Source code for azure.core.tracing._abstract_span

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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"""Protocol that defines what functions wrappers of tracing libraries should implement."""
from __future__ import annotations
from enum import Enum
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from typing import Any, Sequence, Optional, Union, Callable, Dict, Type, Generic, TypeVar
from types import TracebackType
from typing_extensions import Protocol, ContextManager, runtime_checkable
from azure.core.pipeline.transport import HttpRequest, HttpResponse, AsyncHttpResponse
from import (
    HttpResponse as RestHttpResponse,
    AsyncHttpResponse as AsyncRestHttpResponse,
    HttpRequest as RestHttpRequest,

HttpResponseType = Union[HttpResponse, AsyncHttpResponse, RestHttpResponse, AsyncRestHttpResponse]
HttpRequestType = Union[HttpRequest, RestHttpRequest]

AttributeValue = Union[
Attributes = Dict[str, AttributeValue]
SpanType = TypeVar("SpanType")

[docs]class SpanKind(Enum): UNSPECIFIED = 1 SERVER = 2 CLIENT = 3 PRODUCER = 4 CONSUMER = 5 INTERNAL = 6
[docs]@runtime_checkable class AbstractSpan(Protocol, Generic[SpanType]): """Wraps a span from a distributed tracing implementation. If a span is given wraps the span. Else a new span is created. The optional argument name is given to the new span. :param span: The span to wrap :type span: Any :param name: The name of the span :type name: str """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self, span: Optional[SpanType] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: pass
[docs] def span(self, name: str = "child_span", **kwargs: Any) -> AbstractSpan[SpanType]: """ Create a child span for the current span and append it to the child spans list. The child span must be wrapped by an implementation of AbstractSpan :param name: The name of the child span :type name: str :return: The child span :rtype: AbstractSpan """ ...
@property def kind(self) -> Optional[SpanKind]: """Get the span kind of this span. :rtype: SpanKind :return: The span kind of this span """ ... @kind.setter def kind(self, value: SpanKind) -> None: """Set the span kind of this span. :param value: The span kind of this span :type value: SpanKind """ ... def __enter__(self) -> AbstractSpan[SpanType]: """Start a span.""" ... def __exit__( self, exception_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exception_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: TracebackType, ) -> None: """Finish a span. :param exception_type: The type of the exception :type exception_type: type :param exception_value: The value of the exception :type exception_value: Exception :param traceback: The traceback of the exception :type traceback: Traceback """ ...
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Set the start time for a span.""" ...
[docs] def finish(self) -> None: """Set the end time for a span.""" ...
[docs] def to_header(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns a dictionary with the header labels and values. :return: A dictionary with the header labels and values :rtype: dict """ ...
[docs] def add_attribute(self, key: str, value: Union[str, int]) -> None: """ Add attribute (key value pair) to the current span. :param key: The key of the key value pair :type key: str :param value: The value of the key value pair :type value: Union[str, int] """ ...
[docs] def set_http_attributes(self, request: HttpRequestType, response: Optional[HttpResponseType] = None) -> None: """ Add correct attributes for a http client span. :param request: The request made :type request: :param response: The response received by the server. Is None if no response received. :type response: ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.HttpResponse or ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.AsyncHttpResponse """ ...
[docs] def get_trace_parent(self) -> str: """Return traceparent string. :return: a traceparent string :rtype: str """ ...
@property def span_instance(self) -> SpanType: """ Returns the span the class is wrapping. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_current_span(cls) -> SpanType: """ Get the current span from the execution context. Return None otherwise. :return: The current span :rtype: AbstractSpan """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_current_tracer(cls) -> Any: """ Get the current tracer from the execution context. Return None otherwise. :return: The current tracer :rtype: Any """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def set_current_span(cls, span: SpanType) -> None: """Set the given span as the current span in the execution context. :param span: The span to set as the current span :type span: Any """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def set_current_tracer(cls, tracer: Any) -> None: """Set the given tracer as the current tracer in the execution context. :param tracer: The tracer to set as the current tracer :type tracer: Any """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def change_context(cls, span: SpanType) -> ContextManager[SpanType]: """Change the context for the life of this context manager. :param span: The span to run in the new context :type span: Any :rtype: contextmanager :return: A context manager that will run the given span in the new context """ ...
[docs] @classmethod def with_current_context(cls, func: Callable) -> Callable: """Passes the current spans to the new context the function will be run in. :param func: The function that will be run in the new context :type func: callable :return: The target the pass in instead of the function :rtype: callable """ ...
[docs]class HttpSpanMixin: """Can be used to get HTTP span attributes settings for free.""" _SPAN_COMPONENT = "component" _HTTP_USER_AGENT = "http.user_agent" _HTTP_METHOD = "http.method" _HTTP_URL = "http.url" _HTTP_STATUS_CODE = "http.status_code" _NET_PEER_NAME = "" _NET_PEER_PORT = "net.peer.port"
[docs] def set_http_attributes( self: AbstractSpan, request: HttpRequestType, response: Optional[HttpResponseType] = None ) -> None: """ Add correct attributes for a http client span. :param request: The request made :type request: :param response: The response received from the server. Is None if no response received. :type response: ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.HttpResponse or ~azure.core.pipeline.transport.AsyncHttpResponse """ # Also see self.kind = SpanKind.CLIENT self.add_attribute(HttpSpanMixin._SPAN_COMPONENT, "http") self.add_attribute(HttpSpanMixin._HTTP_METHOD, request.method) self.add_attribute(HttpSpanMixin._HTTP_URL, request.url) parsed_url = urlparse(request.url) if parsed_url.hostname: self.add_attribute(HttpSpanMixin._NET_PEER_NAME, parsed_url.hostname) if parsed_url.port and parsed_url.port not in [80, 443]: self.add_attribute(HttpSpanMixin._NET_PEER_PORT, parsed_url.port) user_agent = request.headers.get("User-Agent") if user_agent: self.add_attribute(HttpSpanMixin._HTTP_USER_AGENT, user_agent) if response and response.status_code: self.add_attribute(HttpSpanMixin._HTTP_STATUS_CODE, response.status_code) else: self.add_attribute(HttpSpanMixin._HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 504)