Source code for azure.graphrbac.models.application_py3

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from .directory_object_py3 import DirectoryObject

[docs]class Application(DirectoryObject): """Active Directory application information. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param additional_properties: Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized this collection :type additional_properties: dict[str, object] :ivar object_id: The object ID. :vartype object_id: str :ivar deletion_timestamp: The time at which the directory object was deleted. :vartype deletion_timestamp: datetime :param object_type: Required. Constant filled by server. :type object_type: str :param app_id: The application ID. :type app_id: str :param allow_guests_sign_in: A property on the application to indicate if the application accepts other IDPs or not or partially accepts. :type allow_guests_sign_in: bool :param allow_passthrough_users: Indicates that the application supports pass through users who have no presence in the resource tenant. :type allow_passthrough_users: bool :param app_logo_url: The url for the application logo image stored in a CDN. :type app_logo_url: str :param app_roles: The collection of application roles that an application may declare. These roles can be assigned to users, groups or service principals. :type app_roles: list[~azure.graphrbac.models.AppRole] :param app_permissions: The application permissions. :type app_permissions: list[str] :param available_to_other_tenants: Whether the application is available to other tenants. :type available_to_other_tenants: bool :param display_name: The display name of the application. :type display_name: str :param error_url: A URL provided by the author of the application to report errors when using the application. :type error_url: str :param group_membership_claims: Configures the groups claim issued in a user or OAuth 2.0 access token that the app expects. :type group_membership_claims: object :param homepage: The home page of the application. :type homepage: str :param identifier_uris: A collection of URIs for the application. :type identifier_uris: list[str] :param informational_urls: URLs with more information about the application. :type informational_urls: ~azure.graphrbac.models.InformationalUrl :param is_device_only_auth_supported: Specifies whether this application supports device authentication without a user. The default is false. :type is_device_only_auth_supported: bool :param key_credentials: A collection of KeyCredential objects. :type key_credentials: list[~azure.graphrbac.models.KeyCredential] :param known_client_applications: Client applications that are tied to this resource application. Consent to any of the known client applications will result in implicit consent to the resource application through a combined consent dialog (showing the OAuth permission scopes required by the client and the resource). :type known_client_applications: list[str] :param logout_url: the url of the logout page :type logout_url: str :param oauth2_allow_implicit_flow: Whether to allow implicit grant flow for OAuth2 :type oauth2_allow_implicit_flow: bool :param oauth2_allow_url_path_matching: Specifies whether during a token Request Azure AD will allow path matching of the redirect URI against the applications collection of replyURLs. The default is false. :type oauth2_allow_url_path_matching: bool :param oauth2_permissions: The collection of OAuth 2.0 permission scopes that the web API (resource) application exposes to client applications. These permission scopes may be granted to client applications during consent. :type oauth2_permissions: list[~azure.graphrbac.models.OAuth2Permission] :param oauth2_require_post_response: Specifies whether, as part of OAuth 2.0 token requests, Azure AD will allow POST requests, as opposed to GET requests. The default is false, which specifies that only GET requests will be allowed. :type oauth2_require_post_response: bool :param org_restrictions: A list of tenants allowed to access application. :type org_restrictions: list[str] :param optional_claims: :type optional_claims: ~azure.graphrbac.models.OptionalClaims :param password_credentials: A collection of PasswordCredential objects :type password_credentials: list[~azure.graphrbac.models.PasswordCredential] :param pre_authorized_applications: list of pre-authorized applications. :type pre_authorized_applications: list[~azure.graphrbac.models.PreAuthorizedApplication] :param public_client: Specifies whether this application is a public client (such as an installed application running on a mobile device). Default is false. :type public_client: bool :param publisher_domain: Reliable domain which can be used to identify an application. :type publisher_domain: str :param reply_urls: A collection of reply URLs for the application. :type reply_urls: list[str] :param required_resource_access: Specifies resources that this application requires access to and the set of OAuth permission scopes and application roles that it needs under each of those resources. This pre-configuration of required resource access drives the consent experience. :type required_resource_access: list[~azure.graphrbac.models.RequiredResourceAccess] :param saml_metadata_url: The URL to the SAML metadata for the application. :type saml_metadata_url: str :param sign_in_audience: Audience