Source code for azure.keyvault.administration.aio._access_control_client

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from uuid import uuid4

from azure.core.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundError
from azure.core.tracing.decorator import distributed_trace
from azure.core.tracing.decorator_async import distributed_trace_async

from .._models import KeyVaultRoleAssignment, KeyVaultRoleDefinition
from .._internal import AsyncKeyVaultClientBase

    # pylint:disable=ungrouped-imports
    from typing import Any, Union
    from uuid import UUID
    from azure.core.async_paging import AsyncItemPaged
    from .._enums import KeyVaultRoleScope

[docs]class KeyVaultAccessControlClient(AsyncKeyVaultClientBase): """Manages role-based access to Azure Key Vault. :param str vault_url: URL of the vault the client will manage. This is also called the vault's "DNS Name". You should validate that this URL references a valid Key Vault or Managed HSM resource. See for details. :param credential: An object which can provide an access token for the vault, such as a credential from :mod:`azure.identity.aio` :type credential: :class:`~azure.core.credentials_async.AsyncTokenCredential` :keyword api_version: Version of the service API to use. Defaults to the most recent. :paramtype api_version: ~azure.keyvault.administration.ApiVersion :keyword bool verify_challenge_resource: Whether to verify the authentication challenge resource matches the Key Vault or Managed HSM domain. Defaults to True. """ # pylint:disable=protected-access
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def create_role_assignment( self, scope: "Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope]", definition_id: str, principal_id: str, **kwargs: "Any" ) -> KeyVaultRoleAssignment: """Create a role assignment. :param scope: scope the role assignment will apply over. :class:`KeyVaultRoleScope` defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. :type scope: str or KeyVaultRoleScope :param str definition_id: ID of the role's definition :param str principal_id: Azure Active Directory object ID of the principal which will be assigned the role. The principal can be a user, service principal, or security group. :keyword name: a name for the role assignment. Must be a UUID. :paramtype name: str or uuid.UUID :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultRoleAssignment """ name = kwargs.pop("name", None) or uuid4() create_parameters = self._client.role_assignments.models.RoleAssignmentCreateParameters( properties=self._client.role_assignments.models.RoleAssignmentProperties( principal_id=principal_id, role_definition_id=str(definition_id) ) ) assignment = await self._client.role_assignments.create( vault_base_url=self._vault_url, scope=scope, role_assignment_name=str(name), parameters=create_parameters, **kwargs ) return KeyVaultRoleAssignment._from_generated(assignment)
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def delete_role_assignment( self, scope: "Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope]", name: "Union[str, UUID]", **kwargs: "Any" ) -> None: """Delete a role assignment. :param scope: the assignment's scope, for example "/", "/keys", or "/keys/<specific key identifier>". :class:`KeyVaultRoleScope` defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. :type scope: str or KeyVaultRoleScope :param name: the role assignment's name. :type name: str or uuid.UUID :returns: None """ try: await self._client.role_assignments.delete( vault_base_url=self._vault_url, scope=scope, role_assignment_name=str(name), **kwargs ) except ResourceNotFoundError: pass
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def get_role_assignment( self, scope: "Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope]", name: "Union[str, UUID]", **kwargs: "Any" ) -> KeyVaultRoleAssignment: """Get a role assignment. :param scope: the assignment's scope, for example "/", "/keys", or "/keys/<specific key identifier>". :class:`KeyVaultRoleScope` defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. :type scope: str or KeyVaultRoleScope :param name: the role assignment's name. :type name: str or uuid.UUID :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultRoleAssignment """ assignment = await self._client.role_assignments.get( vault_base_url=self._vault_url, scope=scope, role_assignment_name=str(name), **kwargs ) return KeyVaultRoleAssignment._from_generated(assignment)
[docs] @distributed_trace def list_role_assignments( self, scope: "Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope]", **kwargs: "Any" ) -> "AsyncItemPaged[KeyVaultRoleAssignment]": """List all role assignments for a scope. :param scope: scope of the role assignments. :class:`KeyVaultRoleScope` defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. :type scope: str or KeyVaultRoleScope :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[~azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultRoleAssignment] """ return self._client.role_assignments.list_for_scope( vault_base_url=self._vault_url, scope=scope, cls=lambda result: [KeyVaultRoleAssignment._from_generated(a) for a in result], **kwargs )
