Source code for azure.keyvault.keys.crypto._models

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# ------------------------------------
from typing import Any, cast, Optional, NoReturn, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding import AsymmetricPadding, OAEP, PKCS1v15, PSS, MGF1
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa import (
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils import Prehashed
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes import Hash, HashAlgorithm, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import (

from ._enums import EncryptionAlgorithm, KeyWrapAlgorithm, SignatureAlgorithm
from .._models import JsonWebKey

    # Import client only during TYPE_CHECKING to avoid circular dependency
    from ._client import CryptographyClient

    SHA256: SignatureAlgorithm.rs256,
    SHA384: SignatureAlgorithm.rs384,
    SHA512: SignatureAlgorithm.rs512,
OAEP_MAP = {SHA1: EncryptionAlgorithm.rsa_oaep, SHA256: EncryptionAlgorithm.rsa_oaep_256}
    SignatureAlgorithm.rs256: SignatureAlgorithm.ps256,
    SignatureAlgorithm.rs384: SignatureAlgorithm.ps384,
    SignatureAlgorithm.rs512: SignatureAlgorithm.ps512,

def get_encryption_algorithm(padding: AsymmetricPadding) -> EncryptionAlgorithm:
    """Maps an `AsymmetricPadding` to an encryption algorithm.

    :param padding: The padding to use.
    :type padding: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.AsymmetricPadding

    :returns: The corresponding Key Vault encryption algorithm.
    :rtype: EncryptionAlgorithm
    if isinstance(padding, OAEP):
        # Public algorithm property was only added in
        # _algorithm property has been available in every version of the OAEP class, so we use it as a backup
            algorithm = padding.algorithm  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        except AttributeError:
            algorithm = padding._algorithm  # pylint:disable=protected-access
        mapped_algorithm = OAEP_MAP.get(type(algorithm))
        if mapped_algorithm is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported algorithm: {}")

        # Public mgf property was added at the same time as algorithm
            mgf = padding.mgf  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        except AttributeError:
            mgf = padding._mgf  # pylint:disable=protected-access
        if not isinstance(mgf, MGF1):
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported MGF: {mgf}")

    elif isinstance(padding, PKCS1v15):
        mapped_algorithm = EncryptionAlgorithm.rsa1_5
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported padding: {}")

    return mapped_algorithm

def get_signature_algorithm(padding: AsymmetricPadding, algorithm: HashAlgorithm) -> SignatureAlgorithm:
    """Maps an `AsymmetricPadding` and `HashAlgorithm` to a signature algorithm.

    :param padding: The padding to use.
    :type padding: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.AsymmetricPadding
    :param algorithm: The algorithm to use.
    :type algorithm: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm

    :returns: The corresponding Key Vault signature algorithm.
    :rtype: SignatureAlgorithm
    mapped_algorithm = SIGN_ALGORITHM_MAP.get(type(algorithm))
    if mapped_algorithm is None:
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported algorithm: {}")

    # If PSS padding is requested, use the PSS equivalent algorithm
    if isinstance(padding, PSS):
        mapped_algorithm = PSS_MAP.get(mapped_algorithm)

        # Public mgf property was only added in
        # _mgf property has been available in every version of the PSS class, so we use it as a backup
            mgf = padding.mgf  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        except AttributeError:
            mgf = padding._mgf  # pylint:disable=protected-access
        if not isinstance(mgf, MGF1):
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported MGF: {mgf}")

    # The only other padding accepted is PKCS1v15
    elif not isinstance(padding, PKCS1v15):
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported padding: {}")

    return cast(SignatureAlgorithm, mapped_algorithm)

