Source code for

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# ------------------------------------

from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
from ._generated.models import (
    BatchRequest as _BatchRequest,
    SourceInput as _SourceInput,
    DocumentFilter as _DocumentFilter,
    TargetInput as _TargetInput,
    Glossary as _Glossary,

def convert_status(status, ll=False):
    if ll is False:
        if status == "Cancelled":
            return "Canceled"
        if status == "Cancelling":
            return "Canceling"
    elif ll is True:
        if status == "Canceled":
            return "Cancelled"
        if status == "Canceling":
            return "Cancelling"
    return status

[docs]class TranslationGlossary: """Glossary / translation memory to apply to the translation. :param str glossary_url: Required. Location of the glossary file. This should be a URL to the glossary file in the storage blob container. The URL can be a SAS URL (see the service documentation for the supported SAS permissions for accessing storage containers/blobs: or a managed identity can be created and used to access documents in your storage account (see Note that if the translation language pair is not present in the glossary, it will not be applied. :param str file_format: Required. Format of the glossary file. To see supported formats, call the :func:`~DocumentTranslationClient.get_supported_glossary_formats()` client method. :keyword str format_version: File format version. If not specified, the service will use the default_version for the file format returned from the :func:`~DocumentTranslationClient.get_supported_glossary_formats()` client method. :keyword str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. :ivar str glossary_url: Required. Location of the glossary file. This should be a URL to the glossary file in the storage blob container. The URL can be a SAS URL (see the service documentation for the supported SAS permissions for accessing storage containers/blobs: or a managed identity can be created and used to access documents in your storage account (see Note that if the translation language pair is not present in the glossary, it will not be applied. :ivar str file_format: Required. Format of the glossary file. To see supported formats, call the :func:`~DocumentTranslationClient.get_supported_glossary_formats()` client method. :ivar str format_version: File format version. If not specified, the service will use the default_version for the file format returned from the :func:`~DocumentTranslationClient.get_supported_glossary_formats()` client method. :ivar str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. """ def __init__( self, glossary_url: str, file_format: str, *, format_version: Optional[str] = None, storage_source: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self.glossary_url = glossary_url self.file_format = file_format self.format_version = format_version self.storage_source = storage_source def _to_generated(self): return _Glossary( glossary_url=self.glossary_url, format=self.file_format, version=self.format_version, storage_source=self.storage_source, ) @staticmethod def _to_generated_list(glossaries): return [ glossary._to_generated() # pylint: disable=protected-access for glossary in glossaries ] def __repr__(self): return ( "TranslationGlossary(glossary_url={}, " "file_format={}, format_version={}, storage_source={})".format( self.glossary_url, self.file_format, self.format_version, self.storage_source, )[:1024] )
[docs]class TranslationTarget: """Destination for the finished translated documents. :param str target_url: Required. The target location for your translated documents. This can be a SAS URL (see the service documentation for the supported SAS permissions for accessing target storage containers/blobs: or a managed identity can be created and used to access documents in your storage account (see :param str language_code: Required. Target Language Code. This is the language you want your documents to be translated to. See supported languages here: :keyword str category_id: Category / custom model ID for using custom translation. :keyword glossaries: Glossaries to apply to translation. :paramtype glossaries: list[] :keyword str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. :ivar str target_url: Required. The target location for your translated documents. This can be a SAS URL (see the service documentation for the supported SAS permissions for accessing target storage containers/blobs: or a managed identity can be created and used to access documents in your storage account (see :ivar str language_code: Required. Target Language Code. This is the language you want your documents to be translated to. See supported languages here: :ivar str category_id: Category / custom model ID for using custom translation. :ivar glossaries: Glossaries to apply to translation. :vartype glossaries: list[] :ivar str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. """ def __init__( self, target_url: