Source code for

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

from enum import Enum

[docs]class ErrorCode(str, Enum): none = "None" server_error = "ServerError" invalid_request = "InvalidRequest" rate_limit_exceeded = "RateLimitExceeded" invalid_authorization = "InvalidAuthorization" insufficient_authorization = "InsufficientAuthorization"
[docs]class ErrorSubCode(str, Enum): unexpected_error = "UnexpectedError" resource_error = "ResourceError" not_implemented = "NotImplemented" parameter_missing = "ParameterMissing" parameter_invalid_value = "ParameterInvalidValue" http_not_allowed = "HttpNotAllowed" blocked = "Blocked" authorization_missing = "AuthorizationMissing" authorization_redundancy = "AuthorizationRedundancy" authorization_disabled = "AuthorizationDisabled" authorization_expired = "AuthorizationExpired"
[docs]class ImageAspect(str, Enum): all = "All" square = "Square" wide = "Wide" tall = "Tall"
[docs]class ImageColor(str, Enum): color_only = "ColorOnly" monochrome = "Monochrome" black = "Black" blue = "Blue" brown = "Brown" gray = "Gray" green = "Green" orange = "Orange" pink = "Pink" purple = "Purple" red = "Red" teal = "Teal" white = "White" yellow = "Yellow"
[docs]class Freshness(str, Enum): day = "Day" week = "Week" month = "Month"
[docs]class ImageContent(str, Enum): face = "Face" portrait = "Portrait"
[docs]class ImageType(str, Enum): animated_gif = "AnimatedGif" clipart = "Clipart" line = "Line" photo = "Photo" shopping = "Shopping" transparent = "Transparent"
[docs]class ImageLicense(str, Enum): all = "All" any = "Any" public = "Public" share = "Share" share_commercially = "ShareCommercially" modify = "Modify" modify_commercially = "ModifyCommercially"
[docs]class SafeSearch(str, Enum): off = "Off" moderate = "Moderate" strict = "Strict"
[docs]class ImageSize(str, Enum): all = "All" small = "Small" medium = "Medium" large = "Large" wallpaper = "Wallpaper"