Azure App Configuration Python Provider client library for Python

Azure App Configuration is a managed service that helps developers centralize their application configurations simply and securely. This provider adds additional functionality above the azure-sdk-for-python.

Using the provider enables loading sets of configurations from an Azure App Configuration store in a managed way.

Getting started

Get credentials

Use the [Azure CLI][azure_cli] snippet below to get the connection string from the Configuration Store.

az appconfig credential list --name <config-store-name>

Alternatively, get the connection string from the Azure Portal.

Creating a provider

You can create a client with a connection string:

config = AzureAppConfigurationProvider.load(connection_string="your-connection-string")

or with AAD:

config = AzureAppConfigurationProvider.load(endpoint="your-endpoint", credential=DefaultAzureCredential())

these providers will by default load all configurations with (No Label) from your configuration store.


Currently the Azure App Configuration Provider enables:

  • Connecting to an App Configuration Store using a connection string or Azure Active Directory.

  • Selecting multiple sets of configurations using SettingSelector.

  • Trim prefixes off key names.

  • Resolving Key Vault References, requires AAD.

  • Secret Resolver, resolve Key Vault References locally without connecting to Key Vault.

  • Json Content Type

Future Features

List of features we are going to add to the Python Provider in the future.

  • Geo-Replication support

  • Feature Management

  • Dynamic Refresh

  • Configuration Placeholders


Selecting configurations

You can refine or expand the configurations loaded from your store by using SettingSelectors. Setting selectors provide a way to pass a key filter and label filter into the provider.

selects = {SettingSelector(key_filter="*", label_filter="\0"), SettingSelector(key_filter="*", label_filter="dev")}
config = AzureAppConfigurationProvider.load(
    endpoint=endpoint, credential=default_credential, selects=selects)

In this example all configuration with empty label and the dev label are loaded. Because the dev selector is listed last, any configurations from dev take priority over those with (No Label) when duplicates are found.

Trimming Keys

You can trim the prefix off of keys by providing a list of trimmed key prefixes to the provider. For example, if you have the key(s) like /application/message in your configuration store, you could trim /application/ from them.

config = AzureAppConfigurationProvider.load(
    endpoint=endpoint, credential=default_credential, trimmed_key_prefixes=trimmed_key_prefixes)

Resolving Key Vault References

Key Vault References can be resolved by providing credentials to your key vault to the provider using AzureAppConfigurationKeyVaultOptions.

With Credentials

You can provide AzureAppConfigurationKeyVaultOptions with a credential and all key vault references will be resolved with it. The provider will attempt to connect to any key vault referenced with the credential provided.

key_vault_options = AzureAppConfigurationKeyVaultOptions(credential=default_credential)
config = AzureAppConfigurationProvider.load(endpoint=endpoint, credential=default_credential, key_vault_options=key_vault_options)

With Clients

You can provide AzureAppConfigurationKeyVaultOptions with a list of SecretClients.

key_vault_options = AzureAppConfigurationKeyVaultOptions(
        vault_url=key_vault_uri, credential=default_credential)})
config = AzureAppConfigurationProvider.load(endpoint=endpoint, credential=default_credential, key_vault_options=key_vault_options)

Secret Resolver

If no Credentials or Clients are provided a secret resolver can be used. Secret resolver provides a way to return any value you want to a key vault reference.

def secret_resolver(uri):
    return "From Secret Resolver"

key_vault_options = AzureAppConfigurationKeyVaultOptions(
config = AzureAppConfigurationProvider.load(
    endpoint=endpoint, credential=default_credential, key_vault_options=key_vault_options)

Key concepts


Next steps


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Indices and tables

Developer Documentation