azure.iot.deviceupdate.operations package

class azure.iot.deviceupdate.operations.DeviceManagementOperations(client, config, serializer, deserializer)[source]

DeviceManagementOperations operations.

You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute.

  • client – Client for service requests.

  • config – Configuration of service client.

  • serializer – An object model serializer.

  • deserializer – An object model deserializer.

begin_import_devices(import_type: str, *, action: str, **kwargs: Any)azure.core.polling._poller.LROPoller[None][source]

Import existing devices from IoT Hub.


import_type (str) – The types of devices to import. Possible values are: “Devices”, “Modules”, and “All”.

Keyword Arguments
  • action (str) – Devices action. “import”

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.

  • continuation_token (str) – A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state.

  • polling (bool or PollingMethod) – By default, your polling method will be LROBasePolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy.

  • polling_interval (int) – Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present.


An instance of LROPoller that returns None

Return type




collect_logs(operation_id: str, log_collection_request: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Start the device diagnostics log collection operation on specified devices.

  • operation_id (str) – Operation identifier.

  • log_collection_request (JSONType) – The deployment properties.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
log_collection_request = {
    "createdDateTime": "str",  # Optional. The timestamp when the operation was created.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. Description of the diagnostics operation.
    "deviceList": [
            "deviceId": "str",  # Required. Device Id.
            "moduleId": "str"  # Optional. Module Id.
    "lastActionDateTime": "str",  # Optional. A timestamp for when the current state was entered.
    "operationId": "str",  # Optional. The diagnostics operation id.
    "status": "str"  # Optional. Operation status. Possible values include: "Undefined", "NotStarted", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed".

# response body for status code(s): 201
response.json() == {
    "createdDateTime": "str",  # Optional. The timestamp when the operation was created.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. Description of the diagnostics operation.
    "deviceList": [
            "deviceId": "str",  # Required. Device Id.
            "moduleId": "str"  # Optional. Module Id.
    "lastActionDateTime": "str",  # Optional. A timestamp for when the current state was entered.
    "operationId": "str",  # Optional. The diagnostics operation id.
    "status": "str"  # Optional. Operation status. Possible values include: "Undefined", "NotStarted", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed".
create_or_update_deployment(deployment_id: str, group_id: str, deployment: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Creates or updates a deployment.

  • deployment_id (str) – Deployment identifier.

  • group_id (str) – Group identity.

  • deployment (JSONType) – The deployment properties.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
deployment = {
    "deploymentId": "str",  # Required. The deployment identifier.
    "groupId": "str",  # Required. The group identity.
    "isCanceled": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment was canceled.
    "isRetried": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment has been retried.
    "startDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. The deployment start datetime.
    "updateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "deploymentId": "str",  # Required. The deployment identifier.
    "groupId": "str",  # Required. The group identity.
    "isCanceled": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment was canceled.
    "isRetried": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment has been retried.
    "startDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. The deployment start datetime.
    "updateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
create_or_update_group(group_id: str, group: Any, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Create or update a device group.

  • group_id (str) – Group identity.

  • group (JSONType) – The group properties.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
group = {
    "createdDateTime": "str",  # Required. Date and time when the update was created.
    "deploymentId": "str",  # Optional. The deployment Id for the group.
    "deviceClassId": "str",  # Optional. The device class Id for the group.
    "deviceCount": 0,  # Optional. The number of devices in the group.
    "groupId": "str",  # Required. Group identity.
    "groupType": "str",  # Required. Group type. Possible values include: "DeviceClassIdAndIoTHubTag", "InvalidDeviceClassIdAndIoTHubTag", "DefaultDeviceClassId".
    "tags": [
        "str"  # Required. A set of tags. IoT Hub tags.

# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "createdDateTime": "str",  # Required. Date and time when the update was created.
    "deploymentId": "str",  # Optional. The deployment Id for the group.
    "deviceClassId": "str",  # Optional. The device class Id for the group.
    "deviceCount": 0,  # Optional. The number of devices in the group.
    "groupId": "str",  # Required. Group identity.
    "groupType": "str",  # Required. Group type. Possible values include: "DeviceClassIdAndIoTHubTag", "InvalidDeviceClassIdAndIoTHubTag", "DefaultDeviceClassId".
    "tags": [
        "str"  # Required. A set of tags. IoT Hub tags.
delete_deployment(group_id: str, deployment_id: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Deletes a deployment.

