Source code for azure.keyvault.secrets._client

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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from functools import partial
from azure.core.tracing.decorator import distributed_trace

from ._models import KeyVaultSecret, DeletedSecret, SecretProperties
from ._shared import KeyVaultClientBase
from ._shared.exceptions import error_map as _error_map
from ._shared._polling import DeletePollingMethod, RecoverDeletedPollingMethod, KeyVaultOperationPoller

    from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
except ImportError:

    # pylint:disable=unused-import
    from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
    from datetime import datetime
    from azure.core.paging import ItemPaged

[docs]class SecretClient(KeyVaultClientBase): """A high-level interface for managing a vault's secrets. :param str vault_url: URL of the vault the client will access. This is also called the vault's "DNS Name". :param credential: An object which can provide an access token for the vault, such as a credential from :mod:`azure.identity` :keyword str api_version: version of the Key Vault API to use. Defaults to the most recent. :keyword transport: transport to use. Defaults to :class:`~azure.core.pipeline.transport.RequestsTransport`. :paramtype transport: ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.HttpTransport Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START create_secret_client] :end-before: [END create_secret_client] :language: python :caption: Create a new ``SecretClient`` :dedent: 4 """ # pylint:disable=protected-access
[docs] @distributed_trace def get_secret(self, name, version=None, **kwargs): # type: (str, str, **Any) -> KeyVaultSecret """Get a secret. Requires the secrets/get permission. :param str name: The name of the secret :param str version: (optional) Version of the secret to get. If unspecified, gets the latest version. :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.secrets.KeyVaultSecret :raises: :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError` if the secret doesn't exist, :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` for other errors Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START get_secret] :end-before: [END get_secret] :language: python :caption: Get a secret :dedent: 8 """ bundle = self._client.get_secret( vault_base_url=self._vault_url, secret_name=name, secret_version=version or "", error_map=_error_map, **kwargs ) return KeyVaultSecret._from_secret_bundle(bundle)
[docs] @distributed_trace def set_secret(self, name, value, **kwargs): # type: (str, str, **Any) -> KeyVaultSecret """Set a secret value. If `name` is in use, create a new version of the secret. If not, create a new secret. Requires secrets/set permission. :param str name: The name of the secret :param str value: The value of the secret :keyword bool enabled: Whether the secret is enabled for use. :keyword tags: Application specific metadata in the form of key-value pairs. :paramtype tags: dict[str, str] :keyword str content_type: An arbitrary string indicating the type of the secret, e.g. 'password' :keyword ~datetime.datetime not_before: Not before date of the secret in UTC :keyword ~datetime.datetime expires_on: Expiry date of the secret in UTC :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.secrets.KeyVaultSecret :raises: :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START set_secret] :end-before: [END set_secret] :language: python :caption: Set a secret's value :dedent: 8 """ enabled = kwargs.pop("enabled", None) not_before = kwargs.pop("not_before", None) expires_on = kwargs.pop("expires_on", None) if enabled is not None or not_before is not None or expires_on is not None: attributes = self._client.models.SecretAttributes( enabled=enabled, not_before=not_before, expires=expires_on ) else: attributes = None bundle = self._client.set_secret( vault_base_url=self.vault_url, secret_name=name, value=value, secret_attributes=attributes, error_map=_error_map, **kwargs ) return KeyVaultSecret._from_secret_bundle(bundle)
[docs] @distributed_trace def update_secret_properties(self, name, version=None, **kwargs): # type: (str, Optional[str], **Any) -> SecretProperties """Update properties of a secret other than its value. Requires secrets/set permission. This method updates properties of the secret, such as whether it's enabled, but can't change the secret's value. Use :func:`set_secret` to change the secret's value. :param str name: Name of the secret :param str version: (optional) Version of the secret to update. If unspecified, the latest version is updated. :keyword bool enabled: Whether the secret is enabled for use. :keyword tags: Application specific metadata in the form of key-value pairs. :paramtype tags: dict[str, str] :keyword str content_type: An arbitrary string indicating the type of the secret, e.g. 