Source code for azure.communication.sms._shared.models

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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class CommunicationUser(object):
    Represents a user in Azure Communication Service.
    :ivar identifier: Communication user identifier.
    :vartype identifier: str
    :param identifier: Identifier to initialize CommunicationUser.
    :type identifier: str
    def __init__(self, identifier):
        self.identifier = identifier

[docs]class PhoneNumber(object): """ Represents a phone number. :ivar value: Value for a phone number. :vartype value: str :param value: Value to initialize PhoneNumber. :type value: str """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
class UnknownIdentifier(object): """ Represents an identifier of an unknown type. It will be encountered in communications with endpoints that are not identifiable by this version of the SDK. :ivar identifier: Unknown communication identifier. :vartype identifier: str :param identifier: Value to initialize UnknownIdentifier. :type identifier: str """ def __init__(self, identifier): self.identifier = identifier