.. role:: raw-html-m2r(raw) :format: html Azure Core Library ================== Azure core library defines basic exceptions and shared modules those are needed when you use client libraries. As an end user, you don't need to manually install azure-core because it will be installed automatically when you install other SDKs. If you are a client library developer, please reference `client library developer reference `_ for more information. `Source code `_ | `Package (Pypi) `_ | `API reference documentation `_ Azure Core Library Exceptions ----------------------------- AzureError ^^^^^^^^^^ AzureError is the base exception for all errors. .. code-block:: python class AzureError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, *args, **kwargs): self.inner_exception = kwargs.get('error') self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() self.exc_type = self.exc_type.__name__ if self.exc_type else type(self.inner_exception) self.exc_msg = "{}, {}: {}".format(message, self.exc_type, self.exc_value) # type: ignore self.message = str(message) super(AzureError, self).__init__(self.message, *args) *message* is any message (str) to be associated with the exception. *args* are any additional args to be included with exception. *kwargs* are keyword arguments to include with the exception. Use the keyword *error* to pass in an internal exception. **The following exceptions inherit from AzureError:** ServiceRequestError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An error occurred while attempt to make a request to the service. No request was sent. ServiceResponseError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The request was sent, but the client failed to understand the response. The connection may have timed out. These errors can be retried for idempotent or safe operations. HttpResponseError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A request was made, and a non-success status code was received from the service. .. code-block:: python class HttpResponseError(AzureError): def __init__(self, message=None, response=None, **kwargs): self.reason = None self.response = response if response: self.reason = response.reason message = "Operation returned an invalid status code '{}'".format(self.reason) try: try: if self.error.error.code or self.error.error.message: message = "({}) {}".format( self.error.error.code, self.error.error.message) except AttributeError: if self.error.message: #pylint: disable=no-member message = self.error.message #pylint: disable=no-member except AttributeError: pass super(HttpResponseError, self).__init__(message=message, **kwargs) *message* is the HTTP response error message (optional) *response* is the HTTP response (optional). *kwargs* are keyword arguments to include with the exception. **The following exceptions inherit from HttpResponseError:** DecodeError ^^^^^^^^^^^ An error raised during response deserialization. ResourceExistsError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An error response with status code 4xx. This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline. ResourceNotFoundError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An error response, typically triggered by a 412 response (for update) or 404 (for get/post). ClientAuthenticationError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An error response with status code 4xx. This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline. ResourceModifiedError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An error response with status code 4xx, typically 412 Conflict. This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline. ResourceNotModifiedError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An error response with status code 304. This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline. TooManyRedirectsError ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An error raised when the maximum number of redirect attempts is reached. The maximum amount of redirects can be configured in the RedirectPolicy. .. code-block:: python class TooManyRedirectsError(HttpResponseError): def __init__(self, history, *args, **kwargs): self.history = history message = "Reached maximum redirect attempts." super(TooManyRedirectsError, self).__init__(message, *args, **kwargs) *history* is used to document the requests/responses that resulted in redirected requests. *args* are any additional args to be included with exception. *kwargs* are keyword arguments to include with the exception. Shared modules -------------- MatchConditions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MatchConditions is an enum to describe match conditions. .. code-block:: python class MatchConditions(Enum): Unconditionally = 1 IfNotModified = 2 IfModified = 3 IfPresent = 4 IfMissing = 5 Contributing ------------ This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit `https://cla.microsoft.com `_. When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA. This project has adopted the `Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct `_. For more information, see the `Code of Conduct FAQ `_ or contact `opencode@microsoft.com `_ with any additional questions or comments. :raw-html-m2r:`` Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 :glob: :caption: Developer Documentation azure.core.rst