  • group_id (str) – Group identity.

  • deployment_id (str) – Deployment identifier.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.



Return type




delete_group(group_id: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Deletes a device group.


group_id (str) – Group identity.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.



Return type




get_deployment(group_id: str, deployment_id: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Gets the properties of a deployment.

  • group_id (str) – Group identity.

  • deployment_id (str) – Deployment identifier.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "deploymentId": "str",  # Required. The deployment identifier.
    "groupId": "str",  # Required. The group identity.
    "isCanceled": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment was canceled.
    "isRetried": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment has been retried.
    "startDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. The deployment start datetime.
    "updateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
get_deployment_status(group_id: str, deployment_id: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Gets the status of a deployment including a breakdown of how many devices in the deployment are in progress, completed, or failed.

  • group_id (str) – Group identity.

  • deployment_id (str) – Deployment identifier.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "deploymentState": "str",  # Required. The state of the deployment. Possible values include: "Active", "Inactive", "Canceled".
    "devicesCanceledCount": 0,  # Optional. The number of devices which have had their deployment canceled.
    "devicesCompletedFailedCount": 0,  # Optional. The number of devices that have completed deployment with a failure.
    "devicesCompletedSucceededCount": 0,  # Optional. The number of devices which have successfully completed deployment.
    "devicesInProgressCount": 0,  # Optional. The number of devices that are currently in deployment.
    "totalDevices": 0  # Optional. The total number of devices in the deployment.
get_device(device_id: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Gets the device properties and latest deployment status for a device connected to Device Update for IoT Hub.


device_id (str) – Device identifier in Azure IoT Hub.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "deploymentStatus": "str",  # Optional. State of the device in its last deployment. Possible values include: "Succeeded", "InProgress", "Failed", "Canceled", "Incompatible".
    "deviceClassId": "str",  # Required. Device class identity.
    "deviceId": "str",  # Required. Device identity.
    "groupId": "str",  # Optional. Device group identity.
    "installedUpdateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "lastAttemptedUpdateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "lastDeploymentId": "str",  # Optional. The deployment identifier for the last deployment to the device.
    "lastInstallResult": {
        "extendedResultCode": 0,  # Required. Install extended result code.
        "resultCode": 0,  # Required. Install result code.
        "resultDetails": "str",  # Optional. A string containing further details about the install result.
        "stepResults": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. Step description. It might be null for update steps.
                "extendedResultCode": 0,  # Required. Install extended result code.
                "resultCode": 0,  # Required. Install result code.
                "resultDetails": "str",  # Optional. A string containing further details about the install result.
                "updateId": {
                    "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                    "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                    "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "manufacturer": "str",  # Required. Device manufacturer.
    "model": "str",  # Required. Device model.
    "moduleId": "str",  # Optional. Device module identity.
    "onLatestUpdate": bool  # Required. Boolean flag indicating whether the latest update is installed on the device.
get_device_class(device_class_id: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Gets the properties of a device class.


device_class_id (str) – Device class identifier.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "bestCompatibleUpdateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "compatProperties": {
        "str": "str"  # Required. The compat properties of the device class. This object can be thought of as a set of key-value pairs where the key is the name of the compatibility property and the value is the value of the compatibility property. There will always be at least 1 compat property.
    "deviceClassId": "str"  # Required. The device class identifier.
get_device_module(device_id: str, module_id: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Gets the device module properties and latest deployment status for a device module connected to Device Update for IoT Hub.

  • device_id (str) – Device identifier in Azure IoT Hub.

