# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import uuid
import logging
import time
from typing import Iterable, Union, Type
from uamqp import types, constants, errors # type: ignore
from uamqp import SendClient # type: ignore
from azure.core.tracing import SpanKind, AbstractSpan # type: ignore
from azure.core.settings import settings # type: ignore
from azure.eventhub.common import EventData, EventDataBatch
from azure.eventhub.error import _error_handler, OperationTimeoutError, EventDataError
from ._consumer_producer_mixin import ConsumerProducerMixin
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _error(outcome, condition):
if outcome != constants.MessageSendResult.Ok:
raise condition
def _set_partition_key(event_datas, partition_key):
ed_iter = iter(event_datas)
for ed in ed_iter:
ed._set_partition_key(partition_key) # pylint:disable=protected-access
yield ed
def _set_trace_message(event_datas, parent_span=None):
ed_iter = iter(event_datas)
for ed in ed_iter:
ed._trace_message(parent_span) # pylint:disable=protected-access
yield ed
[docs]class EventHubProducer(ConsumerProducerMixin): # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
A producer responsible for transmitting EventData to a specific Event Hub,
grouped together in batches. Depending on the options specified at creation, the producer may
be created to allow event data to be automatically routed to an available partition or specific
to a partition.
Please use the method `create_producer` on `EventHubClient` for creating `EventHubProducer`.
_timeout_symbol = b'com.microsoft:timeout'
def __init__(self, client, target, **kwargs):
Instantiate an EventHubProducer. EventHubProducer should be instantiated by calling the `create_producer` method
in EventHubClient.
:param client: The parent EventHubClient.
:type client: ~azure.eventhub.client.EventHubClient.
:param target: The URI of the EventHub to send to.
:type target: str
:param partition: The specific partition ID to send to. Default is None, in which case the service
will assign to all partitions using round-robin.
:type partition: str
:param send_timeout: The timeout in seconds for an individual event to be sent from the time that it is
queued. Default value is 60 seconds. If set to 0, there will be no timeout.
:type send_timeout: float
:param keep_alive: The time interval in seconds between pinging the connection to keep it alive during
periods of inactivity. The default value is None, i.e. no keep alive pings.
:type keep_alive: float
:param auto_reconnect: Whether to automatically reconnect the producer if a retryable error occurs.
Default value is `True`.
:type auto_reconnect: bool
partition = kwargs.get("partition", None)
send_timeout = kwargs.get("send_timeout", 60)
keep_alive = kwargs.get("keep_alive", None)
auto_reconnect = kwargs.get("auto_reconnect", True)
super(EventHubProducer, self).__init__()
self._max_message_size_on_link = None
self._client = client
self._target = target
self._partition = partition
self._timeout = send_timeout
self._error = None
self._keep_alive = keep_alive
self._auto_reconnect = auto_reconnect
self._retry_policy = errors.ErrorPolicy(max_retries=self._client._config.max_retries, on_error=_error_handler) # pylint: disable=protected-access
self._reconnect_backoff = 1
self._name = "EHProducer-{}".format(uuid.uuid4())
self._unsent_events = None
if partition:
self._target += "/Partitions/" + partition
self._name += "-partition{}".format(partition)
self._handler = None
self._outcome = None
self._condition = None
self._link_properties = {types.AMQPSymbol(self._timeout_symbol): types.AMQPLong(int(self._timeout * 1000))}
def _create_handler(self):
self._handler = SendClient(
auth=self._client._create_auth(), # pylint:disable=protected-access
debug=self._client._config.network_tracing, # pylint:disable=protected-access
properties=self._client._create_properties(self._client._config.user_agent)) # pylint: disable=protected-access
def _open_with_retry(self):
return self._do_retryable_operation(self._open, operation_need_param=False)
def _send_event_data(self, timeout_time=None, last_exception=None):
if self._unsent_events:
remaining_time = timeout_time - time.time()
if remaining_time <= 0.0:
if last_exception:
error = last_exception
error = OperationTimeoutError("send operation timed out")
log.info("%r send operation timed out. (%r)", self._name, error)
raise error
self._handler._msg_timeout = remaining_time * 1000 # pylint: disable=protected-access
self._unsent_events = self._handler.pending_messages
if self._outcome != constants.MessageSendResult.Ok:
if self._outcome == constants.MessageSendResult.Timeout:
self._condition = OperationTimeoutError("send operation timed out")
_error(self._outcome, self._condition)
def _send_event_data_with_retry(self, timeout=None):
return self._do_retryable_operation(self._send_event_data, timeout=timeout)
def _on_outcome(self, outcome, condition):
Called when the outcome is received for a delivery.
