Source code for azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.aio._client

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# ------------------------------------
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError
from azure.core.tracing.decorator_async import distributed_trace_async

from .. import DecryptResult, EncryptResult, SignResult, VerifyResult, UnwrapResult, WrapResult
from .._client import _validate_arguments
from .._key_validity import raise_if_time_invalid
from .._providers import get_local_cryptography_provider, NoLocalCryptography
from ... import KeyOperation
from ..._models import JsonWebKey, KeyVaultKey
from ..._shared import AsyncKeyVaultClientBase, parse_key_vault_id

    # pylint:disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports
    from datetime import datetime
    from typing import Any, Optional, Union
    from azure.core.credentials_async import AsyncTokenCredential
    from .. import EncryptionAlgorithm, KeyWrapAlgorithm, SignatureAlgorithm
    from ..._shared import KeyVaultResourceId

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CryptographyClient(AsyncKeyVaultClientBase): """Performs cryptographic operations using Azure Key Vault keys. This client will perform operations locally when it's intialized with the necessary key material or is able to get that material from Key Vault. When the required key material is unavailable, cryptographic operations are performed by the Key Vault service. :param key: Either a :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.KeyVaultKey` instance as returned by :func:`~azure.keyvault.keys.aio.KeyClient.get_key`, or a string. If a string, the value must be the full identifier of an Azure Key Vault key with a version. :type key: str or :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.KeyVaultKey` :param credential: An object which can provide an access token for the vault, such as a credential from :mod:`azure.identity.aio` :keyword api_version: version of the Key Vault API to use. Defaults to the most recent. :paramtype api_version: ~azure.keyvault.keys.ApiVersion :keyword transport: transport to use. Defaults to :class:`~azure.core.pipeline.transport.AioHttpTransport`. :paramtype transport: ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.AsyncHttpTransport .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START create_client] :end-before: [END create_client] :caption: Create a CryptographyClient :language: python :dedent: 8 """ def __init__(self, key: "Union[KeyVaultKey, str]", credential: "AsyncTokenCredential", **kwargs: "Any") -> None: self._jwk = kwargs.pop("_jwk", False) self._not_before = None # type: Optional[datetime] self._expires_on = None # type: Optional[datetime] self._key_id = None # type: Optional[KeyVaultResourceId] if isinstance(key, KeyVaultKey): self._key = key.key self._key_id = parse_key_vault_id( if # pylint:disable=protected-access self._not_before = self._expires_on = elif isinstance(key, str): self._key = None self._key_id = parse_key_vault_id(key) self._keys_get_forbidden = None # type: Optional[bool] elif self._jwk: self._key = key else: raise ValueError("'key' must be a KeyVaultKey instance or a key ID string including a version") if not (self._jwk or self._key_id.version): raise ValueError("'key' must include a version") if self._jwk: try: self._local_provider = get_local_cryptography_provider(self._key) self._initialized = True except Exception as ex: # pylint:disable=broad-except raise ValueError("The provided jwk is not valid for local cryptography") from ex else: self._local_provider = NoLocalCryptography() self._initialized = False self._vault_url = None if self._jwk else self._key_id.vault_url super().__init__(vault_url=self._vault_url or "vault_url", credential=credential, **kwargs) @property def key_id(self) -> "Optional[str]": """The full identifier of the client's key. This property may be None when a client is constructed with :func:`from_jwk`. :rtype: str or None """ if not self._jwk: return self._key_id.source_id return self._key.kid @property def vault_url(self) -> "Optional[str]": """The base vault URL of the client's key. This property may be None when a client is constructed with :func:`from_jwk`. :rtype: str or None """ return self._vault_url
[docs] @classmethod def from_jwk(cls, jwk: "Union[JsonWebKey, dict]") -> "CryptographyClient": """Creates a client that can only perform cryptographic operations locally. :param jwk: the key's cryptographic material, as a JsonWebKey or dictionary. :type jwk: JsonWebKey or dict :rtype: CryptographyClient """ if not isinstance(jwk, JsonWebKey): jwk = JsonWebKey(**jwk) return cls(jwk, object(), _jwk=True)
@distributed_trace_async async def _initialize(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> None if self._initialized: return # try to get the key material, if we don't have it and aren't forbidden to do so if not (self._key or self._keys_get_forbidden): try: key_bundle = await self._client.get_key( self._key_id.vault_url,, self._key_id.version, **kwargs ) self._key = KeyVaultKey._from_key_bundle(key_bundle).key # pylint:disable=protected-access except HttpResponseError as ex: # if we got a 403, we don't have keys/get permission and won't try to get the key again # (other errors may be transient) self._keys_get_forbidden = ex.status_code == 403 # if we have the key material, create a local crypto provider with it if self._key: self._local_provider = get_local_cryptography_provider(self._key) self._initialized = True else: # try to get the key again next time unless we know we're forbidden to do so self._initialized = self._keys_get_forbidden