[docs]class KeyVaultRSAPublicKey(RSAPublicKey): """An `RSAPublicKey` implementation based on a key managed by Key Vault. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, use the :func:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.CryptographyClient.create_rsa_public_key` method to create a key based on the client's key. Only synchronous clients and operations are supported at this time. """ def __init__(self, client: "CryptographyClient", key_material: Optional[JsonWebKey] = None) -> None: self._client: "CryptographyClient" = client self._key: Optional[JsonWebKey] = key_material
[docs] def encrypt(self, plaintext: bytes, padding: AsymmetricPadding) -> bytes: """Encrypts the given plaintext. :param bytes plaintext: Plaintext to encrypt. :param padding: The padding to use. Supported paddings are `OAEP` and `PKCS1v15`. For `OAEP` padding, supported hash algorithms are `SHA1` and `SHA256`. The only supported mask generation function is `MGF1`. See for details. :type padding: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.AsymmetricPadding :returns: The encrypted ciphertext, as bytes. :rtype: bytes """ mapped_algorithm = get_encryption_algorithm(padding) result = self._client.encrypt(mapped_algorithm, plaintext) return result.ciphertext
@property def key_size(self) -> int: """The bit length of the public modulus. :returns: The key's size. :rtype: int :raises ValueError: if the client is unable to obtain the key material from Key Vault. """ if self._key is None: raise ValueError( "Key material could not be obtained from Key Vault. Only remote cryptographic operations " "(encrypt, verify) can be performed." ) public_key = self.public_numbers().public_key() return public_key.key_size
[docs] def public_numbers(self) -> RSAPublicNumbers: """Returns an `RSAPublicNumbers` representing the key's public numbers. :returns: The public numbers of the key. :rtype: RSAPublicNumbers :raises ValueError: if the client is unable to obtain the key material from Key Vault. """ if self._key is None: raise ValueError( "Key material could not be obtained from Key Vault. Only remote cryptographic operations " "(encrypt, verify) can be performed." ) e = int.from_bytes(self._key.e, "big") # type: ignore[attr-defined] n = int.from_bytes(self._key.n, "big") # type: ignore[attr-defined] return RSAPublicNumbers(e, n)
[docs] def public_bytes(self, encoding: Encoding, format: PublicFormat) -> bytes: """Allows serialization of the key to bytes. This function uses the `cryptography` library's implementation. Encoding (`PEM` or `DER`) and format (`SubjectPublicKeyInfo` or `PKCS1`) are chosen to define the exact serialization. :param encoding: A value from the `Encoding` enum. :type encoding: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding :param format: A value from the `PublicFormat` enum. :type format: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.PublicFormat :returns: The serialized key. :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if the client is unable to obtain the key material from Key Vault. """ if self._key is None: raise ValueError( "Key material could not be obtained from Key Vault. Only remote cryptographic operations " "(encrypt, verify) can be performed." ) public_key = self.public_numbers().public_key() return public_key.public_bytes(encoding=encoding, format=format)
[docs] def verify( self, signature: bytes, data: bytes, padding: AsymmetricPadding, algorithm: Union[Prehashed, HashAlgorithm], ) -> None: """Verifies the signature of the data. :param bytes signature: The signature to sign, as bytes. :param bytes data: The message string that was signed., as bytes. :param padding: The padding to use. Supported paddings are `PKCS1v15` and `PSS`. For `PSS`, the only supported mask generation function is `MGF1`. See for details. :type padding: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.AsymmetricPadding :param algorithm: The algorithm to sign with. Only `HashAlgorithm`s are supported -- specifically, `SHA256`, `SHA384`, and `SHA512`. :type algorithm: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils.Prehashed or cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm :raises InvalidSignature: If the signature does not validate. """ if isinstance(algorithm, Prehashed): raise ValueError("`Prehashed` algorithms are unsupported. Please provide a `HashAlgorithm` instead.") mapped_algorithm = get_signature_algorithm(padding, algorithm) digest = Hash(algorithm) digest.update(data) result = self._client.verify(mapped_algorithm, digest.finalize(), signature) if not result.is_valid: raise InvalidSignature(f"The provided signature '{signature!r}' is invalid.")
