Source code for azure.communication.administration._phonenumber._generated.models._models_py3

# coding=utf-8
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
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import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError
import msrest.serialization

from ._phone_number_administration_service_enums import *

[docs]class AcquiredPhoneNumber(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents an acquired phone number. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param phone_number: Required. String of the E.164 format of the phone number. :type phone_number: str :param acquired_capabilities: Required. The set of all acquired capabilities of the phone number. :type acquired_capabilities: list[str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.Capability] :param available_capabilities: Required. The set of all available capabilities that can be acquired for this phone number. :type available_capabilities: list[str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.Capability] :param assignment_status: The assignment status of the phone number. Conveys what type of entity the number is assigned to. Possible values include: "Unassigned", "Unknown", "UserAssigned", "ConferenceAssigned", "FirstPartyAppAssigned", "ThirdPartyAppAssigned". :type assignment_status: str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.AssignmentStatus :param place_name: The name of the place of the phone number. :type place_name: str :param activation_state: The activation state of the phone number. Can be "Activated", "AssignmentPending", "AssignmentFailed", "UpdatePending", "UpdateFailed". Possible values include: "Activated", "AssignmentPending", "AssignmentFailed", "UpdatePending", "UpdateFailed". :type activation_state: str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.ActivationState """ _validation = { 'phone_number': {'required': True}, 'acquired_capabilities': {'required': True}, 'available_capabilities': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'phone_number': {'key': 'phoneNumber', 'type': 'str'}, 'acquired_capabilities': {'key': 'acquiredCapabilities', 'type': '[str]'}, 'available_capabilities': {'key': 'availableCapabilities', 'type': '[str]'}, 'assignment_status': {'key': 'assignmentStatus', 'type': 'str'}, 'place_name': {'key': 'placeName', 'type': 'str'}, 'activation_state': {'key': 'activationState', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, phone_number: str, acquired_capabilities: List[Union[str, "Capability"]], available_capabilities: List[Union[str, "Capability"]], assignment_status: Optional[Union[str, "AssignmentStatus"]] = None, place_name: Optional[str] = None, activation_state: Optional[Union[str, "ActivationState"]] = None, **kwargs ): super(AcquiredPhoneNumber, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.phone_number = phone_number self.acquired_capabilities = acquired_capabilities self.available_capabilities = available_capabilities self.assignment_status = assignment_status self.place_name = place_name self.activation_state = activation_state
[docs]class AcquiredPhoneNumbers(msrest.serialization.Model): """A wrapper of list of phone numbers. :param phone_numbers: Represents a list of phone numbers. :type phone_numbers: list[~azure.communication.administration.models.AcquiredPhoneNumber] :param next_link: Represents the URL link to the next page. :type next_link: str """ _attribute_map = { 'phone_numbers': {'key': 'phoneNumbers', 'type': '[AcquiredPhoneNumber]'}, 'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, phone_numbers: Optional[List["AcquiredPhoneNumber"]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(AcquiredPhoneNumbers, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.phone_numbers = phone_numbers self.next_link = next_link
[docs]class AreaCodes(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a list of area codes. :param primary_area_codes: Represents the list of primary area codes. :type primary_area_codes: list[str] :param secondary_area_codes: Represents the list of secondary area codes. :type secondary_area_codes: list[str] :param next_link: Represents the URL link to the next page. :type next_link: str """ _attribute_map = { 'primary_area_codes': {'key': 'primaryAreaCodes', 'type': '[str]'}, 'secondary_area_codes': {'key': 'secondaryAreaCodes', 'type': '[str]'}, 'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, primary_area_codes: Optional[List[str]] = None, secondary_area_codes: Optional[List[str]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(AreaCodes, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.primary_area_codes = primary_area_codes self.secondary_area_codes = secondary_area_codes self.next_link = next_link
class CarrierDetails(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents carrier details. :param name: Name of carrier details. :type name: str :param localized_name: Display name of carrier details. :type localized_name: str """ _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'localized_name': {'key': 'localizedName', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, localized_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(CarrierDetails, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name self.localized_name = localized_name