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def encrypt(self, algorithm: "EncryptionAlgorithm", plaintext: bytes, **kwargs: "Any") -> EncryptResult: """Encrypt bytes using the client's key. Requires the keys/encrypt permission. This method encrypts only a single block of data, whose size depends on the key and encryption algorithm. :param algorithm: encryption algorithm to use :type algorithm: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm` :param bytes plaintext: bytes to encrypt :keyword bytes iv: initialization vector. Required for only AES-CBC(PAD) encryption. :keyword bytes additional_authenticated_data: optional data that is authenticated but not encrypted. For use with AES-GCM encryption. :rtype: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.EncryptResult` :raises ValueError: if parameters that are incompatible with the specified algorithm are provided. .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START encrypt] :end-before: [END encrypt] :caption: Encrypt bytes :language: python :dedent: 8 """ iv = kwargs.pop("iv", None) aad = kwargs.pop("additional_authenticated_data", None) _validate_arguments(operation=KeyOperation.encrypt, algorithm=algorithm, iv=iv, aad=aad) await self._initialize(**kwargs) if self._local_provider.supports(KeyOperation.encrypt, algorithm): raise_if_time_invalid(self._not_before, self._expires_on) try: return self._local_provider.encrypt(algorithm, plaintext, iv=iv) except Exception as ex: # pylint:disable=broad-except _LOGGER.warning("Local encrypt operation failed: %s", ex, exc_info=_LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)) if self._jwk: raise elif self._jwk: raise NotImplementedError( 'This key does not support the "encrypt" operation with algorithm "{}"'.format(algorithm) ) operation_result = await self._client.encrypt( vault_base_url=self._key_id.vault_url,, key_version=self._key_id.version, parameters=self._models.KeyOperationsParameters(algorithm=algorithm, value=plaintext, iv=iv, aad=aad), **kwargs ) return EncryptResult( key_id=self.key_id, algorithm=algorithm, ciphertext=operation_result.result, iv=operation_result.iv, authentication_tag=operation_result.authentication_tag, additional_authenticated_data=operation_result.additional_authenticated_data, )
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def decrypt(self, algorithm: "EncryptionAlgorithm", ciphertext: bytes, **kwargs: "Any") -> DecryptResult: """Decrypt a single block of encrypted data using the client's key. Requires the keys/decrypt permission. This method decrypts only a single block of data, whose size depends on the key and encryption algorithm. :param algorithm: encryption algorithm to use :type algorithm: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm` :param bytes ciphertext: encrypted bytes to decrypt :keyword bytes iv: the initialization vector used during encryption. Required for AES decryption. :keyword bytes authentication_tag: the authentication tag generated during encryption. Required for only AES-GCM decryption. :keyword bytes additional_authenticated_data: optional data that is authenticated but not encrypted. For use with AES-GCM decryption. :rtype: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.DecryptResult` :raises ValueError: if parameters that are incompatible with the specified algorithm are provided. .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START decrypt] :end-before: [END decrypt] :caption: Decrypt bytes :language: python :dedent: 8 """ iv = kwargs.pop("iv", None) tag = kwargs.pop("authentication_tag", None) aad = kwargs.pop("additional_authenticated_data", None) _validate_arguments(operation=KeyOperation.decrypt, algorithm=algorithm, iv=iv, tag=tag, aad=aad) await self._initialize(**kwargs) if self._local_provider.supports(KeyOperation.decrypt, algorithm): try: return self._local_provider.decrypt(algorithm, ciphertext, iv=iv) except Exception as ex: # pylint:disable=broad-except _LOGGER.warning("Local decrypt operation failed: %s", ex, exc_info=_LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)) if self._jwk: raise elif self._jwk: raise NotImplementedError( 'This key does not support the "decrypt" operation with algorithm "{}"'.format(algorithm) ) operation_result = await self._client.decrypt( vault_base_url=self._key_id.vault_url,, key_version=self._key_id.version, parameters=self._models.KeyOperationsParameters( algorithm=algorithm, value=ciphertext, iv=iv, tag=tag, aad=aad ), **kwargs ) return DecryptResult(key_id=self.key_id, algorithm=algorithm, plaintext=operation_result.result)