  • module_id (str) – Device module identifier in Azure IoT Hub.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "deploymentStatus": "str",  # Optional. State of the device in its last deployment. Possible values include: "Succeeded", "InProgress", "Failed", "Canceled", "Incompatible".
    "deviceClassId": "str",  # Required. Device class identity.
    "deviceId": "str",  # Required. Device identity.
    "groupId": "str",  # Optional. Device group identity.
    "installedUpdateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "lastAttemptedUpdateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "lastDeploymentId": "str",  # Optional. The deployment identifier for the last deployment to the device.
    "lastInstallResult": {
        "extendedResultCode": 0,  # Required. Install extended result code.
        "resultCode": 0,  # Required. Install result code.
        "resultDetails": "str",  # Optional. A string containing further details about the install result.
        "stepResults": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. Step description. It might be null for update steps.
                "extendedResultCode": 0,  # Required. Install extended result code.
                "resultCode": 0,  # Required. Install result code.
                "resultDetails": "str",  # Optional. A string containing further details about the install result.
                "updateId": {
                    "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                    "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                    "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "manufacturer": "str",  # Required. Device manufacturer.
    "model": "str",  # Required. Device model.
    "moduleId": "str",  # Optional. Device module identity.
    "onLatestUpdate": bool  # Required. Boolean flag indicating whether the latest update is installed on the device.
get_device_tag(tag_name: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Gets a count of how many devices have a device tag.


tag_name (str) – Tag name.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "deviceCount": 0,  # Required. Number of devices with this tag.
    "tagName": "str"  # Required. Tag name.
get_group(group_id: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Gets the properties of a group.


group_id (str) – Group identity.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "createdDateTime": "str",  # Required. Date and time when the update was created.
    "deploymentId": "str",  # Optional. The deployment Id for the group.
    "deviceClassId": "str",  # Optional. The device class Id for the group.
    "deviceCount": 0,  # Optional. The number of devices in the group.
    "groupId": "str",  # Required. Group identity.
    "groupType": "str",  # Required. Group type. Possible values include: "DeviceClassIdAndIoTHubTag", "InvalidDeviceClassIdAndIoTHubTag", "DefaultDeviceClassId".
    "tags": [
        "str"  # Required. A set of tags. IoT Hub tags.
get_group_update_compliance(group_id: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get group update compliance information such as how many devices are on their latest update, how many need new updates, and how many are in progress on receiving a new update.


group_id (str) – Group identity.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "newUpdatesAvailableDeviceCount": 0,  # Required. Number of devices with a newer update available.
    "onLatestUpdateDeviceCount": 0,  # Required. Number of devices on the latest update.
    "totalDeviceCount": 0,  # Required. Total number of devices.
    "updatesInProgressDeviceCount": 0  # Required. Number of devices with update in-progress.
get_log_collection_operation(operation_id: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get the device diagnostics log collection operation.


operation_id (str) – Operation identifier.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "createdDateTime": "str",  # Optional. The timestamp when the operation was created.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. Description of the diagnostics operation.
    "deviceList": [
            "deviceId": "str",  # Required. Device Id.
            "moduleId": "str"  # Optional. Module Id.
    "lastActionDateTime": "str",  # Optional. A timestamp for when the current state was entered.
    "operationId": "str",  # Optional. The diagnostics operation id.
    "status": "str"  # Optional. Operation status. Possible values include: "Undefined", "NotStarted", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed".
get_log_collection_operation_detailed_status(operation_id: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Get device diagnostics log collection operation with detailed status.


operation_id (str) – Operation identifier.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "createdDateTime": "str",  # Optional. The timestamp when the operation was created.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. Device diagnostics operation description.
    "deviceStatus": [
            "deviceId": "str",  # Required. Device id.
            "extendedResultCode": "str",  # Optional. Log upload extended result code.
            "logLocation": "str",  # Optional. Log upload location.
            "moduleId": "str",  # Optional. Module id.
            "resultCode": "str",  # Optional. Log upload result code.
            "status": "str"  # Required. Log upload status. Possible values include: "Undefined", "NotStarted", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed".
    "lastActionDateTime": "str",  # Optional. A timestamp for when the current state was entered.
    "operationId": "str",  # Optional. The device diagnostics operation id.
    "status": "str"  # Optional. Operation status. Possible values include: "Undefined", "NotStarted", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed".
get_operation(operation_id: str, *, if_none_match: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Optional[Any][source]

Retrieve operation status.


operation_id (str) – Operation identifier.

