azure.cognitiveservices.personalizer package

Module contents

class azure.cognitiveservices.personalizer.PersonalizerClient(endpoint, credentials)[source]

Bases: msrest.service_client.SDKClient

Personalizer Service is an Azure Cognitive Service that makes it easy to target content and experiences without complex pre-analysis or cleanup of past data. Given a context and featurized content, the Personalizer Service returns your content in a ranked list. As rewards are sent in response to the ranked list, the reinforcement learning algorithm will improve the model and improve performance of future rank calls.

  • endpoint (str) – Supported Cognitive Services endpoint.

  • credentials (None) – Subscription credentials which uniquely identify client subscription.

rank(rank_request, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config)[source]

A Personalizer rank request.

  • rank_request (RankRequest) – A Personalizer request.

  • custom_headers (dict) – headers that will be added to the request

  • raw (bool) – returns the direct response alongside the deserialized response

  • operation_configOperation configuration overrides.


RankResponse or ClientRawResponse if raw=true

Return type

RankResponse or ClientRawResponse

