azure.cosmos package


azure.cosmos.auth module

Authorization helper functions in the Azure Cosmos database service.

azure.cosmos.auth.GetAuthorizationHeader(cosmos_client_connection, verb, path, resource_id_or_fullname, is_name_based, resource_type, headers)[source]

Gets the authorization header.

  • cosmos_client (cosmos_client_connection.CosmosClient) –

  • verb (str) –

  • path (str) –

  • resource_id_or_fullname (str) –

  • resource_type (str) –

  • headers (dict) –


The authorization headers.

Return type


azure.cosmos.container module

Create, read, update and delete items in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API service.

class azure.cosmos.container.ContainerProxy(client_connection, database_link, id, properties=None)[source]

An interface to interact with a specific DB Container. This class should not be instantiated directly, use DatabaseProxy.get_container_client() method.

A container in an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API database is a collection of documents, each of which represented as an Item.

  • id (str) – ID (name) of the container

  • session_token (str) – The session token for the container.


To create a new container in an existing database, use Database.create_container().

create_item(body, populate_query_metrics=None, pre_trigger_include=None, post_trigger_include=None, indexing_directive=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create an item in the container. To update or replace an existing item, use the ContainerProxy.upsert_item() method.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the item to create.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • pre_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.

  • post_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.

  • indexing_directive – Indicate whether the document should be omitted from indexing.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the new item.


CosmosHttpResponseError – Item with the given ID already exists.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

delete_conflict(conflict, partition_key, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified conflict from the container.

  • conflict – The ID (name) or dict representing the conflict to be deleted.

  • partition_key – Partition key for the conflict to delete.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata

Return type


delete_item(item, partition_key, populate_query_metrics=None, pre_trigger_include=None, post_trigger_include=None, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified item from the container.

  • item – The ID (name) or dict representing item to be deleted.

  • partition_key – Specifies the partition key value for the item.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • pre_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.

  • post_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata

Return type


get_conflict(conflict, partition_key, **kwargs)[source]

Get the conflict identified by conflict.

  • conflict – The ID (name) or dict representing the conflict to retrieve.

  • partition_key – Partition key for the conflict to retrieve.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the retrieved conflict.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The given conflict couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

list_conflicts(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all conflicts in the container.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of conflicts (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_conflicts(query, parameters=None, enable_cross_partition_query=None, partition_key=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all conflicts matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • partition_key – Specifies the partition key value for the item.

  • enable_cross_partition_query – Allows sending of more than one request to execute the query in the Azure Cosmos DB service. More than one request is necessary if the query is not scoped to single partition key value.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of conflicts (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_items(query, parameters=None, partition_key=None, enable_cross_partition_query=None, max_item_count=None, enable_scan_in_query=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all results matching the given query.

You can use any value for the container name in the FROM clause, but typically the container name is used. In the examples below, the container name is “products,” and is aliased as “p” for easier referencing in the WHERE clause.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • partition_key – Specifies the partition key value for the item.

  • enable_cross_partition_query – Allows sending of more than one request to execute the query in the Azure Cosmos DB service. More than one request is necessary if the query is not scoped to single partition key value.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • enable_scan_in_query – Allow scan on the queries which couldn’t be served as indexing was opted out on the requested paths.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of items (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]


Get all products that have not been discontinued:
import json

for item in container.query_items(
    query='SELECT * FROM products p WHERE p.productModel <> "DISCONTINUED"',
    print(json.dumps(item, indent=True))
Parameterized query to get all products that have been discontinued:
discontinued_items = container.query_items(
    query='SELECT * FROM products p WHERE p.productModel = @model AND p.productName="Widget"',
    parameters=[dict(name="@model", value="DISCONTINUED")],
for item in discontinued_items:
    print(json.dumps(item, indent=True))
query_items_change_feed(partition_key_range_id=None, is_start_from_beginning=False, continuation=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get a sorted list of items that were changed, in the order in which they were modified.

  • partition_key_range_id – ChangeFeed requests can be executed against specific partition key ranges. This is used to process the change feed in parallel across multiple consumers.

  • is_start_from_beginning – Get whether change feed should start from beginning (true) or from current (false). By default it’s start from current (false).

  • continuation – e_tag value to be used as continuation for reading change feed.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of items (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

read(populate_query_metrics=None, populate_partition_key_range_statistics=None, populate_quota_info=None, **kwargs)[source]

Read the container properties

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • populate_partition_key_range_statistics – Enable returning partition key range statistics in response headers.

  • populate_quota_info – Enable returning collection storage quota information in response headers.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


CosmosHttpResponseError – Raised if the container couldn’t be retrieved. This includes if the container does not exist.


Dict representing the retrieved container.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

read_all_items(max_item_count=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all items in the container.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of items (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

read_item(item, partition_key, populate_query_metrics=None, post_trigger_include=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get the item identified by item.

  • item – The ID (name) or dict representing item to retrieve.

  • partition_key – Partition key for the item to retrieve.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • post_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


Dict representing the item to be retrieved.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The given item couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]


Get an item from the database and update one of its properties:
item = container.read_item("item2", partition_key="Widget")
item["productModel"] = "DISCONTINUED"
updated_item = container.upsert_item(item)

Read the Offer object for this container.


response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


Offer for the container.


CosmosHttpResponseError – No offer exists for the container or the offer could not be retrieved.

Return type


replace_item(item, body, populate_query_metrics=None, pre_trigger_include=None, post_trigger_include=None, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified item if it exists in the container.

  • item – The ID (name) or dict representing item to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the item to replace.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • pre_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.

  • post_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the item after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The replace failed or the item with given id does not exist.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

replace_throughput(throughput, **kwargs)[source]

Replace the container’s throughput

  • throughput – The throughput to be set (an integer).

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


Offer for the container, updated with new throughput.


CosmosHttpResponseError – No offer exists for the container or the offer could not be updated.

Return type


upsert_item(body, populate_query_metrics=None, pre_trigger_include=None, post_trigger_include=None, **kwargs)[source]

Insert or update the specified item. If the item already exists in the container, it is replaced. If it does not, it is inserted.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the item to update or insert.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • pre_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.

  • post_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the upserted item.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The given item could not be upserted.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

property is_system_key
property scripts

azure.cosmos.cosmos_client module

Create, read, and delete databases in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API service.

class azure.cosmos.cosmos_client.CosmosClient(url, credential, consistency_level='Session', **kwargs)[source]

Provides a client-side logical representation of an Azure Cosmos DB account. Use this client to configure and execute requests to the Azure Cosmos DB service.

  • url (str) – The URL of the Cosmos DB account.

  • credential (str or dict[str, str]) – Can be the account key, or a dictionary of resource tokens.

  • consistency_level (str) – Consistency level to use for the session. The default value is “Session”.

Keyword arguments:

timeout - An absolute timeout in seconds, for the combined HTTP request and response processing.

request_timeout - The HTTP request timeout in seconds.

media_request_timeout - The media request timeout in seconds.

connection_mode - The connection mode for the client - currently only supports ‘Gateway’.

media_read_mode - The mode for use with downloading attachment content - default value is Buffered.

proxy_config - Instance of azure.cosmos.ProxyConfiguration.

ssl_config - Instance of azure.cosmos.SSLConfiguration.

connection_verify - Whether to verify the connection, default value is True.

connection_cert - An alternative certificate to verify the connection.

retry_total - Maximum retry attempts.

retry_backoff_max - Maximum retry wait time in seconds.

retry_fixed_interval - Fixed retry interval in milliseconds.

retry_read - Maximum number of socket read retry attempts.

retry_connect - Maximum number of connection error retry attempts.

retry_status - Maximum number of retry attempts on error status codes.

retry_on_status_codes - A list of specific status codes to retry on.

retry_backoff_factor - Factor to calculate wait time between retry attempts.

enable_endpoint_discovery - Enable endpoint discovery for geo-replicated database accounts. Default is True.

preferred_locations - The preferred locations for geo-replicated database accounts.

connection_policy - An instance of azure.cosmos.documents.ConnectionPolicy


Create a new instance of the Cosmos DB client:
from azure.cosmos import errors, CosmosClient, PartitionKey

import os

url = os.environ["ACCOUNT_URI"]
key = os.environ["ACCOUNT_KEY"]
client = CosmosClient(url, key)

Instantiate a new CosmosClient.

create_database(id, populate_query_metrics=None, offer_throughput=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new database with the given ID (name).

  • id – ID (name) of the database to create.

  • session_token (str) – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers (dict[str, str]) – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition (dict[str, str]) – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • offer_throughput (int) – The provisioned throughput for this offer.

  • request_options (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A DatabaseProxy instance representing the new database.

Return type



CosmosResourceExistsError – Database with the given ID already exists.


Create a database in the Cosmos DB account:
database_name = "testDatabase"
    database = client.create_database(id=database_name)
except errors.CosmosResourceExistsError:
    database = client.get_database_client(database=database_name)
create_database_if_not_exists(id, populate_query_metrics=None, offer_throughput=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create the database if it does not exist already.

If the database already exists, the existing settings are returned. Note: it does not check or update the existing database settings or offer throughput if they differ from what was passed into the method.

  • id – ID (name) of the database to read or create.

  • session_token (str) – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers (dict[str, str]) – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition (dict[str, str]) – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • offer_throughput (int) – The provisioned throughput for this offer.

  • request_options (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A DatabaseProxy instance representing the database.

Return type



CosmosHttpResponseError – The database read or creation failed.

delete_database(database, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the database with the given ID (name).