Keyword Arguments
  • if_none_match (str) – Defines the If-None-Match condition. The operation will be performed only if the ETag on the server does not match this value.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type

JSONType or None




# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "createdDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the operation was created.
    "error": {
        "code": "str",  # Required. Server defined error code.
        "details": [
        "innererror": {
            "code": "str",  # Required. A more specific error code than what was provided by the containing error.
            "errorDetail": "str",  # Optional. The internal error or exception message.
            "innerError": ...,
            "message": "str"  # Optional. A human-readable representation of the error.
        "message": "str",  # Required. A human-readable representation of the error.
        "occurredDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Optional. Date and time in UTC when the error occurred.
        "target": "str"  # Optional. The target of the error.
    "etag": "str",  # Optional. Operation ETag.
    "lastActionDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the operation status was last updated.
    "operationId": "str",  # Required. Operation Id.
    "status": "str",  # Required. Operation status. Possible values include: "Undefined", "NotStarted", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed".
    "traceId": "str"  # Optional. Operation correlation identity that can used by Microsoft Support for troubleshooting.
get_update_compliance(**kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Gets the breakdown of how many devices are on their latest update, have new updates available, or are in progress receiving new updates.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "newUpdatesAvailableDeviceCount": 0,  # Required. Number of devices with a newer update available.
    "onLatestUpdateDeviceCount": 0,  # Required. Number of devices on the latest update.
    "totalDeviceCount": 0,  # Required. Total number of devices.
    "updatesInProgressDeviceCount": 0  # Required. Number of devices with update in-progress.
list_best_updates_for_group(group_id: str, *, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Get the best available updates for a group and a count of how many devices need each update.


group_id (str) – Group identity.

Keyword Arguments
  • filter (str) – Restricts the set of bestUpdates returned. You can filter on update Provider, Name and Version property.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "deviceCount": 0,  # Required. Total number of devices for which the update is applicable.
            "updateId": {
                "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
list_deployment_devices(group_id: str, deployment_id: str, *, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Gets a list of devices in a deployment along with their state. Useful for getting a list of failed devices.

  • group_id (str) – Group identity.

  • deployment_id (str) – Deployment identifier.

Keyword Arguments
  • filter (str) – Restricts the set of deployment device states returned. You can filter on deviceId and moduleId and/or deviceState.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "deviceId": "str",  # Required. Device identity.
            "deviceState": "str",  # Required. Deployment device state. Possible values include: "Succeeded", "InProgress", "Failed", "Canceled", "Incompatible".
            "moduleId": "str",  # Optional. Device module identity.
            "movedOnToNewDeployment": bool,  # Required. Boolean flag indicating whether this device is in a newer deployment and can no longer retry this deployment.
            "retryCount": 0  # Required. The number of times this deployment has been retried on this device.
list_deployments_for_group(group_id: str, *, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Gets a list of deployments for a group.


group_id (str) – Group identity.

Keyword Arguments
  • filter (str) – Restricts the set of deployments returned. You can filter on update Provider, Name and Version property.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "deploymentId": "str",  # Required. The deployment identifier.
            "groupId": "str",  # Required. The group identity.
            "isCanceled": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment was canceled.
            "isRetried": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment has been retried.
            "startDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. The deployment start datetime.
            "updateId": {
                "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
list_device_classes(**kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Gets a list of all device classes (unique combinations of device manufacturer and model) for all devices connected to Device Update for IoT Hub.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "bestCompatibleUpdateId": {
                "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
            "compatProperties": {
                "str": "str"  # Required. The compat properties of the device class. This object can be thought of as a set of key-value pairs where the key is the name of the compatibility property and the value is the value of the compatibility property. There will always be at least 1 compat property.
            "deviceClassId": "str"  # Required. The device class identifier.
list_device_tags(**kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Gets a list of available group device tags for all devices connected to Device Update for IoT Hub.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "deviceCount": 0,  # Required. Number of devices with this tag.
            "tagName": "str"  # Required. Tag name.
list_devices(*, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Gets a list of devices connected to Device Update for IoT Hub.

