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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
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from enum import Enum

[docs]class Gender(str, Enum): male = "Male" female = "Female"
[docs]class ComputerVisionErrorCodes(str, Enum): invalid_request = "InvalidRequest" invalid_argument = "InvalidArgument" internal_server_error = "InternalServerError" service_unavailable = "ServiceUnavailable"
[docs]class ComputerVisionInnerErrorCodeValue(str, Enum): invalid_image_format = "InvalidImageFormat" unsupported_media_type = "UnsupportedMediaType" invalid_image_url = "InvalidImageUrl" not_supported_feature = "NotSupportedFeature" not_supported_image = "NotSupportedImage" timeout = "Timeout" internal_server_error = "InternalServerError" invalid_image_size = "InvalidImageSize" bad_argument = "BadArgument" detect_face_error = "DetectFaceError" not_supported_language = "NotSupportedLanguage" invalid_thumbnail_size = "InvalidThumbnailSize" invalid_details = "InvalidDetails" invalid_model = "InvalidModel" cancelled_request = "CancelledRequest" not_supported_visual_feature = "NotSupportedVisualFeature" failed_to_process = "FailedToProcess" unspecified = "Unspecified" storage_exception = "StorageException"
[docs]class OperationStatusCodes(str, Enum): not_started = "notStarted" running = "running" failed = "failed" succeeded = "succeeded"
[docs]class TextRecognitionResultDimensionUnit(str, Enum): pixel = "pixel" inch = "inch"
[docs]class TextStyle(str, Enum): other = "other" handwriting = "handwriting"
[docs]class DescriptionExclude(str, Enum): celebrities = "Celebrities" landmarks = "Landmarks"
[docs]class OcrLanguages(str, Enum): unk = "unk" zh_hans = "zh-Hans" zh_hant = "zh-Hant" cs = "cs" da = "da" nl = "nl" en = "en" fi = "fi" fr = "fr" de = "de" el = "el" hu = "hu" it = "it" ja = "ja" ko = "ko" nb = "nb" pl = "pl" pt = "pt" ru = "ru" es = "es" sv = "sv" tr = "tr" ar = "ar" ro = "ro" sr_cyrl = "sr-Cyrl" sr_latn = "sr-Latn" sk = "sk"
[docs]class VisualFeatureTypes(str, Enum): image_type = "ImageType" faces = "Faces" adult = "Adult" categories = "Categories" color = "Color" tags = "Tags" description = "Description" objects = "Objects" brands = "Brands"
[docs]class OcrDetectionLanguage(str, Enum): af = "af" ast = "ast" bi = "bi" br = "br" ca = "ca" ceb = "ceb" ch = "ch" co = "co" crh = "crh" cs = "cs" csb = "csb" da = "da" de = "de" en = "en" es = "es" et = "et" eu = "eu" fi = "fi" fil = "fil" fj = "fj" fr = "fr" fur = "fur" fy = "fy" ga = "ga" gd = "gd" gil = "gil" gl = "gl" gv = "gv" hni = "hni" hsb = "hsb" ht = "ht" hu = "hu" ia = "ia" id = "id" it = "it" iu = "iu" ja = "ja" jv = "jv" kaa = "kaa" kac = "kac" kea = "kea" kha = "kha" kl = "kl" ko = "ko" ku = "ku" kw = "kw" lb = "lb" ms = "ms" mww = "mww" nap = "nap" nl = "nl" no = "no" oc = "oc" pl = "pl" pt = "pt" quc = "quc" rm = "rm" sco = "sco" sl = "sl" sq = "sq" sv = "sv" sw = "sw" tet = "tet" tr = "tr" tt = "tt" uz = "uz" vo = "vo" wae = "wae" yua = "yua" za = "za" zh_hans = "zh-Hans" zh_hant = "zh-Hant" zu = "zu"
[docs]class Details(str, Enum): celebrities = "Celebrities" landmarks = "Landmarks"