[docs] def recover_data_from_signature( self, signature: bytes, padding: AsymmetricPadding, algorithm: Optional[HashAlgorithm] ) -> bytes: # pylint: disable=line-too-long """Recovers the signed data from the signature. Only supported with `cryptography` version 3.3 and above. This function uses the `cryptography` library's implementation. The data typically contains the digest of the original message string. The `padding` and `algorithm` parameters must match the ones used when the signature was created for the recovery to succeed. The `algorithm` parameter can also be set to None to recover all the data present in the signature, without regard to its format or the hash algorithm used for its creation. For `PKCS1v15` padding, this method returns the data after removing the padding layer. For standard signatures the data contains the full `DigestInfo` structure. For non-standard signatures, any data can be returned, including zero-length data. Normally you should use the `verify()` function to validate the signature. But for some non-standard signature formats you may need to explicitly recover and validate the signed data. The following are some examples: * Some old Thawte and Verisign timestamp certificates without `DigestInfo`. * Signed MD5/SHA1 hashes in TLS 1.1 or earlier (`RFC 4346 <>`_, section 4.7). * IKE version 1 signatures without `DigestInfo` (`RFC 2409 <>`_, section 5.1). :param bytes signature: The signature. :param padding: An instance of `AsymmetricPadding`. Recovery is only supported with some of the padding types. :type padding: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.AsymmetricPadding :param algorithm: An instance of `HashAlgorithm`. Can be None to return all the data present in the signature. :type algorithm: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm :returns: The signed data. :rtype: bytes :raises NotImplementedError: if the local version of `cryptography` doesn't support this method. :raises ~cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature: if the signature is invalid. :raises ~cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm: if the signature data recovery is not supported with the provided `padding` type. :raises ValueError: if the client is unable to obtain the key material from Key Vault. """ if self._key is None: raise ValueError( "Key material could not be obtained from Key Vault. Only remote cryptographic operations " "(encrypt, verify) can be performed." ) public_key = self.public_numbers().public_key() try: return public_key.recover_data_from_signature(signature=signature, padding=padding, algorithm=algorithm) except AttributeError as exc: raise NotImplementedError( "This method is only available on `cryptography`>=3.3. Update your package version to use this method." ) from exc
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Checks equality. :param object other: Another object to compare with this instance. Currently, only comparisons with `KeyVaultRSAPrivateKey` or `JsonWebKey` instances are supported. :returns: True if the objects are equal; False if the objects are unequal or if key material can't be obtained from Key Vault for comparison. :rtype: bool """ if self._key is None: return False if isinstance(other, KeyVaultRSAPublicKey): return all(getattr(self._key, field) == getattr(other._key, field) for field in self._key._FIELDS) if isinstance(other, JsonWebKey): return all(getattr(self._key, field) == getattr(other, field) for field in self._key._FIELDS) return False
[docs] def verifier( # pylint:disable=docstring-missing-param,docstring-missing-return,docstring-missing-rtype self, signature: bytes, padding: AsymmetricPadding, algorithm: HashAlgorithm ) -> NoReturn: """Not implemented. This method was deprecated in `cryptography` 2.0 and removed in 37.0.0.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class KeyVaultRSAPrivateKey(RSAPrivateKey): """An `RSAPrivateKey` implementation based on a key managed by Key Vault. This class should not be instantiated directly. Instead, use the :func:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.CryptographyClient.create_rsa_private_key` method to create a key based on the client's key. Only synchronous clients and operations are supported at this time. """ def __init__(self, client: "CryptographyClient", key_material: Optional[JsonWebKey]) -> None: self._client: "CryptographyClient" = client self._key: Optional[JsonWebKey] = key_material
[docs] def decrypt(self, ciphertext: bytes, padding: AsymmetricPadding) -> bytes: """Decrypts the provided ciphertext. :param bytes ciphertext: Encrypted bytes to decrypt. :param padding: The padding to use. Supported paddings are `OAEP` and `PKCS1v15`. For `OAEP` padding, supported hash algorithms are `SHA1` and `SHA256`. The only supported mask generation function is `MGF1`. See for details. :type padding: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.AsymmetricPadding :returns: The decrypted plaintext, as bytes. :rtype: bytes """ mapped_algorithm = get_encryption_algorithm(padding) result = self._client.decrypt(mapped_algorithm, ciphertext) return result.plaintext