Keyword Arguments
  • filter (str) – Restricts the set of devices returned. You can filter on device GroupId or DeviceClassId.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "deploymentStatus": "str",  # Optional. State of the device in its last deployment. Possible values include: "Succeeded", "InProgress", "Failed", "Canceled", "Incompatible".
            "deviceClassId": "str",  # Required. Device class identity.
            "deviceId": "str",  # Required. Device identity.
            "groupId": "str",  # Optional. Device group identity.
            "installedUpdateId": {
                "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
            "lastAttemptedUpdateId": {
                "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
            "lastDeploymentId": "str",  # Optional. The deployment identifier for the last deployment to the device.
            "lastInstallResult": {
                "extendedResultCode": 0,  # Required. Install extended result code.
                "resultCode": 0,  # Required. Install result code.
                "resultDetails": "str",  # Optional. A string containing further details about the install result.
                "stepResults": [
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. Step description. It might be null for update steps.
                        "extendedResultCode": 0,  # Required. Install extended result code.
                        "resultCode": 0,  # Required. Install result code.
                        "resultDetails": "str",  # Optional. A string containing further details about the install result.
                        "updateId": {
                            "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                            "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                            "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
            "manufacturer": "str",  # Required. Device manufacturer.
            "model": "str",  # Required. Device model.
            "moduleId": "str",  # Optional. Device module identity.
            "onLatestUpdate": bool  # Required. Boolean flag indicating whether the latest update is installed on the device.
list_groups(**kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Gets a list of all device groups.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "createdDateTime": "str",  # Required. Date and time when the update was created.
            "deploymentId": "str",  # Optional. The deployment Id for the group.
            "deviceClassId": "str",  # Optional. The device class Id for the group.
            "deviceCount": 0,  # Optional. The number of devices in the group.
            "groupId": "str",  # Required. Group identity.
            "groupType": "str",  # Required. Group type. Possible values include: "DeviceClassIdAndIoTHubTag", "InvalidDeviceClassIdAndIoTHubTag", "DefaultDeviceClassId".
            "tags": [
                "str"  # Required. A set of tags. IoT Hub tags.
list_installable_updates_for_device_class(device_class_id: str, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Gets a list of installable updates for a device class.


device_class_id (str) – Device class identifier.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
            "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
            "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
list_log_collection_operations(**kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Get all device diagnostics log collection operations.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "createdDateTime": "str",  # Optional. The timestamp when the operation was created.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. Description of the diagnostics operation.
            "deviceList": [
                    "deviceId": "str",  # Required. Device Id.
                    "moduleId": "str"  # Optional. Module Id.
            "lastActionDateTime": "str",  # Optional. A timestamp for when the current state was entered.
            "operationId": "str",  # Optional. The diagnostics operation id.
            "status": "str"  # Optional. Operation status. Possible values include: "Undefined", "NotStarted", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed".
list_operations(*, filter: Optional[str] = None, top: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Get a list of all device import operations. Completed operations are kept for 7 days before auto-deleted.

Keyword Arguments
  • filter (str) – Restricts the set of operations returned. Only one specific filter is supported: “status eq ‘NotStarted’ or status eq ‘Running’”.

  • top (int) – Specifies a non-negative integer n that limits the number of items returned from a collection. The service returns the number of available items up to but not greater than the specified value n.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "createdDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the operation was created.
            "error": {
                "code": "str",  # Required. Server defined error code.
                "details": [
                "innererror": {
                    "code": "str",  # Required. A more specific error code than what was provided by the containing error.
                    "errorDetail": "str",  # Optional. The internal error or exception message.
                    "innerError": ...,
                    "message": "str"  # Optional. A human-readable representation of the error.
                "message": "str",  # Required. A human-readable representation of the error.
                "occurredDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Optional. Date and time in UTC when the error occurred.
                "target": "str"  # Optional. The target of the error.
            "etag": "str",  # Optional. Operation ETag.
            "lastActionDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the operation status was last updated.
            "operationId": "str",  # Required. Operation Id.
            "status": "str",  # Required. Operation status. Possible values include: "Undefined", "NotStarted", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed".
            "traceId": "str"  # Optional. Operation correlation identity that can used by Microsoft Support for troubleshooting.
retry_deployment(group_id: str, deployment_id: str, *, action: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Retries a deployment with failed devices.

  • group_id (str) – Group identity.

  • deployment_id (str) – Deployment identifier.

Keyword Arguments
  • action (str) – Retry deployment action. “retry”

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "deploymentId": "str",  # Required. The deployment identifier.
    "groupId": "str",  # Required. The group identity.
    "isCanceled": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment was canceled.
    "isRetried": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment has been retried.
    "startDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. The deployment start datetime.
    "updateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
stop_deployment(group_id: str, deployment_id: str, *, action: str, **kwargs: Any)Any[source]

Stops a deployment.

  • group_id (str) – Group identity.