[docs]class CreateSearchOptions(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a search creation option. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param display_name: Required. Display name of the search. :type display_name: str :param description: Required. Description of the search. :type description: str :param phone_plan_ids: Required. The plan subtype ids from which to create the search. :type phone_plan_ids: list[str] :param area_code: Required. The area code from which to create the search. :type area_code: str :param quantity: The quantity of phone numbers to request. :type quantity: int :param location_options: The location options of the search. :type location_options: list[~azure.communication.administration.models.LocationOptionsDetails] """ _validation = { 'display_name': {'required': True, 'max_length': 255, 'min_length': 0}, 'description': {'required': True, 'max_length': 255, 'min_length': 0}, 'phone_plan_ids': {'required': True}, 'area_code': {'required': True}, 'quantity': {'maximum': 2147483647, 'minimum': 1}, } _attribute_map = { 'display_name': {'key': 'displayName', 'type': 'str'}, 'description': {'key': 'description', 'type': 'str'}, 'phone_plan_ids': {'key': 'phonePlanIds', 'type': '[str]'}, 'area_code': {'key': 'areaCode', 'type': 'str'}, 'quantity': {'key': 'quantity', 'type': 'int'}, 'location_options': {'key': 'locationOptions', 'type': '[LocationOptionsDetails]'}, } def __init__( self, *, display_name: str, description: str, phone_plan_ids: List[str], area_code: str, quantity: Optional[int] = None, location_options: Optional[List["LocationOptionsDetails"]] = None, **kwargs ): super(CreateSearchOptions, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.display_name = display_name self.description = description self.phone_plan_ids = phone_plan_ids self.area_code = area_code self.quantity = quantity self.location_options = location_options
[docs]class CreateSearchResponse(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a search creation response. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param search_id: Required. The search id of the search that was created. :type search_id: str """ _validation = { 'search_id': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'search_id': {'key': 'searchId', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, search_id: str, **kwargs ): super(CreateSearchResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.search_id = search_id
class ErrorBody(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a service error response body. :param code: The error code in the error response. :type code: str :param message: The error message in the error response. :type message: str """ _attribute_map = { 'code': {'key': 'code', 'type': 'str'}, 'message': {'key': 'message', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, code: Optional[str] = None, message: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(ErrorBody, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.code = code self.message = message class ErrorResponse(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a service error response. :param error: Represents a service error response body. :type error: ~azure.communication.administration.models.ErrorBody """ _attribute_map = { 'error': {'key': 'error', 'type': 'ErrorBody'}, } def __init__( self, *, error: Optional["ErrorBody"] = None, **kwargs ): super(ErrorResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.error = error class LocationOptions(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a location options. :param label_id: The label id of the location. :type label_id: str :param label_name: The display name of the location. :type label_name: str :param options: The underlying location option details. :type options: list[~azure.communication.administration.models.LocationOptionsDetails] """ _attribute_map = { 'label_id': {'key': 'labelId', 'type': 'str'}, 'label_name': {'key': 'labelName', 'type': 'str'}, 'options': {'key': 'options', 'type': '[LocationOptionsDetails]'}, } def __init__( self, *, label_id: Optional[str] = None, label_name: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[List["LocationOptionsDetails"]] = None, **kwargs ): super(LocationOptions, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.label_id = label_id self.label_name = label_name self.options = options class LocationOptionsDetails(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents location options details. :param name: The name of the location options. :type name: str :param value: The abbreviated name of the location options. :type value: str :param location_options: The underlying location options. :type location_options: list[~azure.communication.administration.models.LocationOptions] """ _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': 'str'}, 'location_options': {'key': 'locationOptions', 'type': '[LocationOptions]'}, } def __init__( self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[str] = None, location_options: Optional[List["LocationOptions"]] = None, **kwargs ): super(LocationOptionsDetails, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name self.value = value self.location_options = location_options class LocationOptionsQueries(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a list of location option queries, used for fetching area codes. :param location_options: Represents the underlying list of countries. :type location_options: list[~azure.communication.administration.models.LocationOptionsQuery] """ _attribute_map = { 'location_options': {'key': 'locationOptions', 'type': '[LocationOptionsQuery]'}, } def __init__( self, *, location_options: Optional[List["LocationOptionsQuery"]] = None, **kwargs ): super(LocationOptionsQueries, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.location_options = location_options
