azure.keyvault.administration package

class azure.keyvault.administration.ApiVersion[source]

Key Vault API versions supported by this package

V7_2_preview = '7.2-preview'

this is the default version

class azure.keyvault.administration.BackupOperation(**kwargs)[source]

A Key Vault full backup operation.

  • status (str) – status of the backup operation

  • status_details (str) – more details of the operation’s status

  • error – Error encountered, if any, during the operation

  • start_time (datetime.datetime) – UTC start time of the operation

  • end_time (datetime.datetime) – UTC end time of the operation

  • job_id (str) – identifier for the operation

  • folder_url (str) – URL of the Azure blob storage container which contains the backup

class azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultAccessControlClient(vault_url: str, credential: TokenCredential, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Manages role-based access to Azure Key Vault.

  • vault_url (str) – URL of the vault the client will manage. This is also called the vault’s “DNS Name”.

  • credential – an object which can provide an access token for the vault, such as a credential from azure.identity


Close sockets opened by the client.

Calling this method is unnecessary when using the client as a context manager.

create_role_assignment(role_scope: Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope], role_definition_id: str, principal_id: str, **kwargs: Any) → KeyVaultRoleAssignment[source]

Create a role assignment.

  • role_scope (str or KeyVaultRoleScope) – scope the role assignment will apply over. KeyVaultRoleScope defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string.

  • role_definition_id (str) – ID of the role’s definition

  • principal_id (str) – Azure Active Directory object ID of the principal which will be assigned the role. The principal can be a user, service principal, or security group.

Keyword Arguments

role_assignment_name – a name for the role assignment. Must be a UUID.

Return type


delete_role_assignment(role_scope: Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope], role_assignment_name: Union[str, UUID], **kwargs: Any) → KeyVaultRoleAssignment[source]

Delete a role assignment.

  • role_scope (str or KeyVaultRoleScope) – the assignment’s scope, for example “/”, “/keys”, or “/keys/<specific key identifier>” KeyVaultRoleScope defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string.

  • role_assignment_name (str or uuid.UUID) – the assignment’s name.


the deleted assignment

Return type


delete_role_definition(role_scope: Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope], role_definition_name: Union[str, UUID], **kwargs: Any) → KeyVaultRoleDefinition[source]

Deletes a custom role definition.

  • role_scope (str or KeyVaultRoleScope) – scope of the role definition. KeyVaultRoleScope defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. Managed HSM only supports ‘/’, or KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL.

  • role_definition_name (str or uuid.UUID) – the role definition’s name.


the deleted role definition

Return type


get_role_assignment(role_scope: Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope], role_assignment_name: Union[str, UUID], **kwargs: Any) → KeyVaultRoleAssignment[source]

Get a role assignment.

  • role_scope (str or KeyVaultRoleScope) – the assignment’s scope, for example “/”, “/keys”, or “/keys/<specific key identifier>” KeyVaultRoleScope defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string.

  • role_assignment_name (str or uuid.UUID) – the assignment’s name.

Return type


get_role_definition(role_scope: Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope], role_definition_name: Union[str, UUID], **kwargs: Any) → KeyVaultRoleDefinition[source]

Get the specified role definition.

  • role_scope (str or KeyVaultRoleScope) – scope of the role definition. KeyVaultRoleScope defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. Managed HSM only supports ‘/’, or KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL.

  • role_definition_name (str or uuid.UUID) – the role definition’s name.

Return type


list_role_assignments(role_scope: Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope], **kwargs: Any) → ItemPaged[KeyVaultRoleAssignment][source]

List all role assignments for a scope.


role_scope (str or KeyVaultRoleScope) – scope of the role assignments. KeyVaultRoleScope defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string.

Return type


list_role_definitions(role_scope: Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope], **kwargs: Any) → ItemPaged[KeyVaultRoleDefinition][source]

List all role definitions applicable at and above a scope.


role_scope (str or KeyVaultRoleScope) – scope of the role definitions. KeyVaultRoleScope defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string.

Return type


set_role_definition(role_scope: Union[str, KeyVaultRoleScope], permissions: Iterable[KeyVaultPermission], **kwargs: Any) → KeyVaultRoleDefinition[source]

Creates or updates a custom role definition.

  • role_scope (str or KeyVaultRoleScope) – scope of the role definition. KeyVaultRoleScope defines common broad scopes. Specify a narrower scope as a string. Managed HSM only supports ‘/’, or KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL.

  • permissions (Iterable[KeyVaultPermission]) – the role definition’s permissions. An empty list results in a role definition with no action permissions.

Keyword Arguments
  • role_name (str) – the role’s name. If unspecified when creating or updating a role definition, the role name will be set to an empty string.

  • role_definition_name – the role definition’s name. Must be a UUID.

  • description (str) – a description of the role definition. If unspecified when creating or updating a role definition, the description will be set to an empty string.


The created or updated role definition

Return type


property vault_url
class azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultBackupClient(vault_url: str, credential: TokenCredential, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Performs Key Vault backup and restore operations.

  • vault_url (str) – URL of the vault on which the client will operate. This is also called the vault’s “DNS Name”.

  • credential – an object which can provide an access token for the vault, such as a credential from azure.identity

begin_backup(blob_storage_url: str, sas_token: str, **kwargs: Any) → LROPoller[BackupOperation][source]

Begin a full backup of the Key Vault.

  • blob_storage_url (str) – URL of the blob storage container in which the backup will be stored, for example https://<account>

  • sas_token (str) – a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token authorizing access to the blob storage resource

Keyword Arguments

continuation_token (str) – a continuation token to restart polling from a saved state


An instance of an LROPoller. Call result() on the poller object to get a BackupOperation.

