Source code for azure.cognitiveservices.knowledge.qnamaker.models.query_dto_py3

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from msrest.serialization import Model

[docs]class QueryDTO(Model): """POST body schema to query the knowledgebase. :param qna_id: Exact qnaId to fetch from the knowledgebase, this field takes priority over question. :type qna_id: str :param question: User question to query against the knowledge base. :type question: str :param top: Max number of answers to be returned for the question. :type top: int :param user_id: Unique identifier for the user. :type user_id: str :param is_test: Query against the test index. :type is_test: bool :param score_threshold: Minimum threshold score for answers. :type score_threshold: float :param context: Context object with previous QnA's information. :type context: ~azure.cognitiveservices.knowledge.qnamaker.models.QueryDTOContext :param ranker_type: Optional field. Set to 'QuestionOnly' for using a question only Ranker. :type ranker_type: str :param strict_filters: Find QnAs that are associated with the given list of metadata. :type strict_filters: list[~azure.cognitiveservices.knowledge.qnamaker.models.MetadataDTO] :param strict_filters_compound_operation_type: Optional field. Set to 'OR' for using OR operation for strict filters. Possible values include: 'AND', 'OR' :type strict_filters_compound_operation_type: str or ~azure.cognitiveservices.knowledge.qnamaker.models.StrictFiltersCompoundOperationType :param answer_span_request: To configure Answer span prediction feature. :type answer_span_request: ~azure.cognitiveservices.knowledge.qnamaker.models.QueryDTOAnswerSpanRequest """ _attribute_map = { 'qna_id': {'key': 'qnaId', 'type': 'str'}, 'question': {'key': 'question', 'type': 'str'}, 'top': {'key': 'top', 'type': 'int'}, 'user_id': {'key': 'userId', 'type': 'str'}, 'is_test': {'key': 'isTest', 'type': 'bool'}, 'score_threshold': {'key': 'scoreThreshold', 'type': 'float'}, 'context': {'key': 'context', 'type': 'QueryDTOContext'}, 'ranker_type': {'key': 'rankerType', 'type': 'str'}, 'strict_filters': {'key': 'strictFilters', 'type': '[MetadataDTO]'}, 'strict_filters_compound_operation_type': {'key': 'strictFiltersCompoundOperationType', 'type': 'str'}, 'answer_span_request': {'key': 'answerSpanRequest', 'type': 'QueryDTOAnswerSpanRequest'}, } def __init__(self, *, qna_id: str=None, question: str=None, top: int=None, user_id: str=None, is_test: bool=None, score_threshold: float=None, context=None, ranker_type: str=None, strict_filters=None, strict_filters_compound_operation_type=None, answer_span_request=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(QueryDTO, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.qna_id = qna_id self.question = question = top self.user_id = user_id self.is_test = is_test self.score_threshold = score_threshold self.context = context self.ranker_type = ranker_type self.strict_filters = strict_filters self.strict_filters_compound_operation_type = strict_filters_compound_operation_type self.answer_span_request = answer_span_request