Source code for azure.identity.aio._credentials.vscode_credential

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from ..._exceptions import CredentialUnavailableError
from .._credentials.base import AsyncCredentialBase
from ..._constants import AZURE_VSCODE_CLIENT_ID
from .._internal.aad_client import AadClient
from .._internal.decorators import log_get_token_async
from ..._credentials.vscode_credential import get_credentials

    # pylint:disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports
    from typing import Any
    from azure.core.credentials import AccessToken

[docs]class VSCodeCredential(AsyncCredentialBase): """Authenticates as the Azure user signed in to Visual Studio Code. :keyword str authority: Authority of an Azure Active Directory endpoint, for example '', the authority for Azure Public Cloud (which is the default). :class:`~azure.identity.AzureAuthorityHosts` defines authorities for other clouds. :keyword str tenant_id: ID of the tenant the credential should authenticate in. Defaults to the "organizations" tenant, which supports only Azure Active Directory work or school accounts. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs: "Any") -> None: self._refresh_token = None self._client = kwargs.pop("_client", None) if not self._client: tenant_id = kwargs.pop("tenant_id", None) or "organizations" self._client = AadClient(tenant_id, AZURE_VSCODE_CLIENT_ID, **kwargs) async def __aenter__(self): if self._client: await self._client.__aenter__() return self
[docs] async def close(self): """Close the credential's transport session.""" if self._client: await self._client.__aexit__()
[docs] @log_get_token_async async def get_token(self, *scopes, **kwargs): # type: (*str, **Any) -> AccessToken """Request an access token for `scopes`. .. note:: This method is called by Azure SDK clients. It isn't intended for use in application code. When this method is called, the credential will try to get the refresh token saved by VS Code. If a refresh token can be found, it will redeem the refresh token for an access token and return the access token. :param str scopes: desired scopes for the access token. This method requires at least one scope. :rtype: :class:`azure.core.credentials.AccessToken` :raises ~azure.identity.CredentialUnavailableError: fail to get refresh token. """ if not scopes: raise ValueError("'get_token' requires at least one scope") token = self._client.get_cached_access_token(scopes) if not token: token = await self._redeem_refresh_token(scopes, **kwargs) elif self._client.should_refresh(token): try: await self._redeem_refresh_token(scopes, **kwargs) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass return token
async def _redeem_refresh_token(self, scopes: "Sequence[str]", **kwargs: "Any") -> "Optional[AccessToken]": if not self._refresh_token: self._refresh_token = get_credentials() if not self._refresh_token: raise CredentialUnavailableError(message="No Azure user is logged in to Visual Studio Code.") token = await self._client.obtain_token_by_refresh_token(scopes, self._refresh_token, **kwargs) return token