Source code for azure.maps.geolocation.aio._geolocation_client_async

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
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# pylint: disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports, R0904, C0302, too-many-function-args, W0212
from typing import Any, Union
from azure.core.tracing.decorator_async import distributed_trace_async
from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
from azure.core.credentials_async import AsyncTokenCredential

from ._base_client_async import AsyncMapsGeolocationClientBase
from ..models import (

# By default, use the latest supported API version
[docs]class MapsGeolocationClient(AsyncMapsGeolocationClientBase): """Azure Maps Geolocation REST APIs. :param credential: Credential needed for the client to connect to Azure. :type credential: ~azure.core.credentials.AsyncTokenCredential or ~azure.core.credentials.AzureKeyCredential :keyword str client_id: Specifies which account is intended for usage with the Azure AD security model. It represents a unique ID for the Azure Maps account. :keyword api_version: The API version of the service to use for requests. It defaults to the latest service version. Setting to an older version may result in reduced feature compatibility. :paramtype api_version: str .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START create_maps_geolocation_service_client_with_key_async] :end-before: [END create_maps_geolocation_service_client_with_key_async] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Creating the MapsGeolocationClient with an subscription key. .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START create_maps_geolocation_service_client_with_aad_async] :end-before: [END create_maps_geolocation_service_client_with_aad_async] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Creating the MapsGeolocationClient with a token credential. """ def __init__( self, credential: Union[AzureKeyCredential, AsyncTokenCredential], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: super().__init__( credential=credential, **kwargs )
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def get_country_code( self, ip_address: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> CountryRegionResult: """ This service will return the ISO country code for the provided IP address. Developers can use this information to block or alter certain content based on geographical locations where the application is being viewed from. :param ip_address: The IP address. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are allowed. Required. :type ip_address: str :return: CountryRegionResult :rtype: ~azure.maps.geolocation.models.CountryRegionResult :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START get_country_code_async] :end-before: [END get_country_code_async] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Return the ISO country code for the provided IP address. """ geolocation_result = await self._geolocation_client.get_location( format="json", ip_address=ip_address, **kwargs ) return CountryRegionResult( ip_address=geolocation_result.ip_address, iso_code=geolocation_result.country_region.iso_code )