Source code for azure.eventhub.consumer

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import uuid
import logging
import time
from typing import List
from distutils.version import StrictVersion

import uamqp  # type: ignore
from uamqp import types, errors, utils  # type: ignore
from uamqp import ReceiveClient, Source  # type: ignore

from azure.eventhub.common import EventData, EventPosition
from azure.eventhub.error import _error_handler
from ._consumer_producer_mixin import ConsumerProducerMixin

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EventHubConsumer(ConsumerProducerMixin): # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ A consumer responsible for reading EventData from a specific Event Hub partition and as a member of a specific consumer group. A consumer may be exclusive, which asserts ownership over the partition for the consumer group to ensure that only one consumer from that group is reading the from the partition. These exclusive consumers are sometimes referred to as "Epoch Consumers." A consumer may also be non-exclusive, allowing multiple consumers from the same consumer group to be actively reading events from the partition. These non-exclusive consumers are sometimes referred to as "Non-Epoch Consumers." Please use the method `create_consumer` on `EventHubClient` for creating `EventHubConsumer`. """ _timeout = 0 _epoch_symbol = b'' _timeout_symbol = b'' _receiver_runtime_metric_symbol = b'' def __init__(self, client, source, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a consumer. EventHubConsumer should be instantiated by calling the `create_consumer` method in EventHubClient. :param client: The parent EventHubClient. :type client: ~azure.eventhub.client.EventHubClient :param source: The source EventHub from which to receive events. :type source: str :param prefetch: The number of events to prefetch from the service for processing. Default is 300. :type prefetch: int :param owner_level: The priority of the exclusive consumer. An exclusive consumer will be created if owner_level is set. :type owner_level: int :param track_last_enqueued_event_properties: Indicates whether or not the consumer should request information on the last enqueued event on its associated partition, and track that information as events are received. When information about the partition's last enqueued event is being tracked, each event received from the Event Hubs service will carry metadata about the partition. This results in a small amount of additional network bandwidth consumption that is generally a favorable trade-off when considered against periodically making requests for partition properties using the Event Hub client. It is set to `False` by default. :type track_last_enqueued_event_properties: bool """ event_position = kwargs.get("event_position", None) prefetch = kwargs.get("prefetch", 300) owner_level = kwargs.get("owner_level", None) keep_alive = kwargs.get("keep_alive", None) auto_reconnect = kwargs.get("auto_reconnect", True) track_last_enqueued_event_properties = kwargs.get("track_last_enqueued_event_properties", False) super(EventHubConsumer, self).__init__() self._client = client self._source = source self._offset = event_position self._messages_iter = None self._prefetch = prefetch self._owner_level = owner_level self._keep_alive = keep_alive self._auto_reconnect = auto_reconnect self._retry_policy = errors.ErrorPolicy(max_retries=self._client._config.max_retries, on_error=_error_handler) # pylint:disable=protected-access self._reconnect_backoff = 1 self._link_properties = {} self._error = None partition = self._source.split('/')[-1] self._partition = partition self._name = "EHConsumer-{}-partition{}".format(uuid.uuid4(), partition) if owner_level: self._link_properties[types.AMQPSymbol(self._epoch_symbol)] = types.AMQPLong(int(owner_level)) link_property_timeout_ms = (self._client._config.receive_timeout or self._timeout) * 1000 # pylint:disable=protected-access self._link_properties[types.AMQPSymbol(self._timeout_symbol)] = types.AMQPLong(int(link_property_timeout_ms)) self._handler = None self._track_last_enqueued_event_properties = track_last_enqueued_event_properties self._last_enqueued_event_properties = {} def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): retried_times = 0 last_exception = None while retried_times < self._client._config.max_retries: # pylint:disable=protected-access try: self._open() if not self._messages_iter: self._messages_iter = self._handler.receive_messages_iter() message = next(self._messages_iter) event_data = EventData._from_message(message) # pylint:disable=protected-access event_data._trace_link_message() # pylint:disable=protected-access self._offset = EventPosition(event_data.offset, inclusive=False) retried_times = 0 if self._track_last_enqueued_event_properties: self._last_enqueued_event_properties = event_data._get_last_enqueued_event_properties() # pylint:disable=protected-access return event_data except Exception as exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except last_exception = self._handle_exception(exception) self._client._try_delay(retried_times=retried_times, last_exception=last_exception, # pylint:disable=protected-access entity_name=self._name) retried_times += 1"%r operation has exhausted retry. Last exception: %r.", self._name, last_exception) raise last_exception def _create_handler(self): source = Source(self._source) if self._offset is not None: source.set_filter(self._offset._selector()) # pylint:disable=protected-access if StrictVersion(uamqp.