'password' :keyword ~datetime.datetime not_before: Not before date of the secret in UTC :keyword ~datetime.datetime expires_on: Expiry date of the secret in UTC :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.secrets.SecretProperties :raises: :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError` if the secret doesn't exist, :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` for other errors Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START update_secret] :end-before: [END update_secret] :language: python :caption: Update a secret's attributes :dedent: 8 """ enabled = kwargs.pop("enabled", None) not_before = kwargs.pop("not_before", None) expires_on = kwargs.pop("expires_on", None) if enabled is not None or not_before is not None or expires_on is not None: attributes = self._client.models.SecretAttributes( enabled=enabled, not_before=not_before, expires=expires_on ) else: attributes = None bundle = self._client.update_secret( self.vault_url, name, secret_version=version or "", secret_attributes=attributes, error_map=_error_map, **kwargs ) return SecretProperties._from_secret_bundle(bundle) # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] @distributed_trace def list_properties_of_secrets(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> ItemPaged[SecretProperties] """List identifiers and attributes of all secrets in the vault. Requires secrets/list permission. List items don't include secret values. Use :func:`get_secret` to get a secret's value. :returns: An iterator of secrets, excluding their values :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.keyvault.secrets.SecretProperties] Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START list_secrets] :end-before: [END list_secrets] :language: python :caption: List all secrets :dedent: 8 """ return self._client.get_secrets( self._vault_url, maxresults=kwargs.pop("max_page_size", None), cls=lambda objs: [SecretProperties._from_secret_item(x) for x in objs], error_map=_error_map, **kwargs )
[docs] @distributed_trace def list_properties_of_secret_versions(self, name, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> ItemPaged[SecretProperties] """List properties of all versions of a secret, excluding their values. Requires secrets/list permission. List items don't include secret values. Use :func:`get_secret` to get a secret's value. :param str name: Name of the secret :returns: An iterator of secrets, excluding their values :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.keyvault.secrets.SecretProperties] Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START list_properties_of_secret_versions] :end-before: [END list_properties_of_secret_versions] :language: python :caption: List all versions of a secret :dedent: 8 """ return self._client.get_secret_versions( self._vault_url, name, maxresults=kwargs.pop("max_page_size", None), cls=lambda objs: [SecretProperties._from_secret_item(x) for x in objs], error_map=_error_map, **kwargs )
[docs] @distributed_trace def backup_secret(self, name, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> bytes """Back up a secret in a protected form useable only by Azure Key Vault. Requires secrets/backup permission. :param str name: Name of the secret to back up :rtype: bytes :raises: :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError` if the secret doesn't exist, :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` for other errors Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START backup_secret] :end-before: [END backup_secret] :language: python :caption: Back up a secret :dedent: 8 """ backup_result = self._client.backup_secret(self.vault_url, name, error_map=_error_map, **kwargs) return backup_result.value
[docs] @distributed_trace def restore_secret_backup(self, backup, **kwargs): # type: (bytes, **Any) -> SecretProperties """Restore a backed up secret. Requires the secrets/restore permission. :param bytes backup: A secret backup as returned by :func:`backup_secret` :returns: The restored secret :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.secrets.SecretProperties :raises: :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.ResourceExistsError` if the secret's name is already in use, :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` for other errors Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START restore_secret_backup] :end-before: [END restore_secret_backup] :language: python :caption: Restore a backed up secret :dedent: 8 """ bundle = self._client.restore_secret(self.vault_url, backup, error_map=_error_map, **kwargs) return SecretProperties._from_secret_bundle(bundle)
[docs] @distributed_trace def begin_delete_secret(self, name, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> DeletedSecret """Delete all versions of a secret. Requires secrets/delete permission. When this method returns Key Vault has begun deleting the secret. Deletion may take several seconds in a vault with soft-delete enabled. This method therefore returns a poller enabling you to wait for deletion to complete. :param str name: Name of the secret to delete. :returns: A poller for the delete operation. The poller's `result` method returns the :class:`~azure.keyvault.secrets.DeletedSecret` without waiting for deletion to complete. If the vault has soft-delete enabled and you want to permanently delete the secret with :func:`purge_deleted_secret`, call the poller's `wait` method first. It will block until the deletion is complete. The `wait` method requires secrets/get permission. :rtype: ~azure.core.polling.LROPoller[~azure.keyvault.secrets.DeletedSecret] :raises: :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError` if the secret doesn't exist, :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` for other errors Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START delete_secret] :end-before: [END delete_secret] :language: python :caption: Delete a secret :dedent: 8 """ polling_interval = kwargs.pop("_polling_interval", None) if polling_interval is None: polling_interval = 2 deleted_secret = DeletedSecret._from_deleted_secret_bundle( self._client.delete_secret(self.vault_url, name, error_map=_error_map, **kwargs) ) sd_disabled = deleted_secret.recovery_id is None command = partial(self.get_deleted_secret, name=name, **kwargs) delete_secret_polling_method = DeletePollingMethod( command=command, final_resource=deleted_secret, initial_status="deleting", finished_status="deleted", sd_disabled=sd_disabled, interval=polling_interval, ) return KeyVaultOperationPoller(delete_secret_polling_method)