[docs]class LocationOptionsQuery(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a location options parameter, used for fetching area codes. :param label_id: Represents the location option label id, returned from the GetLocationOptions API. :type label_id: str :param options_value: Represents the location options value, returned from the GetLocationOptions API. :type options_value: str """ _attribute_map = { 'label_id': {'key': 'labelId', 'type': 'str'}, 'options_value': {'key': 'optionsValue', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, label_id: Optional[str] = None, options_value: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(LocationOptionsQuery, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.label_id = label_id self.options_value = options_value
[docs]class LocationOptionsResponse(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a wrapper around a list of location options. :param location_options: Represents a location options. :type location_options: ~azure.communication.administration.models.LocationOptions """ _attribute_map = { 'location_options': {'key': 'locationOptions', 'type': 'LocationOptions'}, } def __init__( self, *, location_options: Optional["LocationOptions"] = None, **kwargs ): super(LocationOptionsResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.location_options = location_options
class NumberConfiguration(msrest.serialization.Model): """Definition for number configuration. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param pstn_configuration: Required. Definition for pstn number configuration. :type pstn_configuration: ~azure.communication.administration.models.PstnConfiguration :param phone_number: Required. The phone number to configure. :type phone_number: str """ _validation = { 'pstn_configuration': {'required': True}, 'phone_number': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'pstn_configuration': {'key': 'pstnConfiguration', 'type': 'PstnConfiguration'}, 'phone_number': {'key': 'phoneNumber', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, pstn_configuration: "PstnConfiguration", phone_number: str, **kwargs ): super(NumberConfiguration, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.pstn_configuration = pstn_configuration self.phone_number = phone_number class NumberConfigurationPhoneNumber(msrest.serialization.Model): """The phone number wrapper representing a number configuration request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param phone_number: Required. The phone number in the E.164 format. :type phone_number: str """ _validation = { 'phone_number': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'phone_number': {'key': 'phoneNumber', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, phone_number: str, **kwargs ): super(NumberConfigurationPhoneNumber, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.phone_number = phone_number
[docs]class NumberConfigurationResponse(msrest.serialization.Model): """Definition for number configuration. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param pstn_configuration: Required. Definition for pstn number configuration. :type pstn_configuration: ~azure.communication.administration.models.PstnConfiguration """ _validation = { 'pstn_configuration': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'pstn_configuration': {'key': 'pstnConfiguration', 'type': 'PstnConfiguration'}, } def __init__( self, *, pstn_configuration: "PstnConfiguration", **kwargs ): super(NumberConfigurationResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.pstn_configuration = pstn_configuration
[docs]class NumberUpdateCapabilities(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents an individual number capabilities update request. :param add: Capabilities to be added to a phone number. :type add: list[str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.Capability] :param remove: Capabilities to be removed from a phone number. :type remove: list[str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.Capability] """ _attribute_map = { 'add': {'key': 'add', 'type': '[str]'}, 'remove': {'key': 'remove', 'type': '[str]'}, } def __init__( self, *, add: Optional[List[Union[str, "Capability"]]] = None, remove: Optional[List[Union[str, "Capability"]]] = None, **kwargs ): super(NumberUpdateCapabilities, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.add = add self.remove = remove
[docs]class PhoneNumberCountries(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a wrapper around a list of countries. :param countries: Represents the underlying list of countries. :type countries: list[~azure.communication.administration.models.PhoneNumberCountry] :param next_link: Represents the URL link to the next page. :type next_link: str """ _attribute_map = { 'countries': {'key': 'countries', 'type': '[PhoneNumberCountry]'}, 'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, countries: Optional[List["PhoneNumberCountry"]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(PhoneNumberCountries, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.countries = countries self.next_link = next_link