str, language_code: str, *, category_id: Optional[str] = None, glossaries: Optional[List[TranslationGlossary]] = None, storage_source: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self.target_url = target_url self.language_code = language_code self.category_id = category_id self.glossaries = glossaries self.storage_source = storage_source def _to_generated(self): return _TargetInput( target_url=self.target_url, category=self.category_id, language=self.language_code, storage_source=self.storage_source, glossaries=TranslationGlossary._to_generated_list( # pylint: disable=protected-access self.glossaries ) if self.glossaries else None, ) @staticmethod def _to_generated_list(targets): return [ target._to_generated() # pylint: disable=protected-access for target in targets ] def __repr__(self): return ( "TranslationTarget(target_url={}, language_code={}, " "category_id={}, glossaries={}, storage_source={})".format( self.target_url, self.language_code, self.category_id, self.glossaries.__repr__(), self.storage_source, )[:1024] )
[docs]class DocumentTranslationInput: """Input for translation. This requires that you have your source document or documents in an Azure Blob Storage container. Provide a URL to the source file or source container containing the documents for translation. The source document(s) are translated and written to the location provided by the TranslationTargets. :param str source_url: Required. Location of the folder / container or single file with your documents. This can be a SAS URL (see the service documentation for the supported SAS permissions for accessing source storage containers/blobs: or a managed identity can be created and used to access documents in your storage account (see :param targets: Required. Location of the destination for the output. This is a list of TranslationTargets. Note that a TranslationTarget is required for each language code specified. :type targets: list[] :keyword str source_language_code: Language code for the source documents. If none is specified, the source language will be auto-detected for each document. :keyword str prefix: A case-sensitive prefix string to filter documents in the source path for translation. For example, when using a Azure storage blob Uri, use the prefix to restrict sub folders for translation. :keyword str suffix: A case-sensitive suffix string to filter documents in the source path for translation. This is most often use for file extensions. :keyword storage_type: Storage type of the input documents source string. Possible values include: "Folder", "File". :paramtype storage_type: str or :keyword str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. :ivar str source_url: Required. Location of the folder / container or single file with your documents. This can be a SAS URL (see the service documentation for the supported SAS permissions for accessing source storage containers/blobs: or a managed identity can be created and used to access documents in your storage account (see :ivar targets: Required. Location of the destination for the output. This is a list of TranslationTargets. Note that a TranslationTarget is required for each language code specified. :vartype targets: list[] :ivar str source_language_code: Language code for the source documents. If none is specified, the source language will be auto-detected for each document. :ivar str prefix: A case-sensitive prefix string to filter documents in the source path for translation. For example, when using a Azure storage blob Uri, use the prefix to restrict sub folders for translation. :ivar str suffix: A case-sensitive suffix string to filter documents in the source path for translation. This is most often use for file extensions. :ivar storage_type: Storage type of the input documents source string. Possible values include: "Folder", "File". :vartype storage_type: str or :ivar str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. """ def __init__( self, source_url: str, targets: List[TranslationTarget], *, source_language_code: Optional[str] = None, storage_type: Optional[Union[str, StorageInputType]] = None, storage_source: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self.source_url = source_url self.targets = targets self.source_language_code = source_language_code self.storage_type = storage_type self.storage_source = storage_source self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix def _to_generated(self): return _BatchRequest( source=_SourceInput( source_url=self.source_url, filter=_DocumentFilter(prefix=self.prefix, suffix=self.suffix), language=self.source_language_code, storage_source=self.storage_source, ), targets=TranslationTarget._to_generated_list( # pylint: disable=protected-access self.targets ), storage_type=self.storage_type, ) @staticmethod def _to_generated_list(batch_document_inputs): return [ batch_document_input._to_generated() # pylint: disable=protected-access for batch_document_input in batch_document_inputs ] def __repr__(self): return ( "DocumentTranslationInput(source_url={}, targets={}, " "source_language_code={}, storage_type={}, " "storage_source={}, prefix={}, suffix={})".format( self.source_url, self.targets.__repr__(), self.source_language_code, self.storage_type.__repr__(), self.storage_source, self.prefix, self.suffix, )[:1024] )
