Source code for azure.eventhub._client_base

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import unicode_literals, annotations

import logging
import uuid
import time
import functools
import collections
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, cast, Union
from datetime import timedelta
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from azure.core.credentials import (
from azure.core.utils import parse_connection_string as core_parse_connection_string
from azure.core.pipeline.policies import RetryMode

    from ._transport._uamqp_transport import UamqpTransport
except ImportError:
    UamqpTransport = None   # type: ignore
from ._transport._pyamqp_transport import PyamqpTransport
from .exceptions import ClientClosedError
from ._configuration import Configuration
from ._utils import utc_from_timestamp, parse_sas_credential
from ._pyamqp.utils import generate_sas_token
from ._connection_manager import get_connection_manager
from ._constants import (

    from azure.core.credentials import TokenCredential
    CredentialTypes: TypeAlias = Union[
    from ._consumer_client import EventHubConsumerClient
    from ._producer_client import EventHubProducerClient
    from ._transport._base import AmqpTransport
        from uamqp import Message as uamqp_Message
        from uamqp.authentication import JWTTokenAuth as uamqp_JWTTokenAuth
        from uamqp import ReceiveClient as uamqp_AMQPRecieveClient
        from uamqp import SendClient as uamqp_AMQPSendClient
    except ImportError:
    from ._pyamqp.message import Message
    from ._pyamqp.authentication import JWTTokenAuth
    from ._pyamqp import ReceiveClient as pyamqp_AMQPRecieveClient
    from ._pyamqp import SendClient as pyamqp_AMQPSendClient

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_Address = collections.namedtuple("_Address", "hostname path")

def _parse_conn_str(
        conn_str: str,  # pylint:disable=unused-argument
        eventhub_name: Optional[str] = None,
        check_case: bool = False,
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str], Optional[str], str, Optional[str], Optional[int]]:
    endpoint = None
    shared_access_key_name = None
    shared_access_key = None
    entity_path: Optional[str] = None
    shared_access_signature: Optional[str] = None
    shared_access_signature_expiry = None
    conn_settings = core_parse_connection_string(
        conn_str, case_sensitive_keys=check_case
    if check_case:
        shared_access_key = conn_settings.get("SharedAccessKey")
        shared_access_key_name = conn_settings.get("SharedAccessKeyName")
        endpoint = conn_settings.get("Endpoint")
        entity_path = conn_settings.get("EntityPath")
        # non case sensitive check when parsing connection string for internal use
        for key, value in conn_settings.items():
            # only sas check is non case sensitive for both conn str properties and internal use
            if key.lower() == "sharedaccesssignature":
                shared_access_signature = value

    if not check_case:
        endpoint = conn_settings.get("endpoint") or conn_settings.get("hostname")
        if endpoint:
            endpoint = endpoint.rstrip("/")
        shared_access_key_name = conn_settings.get("sharedaccesskeyname")
        shared_access_key = conn_settings.get("sharedaccesskey")
        entity_path = conn_settings.get("entitypath")
        shared_access_signature = conn_settings.get("sharedaccesssignature")

    if shared_access_signature:
            # Expiry can be stored in the "se=<timestamp>" clause of the token. ('&'-separated key-value pairs)
            shared_access_signature_expiry = int(
                shared_access_signature.split("se=")[1].split("&")[0]  # type: ignore
        except (
        ):  # Fallback since technically expiry is optional.
            # An arbitrary, absurdly large number, since you can't renew.
            shared_access_signature_expiry = int(time.time() * 2)

    entity = cast(str, eventhub_name or entity_path)

    # check that endpoint is valid
    if not endpoint:
        raise ValueError("Connection string is either blank or malformed.")
    parsed = urlparse(endpoint)
    if not parsed.netloc:
        raise ValueError("Invalid Endpoint on the Connection String.")
    host = cast(str, parsed.netloc.strip())

    if any([shared_access_key, shared_access_key_name]) and not all(
        [shared_access_key, shared_access_key_name]
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid connection string. Should be in the format: "
    # Only connection string parser should check that only one of sas and shared access
    # key exists. For backwards compatibility, client construction should not have this check.
    if check_case and shared_access_signature and shared_access_key:
        raise ValueError(
            "Only one of the SharedAccessKey or SharedAccessSignature must be present."
    if not shared_access_signature and not shared_access_key:
        raise ValueError(
            "At least one of the SharedAccessKey or SharedAccessSignature must be present."

    return (
        str(shared_access_key_name) if shared_access_key_name else None,
        str(shared_access_key) if shared_access_key else None,
        str(shared_access_signature) if shared_access_signature else None,

def _generate_sas_token(uri: str, policy: str, key: str, expiry: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> AccessToken:
    """Create a shared access signature token as a string literal.