__version__) < StrictVersion("1.2.3"): # backward compatible until uamqp 1.2.3 released desired_capabilities = {} elif self._track_last_enqueued_event_properties: symbol_array = [types.AMQPSymbol(self._receiver_runtime_metric_symbol)] desired_capabilities = {"desired_capabilities": utils.data_factory(types.AMQPArray(symbol_array))} else: desired_capabilities = {"desired_capabilities": None} self._handler = ReceiveClient( source, auth=self._client._create_auth(), # pylint:disable=protected-access debug=self._client._config.network_tracing, # pylint:disable=protected-access prefetch=self._prefetch, link_properties=self._link_properties, timeout=self._timeout, error_policy=self._retry_policy, keep_alive_interval=self._keep_alive, client_name=self._name, receive_settle_mode=uamqp.constants.ReceiverSettleMode.ReceiveAndDelete, auto_complete=False, properties=self._client._create_properties( # pylint:disable=protected-access self._client._config.user_agent), # pylint:disable=protected-access **desired_capabilities) # pylint:disable=protected-access self._messages_iter = None def _open_with_retry(self): return self._do_retryable_operation(self._open, operation_need_param=False) def _receive(self, timeout_time=None, max_batch_size=None, **kwargs): last_exception = kwargs.get("last_exception") data_batch = [] self._open() remaining_time = timeout_time - time.time() if remaining_time <= 0.0: if last_exception:"%r receive operation timed out. (%r)", self._name, last_exception) raise last_exception return data_batch remaining_time_ms = 1000 * remaining_time message_batch = self._handler.receive_message_batch( max_batch_size=max_batch_size, timeout=remaining_time_ms) for message in message_batch: event_data = EventData._from_message(message) # pylint:disable=protected-access data_batch.append(event_data) event_data._trace_link_message() # pylint:disable=protected-access if data_batch: self._offset = EventPosition(data_batch[-1].offset) if self._track_last_enqueued_event_properties and data_batch: self._last_enqueued_event_properties = data_batch[-1]._get_last_enqueued_event_properties() # pylint:disable=protected-access return data_batch def _receive_with_retry(self, timeout=None, max_batch_size=None, **kwargs): return self._do_retryable_operation(self._receive, timeout=timeout, max_batch_size=max_batch_size, **kwargs) @property def last_enqueued_event_properties(self): """ The latest enqueued event information. This property will be updated each time an event is received when the receiver is created with `track_last_enqueued_event_properties` being `True`. The dict includes following information of the partition: - `sequence_number` - `offset` - `enqueued_time` - `retrieval_time` :rtype: dict or None """ return self._last_enqueued_event_properties if self._track_last_enqueued_event_properties else None @property def queue_size(self): # type:() -> int """ The current size of the unprocessed Event queue. :rtype: int """ # pylint: disable=protected-access if self._handler._received_messages: return self._handler._received_messages.qsize() return 0
[docs] def receive(self, max_batch_size=None, timeout=None): # type: (int, float) -> List[EventData] """ Receive events from the EventHub. :param max_batch_size: Receive a batch of events. Batch size will be up to the maximum specified, but will return as soon as service returns no new events. If combined with a timeout and no events are retrieve before the time, the result will be empty. If no batch size is supplied, the prefetch size will be the maximum. :type max_batch_size: int :param timeout: The maximum wait time to build up the requested message count for the batch. If not specified, the default wait time specified when the consumer was created will be used. :type timeout: float :rtype: list[~azure.eventhub.common.EventData] :raises: ~azure.eventhub.AuthenticationError, ~azure.eventhub.ConnectError, ~azure.eventhub.ConnectionLostError, ~azure.eventhub.EventHubError Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ :start-after: [START eventhub_client_sync_receive] :end-before: [END eventhub_client_sync_receive] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Receive events from the EventHub. """ self._check_closed() timeout = timeout or self._client._config.receive_timeout # pylint:disable=protected-access max_batch_size = max_batch_size or min(self._client._config.max_batch_size, self._prefetch) # pylint:disable=protected-access return self._receive_with_retry(timeout=timeout, max_batch_size=max_batch_size)
[docs] def close(self): # pylint:disable=useless-super-delegation # type:() -> None """ Close down the handler. If the handler has already closed, this will be a no op. Example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/ :start-after: [START eventhub_client_receiver_close] :end-before: [END eventhub_client_receiver_close] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Close down the handler. """ super(EventHubConsumer, self).close()
next = __next__ # for python2.7