[docs] @distributed_trace def get_deleted_secret(self, name, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> DeletedSecret """Get a deleted secret. Possible only in vaults with soft-delete enabled. Requires secrets/get permission. :param str name: Name of the deleted secret :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.secrets.DeletedSecret :raises: :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError` if the deleted secret doesn't exist, :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` for other errors Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START get_deleted_secret] :end-before: [END get_deleted_secret] :language: python :caption: Get a deleted secret :dedent: 8 """ bundle = self._client.get_deleted_secret(self.vault_url, name, error_map=_error_map, **kwargs) return DeletedSecret._from_deleted_secret_bundle(bundle)
[docs] @distributed_trace def list_deleted_secrets(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> ItemPaged[DeletedSecret] """Lists all deleted secrets. Possible only in vaults with soft-delete enabled. Requires secrets/list permission. :returns: An iterator of deleted secrets, excluding their values :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~azure.keyvault.secrets.DeletedSecret] Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START list_deleted_secrets] :end-before: [END list_deleted_secrets] :language: python :caption: List deleted secrets :dedent: 8 """ return self._client.get_deleted_secrets( self._vault_url, maxresults=kwargs.pop("max_page_size", None), cls=lambda objs: [DeletedSecret._from_deleted_secret_item(x) for x in objs], error_map=_error_map, **kwargs )
[docs] @distributed_trace def purge_deleted_secret(self, name, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> None """Permanently deletes a deleted secret. Possible only in vaults with soft-delete enabled. Performs an irreversible deletion of the specified secret, without possibility for recovery. The operation is not available if the :py:attr:`~azure.keyvault.secrets.SecretProperties.recovery_level` does not specify 'Purgeable'. This method is only necessary for purging a secret before its :py:attr:`~azure.keyvault.secrets.DeletedSecret.scheduled_purge_date`. Requires secrets/purge permission. :param str name: Name of the secret to purge :returns: None :raises: :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` Example: .. code-block:: python # if the vault has soft-delete enabled, purge permanently deletes the secret # (with soft-delete disabled, begin_delete_secret is permanent) secret_client.purge_deleted_secret("secret-name") """ self._client.purge_deleted_secret(self.vault_url, name, error_map=_error_map, **kwargs)
[docs] @distributed_trace def begin_recover_deleted_secret(self, name, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> SecretProperties """Recover a deleted secret to its latest version. Possible only in a vault with soft-delete enabled. If the vault does not have soft-delete enabled, :func:`begin_delete_secret` is permanent, and this method will return an error. Attempting to recover a non-deleted secret will also return an error. When this method returns Key Vault has begun recovering the secret. Recovery may take several seconds. This method therefore returns a poller enabling you to wait for recovery to complete. Waiting is only necessary when you want to use the recovered secret in another operation immediately. Requires the secrets/recover permission. :param str name: Name of the deleted secret to recover :returns: A poller for the recovery operation. The poller's `result` method returns the recovered :class:`~azure.keyvault.secrets.Secret` without waiting for recovery to complete. If you want to use the recovered secret immediately, call the poller's `wait` method, which blocks until the secret is ready to use. The `wait` method requires secrets/get permission. :rtype: ~azure.core.polling.LROPoller[~azure.keyvault.secrets.SecretProperties] :raises: :class:`~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` Example: .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START recover_deleted_secret] :end-before: [END recover_deleted_secret] :language: python :caption: Recover a deleted secret :dedent: 8 """ polling_interval = kwargs.pop("_polling_interval", None) if polling_interval is None: polling_interval = 2 recovered_secret = SecretProperties._from_secret_bundle( self._client.recover_deleted_secret(self.vault_url, name, error_map=_error_map, **kwargs) ) command = partial(self.get_secret, name=name, **kwargs) recover_secret_polling_method = RecoverDeletedPollingMethod( command=command, final_resource=recovered_secret, initial_status="recovering", finished_status="recovered", interval=polling_interval, ) return KeyVaultOperationPoller(recover_secret_polling_method)