  • database (str or dict(str, str) or DatabaseProxy) – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or DatabaseProxy instance of the database to delete.

  • session_token (str) – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers (dict[str, str]) – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition (dict[str, str]) – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • request_options (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the database couldn’t be deleted.

Return type


classmethod from_connection_string(conn_str, credential=None, consistency_level='Session', **kwargs)[source]

Create CosmosClient from a connection string.

This can be retrieved from the Azure portal.For full list of optional keyword arguments, see the CosmosClient constructor.

  • conn_str (str) – The connection string.

  • credential (str or dict(str, str)) – Alternative credentials to use instead of the key provided in the connection string.

  • consistency_level (str) – Consistency level to use for the session. The default value is “Session”.


Retrieve the database account information.


response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A DatabaseAccount instance representing the Cosmos DB Database Account.

Return type



Retrieve an existing database with the ID (name) id.


database (str or dict(str, str) or DatabaseProxy) – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or DatabaseProxy instance of the database to read.


A DatabaseProxy instance representing the retrieved database.

Return type


list_databases(max_item_count=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

List the databases in a Cosmos DB SQL database account.

  • max_item_count (int) – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token (str) – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers (dict[str, str]) – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options (dict[str, str]) – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of database properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, str]]

query_databases(query=None, parameters=None, enable_cross_partition_query=None, max_item_count=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Query the databases in a Cosmos DB SQL database account.

  • query (str) – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters (list[str]) – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • enable_cross_partition_query (bool) – Allow scan on the queries which couldn’t be served as indexing was opted out on the requested paths.

  • max_item_count (int) – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token (str) – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers (dict[str, str]) – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of database properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, str]]

azure.cosmos.database module

Create, read, update and delete containers in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API service.

class azure.cosmos.database.DatabaseProxy(client_connection, id, properties=None)[source]

An interface to interact with a specific database. This class should not be instantiated directly, use CosmosClient.get_database_client() method.

A database contains one or more containers, each of which can contain items, stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions.

A database can also have associated users, each of which configured with a set of permissions for accessing certain containers, stored procedures, triggers, user defined functions, or items.


id – The ID (name) of the database.

An Azure Cosmos DB SQL API database has the following system-generated properties; these properties are read-only:

  • _rid: The resource ID.

  • _ts: When the resource was last updated. The value is a timestamp.

  • _self: The unique addressable URI for the resource.

  • _etag: The resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control.

  • _colls: The addressable path of the collections resource.

  • _users: The addressable path of the users resource.

  • client_connection (ClientSession) – Client from which this database was retrieved.

  • id (str) – ID (name) of the database.

create_container(id, partition_key, indexing_policy=None, default_ttl=None, populate_query_metrics=None, offer_throughput=None, unique_key_policy=None, conflict_resolution_policy=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new container with the given ID (name).

If a container with the given ID already exists, a CosmosResourceExistsError is raised.

  • id – ID (name) of container to create.

  • partition_key – The partition key to use for the container.

  • indexing_policy – The indexing policy to apply to the container.

  • default_ttl – Default time to live (TTL) for items in the container. If unspecified, items do not expire.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • offer_throughput – The provisioned throughput for this offer.

  • unique_key_policy – The unique key policy to apply to the container.

  • conflict_resolution_policy – The conflict resolution policy to apply to the container.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A ContainerProxy instance representing the new container.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The container creation failed.

Return type



Create a container with default settings:
container_name = "products"
    container = database.create_container(
        id=container_name, partition_key=PartitionKey(path="/productName")
except errors.CosmosResourceExistsError:
    container = database.get_container_client(container_name)
Create a container with specific settings; in this case, a custom partition key:
customer_container_name = "customers"
    customer_container = database.create_container(
except errors.CosmosResourceExistsError:
    customer_container = database.get_container_client(customer_container_name)
create_container_if_not_exists(id, partition_key, indexing_policy=None, default_ttl=None, populate_query_metrics=None, offer_throughput=None, unique_key_policy=None, conflict_resolution_policy=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create the container if it does not exist already.

If the container already exists, the existing settings are returned. Note: it does not check or update the existing container settings or offer throughput if they differ from what was passed into the method.

  • id – ID (name) of container to read or create.

  • partition_key – The partition key to use for the container.

  • indexing_policy – The indexing policy to apply to the container.

  • default_ttl – Default time to live (TTL) for items in the container. If unspecified, items do not expire.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • offer_throughput – The provisioned throughput for this offer.

  • unique_key_policy – The unique key policy to apply to the container.

  • conflict_resolution_policy – The conflict resolution policy to apply to the container.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A ContainerProxy instance representing the container.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The container read or creation failed.

Return type


create_user(body, **kwargs)[source]

Create a user in the container. To update or replace an existing user, use the ContainerProxy.upsert_user() method.

  • body – A dict-like object with an id key and value representing the user to be created. The user ID must be unique within the database, and consist of no more than 255 characters.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A UserProxy instance representing the new user.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user couldn’t be created.

Return type



Create a database user:
    database.create_user(dict(id="Walter Harp"))
except errors.CosmosResourceExistsError:
    print("A user with that ID already exists.")
except errors.CosmosHttpResponseError as failure:
    print("Failed to create user. Status code:{}".format(failure.status_code))
delete_container(container, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the container

  • container – The ID (name) of the container to delete. You can either pass in the ID of the container to delete, a ContainerProxy instance or a dict representing the properties of the container.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the container couldn’t be deleted.

Return type


delete_user(user, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified user from the container.

  • user – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or UserProxy instance of the user to be deleted.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata

Return type



Get the specified ContainerProxy, or a container with specified ID (name).


container – The ID (name) of the container, a ContainerProxy instance, or a dict representing the properties of the container to be retrieved.

Return type



Get an existing container, handling a failure if encountered:
database = client.get_database_client(database_name)
container = database.get_container_client(container_name)

Get the user identified by user.


user – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or UserProxy instance of the user to be retrieved.


A UserProxy instance representing the retrieved user.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type


list_containers(max_item_count=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

List the containers in the database.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of container properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]


List all containers in the database:
database = client.get_database_client(database_name)
for container in database.list_containers():
    print("Container ID: {}".format(
list_users(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all users in the container.

  • max_item_count – Max number of users to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of user properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_containers(query=None, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

List properties for containers in the current database.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of container properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_users(query, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all users matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of users to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of user properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[str, Any]

read(populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Read the database properties.

  • database – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or DatabaseProxy instance of the database to read.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata

Return type

Dict[Str, Any]


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given database couldn’t be retrieved.


Read the Offer object for this database.


response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


Offer for the database.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If no offer exists for the database or if the offer could not be retrieved.

Return type


replace_container(container, partition_key, indexing_policy=None, default_ttl=None, conflict_resolution_policy=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Reset the properties of the container. Property changes are persisted immediately. Any properties not specified will be reset to their default values.

  • container – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or ContainerProxy instance of the container to be replaced.

  • partition_key – The partition key to use for the container.

  • indexing_policy – The indexing policy to apply to the container.

  • default_ttl – Default time to live (TTL) for items in the container. If unspecified, items do not expire.

  • conflict_resolution_policy – The conflict resolution policy to apply to the container.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


CosmosHttpResponseError – Raised if the container couldn’t be replaced. This includes if the container with given id does not exist.


A ContainerProxy instance representing the container after replace completed.

Return type



Reset the TTL property on a container, and display the updated properties:
# Set the TTL on the container to 3600 seconds (one hour)
database.replace_container(container, partition_key=PartitionKey(path='/productName'), default_ttl=3600)

# Display the new TTL setting for the container
container_props = database.get_container_client(container_name).read()
print("New container TTL: {}".format(json.dumps(container_props['defaultTtl'])))
replace_throughput(throughput, **kwargs)[source]

Replace the database level throughput.

  • throughput – The throughput to be set (an integer).

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


Offer for the database, updated with new throughput.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If no offer exists for the database or if the offer could not be updated.

Return type


replace_user(user, body, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified user if it exists in the container.

  • user – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or UserProxy instance of the user to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the user to replace.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A UserProxy instance representing the user after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the replace failed or the user with given id does not exist.

Return type


upsert_user(body, **kwargs)[source]

Insert or update the specified user. If the user already exists in the container, it is replaced. If it does not, it is inserted.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the user to update or insert.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A UserProxy instance representing the upserted user.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user could not be upserted.

Return type


azure.cosmos.diagnostics module

Diagnostic tools for Cosmos

class azure.cosmos.diagnostics.RecordDiagnostics[source]

Record Response headers from Cosmos read operations.

The full response headers are stored in the headers property.


>>> rh = RecordDiagnostics()
>>> col = b.create_container(
...     id="some_container",
...     partition_key=PartitionKey(path='/id', kind='Hash'),
...     response_hook=rh)
>>> rh.headers['x-ms-activity-id']
property body
property headers
property request_charge

azure.cosmos.documents module

AzureDocument classes and enums for the Azure Cosmos database service.

class azure.cosmos.documents.ConnectionMode[source]

Represents the connection mode to be used by the client.


Gateway (int) – Use the Azure Cosmos gateway to route all requests. The gateway proxies requests to the right data partition.

Gateway = 0
class azure.cosmos.documents.ConnectionPolicy[source]

Represents the Connection policy assocated with a CosmosClientConnection.

  • RequestTimeout (int) – Gets or sets the request timeout (time to wait for response from network peer).

  • MediaRequestTimeout (int) – Gets or sets Time to wait for response from network peer for attachment content (aka media) operations.