class PhoneNumberCountry(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a country. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param localized_name: Required. Represents the name of the country. :type localized_name: str :param country_code: Required. Represents the abbreviated name of the country. :type country_code: str """ _validation = { 'localized_name': {'required': True}, 'country_code': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'localized_name': {'key': 'localizedName', 'type': 'str'}, 'country_code': {'key': 'countryCode', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, localized_name: str, country_code: str, **kwargs ): super(PhoneNumberCountry, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.localized_name = localized_name self.country_code = country_code
[docs]class PhoneNumberEntities(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a list of searches or releases, as part of the response when fetching all searches or releases. :param entities: The underlying list of entities. :type entities: list[~azure.communication.administration.models.PhoneNumberEntity] :param next_link: Represents the URL link to the next page. :type next_link: str """ _attribute_map = { 'entities': {'key': 'entities', 'type': '[PhoneNumberEntity]'}, 'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, entities: Optional[List["PhoneNumberEntity"]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(PhoneNumberEntities, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.entities = entities self.next_link = next_link
class PhoneNumberEntity(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a phone number entity, as part of the response when calling get all searches or releases. :param id: The id of the entity. It is the search id of a search. It is the release id of a release. :type id: str :param created_at: Date and time the entity is created. :type created_at: ~datetime.datetime :param display_name: Name of the entity. :type display_name: str :param quantity: Quantity of requested phone numbers in the entity. :type quantity: int :param quantity_obtained: Quantity of acquired phone numbers in the entity. :type quantity_obtained: int :param status: Status of the entity. :type status: str :param foc_date: The Firm Order Confirmation date of the phone number entity. :type foc_date: ~datetime.datetime """ _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'created_at': {'key': 'createdAt', 'type': 'iso-8601'}, 'display_name': {'key': 'displayName', 'type': 'str'}, 'quantity': {'key': 'quantity', 'type': 'int'}, 'quantity_obtained': {'key': 'quantityObtained', 'type': 'int'}, 'status': {'key': 'status', 'type': 'str'}, 'foc_date': {'key': 'focDate', 'type': 'iso-8601'}, } def __init__( self, *, id: Optional[str] = None, created_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, display_name: Optional[str] = None, quantity: Optional[int] = None, quantity_obtained: Optional[int] = None, status: Optional[str] = None, foc_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, **kwargs ): super(PhoneNumberEntity, self).__init__(**kwargs) = id self.created_at = created_at self.display_name = display_name self.quantity = quantity self.quantity_obtained = quantity_obtained self.status = status self.foc_date = foc_date
[docs]class PhoneNumberRelease(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a release. :param release_id: The id of the release. :type release_id: str :param created_at: The creation time of the release. :type created_at: ~datetime.datetime :param status: The release status. Possible values include: "Pending", "InProgress", "Complete", "Failed", "Expired". :type status: str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.ReleaseStatus :param error_message: The underlying error message of a release. :type error_message: str :param phone_number_release_status_details: The list of phone numbers in the release, mapped to its individual statuses. :type phone_number_release_status_details: dict[str, ~azure.communication.administration.models.PhoneNumberReleaseDetails] """ _attribute_map = { 'release_id': {'key': 'releaseId', 'type': 'str'}, 'created_at': {'key': 'createdAt', 'type': 'iso-8601'}, 'status': {'key': 'status', 'type': 'str'}, 'error_message': {'key': 'errorMessage', 'type': 'str'}, 'phone_number_release_status_details': {'key': 'phoneNumberReleaseStatusDetails', 'type': '{PhoneNumberReleaseDetails}'}, } def __init__( self, *, release_id: Optional[str] = None, created_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, status: Optional[Union[str, "ReleaseStatus"]] = None, error_message: Optional[str] = None, phone_number_release_status_details: Optional[Dict[str, "PhoneNumberReleaseDetails"]] = None, **kwargs ): super(PhoneNumberRelease, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.release_id = release_id self.created_at = created_at self.status = status self.error_message = error_message self.phone_number_release_status_details = phone_number_release_status_details