  • deployment_id (str) – Deployment identifier.

Keyword Arguments
  • action (str) – Cancel deployment action. “cancel”

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "deploymentId": "str",  # Required. The deployment identifier.
    "groupId": "str",  # Required. The group identity.
    "isCanceled": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment was canceled.
    "isRetried": bool,  # Optional. Boolean flag indicating whether the deployment has been retried.
    "startDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. The deployment start datetime.
    "updateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
class azure.iot.deviceupdate.operations.DeviceUpdateOperations(client, config, serializer, deserializer)[source]

DeviceUpdateOperations operations.

You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute.

  • client – Client for service requests.

  • config – Configuration of service client.

  • serializer – An object model serializer.

  • deserializer – An object model deserializer.

begin_delete_update(provider: str, name: str, version: str, **kwargs: Any)azure.core.polling._poller.LROPoller[None][source]

Delete a specific update version.

  • provider (str) – Update provider.

  • name (str) – Update name.

  • version (str) – Update version.

Keyword Arguments
  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.

  • continuation_token (str) – A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state.

  • polling (bool or PollingMethod) – By default, your polling method will be LROBasePolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy.

  • polling_interval (int) – Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present.


An instance of LROPoller that returns None

Return type




begin_import_update(update_to_import: List[Any], *, action: str, **kwargs: Any)azure.core.polling._poller.LROPoller[Any][source]

Import new update version.


update_to_import (list[JSONType]) – The update to be imported.

Keyword Arguments
  • action (str) – Import update action. “import”

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.

  • continuation_token (str) – A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state.

  • polling (bool or PollingMethod) – By default, your polling method will be LROBasePolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy.

  • polling_interval (int) – Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present.


An instance of LROPoller that returns JSON object

Return type





# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
update_to_import = [
        "files": [
                "filename": "str",  # Required. Update file name as specified inside import manifest.
                "url": "str"  # Required. Azure Blob location from which the update file can be downloaded by Device Update for IoT Hub. This is typically a read-only SAS-protected blob URL with an expiration set to at least 4 hours.
        "friendlyName": "str",  # Optional. Friendly update name.
        "importManifest": {
            "hashes": {
                "str": "str"  # Required. A JSON object containing the hash(es) of the file. At least SHA256 hash is required. This object can be thought of as a set of key-value pairs where the key is the hash algorithm, and the value is the hash of the file calculated using that algorithm.
            "sizeInBytes": 0.0,  # Required. File size in number of bytes.
            "url": "str"  # Required. Azure Blob location from which the import manifest can be downloaded by Device Update for IoT Hub. This is typically a read-only SAS-protected blob URL with an expiration set to at least 4 hours.

# response body for status code(s): 202
response.json() == {
    "compatibility": [
            "str": "str"  # Required. List of update compatibility information.
    "createdDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the update was created.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. Update description specified by creator.
    "etag": "str",  # Optional. Update ETag.
    "friendlyName": "str",  # Optional. Friendly update name specified by importer.
    "importedDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the update was imported.
    "installedCriteria": "str",  # Optional. String interpreted by Device Update client to determine if the update is installed on the device. Deprecated in latest import manifest schema.
    "instructions": {
        "steps": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. Step description.
                "files": [
                    "str"  # Optional. Collection of file names to be passed to handler during execution. Required if step type is inline.
                "handler": "str",  # Optional. Identity of handler that will execute this step. Required if step type is inline.
                "handlerProperties": {},  # Optional. Parameters to be passed to handler during execution.
                "type": "inline",  # Optional. Default value is "inline". Step type. Possible values include: "Inline", "Reference". Default value: "inline".
                "updateId": {
                    "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                    "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                    "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "isDeployable": True,  # Optional. Default value is True. Whether the update can be deployed to a device on its own.
    "manifestVersion": "str",  # Required. Schema version of manifest used to import the update.
    "referencedBy": [
            "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
            "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
            "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "scanResult": "str",  # Optional. Update aggregate scan result (calculated from payload file scan results).
    "updateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "updateType": "str"  # Optional. Update type. Deprecated in latest import manifest schema.
get_file(provider: str, name: str, version: str, file_id: str, *, if_none_match: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Optional[Any][source]

Get a specific update file from the version.

  • provider (str) – Update provider.

  • name (str) – Update name.

