Source code for azure.communication.identity._shared.models

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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# pylint: skip-file

from enum import Enum, EnumMeta
from six import with_metaclass
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Union, Any
    from typing import Protocol, TypedDict
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Protocol, TypedDict

from azure.core import CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta

[docs]class CommunicationIdentifierKind(with_metaclass(CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """Communication Identifier Kind.""" UNKNOWN = "unknown" COMMUNICATION_USER = "communication_user" PHONE_NUMBER = "phone_number" MICROSOFT_TEAMS_USER = "microsoft_teams_user"
class CommunicationCloudEnvironment(with_metaclass(CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): """The cloud enviornment that the identifier belongs to""" PUBLIC = "PUBLIC" DOD = "DOD" GCCH = "GCCH"
[docs]class CommunicationIdentifier(Protocol): """Communication Identifier. :ivar str raw_id: Optional raw ID of the identifier. :ivar kind: The type of identifier. :vartype kind: str or CommunicationIdentifierKind :ivar Mapping[str, Any] properties: The properties of the identifier. """ raw_id = None # type: Optional[str] kind = None # type: Optional[Union[CommunicationIdentifierKind, str]] properties = {} # type: Mapping[str, Any]
CommunicationUserProperties = TypedDict( 'CommunicationUserProperties', id=str )
[docs]class CommunicationUserIdentifier(object): """Represents a user in Azure Communication Service. :ivar str raw_id: Optional raw ID of the identifier. :ivar kind: The type of identifier. :vartype kind: str or CommunicationIdentifierKind :ivar Mapping[str, Any] properties: The properties of the identifier. The keys in this mapping include: - `id`(str): ID of the Communication user as returned from Azure Communication Identity. :param str id: ID of the Communication user as returned from Azure Communication Identity. """ kind = CommunicationIdentifierKind.COMMUNICATION_USER def __init__(self, id, **kwargs): # type: (str, Any) -> None self.raw_id = kwargs.get('raw_id') = CommunicationUserProperties(id=id)
PhoneNumberProperties = TypedDict( 'PhoneNumberProperties', value=str ) class PhoneNumberIdentifier(object): """Represents a phone number. :ivar str raw_id: Optional raw ID of the identifier. :ivar kind: The type of identifier. :vartype kind: str or CommunicationIdentifierKind :ivar Mapping properties: The properties of the identifier. The keys in this mapping include: - `value`(str): The phone number in E.164 format. :param str value: The phone number. """ kind = CommunicationIdentifierKind.PHONE_NUMBER def __init__(self, value, **kwargs): # type: (str, Any) -> None self.raw_id = kwargs.get('raw_id') = PhoneNumberProperties(value=value) class UnknownIdentifier(object): """Represents an identifier of an unknown type. It will be encountered in communications with endpoints that are not identifiable by this version of the SDK. :ivar str raw_id: Optional raw ID of the identifier. :ivar kind: The type of identifier. :vartype kind: str or CommunicationIdentifierKind :ivar Mapping properties: The properties of the identifier. :param str identifier: The ID of the identifier. """ kind = CommunicationIdentifierKind.UNKNOWN def __init__(self, identifier): # type: (str) -> None self.raw_id = identifier = {} MicrosoftTeamsUserProperties = TypedDict( 'MicrosoftTeamsUserProperties', user_id=str, is_anonymous=bool, cloud=Union[CommunicationCloudEnvironment, str] ) class MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifier(object): """Represents an identifier for a Microsoft Teams user. :ivar str raw_id: Optional raw ID of the identifier. :ivar kind: The type of identifier. :vartype kind: str or CommunicationIdentifierKind :ivar Mapping properties: The properties of the identifier. The keys in this mapping include: - `user_id`(str): The id of the Microsoft Teams user. If the user isn't anonymous, the id is the AAD object id of the user. - `is_anonymous` (bool): Set this to true if the user is anonymous for example when joining a meeting with a share link. - `cloud` (str): Cloud environment that this identifier belongs to. :param str user_id: Microsoft Teams user id. :keyword bool is_anonymous: `True` if the identifier is anonymous. Default value is `False`. :keyword cloud: Cloud environment that the user belongs to. Default value is `PUBLIC`. :paramtype cloud: str or """ kind = CommunicationIdentifierKind.MICROSOFT_TEAMS_USER def __init__(self, user_id, **kwargs): # type: (str, Any) -> None self.raw_id = kwargs.get('raw_id') = MicrosoftTeamsUserProperties( user_id=user_id, is_anonymous=kwargs.get('is_anonymous', False), cloud=kwargs.get('cloud') or CommunicationCloudEnvironment.PUBLIC )