# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# ------------------------------------
"""Algorithm implementation for verifying Azure Confidential Ledger write
transaction receipts."""
from base64 import b64decode
from hashlib import sha256
from typing import Dict, List, Any, cast, Optional
from cryptography.x509 import load_pem_x509_certificate, Certificate
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec, utils
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PublicFormat
from azure.confidentialledger.receipt._receipt_models import (
from azure.confidentialledger.receipt._utils import (
from azure.confidentialledger.receipt._claims_digest_computation import (
[docs]def verify_receipt(
receipt: Dict[str, Any],
service_cert: str,
application_claims: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
) -> None:
"""Verify that a given Azure Confidential Ledger write transaction receipt
is valid from its content and the Confidential Ledger service identity
:param receipt: Receipt dictionary containing the content of an Azure
Confidential Ledger write transaction receipt.
:type receipt: Dict[str, Any]
:param service_cert: String containing the PEM-encoded
certificate of the Confidential Ledger service identity.
:type service_cert: str
:keyword application_claims: List of application claims to be verified against the receipt.
:paramtype application_claims: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]
:raises ValueError: If the receipt verification has failed.
# Validate receipt content and convert it into a Receipt model
receipt_obj = _preprocess_input_receipt(receipt)
# Validate application claims provided by the user, if any
if application_claims:
computed_claims_digest = compute_claims_digest(application_claims)
if computed_claims_digest != receipt_obj.leafComponents.claimsDigest:
raise ValueError(
"The computed claims digest from application claims does not match the receipt claims digest."
# Load node PEM certificate
node_cert = _load_and_verify_pem_certificate(receipt_obj.cert)
# Verify node certificate is endorsed by the service certificate
# through endorsements certificates
node_cert, service_cert, cast(List[str], receipt_obj.serviceEndorsements)
# Compute hash of the leaf node in the Merkle Tree corresponding
# to the transaction associated to the given receipt
leaf_node_hash = _compute_leaf_node_hash(receipt_obj.leafComponents)
# Compute root of the Merkle Tree at the time the transaction was committed
root_node_hash = _compute_root_node_hash(leaf_node_hash, receipt_obj.proof)
# Verify signature of the signing node over the root of the tree with
# node certificate public key
receipt_obj.signature, node_cert, cast(str, receipt_obj.nodeId), root_node_hash
def _preprocess_input_receipt(receipt_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Receipt:
"""Preprocess input receipt dictionary, validate its content, and returns a
valid Receipt object based on the vetted input data.
:param dict[str, any] receipt_dict: Receipt dictionary
:return: Receipt object
:rtype: Receipt
# Convert any key in the receipt dictionary to camel case
# to match the model fields (we do this because customers may
# provide receipts with snake case keys since they were returned
# by older ACL instances)
receipt_dict = _convert_dict_to_camel_case(receipt_dict)
# Convert receipt JSON object to Receipt model
return Receipt.from_dict(receipt_dict)
def _validate_receipt_content(receipt: Dict[str, Any]):
"""Validate the content of a write transaction receipt.
:param dict[str, any] receipt: Receipt dictionary
assert "cert" in receipt
assert isinstance(receipt["cert"], str)
assert "leafComponents" in receipt
assert isinstance(receipt["leafComponents"], dict)
assert "claimsDigest" in receipt["leafComponents"]
assert isinstance(receipt["leafComponents"]["claimsDigest"], str)
assert "commitEvidence" in receipt["leafComponents"]
assert isinstance(receipt["leafComponents"]["commitEvidence"], str)
assert "writeSetDigest" in receipt["leafComponents"]
assert isinstance(receipt["leafComponents"]["writeSetDigest"], str)
assert "proof" in receipt
assert isinstance(receipt["proof"], list)
# Validate elements in proof
for elem in receipt["proof"]:
assert "left" in elem or "right" in elem
if "left" in elem:
assert isinstance(elem["left"], str)
if "right" in elem:
assert isinstance(elem["right"], str)
assert "signature" in receipt
assert isinstance(receipt["signature"], str)
# Validate nodeId, if present
if "nodeId" in receipt:
assert isinstance(receipt["nodeId"], str)
# Validate serviceEndorsements, if present
if "serviceEndorsements" in receipt:
assert isinstance(receipt["serviceEndorsements"], list)
# Validate elements in serviceEndorsements
for elem in receipt["serviceEndorsements"]:
assert isinstance(elem, str)
except Exception as exception:
raise ValueError("The receipt content is invalid.") from exception
def _verify_signature_over_root_node_hash(
signature: str, node_cert: Certificate, node_id: str, root_node_hash: bytes
) -> None:
"""Verify signature over root node hash of the Merkle Tree using node
certificate public key.
:param str signature: Signature
:param Certificate node_cert: Node certificate
:param str node_id: Node ID
:param bytes root_node_hash: Root node hash
# Verify public key contained in the node certificate is equal to the node_id
public_key_bytes = node_cert.public_key().public_bytes(
Encoding.DER, PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
if node_id is not None:
assert sha256(public_key_bytes).digest() == bytes.fromhex(node_id)
# Verify signature over root node hash using node certificate public key
b64decode(signature, validate=True),
except Exception as exception:
raise ValueError(
f"Encountered exception when verifying signature {signature} over root node hash."