class PhoneNumberReleaseDetails(msrest.serialization.Model): """PhoneNumberReleaseDetails. :param status: The release status of a phone number. Possible values include: "Pending", "Success", "Error", "InProgress". :type status: str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.PhoneNumberReleaseStatus :param error_code: The error code in the case the status is error. :type error_code: int """ _attribute_map = { 'status': {'key': 'status', 'type': 'str'}, 'error_code': {'key': 'errorCode', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__( self, *, status: Optional[Union[str, "PhoneNumberReleaseStatus"]] = None, error_code: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ): super(PhoneNumberReleaseDetails, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.status = status self.error_code = error_code
[docs]class PhoneNumberReservation(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a phone number search. :param reservation_id: The id of the search. :type reservation_id: str :param display_name: The name of the search. :type display_name: str :param created_at: The creation time of the search. :type created_at: ~datetime.datetime :param description: The description of the search. :type description: str :param phone_plan_ids: The phone plan ids of the search. :type phone_plan_ids: list[str] :param area_code: The area code of the search. :type area_code: str :param quantity: The quantity of phone numbers in the search. :type quantity: int :param location_options: The location options of the search. :type location_options: list[~azure.communication.administration.models.LocationOptionsDetails] :param status: The status of the search. Possible values include: "Pending", "InProgress", "Reserved", "Expired", "Expiring", "Completing", "Refreshing", "Success", "Manual", "Cancelled", "Cancelling", "Error", "PurchasePending". :type status: str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.SearchStatus :param phone_numbers: The list of phone numbers in the search, in the case the status is reserved or success. :type phone_numbers: list[str] :param reservation_expiry_date: The date that search expires and the numbers become available. :type reservation_expiry_date: ~datetime.datetime :param error_code: The error code of the search. :type error_code: int """ _attribute_map = { 'reservation_id': {'key': 'searchId', 'type': 'str'}, 'display_name': {'key': 'displayName', 'type': 'str'}, 'created_at': {'key': 'createdAt', 'type': 'iso-8601'}, 'description': {'key': 'description', 'type': 'str'}, 'phone_plan_ids': {'key': 'phonePlanIds', 'type': '[str]'}, 'area_code': {'key': 'areaCode', 'type': 'str'}, 'quantity': {'key': 'quantity', 'type': 'int'}, 'location_options': {'key': 'locationOptions', 'type': '[LocationOptionsDetails]'}, 'status': {'key': 'status', 'type': 'str'}, 'phone_numbers': {'key': 'phoneNumbers', 'type': '[str]'}, 'reservation_expiry_date': {'key': 'reservationExpiryDate', 'type': 'iso-8601'}, 'error_code': {'key': 'errorCode', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__( self, *, reservation_id: Optional[str] = None, display_name: Optional[str] = None, created_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, phone_plan_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, area_code: Optional[str] = None, quantity: Optional[int] = None, location_options: Optional[List["LocationOptionsDetails"]] = None, status: Optional[Union[str, "SearchStatus"]] = None, phone_numbers: Optional[List[str]] = None, reservation_expiry_date: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, error_code: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ): super(PhoneNumberReservation, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.reservation_id = reservation_id self.display_name = display_name self.created_at = created_at self.description = description self.phone_plan_ids = phone_plan_ids self.area_code = area_code self.quantity = quantity self.location_options = location_options self.status = status self.phone_numbers = phone_numbers self.reservation_expiry_date = reservation_expiry_date self.error_code = error_code
class PhonePlan(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a phone plan. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param phone_plan_id: Required. The phone plan id. :type phone_plan_id: str :param localized_name: Required. The name of the phone plan. :type localized_name: str :param location_type: Required. The location type of the phone plan. Possible values include: "CivicAddress", "NotRequired", "Selection". :type location_type: str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.LocationType :param area_codes: The list of available area codes in the phone plan. :type area_codes: list[str] :param capabilities: Capabilities of the phone plan. :type capabilities: list[str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.Capability] :param maximum_search_size: The maximum number of phone numbers one can acquire in a search in this phone plan. :type maximum_search_size: int """ _validation = { 'phone_plan_id': {'required': True}, 'localized_name': {'required': True}, 'location_type': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'phone_plan_id': {'key': 'phonePlanId', 'type': 'str'}, 'localized_name': {'key': 'localizedName', 'type': 'str'}, 'location_type': {'key': 'locationType', 'type': 'str'}, 'area_codes': {'key': 