Source code for azure.identity.aio._credentials.azure_cli

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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import asyncio
import sys
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List

from azure.core.exceptions import ClientAuthenticationError
from .._internal import AsyncContextManager
from .._internal.decorators import log_get_token_async
from ... import CredentialUnavailableError
from ..._credentials.azure_cli import (
    AzureCliCredential as _SyncAzureCliCredential,
from ..._internal import _scopes_to_resource, resolve_tenant

    from typing import Any
    from azure.core.credentials import AccessToken

[docs]class AzureCliCredential(AsyncContextManager): """Authenticates by requesting a token from the Azure CLI. This requires previously logging in to Azure via "az login", and will use the CLI's currently logged in identity. :keyword str tenant_id: Optional tenant to include in the token request. :keyword List[str] additionally_allowed_tenants: Specifies tenants in addition to the specified "tenant_id" for which the credential may acquire tokens. Add the wildcard value "*" to allow the credential to acquire tokens for any tenant the application can access. """ def __init__(self, *, tenant_id: str = "", additionally_allowed_tenants: List[str] = None): self.tenant_id = tenant_id self._additionally_allowed_tenants = additionally_allowed_tenants or []
[docs] @log_get_token_async async def get_token(self, *scopes: str, **kwargs: "Any") -> "AccessToken": """Request an access token for `scopes`. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. Applications calling this method directly must also handle token caching because this credential doesn't cache the tokens it acquires. :param str scopes: desired scope for the access token. This credential allows only one scope per request. :keyword str tenant_id: optional tenant to include in the token request. :rtype: :class:`azure.core.credentials.AccessToken` :raises ~azure.identity.CredentialUnavailableError: the credential was unable to invoke the Azure CLI. :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError: the credential invoked the Azure CLI but didn't receive an access token. """ # only ProactorEventLoop supports subprocesses on Windows (and it isn't the default loop on Python < 3.8) if sys.platform.startswith("win") and not isinstance(asyncio.get_event_loop(), asyncio.ProactorEventLoop): return _SyncAzureCliCredential().get_token(*scopes, **kwargs) resource = _scopes_to_resource(*scopes) command = COMMAND_LINE.format(resource) tenant = resolve_tenant( default_tenant=self.tenant_id, additionally_allowed_tenants=self._additionally_allowed_tenants, **kwargs ) if tenant: command += " --tenant " + tenant output = await _run_command(command) token = parse_token(output) if not token: sanitized_output = sanitize_output(output) raise ClientAuthenticationError( message="Unexpected output from Azure CLI: '{}'. \n" "To mitigate this issue, please refer to the troubleshooting guidelines here at " "".format(sanitized_output)) return token
[docs] async def close(self): """Calling this method is unnecessary"""
async def _run_command(command: str) -> str: if sys.platform.startswith("win"): args = ("cmd", "/c " + command) else: args = ("/bin/sh", "-c", command) working_directory = get_safe_working_dir() try: proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=working_directory, env=dict(os.environ, AZURE_CORE_NO_COLOR="true") ) stdout, _ = await asyncio.wait_for(proc.communicate(), 10) output = stdout.decode() except OSError as ex: # failed to execute 'cmd' or '/bin/sh'; CLI may or may not be installed error = CredentialUnavailableError(message="Failed to execute '{}'".format(args[0])) raise error from ex except asyncio.TimeoutError as ex: proc.kill() raise CredentialUnavailableError(message="Timed out waiting for Azure CLI") from ex if proc.returncode == 0: return output if proc.returncode == 127 or output.startswith("'az' is not recognized"): raise CredentialUnavailableError(CLI_NOT_FOUND) if "az login" in output or "az account set" in output: raise CredentialUnavailableError(message=NOT_LOGGED_IN) message = sanitize_output(output) if output else "Failed to invoke Azure CLI" raise ClientAuthenticationError(message=message)