) from exception
def _compute_leaf_node_hash(leaf_components: LeafComponents) -> bytes:
"""Compute the hash of the leaf node associated to a transaction given the
leaf components from a write transaction receipt.
:param LeafComponents leaf_components: Leaf components
:return: Leaf node hash
:rtype: bytes
# Digest commit evidence string
commit_evidence_digest = sha256(
# Convert write set digest to bytes
write_set_digest = bytes.fromhex(leaf_components.writeSetDigest)
# Convert claims digest to bytes
claims_digest = bytes.fromhex(leaf_components.claimsDigest)
# Create leaf node hash by hashing the concatenation of its three components
# as bytes objects in the following order:
# 1. write_set_digest
# 2. commit_evidence_digest
# 3. claims_digest
return sha256(
write_set_digest + commit_evidence_digest + claims_digest
except Exception as exception:
raise ValueError(
f"Encountered exception when computing leaf node hash from leaf components {leaf_components}."
) from exception
def _compute_root_node_hash(leaf_hash: bytes, proof: List[ProofElement]) -> bytes:
"""Re-compute the hash of the root of the Merkle tree from a leaf node hash
and a receipt proof list containing the required nodes hashes for the
:param bytes leaf_hash: Leaf node hash
:param list[ProofElement] proof: Receipt proof list
:return: Root node hash
:rtype: bytes
# Initialize current hash to leaf hash
current_node_hash = leaf_hash
# Iterate through all the elements in proof list
for element in proof:
# Check that the current element only contains either one left or right node hash
if (
element is None
or (element.left is None and element.right is None)
or (element.left is not None and element.right is not None)
raise ValueError(
"Invalid proof element in receipt: element must contain either one left or right node hash."
parent_node_hash = bytes()
# If the current element contains a left hash, concatenate the left hash and the current node hash
if element.left is not None:
parent_node_hash = bytes.fromhex(element.left) + current_node_hash
# If the current element contains a right hash, concatenate the current node hash and the right hash
if element.right is not None:
parent_node_hash = current_node_hash + bytes.fromhex(element.right)
# Hash the parent node hash
current_node_hash = sha256(parent_node_hash).digest()
return current_node_hash
except Exception as exception:
raise ValueError(
f"Encountered exception when computing root node hash from proof list {proof}."
) from exception
def _verify_certificate_endorsement(
endorsee: Certificate, endorser: Certificate
) -> None:
"""Verify that the endorser certificate has endorsed endorsee
certificate using ECDSA.
:param Certificate endorsee: Endorsee certificate
:param Certificate endorser: Endorser certificate
# Extract TBS certificate hash from endorsee certificate
hash_algorithm = cast(hashes.HashAlgorithm, endorsee.signature_hash_algorithm)
digester = hashes.Hash(hash_algorithm)
cert_digest = digester.finalize()
# Verify endorser signature over endorsee certificate digest
_verify_ec_signature(endorser, endorsee.signature, cert_digest, hash_algorithm)
except Exception as exception:
raise ValueError(
f"Encountered exception when verifying endorsement of certificate {endorsee} by certificate {endorser}."
) from exception
def _verify_ec_signature(
certificate: Certificate,
signature: bytes,
data: bytes,
hash_algorithm: hashes.HashAlgorithm,
) -> None:
"""Verify a signature over data using the certificate public key.
:param Certificate certificate: Certificate
:param bytes signature: Signature
:param bytes data: Data
:param hashes.HashAlgorithm hash_algorithm: Hash algorithm
public_key = cast(ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey, certificate.public_key())
def _verify_node_cert_endorsed_by_service_cert(
node_cert: Certificate, service_cert_str: str, endorsements_certs: List[str]
) -> None:
"""Check a node certificate is endorsed by a service certificate.
If a list of endorsements certificates is not empty, check that the
node certificate is transitively endorsed by the service certificate
through the endorsement certificates in the list.
:param Certificate node_cert: Node certificate
:param str service_cert_str: Service certificate string
:param list[str] endorsements_certs: Endorsements certificates list
current_cert = node_cert
# Validate endorsement certificates list is present
if endorsements_certs is None:
endorsements_certs = []
# Add service certificate to the list of endorsements certificates
# Iterate through all the endorsements certificates
for endorsement in endorsements_certs:
# Load endorsement PEM certificate
endorsement_cert = _load_and_verify_pem_certificate(endorsement)
# Verify endorsement certificate has endorsed current certificate
_verify_certificate_endorsement(current_cert, endorsement_cert)
# Set current certificate to endorsement certificate to continue the chain verification
current_cert = endorsement_cert
def _load_and_verify_pem_certificate(cert_str: str) -> Certificate:
"""Load PEM certificate from a string representation and verify it is a
valid certificate with expected Elliptic Curve public key.
:param str cert_str: PEM certificate string
:return: Certificate
:rtype: Certificate
# Load certificate from string
cert = load_pem_x509_certificate(cert_str.encode())
# Verify public key is of the correct type
assert isinstance(cert.public_key(), ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey)
return cert
except Exception as exception:
raise ValueError(f"PEM certificate {cert_str} is not valid.") from exception