Source code for azure.cosmos.cosmos_client

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"""Create, read, and delete databases in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API service.

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union, cast, Iterable, List  # pylint: disable=unused-import

import six
from azure.core.tracing.decorator import distributed_trace  # type: ignore

from ._cosmos_client_connection import CosmosClientConnection
from ._base import build_options
from ._retry_utility import ConnectionRetryPolicy
from .database import DatabaseProxy
from .documents import ConnectionPolicy, DatabaseAccount
from .exceptions import CosmosResourceNotFoundError

__all__ = ("CosmosClient",)

def _parse_connection_str(conn_str, credential):
    # type: (str, Optional[Any]) -> Dict[str, str]
    conn_str = conn_str.rstrip(";")
    conn_settings = dict(  # type: ignore  # pylint: disable=consider-using-dict-comprehension
        s.split("=", 1) for s in conn_str.split(";")
    if 'AccountEndpoint' not in conn_settings:
        raise ValueError("Connection string missing setting 'AccountEndpoint'.")
    if not credential and 'AccountKey' not in conn_settings:
        raise ValueError("Connection string missing setting 'AccountKey'.")
    return conn_settings

def _build_auth(credential):
    # type: (Any) -> Dict[str, Any]
    auth = {}
    if isinstance(credential, six.string_types):
        auth['masterKey'] = credential
    elif isinstance(credential, dict):
        if any(k for k in credential.keys() if k in ['masterKey', 'resourceTokens', 'permissionFeed']):
            return credential  # Backwards compatible
        auth['resourceTokens'] = credential  # type: ignore
    elif hasattr(credential, '__iter__'):
        auth['permissionFeed'] = credential
        raise TypeError(
            "Unrecognized credential type. Please supply the master key as str, "
            "or a dictionary or resource tokens, or a list of permissions.")
    return auth

def _build_connection_policy(kwargs):
    # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> ConnectionPolicy
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    policy = kwargs.pop('connection_policy', None) or ConnectionPolicy()

    # Connection config
    policy.RequestTimeout = kwargs.pop('request_timeout', None) or \
        kwargs.pop('connection_timeout', None) or \
    policy.ConnectionMode = kwargs.pop('connection_mode', None) or policy.ConnectionMode
    policy.ProxyConfiguration = kwargs.pop('proxy_config', None) or policy.ProxyConfiguration
    policy.EnableEndpointDiscovery = kwargs.pop('enable_endpoint_discovery', None) or policy.EnableEndpointDiscovery
    policy.PreferredLocations = kwargs.pop('preferred_locations', None) or policy.PreferredLocations
    policy.UseMultipleWriteLocations = kwargs.pop('multiple_write_locations', None) or \

    # SSL config
    verify = kwargs.pop('connection_verify', None)
    policy.DisableSSLVerification = not bool(verify if verify is not None else True)
    ssl = kwargs.pop('ssl_config', None) or policy.SSLConfiguration
    if ssl:
        ssl.SSLCertFile = kwargs.pop('connection_cert', None) or ssl.SSLCertFile
        ssl.SSLCaCerts = verify or ssl.SSLCaCerts
        policy.SSLConfiguration = ssl

    # Retry config
    retry = kwargs.pop('retry_options', None) or policy.RetryOptions
    total_retries = kwargs.pop('retry_total', None)
    retry._max_retry_attempt_count = total_retries or retry._max_retry_attempt_count
    retry._fixed_retry_interval_in_milliseconds = kwargs.pop('retry_fixed_interval', None) or \
    max_backoff = kwargs.pop('retry_backoff_max', None)
    retry._max_wait_time_in_seconds = max_backoff or retry._max_wait_time_in_seconds
    policy.RetryOptions = retry
    connection_retry = kwargs.pop('connection_retry_policy', None) or policy.ConnectionRetryConfiguration
    if not connection_retry:
        connection_retry = ConnectionRetryPolicy(
            retry_connect=kwargs.pop('retry_connect', None),
            retry_read=kwargs.pop('retry_read', None),
            retry_status=kwargs.pop('retry_status', None),
            retry_on_status_codes=kwargs.pop('retry_on_status_codes', []),
            retry_backoff_factor=kwargs.pop('retry_backoff_factor', 0.8),
    policy.ConnectionRetryConfiguration = connection_retry