[docs]class TranslationStatus: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Status information about the translation operation. :ivar str id: Id of the translation operation. :ivar created_on: The date time when the translation operation was created. :vartype created_on: ~datetime.datetime :ivar last_updated_on: The date time when the translation operation's status was last updated. :vartype last_updated_on: ~datetime.datetime :ivar str status: Status for a translation operation. * `NotStarted` - the operation has not begun yet. * `Running` - translation is in progress. * `Succeeded` - at least one document translated successfully within the operation. * `Canceled` - the operation was canceled. * `Canceling` - the operation is being canceled. * `ValidationFailed` - the input failed validation. E.g. there was insufficient permissions on blob containers. * `Failed` - all the documents within the operation failed. :ivar error: Returned if there is an error with the translation operation. Includes error code, message, target. :vartype error: :ivar int documents_total_count: Number of translations to be made on documents in the operation. :ivar int documents_failed_count: Number of documents that failed translation. :ivar int documents_succeeded_count: Number of successful translations on documents. :ivar int documents_in_progress_count: Number of translations on documents in progress. :ivar int documents_not_yet_started_count: Number of documents that have not yet started being translated. :ivar int documents_canceled_count: Number of documents that were canceled for translation. :ivar int total_characters_charged: Total characters charged across all documents within the translation operation. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: = kwargs.get("id") self.created_on = kwargs.get("created_on") self.last_updated_on = kwargs.get("last_updated_on", None) self.status = kwargs.get("status", None) self.error = kwargs.get("error", None) self.documents_total_count = kwargs.get("documents_total_count", None) self.documents_failed_count = kwargs.get("documents_failed_count", None) self.documents_succeeded_count = kwargs.get("documents_succeeded_count", None) self.documents_in_progress_count = kwargs.get( "documents_in_progress_count", None ) self.documents_not_yet_started_count = kwargs.get( "documents_not_yet_started_count", None ) self.documents_canceled_count = kwargs.get("documents_canceled_count", None) self.total_characters_charged = kwargs.get("total_characters_charged", None) @classmethod def _from_generated(cls, batch_status_details): if not batch_status_details: return cls() return cls(, created_on=batch_status_details.created_date_time_utc, last_updated_on=batch_status_details.last_action_date_time_utc, status=convert_status(batch_status_details.status), error=DocumentTranslationError._from_generated( # pylint: disable=protected-access batch_status_details.error ) if batch_status_details.error else None,, documents_failed_count=batch_status_details.summary.failed, documents_succeeded_count=batch_status_details.summary.success, documents_in_progress_count=batch_status_details.summary.in_progress, documents_not_yet_started_count=batch_status_details.summary.not_yet_started, documents_canceled_count=batch_status_details.summary.cancelled, total_characters_charged=batch_status_details.summary.total_character_charged, ) def __repr__(self): return ( "TranslationStatus(id={}, created_on={}, " "last_updated_on={}, status={}, error={}, documents_total_count={}, " "documents_failed_count={}, documents_succeeded_count={}, " "documents_in_progress_count={}, documents_not_yet_started_count={}, " "documents_canceled_count={}, total_characters_charged={})".format(, self.created_on, self.last_updated_on, self.status, self.error.__repr__(), self.documents_total_count, self.documents_failed_count, self.documents_succeeded_count, self.documents_in_progress_count, self.documents_not_yet_started_count, self.documents_canceled_count, self.total_characters_charged, )[:1024] )
