Source code for azure.core.tracing.ext.opentelemetry_span

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# ------------------------------------
"""Implements azure.core.tracing.AbstractSpan to wrap OpenTelemetry spans."""

import warnings
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.trace import Span, Tracer, SpanKind as OpenTelemetrySpanKind, Link as OpenTelemetryLink
from opentelemetry.context import attach, detach, get_current
from opentelemetry.propagate import extract, inject
from opentelemetry.trace.propagation import get_current_span as get_span_from_context

from azure.core.tracing import SpanKind, HttpSpanMixin  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

from ._version import VERSION

    from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ContextManager
except ImportError:

    from typing import Any, Mapping, Dict, Optional, Union, Callable, Sequence

    from azure.core.pipeline.transport import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
    AttributeValue = Union[
    Attributes = Optional[Dict[str, AttributeValue]]

__version__ = VERSION

[docs]class OpenTelemetrySpan(HttpSpanMixin, object): """OpenTelemetry plugin for Azure client libraries. :param span: The OpenTelemetry span to wrap, or nothing to create a new one. :type span: ~OpenTelemetry.trace.Span :param name: The name of the OpenTelemetry span to create if a new span is needed :type name: str :keyword SpanKind kind: The span kind of this span. :keyword links: The list of links to be added to the span. :paramtype links: list[~azure.core.tracing.Link] """ def __init__(self, span=None, name="span", **kwargs): # type: (Optional[Span], Optional[str], Any) -> None current_tracer = self.get_current_tracer() ## kind value = kwargs.pop('kind', None) kind = ( OpenTelemetrySpanKind.CLIENT if value == SpanKind.CLIENT else OpenTelemetrySpanKind.PRODUCER if value == SpanKind.PRODUCER else OpenTelemetrySpanKind.SERVER if value == SpanKind.SERVER else OpenTelemetrySpanKind.CONSUMER if value == SpanKind.CONSUMER else OpenTelemetrySpanKind.INTERNAL if value == SpanKind.INTERNAL else OpenTelemetrySpanKind.INTERNAL if value == SpanKind.UNSPECIFIED else None ) # type: SpanKind if value and kind is None: raise ValueError("Kind {} is not supported in OpenTelemetry".format(value)) links = kwargs.pop('links', None) if links: try: ot_links = [] for link in links: ctx = extract(link.headers) span_ctx = get_span_from_context(ctx).get_span_context() ot_links.append(OpenTelemetryLink(span_ctx, link.attributes)) kwargs.setdefault('links', ot_links) except AttributeError: # we will just send the links as is if it's not ~azure.core.tracing.Link without any validation # assuming user knows what they are doing. kwargs.setdefault('links', links) self._span_instance = span or current_tracer.start_span(name=name, kind=kind, **kwargs) self._current_ctxt_manager = None @property def span_instance(self): # type: () -> Span """ :return: The OpenTelemetry span that is being wrapped. """ return self._span_instance
[docs] def span(self, name="span", **kwargs): # type: (Optional[str], Any) -> OpenTelemetrySpan """ Create a child span for the current span and append it to the child spans list in the span instance. :param name: Name of the child span :type name: str :keyword SpanKind kind: The span kind of this span. :keyword links: The list of links to be added to the span. :paramtype links: list[Link] :return: The OpenTelemetrySpan that is wrapping the child span instance """ return self.__class__(name=name, **kwargs)