    return policy

[docs]class CosmosClient(object): """A client-side logical representation of an Azure Cosmos DB account. Use this client to configure and execute requests to the Azure Cosmos DB service. :param str url: The URL of the Cosmos DB account. :param credential: Can be the account key, or a dictionary of resource tokens. :type credential: str or dict[str, str] :param str consistency_level: Consistency level to use for the session. The default value is "Session". :keyword int timeout: An absolute timeout in seconds, for the combined HTTP request and response processing. :keyword int request_timeout: The HTTP request timeout in seconds. :keyword str connection_mode: The connection mode for the client - currently only supports 'Gateway'. :keyword proxy_config: Connection proxy configuration. :paramtype proxy_config: ~azure.cosmos.ProxyConfiguration :keyword ssl_config: Connection SSL configuration. :paramtype ssl_config: ~azure.cosmos.SSLConfiguration :keyword bool connection_verify: Whether to verify the connection, default value is True. :keyword str connection_cert: An alternative certificate to verify the connection. :keyword int retry_total: Maximum retry attempts. :keyword int retry_backoff_max: Maximum retry wait time in seconds. :keyword int retry_fixed_interval: Fixed retry interval in milliseconds. :keyword int retry_read: Maximum number of socket read retry attempts. :keyword int retry_connect: Maximum number of connection error retry attempts. :keyword int retry_status: Maximum number of retry attempts on error status codes. :keyword list[int] retry_on_status_codes: A list of specific status codes to retry on. :keyword float retry_backoff_factor: Factor to calculate wait time between retry attempts. :keyword bool enable_endpoint_discovery: Enable endpoint discovery for geo-replicated database accounts. (Default: True) :keyword list[str] preferred_locations: The preferred locations for geo-replicated database accounts. .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/ :start-after: [START create_client] :end-before: [END create_client] :language: python :dedent: 0 :caption: Create a new instance of the Cosmos DB client: :name: create_client """ def __init__(self, url, credential, consistency_level="Session", **kwargs): # type: (str, Any, str, Any) -> None """Instantiate a new CosmosClient.""" auth = _build_auth(credential) connection_policy = _build_connection_policy(kwargs) self.client_connection = CosmosClientConnection( url, auth=auth, consistency_level=consistency_level, connection_policy=connection_policy, **kwargs ) def __repr__(self): # pylint:disable=client-method-name-no-double-underscore # type () -> str return "<CosmosClient [{}]>".format(self.client_connection.url_connection)[:1024] def __enter__(self): self.client_connection.pipeline_client.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, *args): return self.client_connection.pipeline_client.__exit__(*args)
[docs] @classmethod def from_connection_string(cls, conn_str, credential=None, consistency_level="Session", **kwargs): # type: (str, Optional[Any], str, Any) -> CosmosClient """Create a CosmosClient instance from a connection string. This can be retrieved from the Azure portal.For full list of optional keyword arguments, see the CosmosClient constructor. :param str conn_str: The connection string. :param credential: Alternative credentials to use instead of the key provided in the connection string. :type credential: str or dict(str, str) :param str consistency_level: Consistency level to use for the session. The default value is "Session". """ settings = _parse_connection_str(conn_str, credential) return cls( url=settings['AccountEndpoint'], credential=credential or settings['AccountKey'], consistency_level=consistency_level, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def _get_database_link(database_or_id): # type: (Union[DatabaseProxy, str, Dict[str, str]]) -> str if isinstance(database_or_id, six.string_types): return "dbs/{}".format(database_or_id) try: return cast("DatabaseProxy", database_or_id).database_link except AttributeError: pass database_id = cast("Dict[str, str]", database_or_id)["id"] return "dbs/{}".format(database_id)
[docs] @distributed_trace def create_database( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin self, id, # type: str populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] offer_throughput=None, # type: Optional[int] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> DatabaseProxy """ Create a new database with the given ID (name). :param id: ID (name) of the database to create. :param bool populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers. :param int offer_throughput: The provisioned throughput for this offer. :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency. :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request. :keyword str etag: An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Used to check if the resource has changed, and act according to the condition specified by the `match_condition` parameter. :keyword ~azure.core.MatchConditions match_condition: The match condition to use upon the etag. :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata. :returns: A DatabaseProxy instance representing the new database. :rtype: ~azure.cosmos.DatabaseProxy :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosResourceExistsError: Database with the given ID already exists. .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/ :start-after: [START create_database] :end-before: [END create_database] :language: python :dedent: 0 :caption: Create a database in the Cosmos DB account: :name: create_database """ request_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if populate_query_metrics is not None: request_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics if offer_throughput is not None: request_options["offerThroughput"] = offer_throughput result = self.client_connection.CreateDatabase(database=dict(id=id), options=request_options, **kwargs) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers) return DatabaseProxy(self.client_connection, id=result["id"], properties=result)