'areaCodes', 'type': '[str]'}, 'capabilities': {'key': 'capabilities', 'type': '[str]'}, 'maximum_search_size': {'key': 'maximumSearchSize', 'type': 'int'}, } def __init__( self, *, phone_plan_id: str, localized_name: str, location_type: Union[str, "LocationType"], area_codes: Optional[List[str]] = None, capabilities: Optional[List[Union[str, "Capability"]]] = None, maximum_search_size: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ): super(PhonePlan, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.phone_plan_id = phone_plan_id self.localized_name = localized_name self.location_type = location_type self.area_codes = area_codes self.capabilities = capabilities self.maximum_search_size = maximum_search_size class PhonePlanGroup(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a plan group. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param phone_plan_group_id: Required. The id of the plan group. :type phone_plan_group_id: str :param phone_number_type: The phone number type of the plan group. Possible values include: "Unknown", "Geographic", "TollFree", "Indirect". :type phone_number_type: str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.PhoneNumberType :param localized_name: Required. The name of the plan group. :type localized_name: str :param localized_description: Required. The description of the plan group. :type localized_description: str :param carrier_details: Represents carrier details. :type carrier_details: ~azure.communication.administration.models.CarrierDetails :param rate_information: Represents a wrapper of rate information. :type rate_information: ~azure.communication.administration.models.RateInformation """ _validation = { 'phone_plan_group_id': {'required': True}, 'localized_name': {'required': True}, 'localized_description': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'phone_plan_group_id': {'key': 'phonePlanGroupId', 'type': 'str'}, 'phone_number_type': {'key': 'phoneNumberType', 'type': 'str'}, 'localized_name': {'key': 'localizedName', 'type': 'str'}, 'localized_description': {'key': 'localizedDescription', 'type': 'str'}, 'carrier_details': {'key': 'carrierDetails', 'type': 'CarrierDetails'}, 'rate_information': {'key': 'rateInformation', 'type': 'RateInformation'}, } def __init__( self, *, phone_plan_group_id: str, localized_name: str, localized_description: str, phone_number_type: Optional[Union[str, "PhoneNumberType"]] = None, carrier_details: Optional["CarrierDetails"] = None, rate_information: Optional["RateInformation"] = None, **kwargs ): super(PhonePlanGroup, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.phone_plan_group_id = phone_plan_group_id self.phone_number_type = phone_number_type self.localized_name = localized_name self.localized_description = localized_description self.carrier_details = carrier_details self.rate_information = rate_information
[docs]class PhonePlanGroups(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a wrapper of list of plan groups. :param phone_plan_groups: The underlying list of phone plan groups. :type phone_plan_groups: list[~azure.communication.administration.models.PhonePlanGroup] :param next_link: Represents the URL link to the next page. :type next_link: str """ _attribute_map = { 'phone_plan_groups': {'key': 'phonePlanGroups', 'type': '[PhonePlanGroup]'}, 'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, phone_plan_groups: Optional[List["PhonePlanGroup"]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(PhonePlanGroups, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.phone_plan_groups = phone_plan_groups self.next_link = next_link
[docs]class PhonePlansResponse(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a wrapper around a list of countries. :param phone_plans: Represents the underlying list of phone plans. :type phone_plans: list[~azure.communication.administration.models.PhonePlan] :param next_link: Represents the URL link to the next page. :type next_link: str """ _attribute_map = { 'phone_plans': {'key': 'phonePlans', 'type': '[PhonePlan]'}, 'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, phone_plans: Optional[List["PhonePlan"]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(PhonePlansResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.phone_plans = phone_plans self.next_link = next_link
[docs]class PstnConfiguration(msrest.serialization.Model): """Definition for pstn number configuration. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param callback_url: Required. The webhook URL on the phone number configuration. :type callback_url: str :param application_id: The application id of the application to which to configure. :type application_id: str """ _validation = { 'callback_url': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'callback_url': {'key': 'callbackUrl', 'type': 'str'}, 'application_id': {'key': 'applicationId', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, callback_url: str, application_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(PstnConfiguration, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.callback_url = callback_url self.application_id = application_id