@property def key_size(self) -> int: """The bit length of the public modulus. :returns: The key's size. :rtype: int :raises ValueError: if the client is unable to obtain the key material from Key Vault. """ if self._key is None: raise ValueError( "Key material could not be obtained from Key Vault. Only remote cryptographic operations " "(decrypt, sign) can be performed." ) # Key size only requires public modulus, which we can always get # Relying on private numbers instead would cause issues for keys stored in KV (which doesn't return private key) return self.public_key().key_size
[docs] def public_key(self) -> KeyVaultRSAPublicKey: """The `RSAPublicKey` associated with this private key, as a `KeyVaultRSAPublicKey`. The public key implementation will use the same underlying cryptography client as this private key. :returns: The `KeyVaultRSAPublicKey` associated with the key. :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.KeyVaultRSAPublicKey """ return KeyVaultRSAPublicKey(self._client, self._key)
[docs] def sign( self, data: bytes, padding: AsymmetricPadding, algorithm: Union[Prehashed, HashAlgorithm], ) -> bytes: """Signs the data. :param bytes data: The data to sign, as bytes. :param padding: The padding to use. Supported paddings are `PKCS1v15` and `PSS`. For `PSS`, the only supported mask generation function is `MGF1`. See for details. :type padding: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.AsymmetricPadding :param algorithm: The algorithm to sign with. Only `HashAlgorithm`s are supported -- specifically, `SHA256`, `SHA384`, and `SHA512`. :type algorithm: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils.Prehashed or cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm :returns: The signature, as bytes. :rtype: bytes """ if isinstance(algorithm, Prehashed): raise ValueError("`Prehashed` algorithms are unsupported. Please provide a `HashAlgorithm` instead.") mapped_algorithm = get_signature_algorithm(padding, algorithm) digest = Hash(algorithm) digest.update(data) result = self._client.sign(mapped_algorithm, digest.finalize()) return result.signature
[docs] def private_numbers(self) -> RSAPrivateNumbers: """Returns an `RSAPrivateNumbers` representing the key's private numbers. :returns: The private numbers of the key. :rtype: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateNumbers :raises ValueError: if the client is unable to obtain the key material from Key Vault. """ if self._key is None: raise ValueError( "Key material could not be obtained from Key Vault. Only remote cryptographic operations " "(decrypt, sign) can be performed." ) # Fetch public numbers from JWK e = int.from_bytes(self._key.e, "big") # type: ignore[attr-defined] n = int.from_bytes(self._key.n, "big") # type: ignore[attr-defined] public_numbers = RSAPublicNumbers(e, n) # Fetch private numbers from JWK p = int.from_bytes(self._key.p, "big") if self._key.p else None # type: ignore[attr-defined] q = int.from_bytes(self._key.q, "big") if self._key.q else None # type: ignore[attr-defined] d = int.from_bytes(self._key.d, "big") if self._key.d else None # type: ignore[attr-defined] dmp1 = int.from_bytes(self._key.dp, "big") if self._key.dp else None # type: ignore[attr-defined] dmq1 = int.from_bytes(self._key.dq, "big") if self._key.dq else None # type: ignore[attr-defined] iqmp = int.from_bytes(self._key.qi, "big") if self._key.qi else None # type: ignore[attr-defined] # Calculate any missing attributes if d is None: raise ValueError("An 'RSAPrivateNumbers' couldn't be created with the available key material.") if p is None or q is None: p, q = rsa_recover_prime_factors(n, e, d) if dmp1 is None: dmp1 = rsa_crt_dmp1(d, p) if dmq1 is None: dmq1 = rsa_crt_dmq1(d, q) if iqmp is None: iqmp = rsa_crt_iqmp(p, q) return RSAPrivateNumbers(p, q, d, dmp1, dmq1, iqmp, public_numbers)