    :param str uri: The resource URI.
    :param str policy: The name of the shared access policy.
    :param str key: The shared access key.
    :param datetime.timedelta or None expiry: The time period that the signature is valid for. Default is 1 hour.
    :return: An AccessToken.
    :rtype: ~azure.core.credentials.AccessToken
    if not expiry:
        expiry = timedelta(hours=1)  # Default to 1 hour.

    abs_expiry = int(time.time()) + expiry.seconds

    token = generate_sas_token(uri, policy, key, abs_expiry)
    return AccessToken(token=token, expires_on=abs_expiry)

def _build_uri(address: str, entity: str) -> str:
    parsed = urlparse(address)
    if parsed.path:
        return address
    if not entity:
        raise ValueError("No EventHub specified")
    address += "/" + str(entity)
    return address

def _get_backoff_time(retry_mode, backoff_factor, backoff_max, retried_times):
    if retry_mode == RetryMode.Fixed:
        backoff_value = backoff_factor
        backoff_value = backoff_factor * (2 ** retried_times)
    return min(backoff_max, backoff_value)

[docs]class EventHubSharedKeyCredential: """The shared access key credential used for authentication. :param str policy: The name of the shared access policy. :param str key: The shared access key. """ def __init__(self, policy: str, key: str) -> None: self.policy = policy self.key = key self.token_type = b""
[docs] def get_token(self, *scopes: str, **kwargs: Any) -> AccessToken: # pylint:disable=unused-argument if not scopes: raise ValueError("No token scope provided.") return _generate_sas_token(scopes[0], self.policy, self.key)
class EventhubAzureNamedKeyTokenCredential: """The named key credential used for authentication. :param credential: The AzureNamedKeyCredential that should be used. :type credential: ~azure.core.credentials.AzureNamedKeyCredential """ def __init__(self, azure_named_key_credential: AzureNamedKeyCredential) -> None: self._credential = azure_named_key_credential self.token_type = b"" def get_token(self, *scopes: str, **kwargs: Any) -> AccessToken: # pylint:disable=unused-argument if not scopes: raise ValueError("No token scope provided.") name, key = self._credential.named_key return _generate_sas_token(scopes[0], name, key) class EventHubSASTokenCredential: """The shared access token credential used for authentication. :param str token: The shared access token string :param int expiry: The epoch timestamp """ def __init__(self, token: str, expiry: int) -> None: """ :param str token: The shared access token string :param float expiry: The epoch timestamp """ self.token = token self.expiry = expiry self.token_type = b"" def get_token(self, *scopes: str, **kwargs: Any) -> AccessToken: # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ This method is automatically called when token is about to expire. :param str scopes: The list of scopes for which the token has access. :return: The access token. :rtype: ~azure.core.credentials.AccessToken """ return AccessToken(self.token, self.expiry) class EventhubAzureSasTokenCredential: """The shared access token credential used for authentication when AzureSasCredential is provided. :param azure_sas_credential: The credential to be used for authentication. :type azure_sas_credential: ~azure.core.credentials.AzureSasCredential """ def __init__(self, azure_sas_credential: AzureSasCredential) -> None: """The shared access token credential used for authentication when AzureSasCredential is provided. :param azure_sas_credential: The credential to be used for authentication. :type azure_sas_credential: ~azure.core.credentials.AzureSasCredential """ self._credential = azure_sas_credential self.token_type = b"" def get_token(self, *scopes: str, **kwargs: Any) -> AccessToken: # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ This method is automatically called when token is about to expire. :param str scopes: The scopes for the token request. :return: The access token. :rtype: ~azure.core.credentials.AccessToken """ signature, expiry = parse_sas_credential(self._credential) return AccessToken(signature, cast(int, expiry)) class ClientBase: # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( self, fully_qualified_namespace: str, eventhub_name: str, credential: "CredentialTypes", **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: uamqp_transport = kwargs.pop("uamqp_transport", False) if uamqp_transport and UamqpTransport is None: raise ValueError("To use the uAMQP transport, please install `uamqp>=1.6.0,<2.0.0`.") self._amqp_transport = kwargs.pop("amqp_transport", UamqpTransport if uamqp_transport else PyamqpTransport) self.eventhub_name = eventhub_name if not eventhub_name: raise ValueError("The eventhub name can not be None or empty.") path = "/" + eventhub_name if eventhub_name else "" self._address = _Address(hostname=fully_qualified_namespace, path=path) self._container_id = CONTAINER_PREFIX + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] if isinstance(credential, AzureSasCredential): self._credential = EventhubAzureSasTokenCredential(credential) elif