class RateInformation(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a wrapper of rate information. :param monthly_rate: The monthly rate of a phone plan group. :type monthly_rate: float :param currency_type: The currency of a phone plan group. Possible values include: "USD". :type currency_type: str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.CurrencyType :param rate_error_message: The error code of a phone plan group. :type rate_error_message: str """ _attribute_map = { 'monthly_rate': {'key': 'monthlyRate', 'type': 'float'}, 'currency_type': {'key': 'currencyType', 'type': 'str'}, 'rate_error_message': {'key': 'rateErrorMessage', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, monthly_rate: Optional[float] = None, currency_type: Optional[Union[str, "CurrencyType"]] = None, rate_error_message: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(RateInformation, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.monthly_rate = monthly_rate self.currency_type = currency_type self.rate_error_message = rate_error_message class ReleaseRequest(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a release request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param phone_numbers: Required. The list of phone numbers in the release request. :type phone_numbers: list[str] """ _validation = { 'phone_numbers': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'phone_numbers': {'key': 'phoneNumbers', 'type': '[str]'}, } def __init__( self, *, phone_numbers: List[str], **kwargs ): super(ReleaseRequest, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.phone_numbers = phone_numbers
[docs]class ReleaseResponse(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a release response. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param release_id: Required. The release id of a created release. :type release_id: str """ _validation = { 'release_id': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'release_id': {'key': 'releaseId', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, release_id: str, **kwargs ): super(ReleaseResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.release_id = release_id
class UpdateNumberCapabilitiesRequest(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a numbers capabilities update request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param phone_number_capabilities_update: Required. The map of phone numbers to the capabilities update applied to the phone number. :type phone_number_capabilities_update: dict[str, ~azure.communication.administration.models.NumberUpdateCapabilities] """ _validation = { 'phone_number_capabilities_update': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'phone_number_capabilities_update': {'key': 'phoneNumberCapabilitiesUpdate', 'type': '{NumberUpdateCapabilities}'}, } def __init__( self, *, phone_number_capabilities_update: Dict[str, "NumberUpdateCapabilities"], **kwargs ): super(UpdateNumberCapabilitiesRequest, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.phone_number_capabilities_update = phone_number_capabilities_update
[docs]class UpdateNumberCapabilitiesResponse(msrest.serialization.Model): """Represents a number capability update response. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param capabilities_update_id: Required. The capabilities id. :type capabilities_update_id: str """ _validation = { 'capabilities_update_id': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'capabilities_update_id': {'key': 'capabilitiesUpdateId', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, capabilities_update_id: str, **kwargs ): super(UpdateNumberCapabilitiesResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.capabilities_update_id = capabilities_update_id
[docs]class UpdatePhoneNumberCapabilitiesResponse(msrest.serialization.Model): """Response for getting a phone number update capabilities. :param capabilities_update_id: The id of the phone number capabilities update. :type capabilities_update_id: str :param created_at: The time the capabilities update was created. :type created_at: ~datetime.datetime :param capabilities_update_status: Status of the capabilities update. Possible values include: "Pending", "InProgress", "Complete", "Error". :type capabilities_update_status: str or ~azure.communication.administration.models.CapabilitiesUpdateStatus :param phone_number_capabilities_updates: The capabilities update for each of a set of phone numbers. :type phone_number_capabilities_updates: dict[str, ~azure.communication.administration.models.NumberUpdateCapabilities] """ _attribute_map = { 'capabilities_update_id': {'key': 'capabilitiesUpdateId', 'type': 'str'}, 'created_at': {'key': 'createdAt', 'type': 'iso-8601'}, 'capabilities_update_status': {'key': 'capabilitiesUpdateStatus', 'type': 'str'}, 'phone_number_capabilities_updates': {'key': 'phoneNumberCapabilitiesUpdates', 'type': '{NumberUpdateCapabilities}'}, } def __init__( self, *, capabilities_update_id: Optional[str] = None, created_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, capabilities_update_status: Optional[Union[str, "CapabilitiesUpdateStatus"]] = None, phone_number_capabilities_updates: Optional[Dict[str, "NumberUpdateCapabilities"]] = None, **kwargs ): super(UpdatePhoneNumberCapabilitiesResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.capabilities_update_id = capabilities_update_id self.created_at = created_at self.capabilities_update_status = capabilities_update_status self.phone_number_capabilities_updates = phone_number_capabilities_updates