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def set_role_definition( self, scope: "Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope]", **kwargs: "Any" ) -> "KeyVaultRoleDefinition": """Creates or updates a custom role definition. To update a role definition, specify the definition's ``name``. :param scope: scope of the role definition. :class:`KeyVaultRoleScope` defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. Managed HSM only supports '/', or KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL. :type scope: str or KeyVaultRoleScope :keyword name: the role definition's name, a UUID. When this argument has a value, the client will create a new role definition with this name or update an existing role definition, if one exists with the given name. When this argument has no value, a new role definition will be created with a generated name. :paramtype name: str or uuid.UUID :keyword str role_name: the role's display name. If unspecified when creating or updating a role definition, the role name will be set to an empty string. :keyword str description: a description of the role definition. If unspecified when creating or updating a role definition, the description will be set to an empty string. :keyword permissions: the role definition's permissions. If unspecified when creating or updating a role definition, the role definition will have no action permissions. :paramtype permissions: Iterable[KeyVaultPermission] :keyword assignable_scopes: the scopes for which the role definition can be assigned. :paramtype assignable_scopes: Iterable[str] or Iterable[KeyVaultRoleScope] :returns: The created or updated role definition :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultRoleDefinition """ permissions = [ self._client.role_definitions.models.Permission( actions=p.actions, not_actions=p.not_actions, data_actions=p.data_actions, not_data_actions=p.not_data_actions, ) for p in kwargs.pop("permissions", None) or [] ] properties = self._client.role_definitions.models.RoleDefinitionProperties( role_name=kwargs.pop("role_name", None), description=kwargs.pop("description", None), permissions=permissions, assignable_scopes=kwargs.pop("assignable_scopes", None), ) parameters = self._client.role_definitions.models.RoleDefinitionCreateParameters(properties=properties) definition = await self._client.role_definitions.create_or_update( vault_base_url=self._vault_url, scope=scope, role_definition_name=str(kwargs.pop("name", None) or uuid4()), parameters=parameters, **kwargs ) return KeyVaultRoleDefinition._from_generated(definition)
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def get_role_definition( self, scope: "Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope]", name: "Union[str, UUID]", **kwargs: "Any" ) -> "KeyVaultRoleDefinition": """Get the specified role definition. :param scope: scope of the role definition. :class:`KeyVaultRoleScope` defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. Managed HSM only supports '/', or KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL. :type scope: str or KeyVaultRoleScope :param name: the role definition's name. :type name: str or uuid.UUID :rtype: ~azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultRoleDefinition """ definition = await self._client.role_definitions.get( vault_base_url=self._vault_url, scope=scope, role_definition_name=str(name), **kwargs ) return KeyVaultRoleDefinition._from_generated(definition)
[docs] @distributed_trace_async async def delete_role_definition( self, scope: "Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope]", name: "Union[str, UUID]", **kwargs: "Any" ) -> None: """Deletes a custom role definition. :param scope: scope of the role definition. :class:`KeyVaultRoleScope` defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. Managed HSM only supports '/', or KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL. :type scope: str or KeyVaultRoleScope :param name: the role definition's name. :type name: str or uuid.UUID :returns: None """ try: await self._client.role_definitions.delete( vault_base_url=self._vault_url, scope=scope, role_definition_name=str(name), **kwargs ) except ResourceNotFoundError: pass
[docs] @distributed_trace def list_role_definitions( self, scope: "Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope]", **kwargs: "Any" ) -> "AsyncItemPaged[KeyVaultRoleDefinition]": """List all role definitions applicable at and above a scope. :param scope: scope of the role definitions. :class:`KeyVaultRoleScope` defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. :type scope: str or KeyVaultRoleScope :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[~azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultRoleDefinition] """ return self._client.role_definitions.list( vault_base_url=self._vault_url, scope=scope, cls=lambda result: [KeyVaultRoleDefinition._from_generated(d) for d in result], **kwargs )