[docs]class DocumentStatus: """Status information about a particular document within a translation operation. :ivar str source_document_url: Location of the source document in the source container. Note that any SAS tokens are removed from this path. :ivar str translated_document_url: Location of the translated document in the target container. Note that any SAS tokens are removed from this path. :ivar created_on: The date time when the document was created. :vartype created_on: ~datetime.datetime :ivar last_updated_on: The date time when the document's status was last updated. :vartype last_updated_on: ~datetime.datetime :ivar str status: Status for a document. * `NotStarted` - the document has not been translated yet. * `Running` - translation is in progress for document * `Succeeded` - translation succeeded for the document * `Failed` - the document failed to translate. Check the error property. * `Canceled` - the operation was canceled, the document was not translated. * `Canceling` - the operation is canceling, the document will not be translated. :ivar str translated_to: The language code of the language the document was translated to, if successful. :ivar error: Returned if there is an error with the particular document. Includes error code, message, target. :vartype error: :ivar float translation_progress: Progress of the translation if available. Value is between [0.0, 1.0]. :ivar str id: Document Id. :ivar int characters_charged: Characters charged for the document. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.source_document_url = kwargs.get("source_document_url", None) self.translated_document_url = kwargs.get("translated_document_url", None) self.created_on = kwargs["created_on"] self.last_updated_on = kwargs["last_updated_on"] self.status = kwargs["status"] self.translated_to = kwargs["translated_to"] self.error = kwargs.get("error", None) self.translation_progress = kwargs.get("translation_progress", None) = kwargs.get("id", None) self.characters_charged = kwargs.get("characters_charged", None) @classmethod def _from_generated(cls, doc_status): return cls( source_document_url=doc_status.source_path, translated_document_url=doc_status.path, created_on=doc_status.created_date_time_utc, last_updated_on=doc_status.last_action_date_time_utc, status=convert_status(doc_status.status),, error=DocumentTranslationError._from_generated( # pylint: disable=protected-access doc_status.error ) if doc_status.error else None, translation_progress=doc_status.progress,, characters_charged=doc_status.character_charged, ) def __repr__(self): return ( "DocumentStatus(id={}, source_document_url={}, " "translated_document_url={}, created_on={}, last_updated_on={}, " "status={}, translated_to={}, error={}, translation_progress={}, " "characters_charged={})".format(, self.source_document_url, self.translated_document_url, self.created_on, self.last_updated_on, self.status, self.translated_to, self.error.__repr__(), self.translation_progress, self.characters_charged, )[:1024] )
[docs]class DocumentTranslationError: """This contains the error code, message, and target with descriptive details on why a translation operation or particular document failed. :ivar str code: The error code. Possible high level values include: "InvalidRequest", "InvalidArgument", "InternalServerError", "ServiceUnavailable", "ResourceNotFound", "Unauthorized", "RequestRateTooHigh". :ivar str message: The error message associated with the failure. :ivar str target: The source of the error. For example it would be "documents" or "document id" in case of invalid document. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.code = kwargs.get("code", None) self.message = kwargs.get("message", None) = kwargs.get("target", None) @classmethod def _from_generated(cls, error): if error.inner_error: inner_error = error.inner_error return cls( code=inner_error.code, message=inner_error.message, if is not None else, ) return cls(code=error.code, message=error.message, def __repr__(self): return "DocumentTranslationError(code={}, message={}, target={}".format( self.code, self.message, )[:1024]
[docs]class DocumentTranslationFileFormat: """Possible file formats supported by the Document Translation service. :ivar file_format: Name of the format. :vartype file_format: str :ivar file_extensions: Supported file extension for this format. :vartype file_extensions: list[str] :ivar content_types: Supported Content-Types for this format. :vartype content_types: list[str] :ivar format_versions: Supported Version. :vartype format_versions: list[str] :ivar default_format_version: Default format version if none is specified. :vartype default_format_version: str """ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.file_format = kwargs.get("file_format", None) self.file_extensions = kwargs.get("file_extensions", None) self.content_types = kwargs.get("content_types", None) self.format_versions = kwargs.get("format_versions", None) self.default_format_version = kwargs.get("default_format_version", None) @classmethod def _from_generated(cls, file_format): return cls( file_format=file_format.format, file_extensions=file_format.file_extensions, content_types=file_format.content_types, format_versions=file_format.versions, default_format_version=file_format.default_version, ) @staticmethod def _from_generated_list(file_formats): return [ DocumentTranslationFileFormat._from_generated(file_formats) for file_formats in file_formats ] def __repr__(self): return ( "DocumentTranslationFileFormat(file_format={}, file_extensions={}, " "content_types={}, format_versions={}, default_format_version={}".format( self.file_format, self.file_extensions, self.content_types, self.format_versions, self.default_format_version, )[:1024] )