@property def kind(self): # type: () -> Optional[SpanKind] """Get the span kind of this span.""" value = self.span_instance.kind return ( SpanKind.CLIENT if value == OpenTelemetrySpanKind.CLIENT else SpanKind.PRODUCER if value == OpenTelemetrySpanKind.PRODUCER else SpanKind.SERVER if value == OpenTelemetrySpanKind.SERVER else SpanKind.CONSUMER if value == OpenTelemetrySpanKind.CONSUMER else SpanKind.INTERNAL if value == OpenTelemetrySpanKind.INTERNAL else None ) @kind.setter def kind(self, value): # type: (SpanKind) -> None """Set the span kind of this span.""" kind = ( OpenTelemetrySpanKind.CLIENT if value == SpanKind.CLIENT else OpenTelemetrySpanKind.PRODUCER if value == SpanKind.PRODUCER else OpenTelemetrySpanKind.SERVER if value == SpanKind.SERVER else OpenTelemetrySpanKind.CONSUMER if value == SpanKind.CONSUMER else OpenTelemetrySpanKind.INTERNAL if value == SpanKind.INTERNAL else OpenTelemetrySpanKind.INTERNAL if value == SpanKind.UNSPECIFIED else None ) if kind is None: raise ValueError("Kind {} is not supported in OpenTelemetry".format(value)) try: self._span_instance._kind = kind # pylint: disable=protected-access except AttributeError: warnings.warn( """Kind must be set while creating the span for Opentelemetry. It might be possible that one of the packages you are using doesn't follow the latest Opentelemtry Spec. Try updating the azure packages to the latest versions.""" ) def __enter__(self): """Start a span.""" self._current_ctxt_manager = trace.use_span(self._span_instance, end_on_exit=True) self._current_ctxt_manager.__enter__() # pylint: disable=no-member return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): """Finish a span.""" if self._current_ctxt_manager: self._current_ctxt_manager.__exit__(exception_type, exception_value, traceback) # pylint: disable=no-member self._current_ctxt_manager = None
[docs] def start(self): # Spans are automatically started at their creation with OpenTelemetry pass
[docs] def finish(self): # type: () -> None """Set the end time for a span.""" self.span_instance.end()
[docs] def to_header(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use # type: () -> Dict[str, str] """ Returns a dictionary with the header labels and values. :return: A key value pair dictionary """ temp_headers = {} # type: Dict[str, str] inject(temp_headers) return temp_headers
[docs] def add_attribute(self, key, value): # type: (str, Union[str, int]) -> None """ Add attribute (key value pair) to the current span. :param key: The key of the key value pair :type key: str :param value: The value of the key value pair :type value: str """ self.span_instance.set_attribute(key, value)
[docs] def get_trace_parent(self): # type: () -> str """Return traceparent string as defined in W3C trace context specification. Example: Value = 00-4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736-00f067aa0ba902b7-01 base16(version) = 00 base16(trace-id) = 4bf92f3577b34da6a3ce929d0e0e4736 base16(parent-id) = 00f067aa0ba902b7 base16(trace-flags) = 01 // sampled :return: a traceparent string :rtype: str """ return self.to_header()['traceparent']
[docs] @classmethod def get_current_span(cls): # type: () -> Span """ Get the current span from the execution context. Return None otherwise. """ return get_span_from_context()
[docs] @classmethod def get_current_tracer(cls): # type: () -> Tracer """ Get the current tracer from the execution context. Return None otherwise. """ return trace.get_tracer(__name__, __version__)
[docs] @classmethod def change_context(cls, span): # type: (Span) -> ContextManager """Change the context for the life of this context manager. """ return trace.use_span(span, end_on_exit=False)
[docs] @classmethod def set_current_span(cls, span): # type: (Span) -> None """Not supported by OpenTelemetry. """ raise NotImplementedError( "set_current_span is not supported by OpenTelemetry plugin. Use change_context instead." )
[docs] @classmethod def set_current_tracer(cls, _): # type: (Tracer) -> None """ Set the given tracer as the current tracer in the execution context. :param tracer: The tracer to set the current tracer as :type tracer: :class: OpenTelemetry.trace.Tracer """
# Do nothing, if you're able to get two tracer with OpenTelemetry that's a surprise!
[docs] @classmethod def with_current_context(cls, func): # type: (Callable) -> Callable """Passes the current spans to the new context the function will be run in. :param func: The function that will be run in the new context :return: The target the pass in instead of the function """ # returns the current Context object context = get_current() def call_with_current_context(*args, **kwargs): try: token = attach(context) return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: detach(token) return call_with_current_context