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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
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from enum import Enum

[docs]class Currency(str, Enum): usd = "USD" cad = "CAD" gbp = "GBP" eur = "EUR" cop = "COP" jpy = "JPY" cny = "CNY" aud = "AUD" inr = "INR" aed = "AED" afn = "AFN" all = "ALL" amd = "AMD" ang = "ANG" aoa = "AOA" ars = "ARS" awg = "AWG" azn = "AZN" bam = "BAM" bbd = "BBD" bdt = "BDT" bgn = "BGN" bhd = "BHD" bif = "BIF" bmd = "BMD" bnd = "BND" bob = "BOB" bov = "BOV" brl = "BRL" bsd = "BSD" btn = "BTN" bwp = "BWP" byr = "BYR" bzd = "BZD" cdf = "CDF" che = "CHE" chf = "CHF" chw = "CHW" clf = "CLF" clp = "CLP" cou = "COU" crc = "CRC" cuc = "CUC" cup = "CUP" cve = "CVE" czk = "CZK" djf = "DJF" dkk = "DKK" dop = "DOP" dzd = "DZD" egp = "EGP" ern = "ERN" etb = "ETB" fjd = "FJD" fkp = "FKP" gel = "GEL" ghs = "GHS" gip = "GIP" gmd = "GMD" gnf = "GNF" gtq = "GTQ" gyd = "GYD" hkd = "HKD" hnl = "HNL" hrk = "HRK" htg = "HTG" huf = "HUF" idr = "IDR" ils = "ILS" iqd = "IQD" irr = "IRR" isk = "ISK" jmd = "JMD" jod = "JOD" kes = "KES" kgs = "KGS" khr = "KHR" kmf = "KMF" kpw = "KPW" krw = "KRW" kwd = "KWD" kyd = "KYD" kzt = "KZT" lak = "LAK" lbp = "LBP" lkr = "LKR" lrd = "LRD" lsl = "LSL" lyd = "LYD" mad = "MAD" mdl = "MDL" mga = "MGA" mkd = "MKD" mmk = "MMK" mnt = "MNT" mop = "MOP" mro_enum = "MRO" mur = "MUR" mvr = "MVR" mwk = "MWK" mxn = "MXN" mxv = "MXV" myr = "MYR" mzn = "MZN" nad = "NAD" ngn = "NGN" nio = "NIO" nok = "NOK" npr = "NPR" nzd = "NZD" omr = "OMR" pab = "PAB" pen = "PEN" pgk = "PGK" php = "PHP" pkr = "PKR" pln = "PLN" pyg = "PYG" qar = "QAR" ron = "RON" rsd = "RSD" rub = "RUB" rwf = "RWF" sar = "SAR" sbd = "SBD" scr = "SCR" sdg = "SDG" sek = "SEK" sgd = "SGD" shp = "SHP" sll = "SLL" sos = "SOS" srd = "SRD" ssp = "SSP" std = "STD" syp = "SYP" szl = "SZL" thb = "THB" tjs = "TJS" tmt = "TMT" tnd = "TND" top = "TOP" try_enum = "TRY" ttd = "TTD" twd = "TWD" tzs = "TZS" uah = "UAH" ugx = "UGX" uyu = "UYU" uzs = "UZS" vef = "VEF" vnd = "VND" vuv = "VUV" wst = "WST" xaf = "XAF" xcd = "XCD" xof = "XOF" xpf = "XPF" yer = "YER" zar = "ZAR" zmw = "ZMW"
[docs]class ItemAvailability(str, Enum): discontinued = "Discontinued" in_stock = "InStock" in_store_only = "InStoreOnly" limited_availability = "LimitedAvailability" online_only = "OnlineOnly" out_of_stock = "OutOfStock" pre_order = "PreOrder" sold_out = "SoldOut"
[docs]class ErrorCode(str, Enum): none = "None" server_error = "ServerError" invalid_request = "InvalidRequest" rate_limit_exceeded = "RateLimitExceeded" invalid_authorization = "InvalidAuthorization" insufficient_authorization = "InsufficientAuthorization"
[docs]class ErrorSubCode(str, Enum): unexpected_error = "UnexpectedError" resource_error = "ResourceError" not_implemented = "NotImplemented" parameter_missing = "ParameterMissing" parameter_invalid_value = "ParameterInvalidValue" http_not_allowed = "HttpNotAllowed" blocked = "Blocked" authorization_missing = "AuthorizationMissing" authorization_redundancy = "AuthorizationRedundancy" authorization_disabled = "AuthorizationDisabled" authorization_expired = "AuthorizationExpired"
[docs]class ImageAspect(str, Enum): all = "All" square = "Square" wide = "Wide" tall = "Tall"
[docs]class ImageColor(str, Enum): color_only = "ColorOnly" monochrome = "Monochrome" black = "Black" blue = "Blue" brown = "Brown" gray = "Gray" green = "Green" orange = "Orange" pink = "Pink" purple = "Purple" red = "Red" teal = "Teal" white = "White" yellow = "Yellow"
[docs]class Freshness(str, Enum): day = "Day" week = "Week" month = "Month"
[docs]class ImageContent(str, Enum): face = "Face" portrait = "Portrait"
[docs]class ImageType(str, Enum): animated_gif = "AnimatedGif" clipart = "Clipart" line = "Line" photo = "Photo" shopping = "Shopping" transparent = "Transparent"
[docs]class ImageLicense(str, Enum): all = "All" any = "Any" public = "Public" share = "Share" share_commercially = "ShareCommercially" modify = "Modify" modify_commercially = "ModifyCommercially"
[docs]class SafeSearch(str, Enum): off = "Off" moderate = "Moderate" strict = "Strict"
[docs]class ImageSize(str, Enum): all = "All" small = "Small" medium = "Medium" large = "Large" wallpaper = "Wallpaper"
[docs]class ImageCropType(str, Enum): rectangular = "Rectangular"
[docs]class ImageInsightModule(str, Enum): all = "All" brq = "BRQ" caption = "Caption" collections = "Collections" recipes = "Recipes" pages_including = "PagesIncluding" recognized_entities = "RecognizedEntities" related_searches = "RelatedSearches" shopping_sources = "ShoppingSources" similar_images = "SimilarImages" similar_products = "SimilarProducts" tags = "Tags"