  • ConnectionMode (documents.ConnectionMode) – Gets or sets the connection mode used in the client. Currently only Gateway is supported.

  • MediaReadMode (MediaReadMode.Buffered) – Gets or sets the attachment content (aka media) download mode.

  • SSLConfiguration (documents.SSLConfiguration) – Gets or sets the SSL configuration.

  • ProxyConfiguration (documents.ProxyConfiguration) – Gets or sets the proxy configuration.

  • EnableEndpointDiscovery (boolean) – Gets or sets endpoint discovery flag for geo-replicated database accounts. When EnableEndpointDiscovery is true, the client will automatically discover the current write and read locations and direct the requests to the correct location taking into consideration of the user’s preference(if provided) as PreferredLocations.

  • PreferredLocations (list) – Gets or sets the preferred locations for geo-replicated database accounts. When EnableEndpointDiscovery is true and PreferredLocations is non-empty, the client will use this list to evaluate the final location, taking into consideration the order specified in PreferredLocations list. The locations in this list are specified as the names of the azure Cosmos locations like, ‘West US’, ‘East US’, ‘Central India’ and so on.

  • RetryOptions (RetryOptions) – Gets or sets the retry options to be applied to all requests when retrying.

  • DisableSSLVerification (boolean) – Flag to disable SSL verification for the requests. SSL verification is enabled by default. Don’t set this when targeting production endpoints. This is intended to be used only when targeting emulator endpoint to avoid failing your requests with SSL related error.

  • UseMultipleWriteLocations (boolean) – Flag to enable writes on any locations (regions) for geo-replicated database accounts in the azure Cosmos service.

  • ConnectionRetryConfiguration (int or azure.cosmos.ConnectionRetryPolicy or urllib3.util.retry) – Retry Configuration to be used for connection retries.

class azure.cosmos.documents.ConsistencyLevel[source]

Represents the consistency levels supported for Azure Cosmos client operations.

The requested ConsistencyLevel must match or be weaker than that provisioned for the database account. Consistency levels.

Consistency levels by order of strength are Strong, BoundedStaleness, Session, ConsistentPrefix and Eventual.

  • ConsistencyLevel.Strong (str) – Strong Consistency guarantees that read operations always return the value that was last written.

  • ConsistencyLevel.BoundedStaleness (str) – Bounded Staleness guarantees that reads are not too out-of-date. This can be configured based on number of operations (MaxStalenessPrefix) or time (MaxStalenessIntervalInSeconds).

  • ConsistencyLevel.Session (str) – Session Consistency guarantees monotonic reads (you never read old data, then new, then old again), monotonic writes (writes are ordered) and read your writes (your writes are immediately visible to your reads) within any single session.

  • ConsistencyLevel.Eventual (str) – Eventual Consistency guarantees that reads will return a subset of writes. All writes will be eventually be available for reads.

  • ConsistencyLevel.ConsistentPrefix (str) – ConsistentPrefix Consistency guarantees that reads will return some prefix of all writes with no gaps. All writes will be eventually be available for reads.

BoundedStaleness = 'BoundedStaleness'
ConsistentPrefix = 'ConsistentPrefix'
Eventual = 'Eventual'
Session = 'Session'
Strong = 'Strong'
class azure.cosmos.documents.DataType[source]

Specifies the data type of index specs.

LineString = 'LineString'
MultiPolygon = 'MultiPolygon'
Number = 'Number'
Point = 'Point'
Polygon = 'Polygon'
String = 'String'
class azure.cosmos.documents.DatabaseAccount[source]

Database account. A DatabaseAccount is the container for databases.

  • DatabaseLink (str) – The self-link for Databases in the databaseAccount.

  • MediaLink (str) – The self-link for Media in the databaseAccount.

  • MaxMediaStorageUsageInMB (int) – Attachment content (media) storage quota in MBs (Retrieved from gateway).

  • CurrentMediaStorageUsageInMB (int) – Current attachment content (media) usage in MBs (Retrieved from gateway). Value is returned from cached information updated periodically and is not guaranteed to be real time.

  • ConsistencyPolicy (dict) – UserConsistencyPolicy settings.

  • ConsistencyPolicy['defaultConsistencyLevel'] (dict) – The default consistency level.

  • ConsistencyPolicy['maxStalenessPrefix'] (int) – In bounded staleness consistency, the maximum allowed staleness in terms difference in sequence numbers (aka version).

  • ConsistencyPolicy['maxStalenessIntervalInSeconds'] (int) – In bounded staleness consistency, the maximum allowed staleness in terms time interval.

  • EnableMultipleWritableLocations (boolean) – Flag on the azure Cosmos account that indicates if writes can take place in multiple locations.

property ReadableLocations

Gets the list of readable locations for a geo-replicated database account.

property WritableLocations

Gets the list of writable locations for a geo-replicated database account.

class azure.cosmos.documents.IndexKind[source]

Specifies the index kind of index specs.

  • IndexKind.Hash (str) – The index entries are hashed to serve point look up queries. Can be used to serve queries like: SELECT * FROM docs d WHERE d.prop = 5

  • IndexKind.Range (str) – The index entries are ordered. Range indexes are optimized for inequality predicate queries with efficient range scans. Can be used to serve queries like: SELECT * FROM docs d WHERE d.prop > 5

Hash = 'Hash'
Range = 'Range'
class azure.cosmos.documents.IndexingDirective[source]

Specifies whether or not the resource is to be indexed.

Default = 0
Exclude = 1
Include = 2
class azure.cosmos.documents.IndexingMode[source]

Specifies the supported indexing modes.

  • Consistent (str) –

    Index is updated synchronously with a create or update operation. With consistent indexing, query behavior is the same as the default consistency level for the collection.

    The index is always kept up to date with the data.

  • Lazy (str) –

    Index is updated asynchronously with respect to a create or update operation.

    With lazy indexing, queries are eventually consistent. The index is updated when the collection is idle.

  • NoIndex (str) –

    No index is provided.

    Setting IndexingMode to “None” drops the index. Use this if you don’t want to maintain the index for a document collection, to save the storage cost or improve the write throughput. Your queries will degenerate to scans of the entire collection.

Consistent = 'consistent'
Lazy = 'lazy'
NoIndex = 'none'
class azure.cosmos.documents.MediaReadMode[source]

Represents the mode for use with downloading attachment content (aka media).

  • Buffered (str) –

    Content is buffered at the client and not directly streamed from the content store.

    Use Buffered to reduce the time taken to read and write media files.

  • Streamed (str) –

    Content is directly streamed from the content store without any buffering at the client.

    Use Streamed to reduce the client memory overhead of reading and writing media files.

Buffered = 'Buffered'
Streamed = 'Streamed'
class azure.cosmos.documents.PartitionKind[source]

Specifies the kind of partitioning to be applied.


PartitionKind.Hash (str) – The partition key definition path is hashed.

Hash = 'Hash'
class azure.cosmos.documents.PermissionMode[source]

Enumeration specifying applicability of permission.

All = 'all'
NoneMode = 'none'
Read = 'read'
class azure.cosmos.documents.ProxyConfiguration[source]

Configurations for proxy.

  • Host (str) – The host address of the proxy.

  • Port (int) – The port number of the proxy.

class azure.cosmos.documents.SSLConfiguration[source]

Configurations for SSL connections.

Please refer to for more detail.

  • SSLKeyFIle (str) – The path of the key file for ssl connection.

  • SSLCertFile (str) – The path of the cert file for ssl connection.

  • SSLCaCerts (str) – The path of the CA_BUNDLE file with certificates of trusted CAs.

class azure.cosmos.documents.TriggerOperation[source]

Specifies the operations on which a trigger should be executed.

All = 'all'
Create = 'create'
Delete = 'delete'
Replace = 'replace'
Update = 'update'
class azure.cosmos.documents.TriggerType[source]

Specifies the type of the trigger.

Post = 'post'
Pre = 'pre'

azure.cosmos.errors module

PyCosmos Exceptions in the Azure Cosmos database service.

exception azure.cosmos.errors.CosmosAccessConditionFailedError(status_code=None, message=None, response=None, **kwargs)[source]

An error response with status code 412.

  • status_code (int) – HTTP response code.

  • message (str) – Error message.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception azure.cosmos.errors.CosmosClientTimeoutError(**kwargs)[source]

An operation failed to complete within the specified timeout.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception azure.cosmos.errors.CosmosHttpResponseError(status_code=None, message=None, response=None, **kwargs)[source]

Raised when a HTTP request to the Azure Cosmos has failed.

  • status_code (int) – HTTP response code.

  • message (str) – Error message.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception azure.cosmos.errors.CosmosResourceExistsError(status_code=None, message=None, response=None, **kwargs)[source]

An error response with status code 409.

  • status_code (int) – HTTP response code.

  • message (str) – Error message.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception azure.cosmos.errors.CosmosResourceNotFoundError(status_code=None, message=None, response=None, **kwargs)[source]

An error response with status code 404.

  • status_code (int) – HTTP response code.

  • message (str) – Error message.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.


azure.cosmos.http_constants module

HTTP Constants in the Azure Cosmos database service.

class azure.cosmos.http_constants.CookieHeaders[source]

Constants of cookie headers.

SessionToken = 'x-ms-session-token'
class azure.cosmos.http_constants.Delimiters[source]

Constants of delimiters.

ClientContinuationDelimiter = '!!'
ClientContinuationFormat = '{0}!!{1}'
class azure.cosmos.http_constants.HttpContextProperties[source]

Constants of http context properties.

SubscriptionId = 'SubscriptionId'
class azure.cosmos.http_constants.HttpHeaderPreferenceTokens[source]

Constants of http header preference tokens.