  • version (str) – Update version.

  • file_id (str) – File identifier.

Keyword Arguments
  • if_none_match (str) – Defines the If-None-Match condition. The operation will be performed only if the ETag on the server does not match this value.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type

JSONType or None




# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "etag": "str",  # Optional. File ETag.
    "fileId": "str",  # Required. File identity, generated by server at import time.
    "fileName": "str",  # Required. File name.
    "hashes": {
        "str": "str"  # Required. Mapping of hashing algorithm to base64 encoded hash values.
    "mimeType": "str",  # Optional. File MIME type.
    "scanDetails": "str",  # Optional. Anti-malware scan details.
    "scanResult": "str",  # Optional. Anti-malware scan result.
    "sizeInBytes": 0.0  # Required. File size in number of bytes.
get_operation(operation_id: str, *, if_none_match: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Optional[Any][source]

Retrieve operation status.


operation_id (str) – Operation identifier.

Keyword Arguments
  • if_none_match (str) – Defines the If-None-Match condition. The operation will be performed only if the ETag on the server does not match this value.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type

JSONType or None




# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "createdDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the operation was created.
    "error": {
        "code": "str",  # Required. Server defined error code.
        "details": [
        "innererror": {
            "code": "str",  # Required. A more specific error code than what was provided by the containing error.
            "errorDetail": "str",  # Optional. The internal error or exception message.
            "innerError": ...,
            "message": "str"  # Optional. A human-readable representation of the error.
        "message": "str",  # Required. A human-readable representation of the error.
        "occurredDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Optional. Date and time in UTC when the error occurred.
        "target": "str"  # Optional. The target of the error.
    "etag": "str",  # Optional. Operation ETag.
    "lastActionDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the operation status was last updated.
    "operationId": "str",  # Required. Operation Id.
    "resourceLocation": "str",  # Optional. Location of the imported update when operation is successful.
    "status": "str",  # Required. Operation status. Possible values include: "Undefined", "NotStarted", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed".
    "traceId": "str",  # Optional. Operation correlation identity that can used by Microsoft Support for troubleshooting.
    "updateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
get_update(provider: str, name: str, version: str, *, if_none_match: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Optional[Any][source]

Get a specific update version.

  • provider (str) – Update provider.

  • name (str) – Update name.

  • version (str) – Update version.

Keyword Arguments
  • if_none_match (str) – Defines the If-None-Match condition. The operation will be performed only if the ETag on the server does not match this value.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


JSON object

Return type

JSONType or None




# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "compatibility": [
            "str": "str"  # Required. List of update compatibility information.
    "createdDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the update was created.
    "description": "str",  # Optional. Update description specified by creator.
    "etag": "str",  # Optional. Update ETag.
    "friendlyName": "str",  # Optional. Friendly update name specified by importer.
    "importedDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the update was imported.
    "installedCriteria": "str",  # Optional. String interpreted by Device Update client to determine if the update is installed on the device. Deprecated in latest import manifest schema.
    "instructions": {
        "steps": [
                "description": "str",  # Optional. Step description.
                "files": [
                    "str"  # Optional. Collection of file names to be passed to handler during execution. Required if step type is inline.
                "handler": "str",  # Optional. Identity of handler that will execute this step. Required if step type is inline.
                "handlerProperties": {},  # Optional. Parameters to be passed to handler during execution.
                "type": "inline",  # Optional. Default value is "inline". Step type. Possible values include: "Inline", "Reference". Default value: "inline".
                "updateId": {
                    "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                    "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                    "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "isDeployable": True,  # Optional. Default value is True. Whether the update can be deployed to a device on its own.
    "manifestVersion": "str",  # Required. Schema version of manifest used to import the update.
    "referencedBy": [
            "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
            "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
            "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "scanResult": "str",  # Optional. Update aggregate scan result (calculated from payload file scan results).
    "updateId": {
        "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
        "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
        "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
    "updateType": "str"  # Optional. Update type. Deprecated in latest import manifest schema.
list_files(provider: str, name: str, version: str, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Get a list of all update file identifiers for the specified version.

  • provider (str) – Update provider.

  • name (str) – Update name.

