Source code for azure.eventgrid.models.device_twin_info

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from msrest.serialization import Model

[docs]class DeviceTwinInfo(Model): """Information about the device twin, which is the cloud representation of application device metadata. :param authentication_type: Authentication type used for this device: either SAS, SelfSigned, or CertificateAuthority. :type authentication_type: str :param cloud_to_device_message_count: Count of cloud to device messages sent to this device. :type cloud_to_device_message_count: float :param connection_state: Whether the device is connected or disconnected. :type connection_state: str :param device_id: The unique identifier of the device twin. :type device_id: str :param etag: A piece of information that describes the content of the device twin. Each etag is guaranteed to be unique per device twin. :type etag: str :param last_activity_time: The ISO8601 timestamp of the last activity. :type last_activity_time: str :param properties: Properties JSON element. :type properties: ~azure.eventgrid.models.DeviceTwinInfoProperties :param status: Whether the device twin is enabled or disabled. :type status: str :param status_update_time: The ISO8601 timestamp of the last device twin status update. :type status_update_time: str :param version: An integer that is incremented by one each time the device twin is updated. :type version: float :param x509_thumbprint: The thumbprint is a unique value for the x509 certificate, commonly used to find a particular certificate in a certificate store. The thumbprint is dynamically generated using the SHA1 algorithm, and does not physically exist in the certificate. :type x509_thumbprint: ~azure.eventgrid.models.DeviceTwinInfoX509Thumbprint """ _attribute_map = { 'authentication_type': {'key': 'authenticationType', 'type': 'str'}, 'cloud_to_device_message_count': {'key': 'cloudToDeviceMessageCount', 'type': 'float'}, 'connection_state': {'key': 'connectionState', 'type': 'str'}, 'device_id': {'key': 'deviceId', 'type': 'str'}, 'etag': {'key': 'etag', 'type': 'str'}, 'last_activity_time': {'key': 'lastActivityTime', 'type': 'str'}, 'properties': {'key': 'properties', 'type': 'DeviceTwinInfoProperties'}, 'status': {'key': 'status', 'type': 'str'}, 'status_update_time': {'key': 'statusUpdateTime', 'type': 'str'}, 'version': {'key': 'version', 'type': 'float'}, 'x509_thumbprint': {'key': 'x509Thumbprint', 'type': 'DeviceTwinInfoX509Thumbprint'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(DeviceTwinInfo, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.authentication_type = kwargs.get('authentication_type', None) self.cloud_to_device_message_count = kwargs.get('cloud_to_device_message_count', None) self.connection_state = kwargs.get('connection_state', None) self.device_id = kwargs.get('device_id', None) self.etag = kwargs.get('etag', None) self.last_activity_time = kwargs.get('last_activity_time', None) = kwargs.get('properties', None) self.status = kwargs.get('status', None) self.status_update_time = kwargs.get('status_update_time', None) self.version = kwargs.get('version', None) self.x509_thumbprint = kwargs.get('x509_thumbprint', None)