PreferUnfilteredQueryResponse = 'PreferUnfilteredQueryResponse'
class azure.cosmos.http_constants.HttpHeaders[source]

Constants of http headers.

AIM = 'A-IM'
Accept = 'Accept'
AcceptCharset = 'Accept-Charset'
AcceptEncoding = 'Accept-Encoding'
AcceptLanguage = 'Accept-Language'
AcceptRanges = 'Accept-Ranges'
AccessControlAllowHeaders = 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'
AccessControlAllowOrigin = 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
ActivityId = 'x-ms-activity-id'
AllowTentativeWrites = 'x-ms-cosmos-allow-tentative-writes'
AlternateContentPath = 'x-ms-alt-content-path'
Authorization = 'authorization'
CacheControl = 'Cache-Control'
CharacterSet = 'CharacterSet'
CollectionCurrentUsageInMb = 'x-ms-collection-usage-mb'
CollectionPartitionInfo = 'x-ms-collection-partition-info'
CollectionQuotaInMb = 'x-ms-collection-quota-mb'
CollectionServiceInfo = 'x-ms-collection-service-info'
ConsistencyLevel = 'x-ms-consistency-level'
ContentEncoding = 'Content-Encoding'
ContentLanguage = 'Content-Language'
ContentLength = 'Content-Length'
ContentLocation = 'Content-Location'
ContentMd5 = 'Content-Md5'
ContentRange = 'Content-Range'
ContentType = 'Content-Type'
Continuation = 'x-ms-continuation'
CurrentEntityCount = 'x-ms-root-entity-current-count'
CurrentMediaStorageUsageInMB = 'x-ms-media-storage-usage-mb'
DisableRUPerMinuteUsage = 'x-ms-documentdb-disable-ru-per-minute-usage'
ETag = 'etag'
EmitVerboseTracesInQuery = 'x-ms-documentdb-query-emit-traces'
EnableCrossPartitionQuery = 'x-ms-documentdb-query-enablecrosspartition'
EnableScanInQuery = 'x-ms-documentdb-query-enable-scan'
EnableScriptLogging = 'x-ms-documentdb-script-enable-logging'
ForceRefresh = 'x-ms-force-refresh'
FullUpgrade = 'x-ms-force-full-upgrade'
Host = 'Host'
HttpDate = 'date'
IfMatch = 'If-Match'
IfModified_since = 'If-Modified-Since'
IfNoneMatch = 'If-None-Match'
IfRange = 'If-Range'
IfUnmodifiedSince = 'If-Unmodified-Since'
IgnoreInProgressUpgrade = 'x-ms-ignore-inprogress-upgrade'
IncrementalFeedHeaderValue = 'Incremental feed'
IndexTransformationProgress = 'x-ms-documentdb-collection-index-transformation-progress'
IndexingDirective = 'x-ms-indexing-directive'
IsCanary = 'x-ms-iscanary'
IsContinuationExpected = 'x-ms-documentdb-query-iscontinuationexpected'
IsFeedUnfiltered = 'x-ms-is-feed-unfiltered'
IsQuery = 'x-ms-documentdb-isquery'
IsRUPerMinuteUsed = 'x-ms-documentdb-is-ru-per-minute-used'
IsUpsert = 'x-ms-documentdb-is-upsert'
ItemCount = 'x-ms-item-count'
KeepAlive = 'Keep-Alive'
KeyValueEncodingFormat = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
LastModified = 'Last-Modified'
LastStateChangeUtc = 'x-ms-last-state-change-utc'
LazyIndexingProgress = 'x-ms-documentdb-collection-lazy-indexing-progress'
Location = 'Location'
MaxEntityCount = 'x-ms-root-entity-max-count'
MaxForwards = 'Max-Forwards'
MaxMediaStorageUsageInMB = 'x-ms-max-media-storage-usage-mb'
MethodOverride = 'X-HTTP-Method'
NewResourceId = 'x-ms-new-resource-id'
OcpResourceProviderRegisteredUri = 'ocp-resourceprovider-registered-uri'
OfferIsRUPerMinuteThroughputEnabled = 'x-ms-offer-is-ru-per-minute-throughput-enabled'
OfferThroughput = 'x-ms-offer-throughput'
OfferType = 'x-ms-offer-type'
OnlyUpgradeNonSystemApplications = 'x-ms-only-upgrade-non-system-applications'
OnlyUpgradeSystemApplications = 'x-ms-only-upgrade-system-applications'
Origin = 'Origin'
PageSize = 'x-ms-max-item-count'
PartitionKey = 'x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey'
PartitionKeyRangeID = 'x-ms-documentdb-partitionkeyrangeid'
PopulatePartitionKeyRangeStatistics = 'x-ms-documentdb-populatepartitionstatistics'
PopulateQueryMetrics = 'x-ms-documentdb-populatequerymetrics'
PopulateQuotaInfo = 'x-ms-documentdb-populatequotainfo'
PostTriggerExclude = 'x-ms-documentdb-post-trigger-exclude'
PostTriggerInclude = 'x-ms-documentdb-post-trigger-include'
PreTriggerExclude = 'x-ms-documentdb-pre-trigger-exclude'
PreTriggerInclude = 'x-ms-documentdb-pre-trigger-include'
Prefer = 'Prefer'
ProxyAuthenticate = 'Proxy-Authenticate'
ProxyAuthorization = 'Proxy-Authorization'
Query = 'x-ms-documentdb-query'
Referer = 'referer'
RequestCharge = 'x-ms-request-charge'
RequestId = 'x-ms-request-id'
ResourceTokenExpiry = 'x-ms-documentdb-expiry-seconds'
RetryAfter = 'Retry-After'
RetryAfterInMilliseconds = 'x-ms-retry-after-ms'
ScriptLogResults = 'x-ms-documentdb-script-log-results'
SessionToken = 'x-ms-session-token'
SetCookie = 'Set-Cookie'
SimpleToken = 'SWT'
Slug = 'Slug'
SubStatus = 'x-ms-substatus'
ThrottleRetryCount = 'x-ms-throttle-retry-count'
ThrottleRetryWaitTimeInMs = 'x-ms-throttle-retry-wait-time-ms'
TransferEncoding = 'Transfer-Encoding'
UpgradeFabricRingCodeAndConfig = 'x-ms-upgrade-fabric-code-config'
UpgradeVerificationKind = 'x-ms-upgrade-verification-kind'
UseMasterCollectionResolver = 'x-ms-use-master-collection-resolver'
UserAgent = 'User-Agent'
Version = 'x-ms-version'
WrapAssertion = 'wrap_assertion'
WrapAssertionFormat = 'wrap_assertion_format'
WrapScope = 'wrap_scope'
WwwAuthenticate = 'Www-Authenticate'
XDate = 'x-ms-date'
class azure.cosmos.http_constants.HttpListenerErrorCodes[source]

Constants of http listener error codes.

class azure.cosmos.http_constants.HttpMethods[source]

Constants of http methods.

Delete = 'DELETE'
Get = 'GET'
Head = 'HEAD'
Options = 'OPTIONS'
Post = 'POST'
Put = 'PUT'
class azure.cosmos.http_constants.HttpStatusDescriptions[source]

Constants of http status descriptions.

Accepted = 'Accepted'
BadGateway = 'Bad Gateway'
BadRequest = 'Bad Request'
Conflict = 'Conflict'
Created = 'Created'
Forbidden = 'Forbidden'
GatewayTimeout = 'Gateway timed out'
Gone = 'Gone'
InternalServerError = 'Internal Server Error'
LengthRequired = 'Length Required'
MethodNotAllowed = 'MethodNotAllowed'
NoContent = 'No Content'
NotAcceptable = 'Not Acceptable'
NotFound = 'Not Found'
NotModified = 'Not Modified'
OK = 'Ok'
PreconditionFailed = 'Precondition Failed'
RequestEntityTooLarge = 'Request Entity Too Large'
RequestTimeout = 'Request timed out'
RetryWith = 'Retry the request'
ServiceUnavailable = 'Service Unavailable'
TooManyRequests = 'Too Many Requests'
Unauthorized = 'Unauthorized'
UnsupportedMediaType = 'Unsupported Media Type'
class azure.cosmos.http_constants.QueryStrings[source]

Constants of query strings.

ContentView = 'contentview'
Filter = '$filter'
GenerateId = '$generateFor'
GenerateIdBatchSize = '$batchSize'
Generic = 'generic'
GetChildResourcePartitions = '$getChildResourcePartitions'
Query = 'query'
RootIndex = '$rootIndex'
SQLQueryType = 'sql'
Url = '$resolveFor'
class azure.cosmos.http_constants.ResourceType[source]

Types of resources in Azure Cosmos

static IsCollectionChild(resourceType)[source]
Attachment = 'attachments'
Collection = 'colls'
Conflict = 'conflicts'
Database = 'dbs'
DatabaseAccount = 'databaseaccount'
Document = 'docs'
Media = 'media'
Offer = 'offers'
PartitionKeyRange = 'pkranges'
Permission = 'permissions'
Schema = 'schemas'
StoredProcedure = 'sprocs'
Topology = 'topology'
Trigger = 'triggers'
User = 'users'
UserDefinedFunction = 'udfs'
class azure.cosmos.http_constants.StatusCodes[source]

HTTP status codes returned by the REST operations

GONE = 410
OK = 200
class azure.cosmos.http_constants.SubStatusCodes[source]

Sub status codes returned by the REST operations specifying the details of the operation

class azure.cosmos.http_constants.Versions[source]

Constants of versions.

