def __init__(self, endpoint, credential, **kwargs): # type: (str, corecredentials.AzureKeyCredential, Any) -> None """Create a new WebPubSubServiceClient instance :param endpoint: Endpoint to connect to. :type endpoint: ~str :param credential: Credentials to use to connect to endpoint. :type credential: ~azure.core.credentials.AzureKeyCredential :keyword api_version: Api version to use when communicating with the service. :type api_version: str :keyword user: User to connect as. Optional. :type user: ~str """ self.endpoint = endpoint.rstrip("/") transport = kwargs.pop("transport", None) or coretransport.RequestsTransport( **kwargs ) kwargs.setdefault( "sdk_moniker", "messaging-webpubsubservice/{}".format(_VERSION) ) policies = [ corepolicies.HeadersPolicy(**kwargs), corepolicies.UserAgentPolicy(**kwargs), corepolicies.RetryPolicy(**kwargs), corepolicies.ProxyPolicy(**kwargs), corepolicies.CustomHookPolicy(**kwargs), corepolicies.RedirectPolicy(**kwargs), JwtCredentialPolicy(credential, kwargs.get("user", None)), corepolicies.NetworkTraceLoggingPolicy(**kwargs), ] # type: Any self._pipeline = corepipeline.Pipeline( transport, policies, ) # type: corepipeline.Pipeline
[docs] @classmethod def from_connection_string(cls, connection_string, **kwargs): # type: (Type[ClientType], str, Any) -> ClientType """Create a new WebPubSubServiceClient from a connection string. :param connection_string: Connection string :type connection_string: ~str :rtype: WebPubSubServiceClient """ kwargs = _parse_connection_string(connection_string, **kwargs) kwargs["credential"] = corecredentials.AzureKeyCredential( kwargs.pop("accesskey") ) return cls(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self): return "<WebPubSubServiceClient> endpoint:'{}'".format(self.endpoint) def _format_url(self, url): # type: (str) -> str assert self.endpoint[-1] != "/", "My endpoint should not have a trailing slash" return "/".join([self.endpoint, url.lstrip("/")])
[docs] def send_request(self, http_request, **kwargs): # type: (corerest.HttpRequest, Any) -> corerest.HttpResponse """Runs the network request through the client's chained policies. We have helper methods to create requests specific to this service in ``. Use these helper methods to create the request you pass to this method. See our example below: >>> from import build_healthapi_get_health_status_request >>> request = build_healthapi_get_health_status_request(api_version) <HttpRequest [HEAD], url: '/api/health'> >>> response = client.send_request(request) <HttpResponse: 200 OK> For more information on this code flow, see For advanced cases, you can also create your own :class:`` and pass it in. :param http_request: The network request you want to make. Required. :type http_request: :keyword bool stream_response: Whether the response payload will be streamed. Defaults to False. :return: The response of your network call. Does not do error handling on your response. :rtype: """ request_copy = deepcopy(http_request) request_copy.url = self._format_url(request_copy.url) # can't do StreamCOntextManager yet. This client doesn't have a pipeline client, # StreamContextManager requires a pipeline client. WIll look more into it # if kwargs.pop("stream_response", False): # return corerest._StreamContextManager( # client=self._client, # request=request_copy, # ) pipeline_response =, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=protected-access response = corerest.HttpResponse( status_code=pipeline_response.http_response.status_code, request=request_copy, _internal_response=pipeline_response.http_response, ) return response