Source code for azure.eventhub.aio.eventprocessor.partition_manager

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
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from typing import Iterable, Dict, Any
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs]class PartitionManager(ABC): """ PartitionManager deals with the interaction with the chosen storage service. It's able to list/claim ownership and save checkpoint. """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def list_ownership(self, fully_qualified_namespace: str, eventhub_name: str, consumer_group_name: str) \ -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Retrieves a complete ownership list from the chosen storage service. :param str fully_qualified_namespace: The fully qualified namespace that the event hub belongs to. The format is like "<namespace>" :param str eventhub_name: The name of the specific Event Hub the ownership are associated with, relative to the Event Hubs namespace that contains it. :param str consumer_group_name: The name of the consumer group the ownership are associated with. :rtype: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], Iterable of dictionaries containing partition ownership information: - fully_qualified_namespace - eventhub_name - consumer_group_name - owner_id - partition_id - last_modified_time - etag """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def claim_ownership(self, ownership_list: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Tries to claim a list of specified ownership. :param Iterable[Dict[str,Any]] ownership_list: Iterable of dictionaries containing all the ownership to claim. :rtype: Iterable[Dict[str,Any]], Iterable of dictionaries containing partition ownership information: - fully_qualified_namespace - eventhub_name - consumer_group_name - owner_id - partition_id - last_modified_time - etag """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def update_checkpoint(self, fully_qualified_namespace: str, eventhub_name: str, consumer_group_name: str, partition_id: str, offset: str, sequence_number: int) -> None: """ Updates the checkpoint using the given information for the associated partition and consumer group in the chosen storage service. :param str fully_qualified_namespace: The fully qualified namespace that the event hub belongs to. The format is like "<namespace>" :param str eventhub_name: The name of the specific Event Hub the ownership are associated with, relative to the Event Hubs namespace that contains it. :param str consumer_group_name: The name of the consumer group the ownership are associated with. :param str partition_id: The partition id which the checkpoint is created for. :param str offset: The offset of the :class:`EventData<azure.eventhub.EventData>` the new checkpoint will be associated with. :param int sequence_number: The sequence_number of the :class:`EventData<azure.eventhub.EventData>` the new checkpoint will be associated with. :rtype: None """
[docs] @abstractmethod async def list_checkpoints(self, fully_qualified_namespace: str, eventhub_name: str, consumer_group_name: str): """List the updated checkpoints from the store :param str fully_qualified_namespace: The fully qualified namespace that the event hub belongs to. The format is like "<namespace>" :param str eventhub_name: The name of the specific Event Hub the ownership are associated with, relative to the Event Hubs namespace that contains it. :param str consumer_group_name: The name of the consumer group the ownership are associated with. :rtype: Iterable[Dict[str,Any]], Iterable of dictionaries containing partition ownership information: - fully_qualified_namespace - eventhub_name - consumer_group_name - partition_id - sequence_number - offset """