CurrentVersion = '2018-12-31'
SDKName = 'azure-cosmos'

azure.cosmos.offer module

Represents an offer in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API service.

class azure.cosmos.offer.Offer(offer_throughput, properties=None)[source]

Represents a offer in an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API container.

To read and update offers use the associated methods on the Container.

azure.cosmos.partition_key module

class azure.cosmos.partition_key.NonePartitionKeyValue[source]

Represents none value for partitionKey when it’s missing in a containers.

class azure.cosmos.partition_key.PartitionKey(path, kind='Hash', version=2)[source]

Key used to partition a container into logical partitions.

See for more information on how to choose partition keys.

  • path – The path of the partition key

  • kind – What kind of partition key is being defined

  • version – The version of the partition key

clear() → None. Remove all items from D.
copy() → a shallow copy of D

Returns a new dict with keys from iterable and values equal to value.

get(k[, d]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.
items() → a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() → a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
pop(k[, d]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised

popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a

2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

setdefault(k[, d]) → D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
update([E, ]**F) → None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F.

If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]

values() → an object providing a view on D's values
property kind
property path
property version

azure.cosmos.permission module

Represents a Permission object in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API service.

class azure.cosmos.permission.Permission(id, user_link, permission_mode, resource_link, properties)[source]

azure.cosmos.scripts module

Create, read, update and delete and execute scripts in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API service.

class azure.cosmos.scripts.ScriptType[source]
StoredProcedure = 'sprocs'
Trigger = 'triggers'
UserDefinedFunction = 'udfs'
class azure.cosmos.scripts.ScriptsProxy(client_connection, container_link, is_system_key)[source]

An interface to interact with stored procedures. This class should not be instantiated directly, use ContainerProxy.scripts() attribute.

create_stored_procedure(body, **kwargs)[source]

Create a stored procedure in the container. To replace an existing sproc, use the Container.scripts.replace_stored_procedure() method.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the sproc to create.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the new stored procedure.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given stored procedure couldn’t be created.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

create_trigger(body, **kwargs)[source]

Create a trigger in the container. To replace an existing trigger, use the ContainerProxy.scripts.replace_trigger() method.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the trigger to create.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the new trigger.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given trigger couldn’t be created.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

create_user_defined_function(body, **kwargs)[source]

Create a user defined function in the container. To replace an existing udf, use the ContainerProxy.scripts.replace_user_defined_function() method.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the udf to create.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the new user defined function.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user defined function couldn’t be created.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

delete_stored_procedure(sproc, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified stored procedure from the container.

  • sproc – The ID (name) or dict representing stored procedure to be deleted.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

Return type


delete_trigger(trigger, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified trigger from the container.

  • trigger – The ID (name) or dict representing trigger to be deleted.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

Return type


delete_user_defined_function(udf, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified user defined function from the container.

  • udf – The ID (name) or dict representing udf to be deleted.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

Return type


execute_stored_procedure(sproc, partition_key=None, params=None, enable_script_logging=None, **kwargs)[source]

Execute the specified stored procedure.

  • sproc – The ID (name) or dict representing stored procedure to be executed.

  • params – List of parameters to be passed to the stored procedure to be executed.

  • enable_script_logging (bool) – Enables or disables script logging for the current request.

  • partition_key – Specifies the partition key to indicate which partition the sproc should execute on.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


Result of the executed stored procedure for the given parameters.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the stored procedure execution failed or if the stored procedure with given id does not exists in the container.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

get_stored_procedure(sproc, **kwargs)[source]

Get the stored procedure identified by id.

  • sproc – The ID (name) or dict representing stored procedure to retrieve.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the retrieved stored procedure.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given stored procedure couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

get_trigger(trigger, **kwargs)[source]

Get the trigger identified by id.

  • trigger – The ID (name) or dict representing trigger to retrieve.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the retrieved trigger.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given trigger couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

get_user_defined_function(udf, **kwargs)[source]

Get the stored procedure identified by id.

  • udf – The ID (name) or dict representing udf to retrieve.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the retrieved user defined function.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user defined function couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

list_stored_procedures(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all stored procedures in the container.

  • max_item_count (int) – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of stored procedures (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

list_triggers(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all triggers in the container.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of triggers (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

list_user_defined_functions(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all user defined functions in the container.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of user defined functions (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_stored_procedures(query, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all stored procedures matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of stored procedures (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_triggers(query, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all triggers matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of triggers (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_user_defined_functions(query, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all user defined functions matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of user defined functions (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

replace_stored_procedure(sproc, body, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified stored procedure if it exists in the container.

  • sproc – The ID (name) or dict representing stored procedure to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the sproc to replace.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the stored procedure after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the replace failed or the stored procedure with given id does not exist.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

replace_trigger(trigger, body, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified tigger if it exists in the container.

  • trigger – The ID (name) or dict representing trigger to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the trigger to replace.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the trigger after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the replace failed or the trigger with given id does not exist.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

replace_user_defined_function(udf, body, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified user defined function if it exists in the container.

  • udf – The ID (name) or dict representing udf to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the udf to replace.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the user defined function after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the replace failed or the user defined function with given id does not exist.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

azure.cosmos.user module

Create, read, update and delete permissions in the Azure Cosmos DB SQL API service.

class azure.cosmos.user.UserProxy(client_connection, id, database_link, properties=None)[source]

An interface to interact with a specific user. This class should not be instantiated directly, use DatabaseProxy.get_user_client() method.

create_permission(body, **kwargs)[source]

Create a permission for the user. To update or replace an existing permision, use the UserProxy.upsert_permission() method.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the permission to create.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the new permission.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given permission couldn’t be created.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

delete_permission(permission, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified permission from the user.

  • permission – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or Permission instance of the permission to be replaced.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata

Return type


get_permission(permission, **kwargs)[source]

Get the permission identified by id.

  • permission – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or Permission instance of the permission to be retrieved.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the retrieved permission.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given permission couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

list_permissions(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all permission for the user.

  • max_item_count – Max number of permissions to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of permissions (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_permissions(query, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all permissions matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of permissions to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of permissions (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]


Read user propertes.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A UserProxy instance representing the retrieved user.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

replace_permission(permission, body, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified permission if it exists for the user.

  • permission – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or Permission instance of the permission to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the permission to replace.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the permission after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the replace failed or the permission with given id does not exist.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

upsert_permission(body, **kwargs)[source]

Insert or update the specified permission. If the permission already exists in the container, it is replaced. If it does not, it is inserted.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the permission to update or insert.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the upserted permission.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given permission could not be upserted.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

azure.cosmos.version module

Module contents

class azure.cosmos.CosmosClient(url, credential, consistency_level='Session', **kwargs)[source]

Provides a client-side logical representation of an Azure Cosmos DB account. Use this client to configure and execute requests to the Azure Cosmos DB service.

  • url (str) – The URL of the Cosmos DB account.

  • credential (str or dict[str, str]) – Can be the account key, or a dictionary of resource tokens.

  • consistency_level (str) – Consistency level to use for the session. The default value is “Session”.

Keyword arguments:

timeout - An absolute timeout in seconds, for the combined HTTP request and response processing.

request_timeout - The HTTP request timeout in seconds.

media_request_timeout - The media request timeout in seconds.

connection_mode - The connection mode for the client - currently only supports ‘Gateway’.

media_read_mode - The mode for use with downloading attachment content - default value is Buffered.

proxy_config - Instance of azure.cosmos.ProxyConfiguration.

ssl_config - Instance of azure.cosmos.SSLConfiguration.

connection_verify - Whether to verify the connection, default value is True.

connection_cert - An alternative certificate to verify the connection.

retry_total - Maximum retry attempts.

retry_backoff_max - Maximum retry wait time in seconds.

retry_fixed_interval - Fixed retry interval in milliseconds.

retry_read - Maximum number of socket read retry attempts.

retry_connect - Maximum number of connection error retry attempts.

retry_status - Maximum number of retry attempts on error status codes.

retry_on_status_codes - A list of specific status codes to retry on.

retry_backoff_factor - Factor to calculate wait time between retry attempts.

enable_endpoint_discovery - Enable endpoint discovery for geo-replicated database accounts. Default is True.

preferred_locations - The preferred locations for geo-replicated database accounts.

connection_policy - An instance of azure.cosmos.documents.ConnectionPolicy


Create a new instance of the Cosmos DB client:
from azure.cosmos import errors, CosmosClient, PartitionKey

import os

url = os.environ["ACCOUNT_URI"]
key = os.environ["ACCOUNT_KEY"]
client = CosmosClient(url, key)

Instantiate a new CosmosClient.

create_database(id, populate_query_metrics=None, offer_throughput=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new database with the given ID (name).

  • id – ID (name) of the database to create.

  • session_token (str) – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers (dict[str, str]) – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition (dict[str, str]) – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • offer_throughput (int) – The provisioned throughput for this offer.

  • request_options (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A DatabaseProxy instance representing the new database.

Return type



CosmosResourceExistsError – Database with the given ID already exists.


Create a database in the Cosmos DB account:
database_name = "testDatabase"
    database = client.create_database(id=database_name)
except errors.CosmosResourceExistsError:
    database = client.get_database_client(database=database_name)
create_database_if_not_exists(id, populate_query_metrics=None, offer_throughput=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create the database if it does not exist already.

If the database already exists, the existing settings are returned. Note: it does not check or update the existing database settings or offer throughput if they differ from what was passed into the method.

  • id – ID (name) of the database to read or create.

