# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import logging
import threading
from typing import Any, Union, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, List
from uamqp import constants # type:ignore
from .client import EventHubClient
from .producer import EventHubProducer
from .common import EventData, \
EventHubSharedKeyCredential, EventHubSASTokenCredential, EventDataBatch
from azure.core.credentials import TokenCredential # type: ignore
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class EventHubProducerClient(EventHubClient):
The EventHubProducerClient class defines a high level interface for
sending events to the Azure Event Hubs service.
:param str host: The hostname of the Event Hub.
:param str event_hub_path: The path of the specific Event Hub to connect the client to.
:param credential: The credential object used for authentication which implements particular interface
of getting tokens. It accepts :class:`EventHubSharedKeyCredential<azure.eventhub.EventHubSharedKeyCredential>`,
:class:`EventHubSASTokenCredential<azure.eventhub.EventHubSASTokenCredential>`, or credential objects generated by
the azure-identity library and objects that implement `get_token(self, *scopes)` method.
:keyword bool logging_enable: Whether to output network trace logs to the logger. Default is `False`.
:keyword float auth_timeout: The time in seconds to wait for a token to be authorized by the service.
The default value is 60 seconds. If set to 0, no timeout will be enforced from the client.
:keyword str user_agent: The user agent that needs to be appended to the built in user agent string.
:keyword int retry_total: The total number of attempts to redo the failed operation when an error happened. Default
value is 3.
:keyword transport_type: The type of transport protocol that will be used for communicating with
the Event Hubs service. Default is `TransportType.Amqp`.
:paramtype transport_type: ~azure.eventhub.TransportType
:keyword dict http_proxy: HTTP proxy settings. This must be a dictionary with the following
keys: 'proxy_hostname' (str value) and 'proxy_port' (int value).
Additionally the following keys may also be present: 'username', 'password'.
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/sync_samples/sample_code_eventhub.py
:start-after: [START create_eventhub_producer_client_sync]
:end-before: [END create_eventhub_producer_client_sync]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Create a new instance of the EventHubProducerClient.
def __init__(self, host, event_hub_path, credential, **kwargs):
# type:(str, str, Union[EventHubSharedKeyCredential, EventHubSASTokenCredential, TokenCredential], Any) -> None
super(EventHubProducerClient, self).__init__(
host=host, event_hub_path=event_hub_path, credential=credential,
network_tracing=kwargs.get("logging_enable"), **kwargs)
self._producers = [] # type: List[EventHubProducer]
self._client_lock = threading.Lock()
self._producers_locks = [] # type: List[threading.Lock]
self._max_message_size_on_link = 0
def _init_locks_for_producers(self):
if not self._producers:
with self._client_lock:
if not self._producers:
num_of_producers = len(self.get_partition_ids()) + 1
self._producers = [None] * num_of_producers
for _ in range(num_of_producers):
[docs] @classmethod
def from_connection_string(cls, conn_str, **kwargs):
# type: (str, Any) -> EventHubProducerClient
Create an EventHubProducerClient from a connection string.
:param str conn_str: The connection string of an eventhub.
:keyword str event_hub_path: The path of the specific Event Hub to connect the client to.
:keyword bool network_tracing: Whether to output network trace logs to the logger. Default is `False`.
:keyword dict[str,Any] http_proxy: HTTP proxy settings. This must be a dictionary with the following
keys - 'proxy_hostname' (str value) and 'proxy_port' (int value).
Additionally the following keys may also be present - 'username', 'password'.
:keyword float auth_timeout: The time in seconds to wait for a token to be authorized by the service.
The default value is 60 seconds. If set to 0, no timeout will be enforced from the client.
:keyword str user_agent: The user agent that needs to be appended to the built in user agent string.
:keyword int retry_total: The total number of attempts to redo the failed operation when an error happened.
Default value is 3.
:keyword transport_type: The type of transport protocol that will be used for communicating with
the Event Hubs service. Default is `TransportType.Amqp`.
:paramtype transport_type: ~azure.eventhub.TransportType
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/sync_samples/sample_code_eventhub.py
:start-after: [START create_eventhub_producer_client_from_conn_str_sync]
:end-before: [END create_eventhub_producer_client_from_conn_str_sync]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Create a new instance of the EventHubProducerClient from connection string.
return super(EventHubProducerClient, cls).from_connection_string(conn_str, **kwargs)
[docs] def send(self, event_data, **kwargs):
# type: (Union[EventData, EventDataBatch, Iterable[EventData]], Any) -> None
Sends event data and blocks until acknowledgement is received or operation times out.
:param event_data: The event to be sent. It can be an EventData object, or iterable of EventData objects.
:type event_data: ~azure.eventhub.EventData, ~azure.eventhub.EventDataBatch, EventData Iterator/Generator/list
:keyword str partition_key: With the given partition_key, event data will land to
a particular partition of the Event Hub decided by the service.
:keyword str partition_id: The specific partition ID to send to. Default is None, in which case the service
will assign to all partitions using round-robin.
:keyword float timeout: The maximum wait time to send the event data.
If not specified, the default wait time specified when the producer was created will be used.
:rtype: None
:raises: :class:`AuthenticationError<azure.eventhub.AuthenticationError>`
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/sync_samples/sample_code_eventhub.py
:start-after: [START eventhub_producer_client_send_sync]
:end-before: [END eventhub_producer_client_send_sync]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Sends event data
partition_id = kwargs.pop("partition_id", None)
producer_index = int(partition_id) if partition_id is not None else -1
if self._producers[producer_index] is None or\
self._producers[producer_index]._closed: # pylint:disable=protected-access
with self._producers_locks[producer_index]:
if self._producers[producer_index] is None:
self._producers[producer_index] = self._create_producer(partition_id=partition_id)
with self._producers_locks[producer_index]:
self._producers[producer_index].send(event_data, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_batch(self, max_size=None):
# type:(int) -> EventDataBatch
Create an EventDataBatch object with max size being max_size.
The max_size should be no greater than the max allowed message size defined by the service side.
:param int max_size: The maximum size of bytes data that an EventDataBatch object can hold.
:rtype: ~azure.eventhub.EventDataBatch
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/sync_samples/sample_code_eventhub.py
:start-after: [START eventhub_producer_client_create_batch_sync]
:end-before: [END eventhub_producer_client_create_batch_sync]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Create EventDataBatch object within limited size
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if not self._max_message_size_on_link:
with self._producers_locks[-1]:
if self._producers[-1] is None:
self._producers[-1] = self._create_producer(partition_id=None)
self._producers[-1]._open_with_retry() # pylint: disable=protected-access
with self._client_lock:
self._max_message_size_on_link =\
self._producers[-1]._handler.message_handler._link.peer_max_message_size \
if max_size and max_size > self._max_message_size_on_link:
raise ValueError('Max message size: {} is too large, acceptable max batch size is: {} bytes.'
.format(max_size, self._max_message_size_on_link))
return EventDataBatch(max_size=(max_size or self._max_message_size_on_link))
[docs] def close(self):
# type: () -> None
Close down the client. If the client has already closed, this will be a no op.
:rtype: None
.. admonition:: Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../samples/sync_samples/sample_code_eventhub.py
:start-after: [START eventhub_producer_client_close_sync]
:end-before: [END eventhub_producer_client_close_sync]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Close down the client.
for p in self._producers:
if p: