Source code for azure.identity.aio._credentials.shared_cache

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from ... import CredentialUnavailableError
from ..._constants import AZURE_CLI_CLIENT_ID
from ..._internal.shared_token_cache import NO_TOKEN, SharedTokenCacheBase
from .._internal.aad_client import AadClient
from .._internal.exception_wrapper import wrap_exceptions
from .base import AsyncCredentialBase

    from typing import Any
    from azure.core.credentials import AccessToken
    from ..._internal.aad_client import AadClientBase

[docs]class SharedTokenCacheCredential(SharedTokenCacheBase, AsyncCredentialBase): """Authenticates using tokens in the local cache shared between Microsoft applications. :param str username: Username (typically an email address) of the user to authenticate as. This is required because the local cache may contain tokens for multiple identities. :keyword str authority: Authority of an Azure Active Directory endpoint, for example '', the authority for Azure Public Cloud (which is the default). :class:`~azure.identity.KnownAuthorities` defines authorities for other clouds. :keyword str tenant_id: an Azure Active Directory tenant ID. Used to select an account when the cache contains tokens for multiple identities. """ async def __aenter__(self): if self._client: await self._client.__aenter__() return self
[docs] async def close(self): """Close the credential's transport session.""" if self._client: await self._client.__aexit__()
[docs] @wrap_exceptions async def get_token(self, *scopes: str, **kwargs: "Any") -> "AccessToken": # pylint:disable=unused-argument """Get an access token for `scopes` from the shared cache. If no access token is cached, attempt to acquire one using a cached refresh token. .. note:: This method is called by Azure SDK clients. It isn't intended for use in application code. :param str scopes: desired scopes for the token :rtype: :class:`azure.core.credentials.AccessToken` :raises ~azure.identity.CredentialUnavailableError: the cache is unavailable or contains insufficient user information :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError: authentication failed. The error's ``message`` attribute gives a reason. Any error response from Azure Active Directory is available as the error's ``response`` attribute. """ if not self._client: raise CredentialUnavailableError(message="Shared token cache unavailable") account = self._get_account(self._username, self._tenant_id) # try each refresh token, returning the first access token acquired for refresh_token in self._get_refresh_tokens(account): token = await self._client.obtain_token_by_refresh_token(refresh_token, scopes) return token raise CredentialUnavailableError(message=NO_TOKEN.format(account.get("username")))
def _get_auth_client(self, **kwargs: "Any") -> "AadClientBase": return AadClient(tenant_id="common", client_id=AZURE_CLI_CLIENT_ID, **kwargs)