  • session_token (str) – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers (dict[str, str]) – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition (dict[str, str]) – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • offer_throughput (int) – The provisioned throughput for this offer.

  • request_options (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A DatabaseProxy instance representing the database.

Return type



CosmosHttpResponseError – The database read or creation failed.

delete_database(database, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the database with the given ID (name).

  • database (str or dict(str, str) or DatabaseProxy) – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or DatabaseProxy instance of the database to delete.

  • session_token (str) – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers (dict[str, str]) – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition (dict[str, str]) – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • request_options (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the database couldn’t be deleted.

Return type


classmethod from_connection_string(conn_str, credential=None, consistency_level='Session', **kwargs)[source]

Create CosmosClient from a connection string.

This can be retrieved from the Azure portal.For full list of optional keyword arguments, see the CosmosClient constructor.

  • conn_str (str) – The connection string.

  • credential (str or dict(str, str)) – Alternative credentials to use instead of the key provided in the connection string.

  • consistency_level (str) – Consistency level to use for the session. The default value is “Session”.


Retrieve the database account information.


response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A DatabaseAccount instance representing the Cosmos DB Database Account.

Return type



Retrieve an existing database with the ID (name) id.


database (str or dict(str, str) or DatabaseProxy) – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or DatabaseProxy instance of the database to read.


A DatabaseProxy instance representing the retrieved database.

Return type


list_databases(max_item_count=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

List the databases in a Cosmos DB SQL database account.

  • max_item_count (int) – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token (str) – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers (dict[str, str]) – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options (dict[str, str]) – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of database properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, str]]

query_databases(query=None, parameters=None, enable_cross_partition_query=None, max_item_count=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Query the databases in a Cosmos DB SQL database account.

  • query (str) – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters (list[str]) – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • enable_cross_partition_query (bool) – Allow scan on the queries which couldn’t be served as indexing was opted out on the requested paths.

  • max_item_count (int) – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token (str) – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers (dict[str, str]) – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook (Callable) – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of database properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, str]]

class azure.cosmos.DatabaseProxy(client_connection, id, properties=None)[source]

An interface to interact with a specific database. This class should not be instantiated directly, use CosmosClient.get_database_client() method.

A database contains one or more containers, each of which can contain items, stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions.

A database can also have associated users, each of which configured with a set of permissions for accessing certain containers, stored procedures, triggers, user defined functions, or items.


id – The ID (name) of the database.

An Azure Cosmos DB SQL API database has the following system-generated properties; these properties are read-only:

  • _rid: The resource ID.

  • _ts: When the resource was last updated. The value is a timestamp.

  • _self: The unique addressable URI for the resource.

  • _etag: The resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control.

  • _colls: The addressable path of the collections resource.

  • _users: The addressable path of the users resource.

  • client_connection (ClientSession) – Client from which this database was retrieved.

  • id (str) – ID (name) of the database.

create_container(id, partition_key, indexing_policy=None, default_ttl=None, populate_query_metrics=None, offer_throughput=None, unique_key_policy=None, conflict_resolution_policy=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new container with the given ID (name).

If a container with the given ID already exists, a CosmosResourceExistsError is raised.

  • id – ID (name) of container to create.

  • partition_key – The partition key to use for the container.

  • indexing_policy – The indexing policy to apply to the container.

  • default_ttl – Default time to live (TTL) for items in the container. If unspecified, items do not expire.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • offer_throughput – The provisioned throughput for this offer.

  • unique_key_policy – The unique key policy to apply to the container.

  • conflict_resolution_policy – The conflict resolution policy to apply to the container.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A ContainerProxy instance representing the new container.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The container creation failed.

Return type



Create a container with default settings:
container_name = "products"
    container = database.create_container(
        id=container_name, partition_key=PartitionKey(path="/productName")
except errors.CosmosResourceExistsError:
    container = database.get_container_client(container_name)
Create a container with specific settings; in this case, a custom partition key:
customer_container_name = "customers"
    customer_container = database.create_container(
except errors.CosmosResourceExistsError:
    customer_container = database.get_container_client(customer_container_name)
create_container_if_not_exists(id, partition_key, indexing_policy=None, default_ttl=None, populate_query_metrics=None, offer_throughput=None, unique_key_policy=None, conflict_resolution_policy=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create the container if it does not exist already.

If the container already exists, the existing settings are returned. Note: it does not check or update the existing container settings or offer throughput if they differ from what was passed into the method.

  • id – ID (name) of container to read or create.

  • partition_key – The partition key to use for the container.

  • indexing_policy – The indexing policy to apply to the container.

  • default_ttl – Default time to live (TTL) for items in the container. If unspecified, items do not expire.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • offer_throughput – The provisioned throughput for this offer.

  • unique_key_policy – The unique key policy to apply to the container.

  • conflict_resolution_policy – The conflict resolution policy to apply to the container.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A ContainerProxy instance representing the container.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The container read or creation failed.

Return type


create_user(body, **kwargs)[source]

Create a user in the container. To update or replace an existing user, use the ContainerProxy.upsert_user() method.

  • body – A dict-like object with an id key and value representing the user to be created. The user ID must be unique within the database, and consist of no more than 255 characters.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A UserProxy instance representing the new user.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user couldn’t be created.

Return type



Create a database user:
    database.create_user(dict(id="Walter Harp"))
except errors.CosmosResourceExistsError:
    print("A user with that ID already exists.")
except errors.CosmosHttpResponseError as failure:
    print("Failed to create user. Status code:{}".format(failure.status_code))
delete_container(container, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the container

  • container – The ID (name) of the container to delete. You can either pass in the ID of the container to delete, a ContainerProxy instance or a dict representing the properties of the container.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the container couldn’t be deleted.

Return type


delete_user(user, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified user from the container.

  • user – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or UserProxy instance of the user to be deleted.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata

Return type



Get the specified ContainerProxy, or a container with specified ID (name).


container – The ID (name) of the container, a ContainerProxy instance, or a dict representing the properties of the container to be retrieved.

Return type



Get an existing container, handling a failure if encountered:
database = client.get_database_client(database_name)
container = database.get_container_client(container_name)

Get the user identified by user.


user – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or UserProxy instance of the user to be retrieved.


A UserProxy instance representing the retrieved user.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type


list_containers(max_item_count=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

List the containers in the database.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of container properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]


List all containers in the database:
database = client.get_database_client(database_name)
for container in database.list_containers():
    print("Container ID: {}".format(
list_users(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all users in the container.

  • max_item_count – Max number of users to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of user properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_containers(query=None, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

List properties for containers in the current database.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of container properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_users(query, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all users matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of users to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of user properties (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[str, Any]

read(populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Read the database properties.

  • database – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or DatabaseProxy instance of the database to read.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics (bool) – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata

Return type

Dict[Str, Any]


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given database couldn’t be retrieved.


Read the Offer object for this database.


response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


Offer for the database.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If no offer exists for the database or if the offer could not be retrieved.

Return type


replace_container(container, partition_key, indexing_policy=None, default_ttl=None, conflict_resolution_policy=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Reset the properties of the container. Property changes are persisted immediately. Any properties not specified will be reset to their default values.

  • container – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or ContainerProxy instance of the container to be replaced.

  • partition_key – The partition key to use for the container.

  • indexing_policy – The indexing policy to apply to the container.

  • default_ttl – Default time to live (TTL) for items in the container. If unspecified, items do not expire.

  • conflict_resolution_policy – The conflict resolution policy to apply to the container.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


CosmosHttpResponseError – Raised if the container couldn’t be replaced. This includes if the container with given id does not exist.


A ContainerProxy instance representing the container after replace completed.

Return type



Reset the TTL property on a container, and display the updated properties:
# Set the TTL on the container to 3600 seconds (one hour)
database.replace_container(container, partition_key=PartitionKey(path='/productName'), default_ttl=3600)

# Display the new TTL setting for the container
container_props = database.get_container_client(container_name).read()
print("New container TTL: {}".format(json.dumps(container_props['defaultTtl'])))
replace_throughput(throughput, **kwargs)[source]

Replace the database level throughput.

  • throughput – The throughput to be set (an integer).

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


Offer for the database, updated with new throughput.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If no offer exists for the database or if the offer could not be updated.

Return type


replace_user(user, body, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified user if it exists in the container.

  • user – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or UserProxy instance of the user to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the user to replace.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A UserProxy instance representing the user after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the replace failed or the user with given id does not exist.

Return type


upsert_user(body, **kwargs)[source]

Insert or update the specified user. If the user already exists in the container, it is replaced. If it does not, it is inserted.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the user to update or insert.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A UserProxy instance representing the upserted user.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user could not be upserted.

Return type


class azure.cosmos.ContainerProxy(client_connection, database_link, id, properties=None)[source]

An interface to interact with a specific DB Container. This class should not be instantiated directly, use DatabaseProxy.get_container_client() method.

A container in an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API database is a collection of documents, each of which represented as an Item.

  • id (str) – ID (name) of the container

  • session_token (str) – The session token for the container.


To create a new container in an existing database, use Database.create_container().

create_item(body, populate_query_metrics=None, pre_trigger_include=None, post_trigger_include=None, indexing_directive=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create an item in the container. To update or replace an existing item, use the ContainerProxy.upsert_item() method.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the item to create.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • pre_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.

  • post_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.

  • indexing_directive – Indicate whether the document should be omitted from indexing.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the new item.


CosmosHttpResponseError – Item with the given ID already exists.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

delete_conflict(conflict, partition_key, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified conflict from the container.

  • conflict – The ID (name) or dict representing the conflict to be deleted.