[docs] def private_bytes( self, encoding: Encoding, format: PrivateFormat, encryption_algorithm: KeySerializationEncryption ) -> bytes: """Allows serialization of the key to bytes. This function uses the `cryptography` library's implementation. Encoding (`PEM` or `DER`) and format (`TraditionalOpenSSL`, `OpenSSH`, or `PKCS8`) and encryption algorithm (such as `BestAvailableEncryption` or `NoEncryption`) are chosen to define the exact serialization. :param encoding: A value from the `Encoding` enum. :type encoding: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding :param format: A value from the `PrivateFormat` enum. :type format: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.PrivateFormat :param encryption_algorithm: An instance of an object conforming to the `KeySerializationEncryption` interface. :type encryption_algorithm: ~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.KeySerializationEncryption :returns: The serialized key. :rtype: bytes :raises ValueError: if the client is unable to obtain the key material from Key Vault. """ if self._key is None: raise ValueError( "Key material could not be obtained from Key Vault. Only remote cryptographic operations " "(decrypt, sign) can be performed." ) try: private_numbers = self.private_numbers() except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError("Insufficient key material to serialize the private key.") from exc private_key = private_numbers.private_key() return private_key.private_bytes(encoding=encoding, format=format, encryption_algorithm=encryption_algorithm)
[docs] def signer( # pylint:disable=docstring-missing-param,docstring-missing-return,docstring-missing-rtype self, padding: AsymmetricPadding, algorithm: HashAlgorithm ) -> NoReturn: """Not implemented. This method was deprecated in `cryptography` 2.0 and removed in 37.0.0.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DecryptResult: """The result of a decrypt operation. :param str key_id: The encryption key's Key Vault identifier :param algorithm: The encryption algorithm used :type algorithm: ~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm :param bytes plaintext: The decrypted bytes """ def __init__(self, key_id: Optional[str], algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm, plaintext: bytes) -> None: self.key_id = key_id self.algorithm = algorithm self.plaintext = plaintext
[docs]class EncryptResult: """The result of an encrypt operation. :param str key_id: The encryption key's Key Vault identifier :param algorithm: The encryption algorithm used :type algorithm: ~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm :param bytes ciphertext: The encrypted bytes :keyword bytes iv: Initialization vector for symmetric algorithms :keyword bytes authentication_tag: The tag to authenticate when performing decryption with an authenticated algorithm :keyword bytes additional_authenticated_data: Additional data to authenticate but not encrypt/decrypt when using an authenticated algorithm """ def __init__(self, key_id: Optional[str], algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm, ciphertext: bytes, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.key_id = key_id self.algorithm = algorithm self.ciphertext = ciphertext self.iv = kwargs.pop("iv", None) self.tag = kwargs.pop("authentication_tag", None) self.aad = kwargs.pop("additional_authenticated_data", None)
[docs]class SignResult: """The result of a sign operation. :param str key_id: The signing key's Key Vault identifier :param algorithm: The signature algorithm used :type algorithm: ~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.SignatureAlgorithm :param bytes signature: """ def __init__(self, key_id: Optional[str], algorithm: SignatureAlgorithm, signature: bytes) -> None: self.key_id = key_id self.algorithm = algorithm self.signature = signature
[docs]class VerifyResult: """The result of a verify operation. :param str key_id: The signing key's Key Vault identifier :param bool is_valid: Whether the signature is valid :param algorithm: The signature algorithm used :type algorithm: ~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.SignatureAlgorithm """ def __init__(self, key_id: Optional[str], is_valid: bool, algorithm: SignatureAlgorithm) -> None: self.key_id = key_id self.is_valid = is_valid self.algorithm = algorithm
[docs]class UnwrapResult: """The result of an unwrap key operation. :param str key_id: Key encryption key's Key Vault identifier :param algorithm: The key wrap algorithm used :type algorithm: ~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.KeyWrapAlgorithm :param bytes key: The unwrapped key """ def __init__(self, key_id: Optional[str], algorithm: KeyWrapAlgorithm, key: bytes) -> None: self.key_id = key_id self.algorithm = algorithm self.key = key
[docs]class WrapResult: """The result of a wrap key operation. :param str key_id: The wrapping key's Key Vault identifier :param algorithm: The key wrap algorithm used :type algorithm: ~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.KeyWrapAlgorithm :param bytes encrypted_key: The encrypted key bytes """ def __init__(self, key_id: Optional[str], algorithm: KeyWrapAlgorithm, encrypted_key: bytes) -> None: self.key_id = key_id self.algorithm = algorithm self.encrypted_key = encrypted_key