  • version (str) – Update version.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
        "str"  # Required. The collection of pageable items.
list_names(provider: str, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Get a list of all update names that match the specified provider.


provider (str) – Update provider.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
        "str"  # Required. The collection of pageable items.
list_operations(*, filter: Optional[str] = None, top: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Get a list of all import update operations. Completed operations are kept for 7 days before auto-deleted. Delete operations are not returned by this API version.

Keyword Arguments
  • filter (str) – Restricts the set of operations returned. Only one specific filter is supported: “status eq ‘NotStarted’ or status eq ‘Running’”.

  • top (int) – Specifies a non-negative integer n that limits the number of items returned from a collection. The service returns the number of available items up to but not greater than the specified value n.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "createdDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the operation was created.
            "error": {
                "code": "str",  # Required. Server defined error code.
                "details": [
                "innererror": {
                    "code": "str",  # Required. A more specific error code than what was provided by the containing error.
                    "errorDetail": "str",  # Optional. The internal error or exception message.
                    "innerError": ...,
                    "message": "str"  # Optional. A human-readable representation of the error.
                "message": "str",  # Required. A human-readable representation of the error.
                "occurredDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Optional. Date and time in UTC when the error occurred.
                "target": "str"  # Optional. The target of the error.
            "etag": "str",  # Optional. Operation ETag.
            "lastActionDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the operation status was last updated.
            "operationId": "str",  # Required. Operation Id.
            "resourceLocation": "str",  # Optional. Location of the imported update when operation is successful.
            "status": "str",  # Required. Operation status. Possible values include: "Undefined", "NotStarted", "Running", "Succeeded", "Failed".
            "traceId": "str",  # Optional. Operation correlation identity that can used by Microsoft Support for troubleshooting.
            "updateId": {
                "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
list_providers(**kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Get a list of all update providers that have been imported to Device Update for IoT Hub.

Keyword Arguments

api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
        "str"  # Required. The collection of pageable items.
list_updates(*, search: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Get a list of all updates that have been imported to Device Update for IoT Hub.

Keyword Arguments
  • search (str) – Request updates matching a free-text search expression.

  • filter (str) – Filter updates by its properties.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
            "compatibility": [
                    "str": "str"  # Required. List of update compatibility information.
            "createdDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the update was created.
            "description": "str",  # Optional. Update description specified by creator.
            "etag": "str",  # Optional. Update ETag.
            "friendlyName": "str",  # Optional. Friendly update name specified by importer.
            "importedDateTime": "2020-02-20 00:00:00",  # Required. Date and time in UTC when the update was imported.
            "installedCriteria": "str",  # Optional. String interpreted by Device Update client to determine if the update is installed on the device. Deprecated in latest import manifest schema.
            "instructions": {
                "steps": [
                        "description": "str",  # Optional. Step description.
                        "files": [
                            "str"  # Optional. Collection of file names to be passed to handler during execution. Required if step type is inline.
                        "handler": "str",  # Optional. Identity of handler that will execute this step. Required if step type is inline.
                        "handlerProperties": {},  # Optional. Parameters to be passed to handler during execution.
                        "type": "inline",  # Optional. Default value is "inline". Step type. Possible values include: "Inline", "Reference". Default value: "inline".
                        "updateId": {
                            "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                            "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                            "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
            "isDeployable": True,  # Optional. Default value is True. Whether the update can be deployed to a device on its own.
            "manifestVersion": "str",  # Required. Schema version of manifest used to import the update.
            "referencedBy": [
                    "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                    "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                    "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
            "scanResult": "str",  # Optional. Update aggregate scan result (calculated from payload file scan results).
            "updateId": {
                "name": "str",  # Required. Update name.
                "provider": "str",  # Required. Update provider.
                "version": "str"  # Required. Update version.
            "updateType": "str"  # Optional. Update type. Deprecated in latest import manifest schema.
list_versions(provider: str, name: str, *, filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[Any][source]

Get a list of all update versions that match the specified provider and name.

  • provider (str) – Update provider.

  • name (str) – Update name.

Keyword Arguments
  • filter (str) – Filter updates by its properties.

  • api_version (str) – Api Version. The default value is “2021-06-01-preview”. Note that overriding this default value may result in unsupported behavior.


An iterator like instance of JSON object

Return type





# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
    "nextLink": "str",  # Optional. The link to the next page of items.
    "value": [
        "str"  # Required. The collection of pageable items.