  • partition_key – Partition key for the conflict to delete.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata

Return type


delete_item(item, partition_key, populate_query_metrics=None, pre_trigger_include=None, post_trigger_include=None, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified item from the container.

  • item – The ID (name) or dict representing item to be deleted.

  • partition_key – Specifies the partition key value for the item.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • pre_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.

  • post_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata

Return type


get_conflict(conflict, partition_key, **kwargs)[source]

Get the conflict identified by conflict.

  • conflict – The ID (name) or dict representing the conflict to retrieve.

  • partition_key – Partition key for the conflict to retrieve.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the retrieved conflict.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The given conflict couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

list_conflicts(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all conflicts in the container.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of conflicts (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_conflicts(query, parameters=None, enable_cross_partition_query=None, partition_key=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all conflicts matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • partition_key – Specifies the partition key value for the item.

  • enable_cross_partition_query – Allows sending of more than one request to execute the query in the Azure Cosmos DB service. More than one request is necessary if the query is not scoped to single partition key value.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of conflicts (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_items(query, parameters=None, partition_key=None, enable_cross_partition_query=None, max_item_count=None, enable_scan_in_query=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all results matching the given query.

You can use any value for the container name in the FROM clause, but typically the container name is used. In the examples below, the container name is “products,” and is aliased as “p” for easier referencing in the WHERE clause.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • partition_key – Specifies the partition key value for the item.

  • enable_cross_partition_query – Allows sending of more than one request to execute the query in the Azure Cosmos DB service. More than one request is necessary if the query is not scoped to single partition key value.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • enable_scan_in_query – Allow scan on the queries which couldn’t be served as indexing was opted out on the requested paths.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of items (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]


Get all products that have not been discontinued:
import json

for item in container.query_items(
    query='SELECT * FROM products p WHERE p.productModel <> "DISCONTINUED"',
    print(json.dumps(item, indent=True))
Parameterized query to get all products that have been discontinued:
discontinued_items = container.query_items(
    query='SELECT * FROM products p WHERE p.productModel = @model AND p.productName="Widget"',
    parameters=[dict(name="@model", value="DISCONTINUED")],
for item in discontinued_items:
    print(json.dumps(item, indent=True))
query_items_change_feed(partition_key_range_id=None, is_start_from_beginning=False, continuation=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get a sorted list of items that were changed, in the order in which they were modified.

  • partition_key_range_id – ChangeFeed requests can be executed against specific partition key ranges. This is used to process the change feed in parallel across multiple consumers.

  • is_start_from_beginning – Get whether change feed should start from beginning (true) or from current (false). By default it’s start from current (false).

  • continuation – e_tag value to be used as continuation for reading change feed.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of items (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

read(populate_query_metrics=None, populate_partition_key_range_statistics=None, populate_quota_info=None, **kwargs)[source]

Read the container properties

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • populate_partition_key_range_statistics – Enable returning partition key range statistics in response headers.

  • populate_quota_info – Enable returning collection storage quota information in response headers.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


CosmosHttpResponseError – Raised if the container couldn’t be retrieved. This includes if the container does not exist.


Dict representing the retrieved container.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

read_all_items(max_item_count=None, populate_query_metrics=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all items in the container.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of items (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

read_item(item, partition_key, populate_query_metrics=None, post_trigger_include=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get the item identified by item.

  • item – The ID (name) or dict representing item to retrieve.

  • partition_key – Partition key for the item to retrieve.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • post_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


Dict representing the item to be retrieved.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The given item couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]


Get an item from the database and update one of its properties:
item = container.read_item("item2", partition_key="Widget")
item["productModel"] = "DISCONTINUED"
updated_item = container.upsert_item(item)

Read the Offer object for this container.


response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


Offer for the container.


CosmosHttpResponseError – No offer exists for the container or the offer could not be retrieved.

Return type


replace_item(item, body, populate_query_metrics=None, pre_trigger_include=None, post_trigger_include=None, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified item if it exists in the container.

  • item – The ID (name) or dict representing item to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the item to replace.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • pre_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.

  • post_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the item after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The replace failed or the item with given id does not exist.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

replace_throughput(throughput, **kwargs)[source]

Replace the container’s throughput

  • throughput – The throughput to be set (an integer).

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


Offer for the container, updated with new throughput.


CosmosHttpResponseError – No offer exists for the container or the offer could not be updated.

Return type


upsert_item(body, populate_query_metrics=None, pre_trigger_include=None, post_trigger_include=None, **kwargs)[source]

Insert or update the specified item. If the item already exists in the container, it is replaced. If it does not, it is inserted.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the item to update or insert.

  • session_token – Token for use with Session consistency.

  • initial_headers – Initial headers to be sent as part of the request.

  • access_condition – Conditions Associated with the request.

  • populate_query_metrics – Enable returning query metrics in response headers.

  • pre_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as pre operation trigger.

  • post_trigger_include – trigger id to be used as post operation trigger.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the upserted item.


CosmosHttpResponseError – The given item could not be upserted.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

property is_system_key
property scripts
class azure.cosmos.PartitionKey(path, kind='Hash', version=2)[source]

Key used to partition a container into logical partitions.

See for more information on how to choose partition keys.

  • path – The path of the partition key

  • kind – What kind of partition key is being defined

  • version – The version of the partition key

clear() → None. Remove all items from D.
copy() → a shallow copy of D

Returns a new dict with keys from iterable and values equal to value.

get(k[, d]) → D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.
items() → a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() → a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
pop(k[, d]) → v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised

popitem() → (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a

2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

setdefault(k[, d]) → D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
update([E, ]**F) → None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F.

If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]

values() → an object providing a view on D's values
property kind
property path
property version
class azure.cosmos.Permission(id, user_link, permission_mode, resource_link, properties)[source]
class azure.cosmos.ScriptsProxy(client_connection, container_link, is_system_key)[source]

An interface to interact with stored procedures. This class should not be instantiated directly, use ContainerProxy.scripts() attribute.

create_stored_procedure(body, **kwargs)[source]

Create a stored procedure in the container. To replace an existing sproc, use the Container.scripts.replace_stored_procedure() method.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the sproc to create.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the new stored procedure.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given stored procedure couldn’t be created.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

create_trigger(body, **kwargs)[source]

Create a trigger in the container. To replace an existing trigger, use the ContainerProxy.scripts.replace_trigger() method.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the trigger to create.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the new trigger.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given trigger couldn’t be created.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

create_user_defined_function(body, **kwargs)[source]

Create a user defined function in the container. To replace an existing udf, use the ContainerProxy.scripts.replace_user_defined_function() method.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the udf to create.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the new user defined function.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user defined function couldn’t be created.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

delete_stored_procedure(sproc, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified stored procedure from the container.

  • sproc – The ID (name) or dict representing stored procedure to be deleted.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

Return type


delete_trigger(trigger, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified trigger from the container.

  • trigger – The ID (name) or dict representing trigger to be deleted.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

Return type


delete_user_defined_function(udf, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified user defined function from the container.

  • udf – The ID (name) or dict representing udf to be deleted.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

Return type


execute_stored_procedure(sproc, partition_key=None, params=None, enable_script_logging=None, **kwargs)[source]

Execute the specified stored procedure.

  • sproc – The ID (name) or dict representing stored procedure to be executed.

  • params – List of parameters to be passed to the stored procedure to be executed.

  • enable_script_logging (bool) – Enables or disables script logging for the current request.

  • partition_key – Specifies the partition key to indicate which partition the sproc should execute on.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


Result of the executed stored procedure for the given parameters.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the stored procedure execution failed or if the stored procedure with given id does not exists in the container.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

get_stored_procedure(sproc, **kwargs)[source]

Get the stored procedure identified by id.

  • sproc – The ID (name) or dict representing stored procedure to retrieve.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the retrieved stored procedure.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given stored procedure couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

get_trigger(trigger, **kwargs)[source]

Get the trigger identified by id.

  • trigger – The ID (name) or dict representing trigger to retrieve.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the retrieved trigger.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given trigger couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

get_user_defined_function(udf, **kwargs)[source]

Get the stored procedure identified by id.

  • udf – The ID (name) or dict representing udf to retrieve.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the retrieved user defined function.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user defined function couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

list_stored_procedures(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all stored procedures in the container.

  • max_item_count (int) – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of stored procedures (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

list_triggers(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all triggers in the container.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of triggers (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

list_user_defined_functions(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all user defined functions in the container.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of user defined functions (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_stored_procedures(query, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all stored procedures matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of stored procedures (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_triggers(query, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all triggers matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of triggers (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_user_defined_functions(query, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all user defined functions matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of items to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


An Iterable of user defined functions (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

replace_stored_procedure(sproc, body, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified stored procedure if it exists in the container.

  • sproc – The ID (name) or dict representing stored procedure to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the sproc to replace.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the stored procedure after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the replace failed or the stored procedure with given id does not exist.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

replace_trigger(trigger, body, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified tigger if it exists in the container.

  • trigger – The ID (name) or dict representing trigger to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the trigger to replace.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the trigger after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the replace failed or the trigger with given id does not exist.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

replace_user_defined_function(udf, body, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified user defined function if it exists in the container.

  • udf – The ID (name) or dict representing udf to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the udf to replace.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.