:param outcome: The outcome of the message delivery - success or failure.
:type outcome: ~uamqp.constants.MessageSendResult
:param condition: Detail information of the outcome.
self._outcome = outcome
self._condition = condition
[docs] def create_batch(self, max_size=None, partition_key=None):
# type:(int, str) -> EventDataBatch
Create an EventDataBatch object with max size being max_size.
The max_size should be no greater than the max allowed message size defined by the service side.
:param max_size: The maximum size of bytes data that an EventDataBatch object can hold.
:type max_size: int
:param partition_key: With the given partition_key, event data will land to
a particular partition of the Event Hub decided by the service.
:type partition_key: str
:return: an EventDataBatch instance
:rtype: ~azure.eventhub.EventDataBatch
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/test_examples_eventhub.py
:start-after: [START eventhub_client_sync_create_batch]
:end-before: [END eventhub_client_sync_create_batch]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Create EventDataBatch object within limited size
if not self._max_message_size_on_link:
if max_size and max_size > self._max_message_size_on_link:
raise ValueError('Max message size: {} is too large, acceptable max batch size is: {} bytes.'
.format(max_size, self._max_message_size_on_link))
return EventDataBatch(max_size=(max_size or self._max_message_size_on_link), partition_key=partition_key)
[docs] def send(self, event_data, partition_key=None, timeout=None):
# type:(Union[EventData, EventDataBatch, Iterable[EventData]], Union[str, bytes], float) -> None
Sends an event data and blocks until acknowledgement is
received or operation times out.
:param event_data: The event to be sent. It can be an EventData object, or iterable of EventData objects
:type event_data: ~azure.eventhub.common.EventData, Iterator, Generator, list
:param partition_key: With the given partition_key, event data will land to
a particular partition of the Event Hub decided by the service. partition_key
could be omitted if event_data is of type ~azure.eventhub.EventDataBatch.
:type partition_key: str
:param timeout: The maximum wait time to send the event data.
If not specified, the default wait time specified when the producer was created will be used.
:type timeout: float
:raises: ~azure.eventhub.AuthenticationError, ~azure.eventhub.ConnectError, ~azure.eventhub.ConnectionLostError,
~azure.eventhub.EventDataError, ~azure.eventhub.EventDataSendError, ~azure.eventhub.EventHubError
:return: None
:rtype: None
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/test_examples_eventhub.py
:start-after: [START eventhub_client_sync_send]
:end-before: [END eventhub_client_sync_send]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Sends an event data and blocks until acknowledgement is received or operation times out.
# Tracing code
span_impl_type = settings.tracing_implementation() # type: Type[AbstractSpan]
child = None
if span_impl_type is not None:
child = span_impl_type(name="Azure.EventHubs.send")
child.kind = SpanKind.CLIENT # Should be PRODUCER
if isinstance(event_data, EventData):
if partition_key:
event_data._set_partition_key(partition_key) # pylint: disable=protected-access
wrapper_event_data = event_data
wrapper_event_data._trace_message(child) # pylint: disable=protected-access
if isinstance(event_data, EventDataBatch): # The partition_key in the param will be omitted.
if partition_key and partition_key != event_data._partition_key: # pylint: disable=protected-access
raise EventDataError('The partition_key does not match the one of the EventDataBatch')
wrapper_event_data = event_data # type:ignore
if partition_key:
event_data = _set_partition_key(event_data, partition_key)
event_data = _set_trace_message(event_data, child)
wrapper_event_data = EventDataBatch._from_batch(event_data, partition_key) # pylint: disable=protected-access
wrapper_event_data.message.on_send_complete = self._on_outcome
self._unsent_events = [wrapper_event_data.message]
if span_impl_type is not None and child is not None:
with child:
self._client._add_span_request_attributes(child) # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def close(self): # pylint:disable=useless-super-delegation
# type:() -> None
Close down the handler. If the handler has already closed,
this will be a no op.
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/test_examples_eventhub.py
:start-after: [START eventhub_client_sender_close]
:end-before: [END eventhub_client_sender_close]
:language: python
:dedent: 4
:caption: Close down the handler.
super(EventHubProducer, self).close()