# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# ------------------------------------
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from azure.core.exceptions import ClientAuthenticationError
from .base import AsyncCredentialBase
from .._internal import AadClient
from .._internal.decorators import log_get_token_async
# pylint:disable=unused-import,ungrouped-imports
from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional
from azure.core.credentials import AccessToken
[docs]class AuthorizationCodeCredential(AsyncCredentialBase):
"""Authenticates by redeeming an authorization code previously obtained from Azure Active Directory.
See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow for more information
about the authentication flow.
:param str tenant_id: ID of the application's Azure Active Directory tenant. Also called its 'directory' ID.
:param str client_id: the application's client ID
:param str authorization_code: the authorization code from the user's log-in
:param str redirect_uri: The application's redirect URI. Must match the URI used to request the authorization code.
:keyword str authority: Authority of an Azure Active Directory endpoint, for example 'login.microsoftonline.com',
the authority for Azure Public Cloud (which is the default). :class:`~azure.identity.AzureAuthorityHosts`
defines authorities for other clouds.
:keyword str client_secret: One of the application's client secrets. Required only for web apps and web APIs.
async def __aenter__(self):
if self._client:
await self._client.__aenter__()
return self
[docs] async def close(self):
"""Close the credential's transport session."""
if self._client:
await self._client.__aexit__()
def __init__(
self, tenant_id: str, client_id: str, authorization_code: str, redirect_uri: str, **kwargs: "Any"
) -> None:
self._authorization_code = authorization_code # type: Optional[str]
self._client_id = client_id
self._client_secret = kwargs.pop("client_secret", None)
self._client = kwargs.pop("client", None) or AadClient(tenant_id, client_id, **kwargs)
self._redirect_uri = redirect_uri
[docs] @log_get_token_async
async def get_token(self, *scopes: str, **kwargs: "Any") -> "AccessToken":
"""Request an access token for `scopes`.
.. note:: This method is called by Azure SDK clients. It isn't intended for use in application code.
The first time this method is called, the credential will redeem its authorization code. On subsequent calls
the credential will return a cached access token or redeem a refresh token, if it acquired a refresh token upon
redeeming the authorization code.
:param str scopes: desired scopes for the access token. This method requires at least one scope.
:rtype: :class:`azure.core.credentials.AccessToken`
:raises ~azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError: authentication failed. The error's ``message``
attribute gives a reason. Any error response from Azure Active Directory is available as the error's
``response`` attribute.
if not scopes:
raise ValueError("'get_token' requires at least one scope")
if self._authorization_code:
token = await self._client.obtain_token_by_authorization_code(
scopes=scopes, code=self._authorization_code, redirect_uri=self._redirect_uri, **kwargs
self._authorization_code = None # auth codes are single-use
return token
token = self._client.get_cached_access_token(scopes)
if not token:
token = await self._redeem_refresh_token(scopes, **kwargs)
elif self._client.should_refresh(token):
await self._redeem_refresh_token(scopes, **kwargs)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if not token:
raise ClientAuthenticationError(
message="No authorization code, cached access token, or refresh token available."
return token
async def _redeem_refresh_token(self, scopes: "Iterable[str]", **kwargs: "Any") -> "Optional[AccessToken]":
for refresh_token in self._client.get_cached_refresh_tokens(scopes):
if "secret" not in refresh_token:
token = await self._client.obtain_token_by_refresh_token(scopes, refresh_token["secret"], **kwargs)
if token:
return token
return None