A dict representing the user defined function after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the replace failed or the user defined function with given id does not exist.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

class azure.cosmos.UserProxy(client_connection, id, database_link, properties=None)[source]

An interface to interact with a specific user. This class should not be instantiated directly, use DatabaseProxy.get_user_client() method.

create_permission(body, **kwargs)[source]

Create a permission for the user. To update or replace an existing permision, use the UserProxy.upsert_permission() method.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the permission to create.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the new permission.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given permission couldn’t be created.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

delete_permission(permission, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified permission from the user.

  • permission – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or Permission instance of the permission to be replaced.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata

Return type


get_permission(permission, **kwargs)[source]

Get the permission identified by id.

  • permission – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or Permission instance of the permission to be retrieved.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the retrieved permission.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given permission couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

list_permissions(max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

List all permission for the user.

  • max_item_count – Max number of permissions to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of permissions (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

query_permissions(query, parameters=None, max_item_count=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return all permissions matching the given query.

  • query – The Azure Cosmos DB SQL query to execute.

  • parameters – Optional array of parameters to the query. Ignored if no query is provided.

  • max_item_count – Max number of permissions to be returned in the enumeration operation.

  • feed_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


An Iterable of permissions (dicts).

Return type

Iterable[dict[str, Any]]


Read user propertes.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A UserProxy instance representing the retrieved user.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given user couldn’t be retrieved.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

replace_permission(permission, body, **kwargs)[source]

Replaces the specified permission if it exists for the user.

  • permission – The ID (name), dict representing the properties or Permission instance of the permission to be replaced.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the permission to replace.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the permission after replace went through.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the replace failed or the permission with given id does not exist.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

upsert_permission(body, **kwargs)[source]

Insert or update the specified permission. If the permission already exists in the container, it is replaced. If it does not, it is inserted.

  • body – A dict-like object representing the permission to update or insert.

  • request_options – Dictionary of additional properties to be used for the request.

  • response_hook – a callable invoked with the response metadata


A dict representing the upserted permission.


CosmosHttpResponseError – If the given permission could not be upserted.

Return type

dict[str, Any]

class azure.cosmos.Offer(offer_throughput, properties=None)[source]

Represents a offer in an Azure Cosmos DB SQL API container.

To read and update offers use the associated methods on the Container.

class azure.cosmos.DatabaseAccount[source]

Database account. A DatabaseAccount is the container for databases.

  • DatabaseLink (str) – The self-link for Databases in the databaseAccount.

  • MediaLink (str) – The self-link for Media in the databaseAccount.

  • MaxMediaStorageUsageInMB (int) – Attachment content (media) storage quota in MBs (Retrieved from gateway).

  • CurrentMediaStorageUsageInMB (int) – Current attachment content (media) usage in MBs (Retrieved from gateway). Value is returned from cached information updated periodically and is not guaranteed to be real time.

  • ConsistencyPolicy (dict) – UserConsistencyPolicy settings.

  • ConsistencyPolicy['defaultConsistencyLevel'] (dict) – The default consistency level.

  • ConsistencyPolicy['maxStalenessPrefix'] (int) – In bounded staleness consistency, the maximum allowed staleness in terms difference in sequence numbers (aka version).

  • ConsistencyPolicy['maxStalenessIntervalInSeconds'] (int) – In bounded staleness consistency, the maximum allowed staleness in terms time interval.

  • EnableMultipleWritableLocations (boolean) – Flag on the azure Cosmos account that indicates if writes can take place in multiple locations.

property ReadableLocations

Gets the list of readable locations for a geo-replicated database account.

property WritableLocations

Gets the list of writable locations for a geo-replicated database account.

class azure.cosmos.ConsistencyLevel[source]

Represents the consistency levels supported for Azure Cosmos client operations.

The requested ConsistencyLevel must match or be weaker than that provisioned for the database account. Consistency levels.

Consistency levels by order of strength are Strong, BoundedStaleness, Session, ConsistentPrefix and Eventual.

  • ConsistencyLevel.Strong (str) – Strong Consistency guarantees that read operations always return the value that was last written.

  • ConsistencyLevel.BoundedStaleness (str) – Bounded Staleness guarantees that reads are not too out-of-date. This can be configured based on number of operations (MaxStalenessPrefix) or time (MaxStalenessIntervalInSeconds).

  • ConsistencyLevel.Session (str) – Session Consistency guarantees monotonic reads (you never read old data, then new, then old again), monotonic writes (writes are ordered) and read your writes (your writes are immediately visible to your reads) within any single session.

  • ConsistencyLevel.Eventual (str) – Eventual Consistency guarantees that reads will return a subset of writes. All writes will be eventually be available for reads.

  • ConsistencyLevel.ConsistentPrefix (str) – ConsistentPrefix Consistency guarantees that reads will return some prefix of all writes with no gaps. All writes will be eventually be available for reads.

BoundedStaleness = 'BoundedStaleness'
ConsistentPrefix = 'ConsistentPrefix'
Eventual = 'Eventual'
Session = 'Session'
Strong = 'Strong'
class azure.cosmos.DataType[source]

Specifies the data type of index specs.

LineString = 'LineString'
MultiPolygon = 'MultiPolygon'
Number = 'Number'
Point = 'Point'
Polygon = 'Polygon'
String = 'String'
class azure.cosmos.IndexKind[source]

Specifies the index kind of index specs.

  • IndexKind.Hash (str) – The index entries are hashed to serve point look up queries. Can be used to serve queries like: SELECT * FROM docs d WHERE d.prop = 5

  • IndexKind.Range (str) – The index entries are ordered. Range indexes are optimized for inequality predicate queries with efficient range scans. Can be used to serve queries like: SELECT * FROM docs d WHERE d.prop > 5

Hash = 'Hash'
Range = 'Range'
class azure.cosmos.IndexingMode[source]

Specifies the supported indexing modes.

  • Consistent (str) –

    Index is updated synchronously with a create or update operation. With consistent indexing, query behavior is the same as the default consistency level for the collection.

    The index is always kept up to date with the data.

  • Lazy (str) –

    Index is updated asynchronously with respect to a create or update operation.

    With lazy indexing, queries are eventually consistent. The index is updated when the collection is idle.

  • NoIndex (str) –

    No index is provided.

    Setting IndexingMode to “None” drops the index. Use this if you don’t want to maintain the index for a document collection, to save the storage cost or improve the write throughput. Your queries will degenerate to scans of the entire collection.

Consistent = 'consistent'
Lazy = 'lazy'
NoIndex = 'none'
class azure.cosmos.PermissionMode[source]

Enumeration specifying applicability of permission.

All = 'all'
NoneMode = 'none'
Read = 'read'
class azure.cosmos.ProxyConfiguration[source]

Configurations for proxy.

  • Host (str) – The host address of the proxy.

  • Port (int) – The port number of the proxy.

class azure.cosmos.SSLConfiguration[source]

Configurations for SSL connections.

Please refer to for more detail.

  • SSLKeyFIle (str) – The path of the key file for ssl connection.

  • SSLCertFile (str) – The path of the cert file for ssl connection.

  • SSLCaCerts (str) – The path of the CA_BUNDLE file with certificates of trusted CAs.

class azure.cosmos.TriggerOperation[source]

Specifies the operations on which a trigger should be executed.

All = 'all'
Create = 'create'
Delete = 'delete'
Replace = 'replace'
Update = 'update'
class azure.cosmos.TriggerType[source]

Specifies the type of the trigger.

Post = 'post'
Pre = 'pre'
class azure.cosmos.ConnectionRetryPolicy(**kwargs)[source]

Configures the retry settings.


options – keyword arguments from context.


A dict containing settings and history for retries.

Return type



Returns the current backoff time.


settings (dict) – The retry settings.


The current backoff value.

Return type



Get the value of Retry-After in seconds.


response (PipelineResponse) – The PipelineResponse object


Value of Retry-After in seconds.

Return type


increment(settings, response=None, error=None)

Increment the retry counters.

  • settings – The retry settings.

  • response (PipelineResponse) – A pipeline response object.

  • error – An error encountered during the request, or None if the response was received successfully.


Whether the retry attempts are exhausted. False if exhausted; True if more retry attempts available.

Return type



Checks if any retries left.


settings (dict) – the retry settings


False if have more retries. True if retries exhausted.

Return type


is_retry(settings, response)

Checks if method/status code is retryable.

Based on whitelists and control variables such as the number of total retries to allow, whether to respect the Retry-After header, whether this header is present, and whether the returned status code is on the list of status codes to be retried upon on the presence of the aforementioned header.

  • settings (dict) – The retry settings.

  • response (PipelineResponse) – The PipelineResponse object


True if method/status code is retryable. False if not retryable.

Return type


classmethod no_retries()

Disable retries.


Helper to parse Retry-After and get value in seconds.


retry_after (str) – Retry-After header

Return type



Sends the PipelineRequest object to the next policy. Uses retry settings if necessary. Also enforces an absolute client-side timeout that spans multiple retry attempts.


request (PipelineRequest) – The PipelineRequest object


Returns the PipelineResponse or raises error if maximum retries exceeded.

Return type


  • AzureError – Maximum retries exceeded.

  • CosmosClientTimeoutError – Specified timeout exceeded.

  • ClientAuthenticationError – Authentication failed.

sleep(settings, transport, response=None)

Sleep between retry attempts.

This method will respect a server’s Retry-After response header and sleep the duration of the time requested. If that is not present, it will use an exponential backoff. By default, the backoff factor is 0 and this method will return immediately.

  • settings (dict) – The retry settings.

  • transport – The HTTP transport type.

  • response (PipelineResponse) – The PipelineResponse object.

update_context(context, retry_settings)

Updates retry history in pipeline context.

  • context (PipelineContext) – The pipeline context.

  • retry_settings (dict) – The retry settings.