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def wrap_key(self, algorithm: "KeyWrapAlgorithm", key: bytes, **kwargs: "Any") -> WrapResult: """Wrap a key with the client's key. Requires the keys/wrapKey permission. :param algorithm: wrapping algorithm to use :type algorithm: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.KeyWrapAlgorithm` :param bytes key: key to wrap :rtype: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.WrapResult` .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START wrap_key] :end-before: [END wrap_key] :caption: Wrap a key :language: python :dedent: 8 """ await self._initialize(**kwargs) if self._local_provider.supports(KeyOperation.wrap_key, algorithm): raise_if_time_invalid(self._not_before, self._expires_on) try: return self._local_provider.wrap_key(algorithm, key) except Exception as ex: # pylint:disable=broad-except _LOGGER.warning("Local wrap operation failed: %s", ex, exc_info=_LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)) if self._jwk: raise elif self._jwk: raise NotImplementedError( 'This key does not support the "wrapKey" operation with algorithm "{}"'.format(algorithm) ) operation_result = await self._client.wrap_key( vault_base_url=self._key_id.vault_url,, key_version=self._key_id.version, parameters=self._models.KeyOperationsParameters(algorithm=algorithm, value=key), **kwargs ) return WrapResult(key_id=self.key_id, algorithm=algorithm, encrypted_key=operation_result.result)
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def unwrap_key(self, algorithm: "KeyWrapAlgorithm", encrypted_key: bytes, **kwargs: "Any") -> UnwrapResult: """Unwrap a key previously wrapped with the client's key. Requires the keys/unwrapKey permission. :param algorithm: wrapping algorithm to use :type algorithm: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.KeyWrapAlgorithm` :param bytes encrypted_key: the wrapped key :rtype: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.UnwrapResult` .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START unwrap_key] :end-before: [END unwrap_key] :caption: Unwrap a key :language: python :dedent: 8 """ await self._initialize(**kwargs) if self._local_provider.supports(KeyOperation.unwrap_key, algorithm): try: return self._local_provider.unwrap_key(algorithm, encrypted_key) except Exception as ex: # pylint:disable=broad-except _LOGGER.warning("Local unwrap operation failed: %s", ex, exc_info=_LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)) if self._jwk: raise elif self._jwk: raise NotImplementedError( 'This key does not support the "unwrapKey" operation with algorithm "{}"'.format(algorithm) ) operation_result = await self._client.unwrap_key( vault_base_url=self._key_id.vault_url,, key_version=self._key_id.version, parameters=self._models.KeyOperationsParameters(algorithm=algorithm, value=encrypted_key), **kwargs ) return UnwrapResult(key_id=self._key_id, algorithm=algorithm, key=operation_result.result)
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def sign(self, algorithm: "SignatureAlgorithm", digest: bytes, **kwargs: "Any") -> SignResult: """Create a signature from a digest using the client's key. Requires the keys/sign permission. :param algorithm: signing algorithm :type algorithm: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.SignatureAlgorithm` :param bytes digest: hashed bytes to sign :rtype: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.SignResult` .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START sign] :end-before: [END sign] :caption: Sign bytes :language: python :dedent: 8 """ await self._initialize(**kwargs) if self._local_provider.supports(KeyOperation.sign, algorithm): raise_if_time_invalid(self._not_before, self._expires_on) try: return self._local_provider.sign(algorithm, digest) except Exception as ex: # pylint:disable=broad-except _LOGGER.warning("Local sign operation failed: %s", ex, exc_info=_LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)) if self._jwk: raise elif self._jwk: raise NotImplementedError( 'This key does not support the "sign" operation with algorithm "{}"'.format(algorithm) ) operation_result = await self._client.sign( vault_base_url=self._key_id.vault_url,, key_version=self._key_id.version, parameters=self._models.KeySignParameters(algorithm=algorithm, value=digest), **kwargs ) return SignResult(key_id=self.key_id, algorithm=algorithm, signature=operation_result.result)
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def verify( self, algorithm: "SignatureAlgorithm", digest: bytes, signature: bytes, **kwargs: "Any" ) -> VerifyResult: """Verify a signature using the client's key. Requires the keys/verify permission. :param algorithm: verification algorithm :type algorithm: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.SignatureAlgorithm` :param bytes digest: Pre-hashed digest corresponding to **signature**. The hash algorithm used must be compatible with **algorithm**. :param bytes signature: signature to verify :rtype: :class:`~azure.keyvault.keys.crypto.VerifyResult` .. literalinclude:: ../tests/ :start-after: [START verify] :end-before: [END verify] :caption: Verify a signature :language: python :dedent: 8 """ await self._initialize(**kwargs) if self._local_provider.supports(KeyOperation.verify, algorithm): try: return self._local_provider.verify(algorithm, digest, signature) except Exception as ex: # pylint:disable=broad-except _LOGGER.warning("Local verify operation failed: %s", ex, exc_info=_LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)) if self._jwk: raise elif self._jwk: raise NotImplementedError( 'This key does not support the "verify" operation with algorithm "{}"'.format(algorithm) ) operation_result = await self._client.verify( vault_base_url=self._key_id.vault_url,, key_version=self._key_id.version, parameters=self._models.KeyVerifyParameters(algorithm=algorithm, digest=digest, signature=signature), **kwargs ) return VerifyResult(key_id=self.key_id, algorithm=algorithm, is_valid=operation_result.value)