Return type


begin_restore(folder_url: str, sas_token: str, **kwargs: Any) → LROPoller[RestoreOperation][source]

Restore a full backup of a Key Vault.

  • folder_url (str) – URL of the blob holding the backup. This would be the folder_url of a BackupOperation returned by begin_backup() or get_backup_status(), for example https://<account>

  • sas_token (str) – a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token authorizing access to the blob storage resource

Return type


begin_selective_restore(folder_url: str, sas_token: str, key_name: str, **kwargs: Any) → LROPoller[SelectiveKeyRestoreOperation][source]

Restore a single key from a full Key Vault backup.

  • folder_url (str) – URL for the blob storage resource, including the path to the blob holding the backup. This would be the folder_url of a BackupOperation returned by begin_backup() or get_backup_status(), for example https://<account>

  • sas_token (str) – a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token authorizing access to the blob storage resource

  • key_name (str) – name of the key to restore from the backup

Return type



Close sockets opened by the client.

Calling this method is unnecessary when using the client as a context manager.

get_backup_status(job_id: str, **kwargs: Any) → BackupOperation[source]

Returns the status of a full backup operation.


job_id (str) – The job ID returned as part of the backup request


The full backup operation status as a BackupOperation

Return type


get_restore_status(job_id: str, **kwargs: Any) → RestoreOperation[source]

Returns the status of a restore operation.


job_id (str) – The job ID returned as part of the restore request


The restore operation status as a RestoreOperation

Return type


property vault_url
class azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultDataAction[source]

Supported permissions for data actions.

BACKUP_HSM_KEYS = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/backup/action'

Backup HSM keys.

CREATE_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/create'

Create an HSM key.

DECRYPT_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/decrypt/action'

Decrypt using an HSM key.

DELETE_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/delete'

Delete an HSM key.

DELETE_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/roleAssignments/delete/action'

Delete role assignment.

DOWNLOAD_HSM_SECURITY_DOMAIN = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/securitydomain/download/action'

Download an HSM security domain.

ENCRYPT_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/encrypt/action'

Encrypt using an HSM key.

EXPORT_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/export/action'

Export an HSM key.

GET_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/roleAssignments/read/action'

Get role assignment.

IMPORT_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/import/action'

Import an HSM key.

PURGE_DELETED_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/deletedKeys/delete'

Purge a deleted HSM key.

READ_DELETED_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/deletedKeys/read/action'

Read deleted HSM key.

READ_HSM_BACKUP_STATUS = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/backup/status/action'

Read an HSM backup status.

READ_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/read/action'

Read HSM key metadata.

READ_HSM_RESTORE_STATUS = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/restore/status/action'

Read an HSM restore status.

READ_HSM_SECURITY_DOMAIN_STATUS = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/securitydomain/upload/read'

Check the status of the HSM security domain exchange file.

READ_HSM_SECURITY_DOMAIN_TRANSFER_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/securitydomain/transferkey/read'

Download an HSM security domain transfer key.

READ_ROLE_DEFINITION = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/roleDefinitions/read/action'

Get role definition.

RECOVER_DELETED_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/deletedKeys/recover/action'

Recover deleted HSM key.

RESTORE_HSM_KEYS = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/restore/action'

Restore HSM keys.

SIGN_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/sign/action'

Sign using an HSM key.

START_HSM_BACKUP = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/backup/start/action'

Start an HSM backup.

START_HSM_RESTORE = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/restore/start/action'

Start an HSM restore.

UNWRAP_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/unwrap/action'

Unwrap using an HSM key.

UPLOAD_HSM_SECURITY_DOMAIN = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/securitydomain/upload/action'

Upload an HSM security domain.

VERIFY_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/verify/action'

Verify using an HSM key.

WRAP_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/wrap/action'

Wrap using an HSM key.

WRITE_HSM_KEY = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/write/action'

Update an HSM key.

WRITE_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT = 'Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/roleAssignments/write/action'

Create or update role assignment.

class azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultPermission(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Role definition permissions.

class azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultRoleAssignment(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Represents the assignment to a principal of a role over a scope

property name

name of the assignment

property principal_id

ID of the principal this assignment applies to.

This maps to the ID inside the Active Directory. It can point to a user, service principal, or security group.

property role_assignment_id

unique identifier for this assignment

property role_definition_id

ID of the role’s definition

property scope

scope of the assignment

property type

the type of this assignment

class azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultRoleDefinition(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Represents the definition of a role over a scope.

property assignable_scopes

scopes that can be assigned to the role

property description

description of the role definition

property id

unique identifier for this role definition

property name

name of the role definition

property permissions

permissions defined for the role

property role_name

name of the role

property role_type

type of the role

property type

type of the role definition

class azure.keyvault.administration.KeyVaultRoleScope[source]

Collection of well known role scopes. This list is not exhaustive.

GLOBAL = '/'

use this if you want role assignments to apply to everything on the resource

KEYS = '/keys'

use this if you want role assignments to apply to all keys

class azure.keyvault.administration.RestoreOperation(**kwargs)[source]

A Key Vault restore operation.

  • status (str) – status of the operation

  • status_details (str) – more details of the operation’s status

  • error – Error encountered, if any, during the operation

  • start_time (datetime.datetime) – UTC start time of the operation

  • end_time (datetime.datetime) – UTC end time of the operation

  • job_id (str) – identifier for the operation

class azure.keyvault.administration.SelectiveKeyRestoreOperation(**kwargs)[source]

A Key Vault operation restoring a single key.

  • status (str) – status of the operation

  • status_details (str) – more details of the operation’s status

  • error – Error encountered, if any, during the operation

  • start_time (datetime.datetime) – UTC start time of the operation

  • end_time (datetime.datetime) – UTC end time of the operation

  • job_id (str) – identifier for the operation