for signing in to the application (AzureADMyOrganization, AzureADAllOrganizations, AzureADAndMicrosoftAccounts). :type sign_in_audience: str :param www_homepage: The primary Web page. :type www_homepage: str """ _validation = { 'object_id': {'readonly': True}, 'deletion_timestamp': {'readonly': True}, 'object_type': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'additional_properties': {'key': '', 'type': '{object}'}, 'object_id': {'key': 'objectId', 'type': 'str'}, 'deletion_timestamp': {'key': 'deletionTimestamp', 'type': 'iso-8601'}, 'object_type': {'key': 'objectType', 'type': 'str'}, 'app_id': {'key': 'appId', 'type': 'str'}, 'allow_guests_sign_in': {'key': 'allowGuestsSignIn', 'type': 'bool'}, 'allow_passthrough_users': {'key': 'allowPassthroughUsers', 'type': 'bool'}, 'app_logo_url': {'key': 'appLogoUrl', 'type': 'str'}, 'app_roles': {'key': 'appRoles', 'type': '[AppRole]'}, 'app_permissions': {'key': 'appPermissions', 'type': '[str]'}, 'available_to_other_tenants': {'key': 'availableToOtherTenants', 'type': 'bool'}, 'display_name': {'key': 'displayName', 'type': 'str'}, 'error_url': {'key': 'errorUrl', 'type': 'str'}, 'group_membership_claims': {'key': 'groupMembershipClaims', 'type': 'object'}, 'homepage': {'key': 'homepage', 'type': 'str'}, 'identifier_uris': {'key': 'identifierUris', 'type': '[str]'}, 'informational_urls': {'key': 'informationalUrls', 'type': 'InformationalUrl'}, 'is_device_only_auth_supported': {'key': 'isDeviceOnlyAuthSupported', 'type': 'bool'}, 'key_credentials': {'key': 'keyCredentials', 'type': '[KeyCredential]'}, 'known_client_applications': {'key': 'knownClientApplications', 'type': '[str]'}, 'logout_url': {'key': 'logoutUrl', 'type': 'str'}, 'oauth2_allow_implicit_flow': {'key': 'oauth2AllowImplicitFlow', 'type': 'bool'}, 'oauth2_allow_url_path_matching': {'key': 'oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching', 'type': 'bool'}, 'oauth2_permissions': {'key': 'oauth2Permissions', 'type': '[OAuth2Permission]'}, 'oauth2_require_post_response': {'key': 'oauth2RequirePostResponse', 'type': 'bool'}, 'org_restrictions': {'key': 'orgRestrictions', 'type': '[str]'}, 'optional_claims': {'key': 'optionalClaims', 'type': 'OptionalClaims'}, 'password_credentials': {'key': 'passwordCredentials', 'type': '[PasswordCredential]'}, 'pre_authorized_applications': {'key': 'preAuthorizedApplications', 'type': '[PreAuthorizedApplication]'}, 'public_client': {'key': 'publicClient', 'type': 'bool'}, 'publisher_domain': {'key': 'publisherDomain', 'type': 'str'}, 'reply_urls': {'key': 'replyUrls', 'type': '[str]'}, 'required_resource_access': {'key': 'requiredResourceAccess', 'type': '[RequiredResourceAccess]'}, 'saml_metadata_url': {'key': 'samlMetadataUrl', 'type': 'str'}, 'sign_in_audience': {'key': 'signInAudience', 'type': 'str'}, 'www_homepage': {'key': 'wwwHomepage', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, *, additional_properties=None, app_id: str=None, allow_guests_sign_in: bool=None, allow_passthrough_users: bool=None, app_logo_url: str=None, app_roles=None, app_permissions=None, available_to_other_tenants: bool=None, display_name: str=None, error_url: str=None, group_membership_claims=None, homepage: str=None, identifier_uris=None, informational_urls=None, is_device_only_auth_supported: bool=None, key_credentials=None, known_client_applications=None, logout_url: str=None, oauth2_allow_implicit_flow: bool=None, oauth2_allow_url_path_matching: bool=None, oauth2_permissions=None, oauth2_require_post_response: bool=None, org_restrictions=None, optional_claims=None, password_credentials=None, pre_authorized_applications=None, public_client: bool=None, publisher_domain: str=None, reply_urls=None, required_resource_access=None, saml_metadata_url: str=None, sign_in_audience: str=None, www_homepage: str=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Application, self).__init__(additional_properties=additional_properties, **kwargs) self.app_id = app_id self.allow_guests_sign_in = allow_guests_sign_in self.allow_passthrough_users = allow_passthrough_users self.app_logo_url = app_logo_url self.app_roles = app_roles self.app_permissions = app_permissions self.available_to_other_tenants = available_to_other_tenants self.display_name = display_name self.error_url = error_url self.group_membership_claims = group_membership_claims self.homepage = homepage self.identifier_uris = identifier_uris self.informational_urls = informational_urls self.is_device_only_auth_supported = is_device_only_auth_supported self.key_credentials = key_credentials self.known_client_applications = known_client_applications self.logout_url = logout_url self.oauth2_allow_implicit_flow = oauth2_allow_implicit_flow self.oauth2_allow_url_path_matching = oauth2_allow_url_path_matching self.oauth2_permissions = oauth2_permissions self.oauth2_require_post_response = oauth2_require_post_response self.org_restrictions = org_restrictions self.optional_claims = optional_claims self.password_credentials = password_credentials self.pre_authorized_applications = pre_authorized_applications self.public_client = public_client self.publisher_domain = publisher_domain self.reply_urls = reply_urls self.required_resource_access = required_resource_access self.saml_metadata_url = saml_metadata_url self.sign_in_audience = sign_in_audience self.www_homepage = www_homepage self.object_type = 'Application'