isinstance(credential, AzureNamedKeyCredential): self._credential = EventhubAzureNamedKeyTokenCredential(credential) # type: ignore else: self._credential = credential # type: ignore self._auto_reconnect = kwargs.get("auto_reconnect", True) self._auth_uri = f"sb://{self._address.hostname}{self._address.path}" self._config = Configuration( amqp_transport=self._amqp_transport, hostname=self._address.hostname, **kwargs, ) self._debug = self._config.network_tracing kwargs["custom_endpoint_address"] = self._config.custom_endpoint_address self._conn_manager = get_connection_manager( amqp_transport=self._amqp_transport, **kwargs) self._idle_timeout = kwargs.get("idle_timeout", None) @staticmethod def _from_connection_string(conn_str: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: host, policy, key, entity, token, token_expiry = _parse_conn_str( conn_str, **kwargs ) kwargs["fully_qualified_namespace"] = host kwargs["eventhub_name"] = entity if token and token_expiry: kwargs["credential"] = EventHubSASTokenCredential(token, token_expiry) elif policy and key: kwargs["credential"] = EventHubSharedKeyCredential(policy, key) return kwargs def _create_auth(self) -> Union["uamqp_JWTTokenAuth", JWTTokenAuth]: """ Create an ~uamqp.authentication.SASTokenAuth instance to authenticate the session. :return: The auth for the session. :rtype: JWTTokenAuth or uamqp_JWTTokenAuth """ try: # ignore mypy's warning because token_type is Optional token_type = self._credential.token_type # type: ignore except AttributeError: token_type = b"jwt" if token_type == b"": return self._amqp_transport.create_token_auth( self._auth_uri, functools.partial(self._credential.get_token, self._auth_uri), token_type=token_type, config=self._config, update_token=True, ) return self._amqp_transport.create_token_auth( self._auth_uri, functools.partial(self._credential.get_token, JWT_TOKEN_SCOPE), token_type=token_type, config=self._config, update_token=False, ) def _close_connection(self) -> None: self._conn_manager.reset_connection_if_broken() def _backoff( self, retried_times: int, last_exception: Exception, timeout_time: Optional[float] = None, entity_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: entity_name = entity_name or self._container_id backoff = _get_backoff_time( self._config.retry_mode, self._config.backoff_factor, self._config.backoff_max, retried_times, ) if backoff <= self._config.backoff_max and ( timeout_time is None or time.time() + backoff <= timeout_time ): # pylint:disable=no-else-return time.sleep(backoff) "%r has an exception (%r). Retrying...", format(entity_name), last_exception, ) else: "%r operation has timed out. Last exception before timeout is (%r)", entity_name, last_exception, ) raise last_exception def _management_request( self, mgmt_msg: Union[uamqp_Message, Message], op_type: bytes ) -> Any: # pylint:disable=assignment-from-none retried_times = 0 last_exception = None while retried_times <= self._config.max_retries: mgmt_auth = self._create_auth() mgmt_client = self._amqp_transport.create_mgmt_client( self._address, mgmt_auth=mgmt_auth, config=self._config ) try: conn = self._conn_manager.get_connection( # pylint:disable=assignment-from-none host=self._address.hostname, auth=mgmt_auth ) while not mgmt_client.client_ready(): time.sleep(0.05) cast(Dict[Union[str, bytes], Any], mgmt_msg.application_properties)[ "security_token" ] = self._amqp_transport.get_updated_token(mgmt_auth) status_code, description, response = self._amqp_transport.mgmt_client_request( mgmt_client, mgmt_msg, operation=READ_OPERATION, operation_type=op_type, status_code_field=MGMT_STATUS_CODE, description_fields=MGMT_STATUS_DESC, ) status_code = int(status_code) if description and isinstance(description, bytes): description = description.decode("utf-8") if status_code < 400: return response raise self._amqp_transport.get_error(status_code, description) except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # If optional dependency is not installed, do not retry. if isinstance(exception, ImportError): raise exception # is_consumer=True passed in here, ALTHOUGH this method is shared by the producer and consumer. # is_consumer will only be checked if FileNotFoundError is raised by due to # invalid/non-existent connection_verify filepath. The producer will encounter the FileNotFoundError # when opening the SendClient, so is_consumer=True will not be passed to amqp_transport.handle_exception # there. This is for uamqp exception parity, which raises FileNotFoundError in the consumer and # EventHubError in the producer. TODO: Remove `is_consumer` kwarg when resolving issue #27128. last_exception = self._amqp_transport._handle_exception( # pylint: disable=protected-access exception, self, is_consumer=True ) self._backoff( retried_times=retried_times, last_exception=last_exception ) retried_times += 1 if retried_times > self._config.max_retries: "%r returns an exception %r", self._container_id, last_exception ) raise last_exception from None finally: mgmt_client.close() def _get_eventhub_properties(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: mgmt_msg = self._amqp_transport.build_message( application_properties={"name": self.eventhub_name} ) response = self._management_request(mgmt_msg, op_type=MGMT_OPERATION) output = {} eh_info: Dict[bytes, Any] = response.value if eh_info: output["eventhub_name"] = eh_info[b"name"].decode("utf-8") output["created_at"] = utc_from_timestamp( float(eh_info[b"created_at"]) / 1000 ) output["partition_ids"] = [ p.decode("utf-8") for p in eh_info[b"partition_ids"] ] return output def _get_partition_ids(self) -> List[str]: return self._get_eventhub_properties()["partition_ids"] def _get_partition_properties(self, partition_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: mgmt_msg = self._amqp_transport.build_message( application_properties={ "name": self.eventhub_name, "partition": partition_id, } ) response = self._management_request(mgmt_msg, op_type=MGMT_PARTITION_OPERATION) partition_info: Dict[bytes, Union[bytes, int]] = response.value output: Dict[str, Any] = {} if partition_info: output["eventhub_name"] = cast(bytes, partition_info[b"name"]).decode( "utf-8" ) output["id"] = cast(bytes, partition_info[b"partition"]).decode("utf-8") output["beginning_sequence_number"] = cast( int, partition_info[b"begin_sequence_number"] ) output["last_enqueued_sequence_number"] = cast( int, partition_info[b"last_enqueued_sequence_number"] ) output["last_enqueued_offset"] = cast( bytes, partition_info[b"last_enqueued_offset"] ).decode("utf-8") output["is_empty"] = partition_info[b"is_partition_empty"] output["last_enqueued_time_utc"] = utc_from_timestamp( float(cast(int, partition_info[b"last_enqueued_time_utc"]) / 1000) ) return output def _close(self) -> None: self._conn_manager.close_connection() class ConsumerProducerMixin(): def __init__(self) -> None: self._handler: Union[ uamqp_AMQPRecieveClient, pyamqp_AMQPRecieveClient, uamqp_AMQPSendClient, pyamqp_AMQPSendClient] self._client: Union[EventHubConsumerClient, EventHubProducerClient] self._amqp_transport: "AmqpTransport" self._max_message_size_on_link: Optional[int] = None def __enter__(self) -> ConsumerProducerMixin: return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_val: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> None: self.close() def _create_handler(self, auth): pass def _check_closed(self): if self.closed: raise ClientClosedError( f"{self._name} has been closed. Please create a new one to handle event data." ) def _open(self) -> bool: """Open the EventHubConsumer/EventHubProducer using the supplied connection. :return: Whether the EventHubConsumer/EventHubProducer is ready to use. :rtype: bool """ # pylint: disable=protected-access if not self.running: if self._handler: self._handler.close() auth = self._client._create_auth() self._create_handler(auth) conn = self._client._conn_manager.get_connection( # pylint: disable=protected-access host=self._client._address.hostname, auth=auth ) while not self._handler.client_ready(): time.sleep(0.05) self._max_message_size_on_link = ( self._amqp_transport.get_remote_max_message_size(self._handler) or self._amqp_transport.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH_BYTES ) self.running: bool = True return True return False def _close_handler(self) -> None: if self._handler: self._handler.close() # close the link (sharing connection) or connection (not sharing) self.running = False def _close_connection(self): self._close_handler() self._client._conn_manager.reset_connection_if_broken() # pylint: disable=protected-access def _handle_exception(self, exception, *, is_consumer=False): exception = self._amqp_transport.check_timeout_exception(self, exception) return self._amqp_transport._handle_exception( # pylint: disable=protected-access exception, self, is_consumer=is_consumer ) def _do_retryable_operation(self, operation, timeout=None, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=protected-access timeout_time = (time.time() + timeout) if timeout else None retried_times = 0 last_exception = kwargs.pop("last_exception", None) operation_need_param = kwargs.pop("operation_need_param", True) max_retries = ( self._client._config.max_retries ) # pylint:disable=protected-access while retried_times <= max_retries: try: if operation_need_param: return operation( timeout_time=timeout_time, last_exception=last_exception, **kwargs, ) return operation() except Exception as exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except # If optional dependency is not installed, do not retry. if isinstance(exception, ImportError): raise exception last_exception = self._handle_exception(exception) self._client._backoff( retried_times=retried_times, last_exception=last_exception, timeout_time=timeout_time, entity_name=self._name, ) retried_times += 1 if retried_times > max_retries: "%r operation has exhausted retry. Last exception: %r.", self._name, last_exception, ) raise last_exception from None def close(self) -> None: """ Close down the handler. If the handler has already closed, this will be a no op. """ self._close_handler() self.closed = True