[docs] @distributed_trace def create_database_if_not_exists( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin self, id, # type: str populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] offer_throughput=None, # type: Optional[int] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> DatabaseProxy """ Create the database if it does not exist already. If the database already exists, the existing settings are returned. ..note:: This function does not check or update existing database settings or offer throughput if they differ from what is passed in. :param id: ID (name) of the database to read or create. :param bool populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers. :param int offer_throughput: The provisioned throughput for this offer. :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency. :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request. :keyword str etag: An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Used to check if the resource has changed, and act according to the condition specified by the `match_condition` parameter. :keyword ~azure.core.MatchConditions match_condition: The match condition to use upon the etag. :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata. :returns: A DatabaseProxy instance representing the database. :rtype: ~azure.cosmos.DatabaseProxy :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: The database read or creation failed. """ try: database_proxy = self.get_database_client(id) populate_query_metrics=populate_query_metrics, **kwargs ) return database_proxy except CosmosResourceNotFoundError: return self.create_database( id, populate_query_metrics=populate_query_metrics, offer_throughput=offer_throughput, **kwargs )
[docs] def get_database_client(self, database): # type: (Union[str, DatabaseProxy, Dict[str, Any]]) -> DatabaseProxy """Retrieve an existing database with the ID (name) `id`. :param database: The ID (name), dict representing the properties or `DatabaseProxy` instance of the database to read. :type database: str or dict(str, str) or ~azure.cosmos.DatabaseProxy :returns: A `DatabaseProxy` instance representing the retrieved database. :rtype: ~azure.cosmos.DatabaseProxy """ if isinstance(database, DatabaseProxy): id_value = else: try: id_value = database["id"] except TypeError: id_value = database return DatabaseProxy(self.client_connection, id_value)
[docs] @distributed_trace def list_databases( self, max_item_count=None, # type: Optional[int] populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]] """List the databases in a Cosmos DB SQL database account. :param int max_item_count: Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation. :param bool populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers. :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency. :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request. :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata. :returns: An Iterable of database properties (dicts). :rtype: Iterable[dict[str, str]] """ feed_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if max_item_count is not None: feed_options["maxItemCount"] = max_item_count if populate_query_metrics is not None: feed_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics result = self.client_connection.ReadDatabases(options=feed_options, **kwargs) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers) return result
[docs] @distributed_trace def query_databases( self, query=None, # type: Optional[str] parameters=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] enable_cross_partition_query=None, # type: Optional[bool] max_item_count=None, # type: Optional[int] populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Iterable[Dict[str, Any]] """Query the databases in a Cosmos DB SQL database account. :param str query: The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute. :param list[str] parameters: Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided. :param bool enable_cross_partition_query: Allow scan on the queries which couldn't be served as indexing was opted out on the requested paths. :param int max_item_count: Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation. :param bool populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers. :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency. :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request. :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata. :returns: An Iterable of database properties (dicts). :rtype: Iterable[dict[str, str]] """ feed_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if enable_cross_partition_query is not None: feed_options["enableCrossPartitionQuery"] = enable_cross_partition_query if max_item_count is not None: feed_options["maxItemCount"] = max_item_count if populate_query_metrics is not None: feed_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics if query: # This is currently eagerly evaluated in order to capture the headers # from the call. # (just returning a generator did not initiate the first network call, so # the headers were misleading) # This needs to change for "real" implementation query = query if parameters is None else dict(query=query, parameters=parameters) # type: ignore result = self.client_connection.QueryDatabases(query=query, options=feed_options, **kwargs) else: result = self.client_connection.ReadDatabases(options=feed_options, **kwargs) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers) return result
[docs] @distributed_trace def delete_database( self, database, # type: Union[str, DatabaseProxy, Dict[str, Any]] populate_query_metrics=None, # type: Optional[bool] **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> None """Delete the database with the given ID (name). :param database: The ID (name), dict representing the properties or :class:`DatabaseProxy` instance of the database to delete. :type database: str or dict(str, str) or ~azure.cosmos.DatabaseProxy :param bool populate_query_metrics: Enable returning query metrics in response headers. :keyword str session_token: Token for use with Session consistency. :keyword dict[str,str] initial_headers: Initial headers to be sent as part of the request. :keyword str etag: An ETag value, or the wildcard character (*). Used to check if the resource has changed, and act according to the condition specified by the `match_condition` parameter. :keyword ~azure.core.MatchConditions match_condition: The match condition to use upon the etag. :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata. :raises ~azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: If the database couldn't be deleted. :rtype: None """ request_options = build_options(kwargs) response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) if populate_query_metrics is not None: request_options["populateQueryMetrics"] = populate_query_metrics database_link = self._get_database_link(database) self.client_connection.DeleteDatabase(database_link, options=request_options, **kwargs) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers)
[docs] @distributed_trace def get_database_account(self, **kwargs): # type: (Any) -> DatabaseAccount """Retrieve the database account information. :keyword Callable response_hook: A callable invoked with the response metadata. :returns: A `DatabaseAccount` instance representing the Cosmos DB Database Account. :rtype: ~azure.cosmos.DatabaseAccount """ response_hook = kwargs.pop('response_hook', None) result = self.client_connection.GetDatabaseAccount(**kwargs) if response_hook: response_hook(self.client_connection.last_response_headers) return result