Source code for

# coding=utf-8
# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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# pylint: disable=unused-import
from typing import Any, List
from ._generated.models import (
    BatchRequest as _BatchRequest,
    SourceInput as _SourceInput,
    DocumentFilter as _DocumentFilter,
    TargetInput as _TargetInput,
    Glossary as _Glossary,

[docs]class TranslationGlossary(object): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance """Glossary / translation memory to apply to the translation. :param str glossary_url: Required. Location of the glossary file. This should be a SAS URL to the glossary file in the storage blob container. If the translation language pair is not present in the glossary, it will not be applied. :param str file_format: Required. Format of the glossary file. To see supported formats, call the :func:`~DocumentTranslationClient.get_supported_glossary_formats()` client method. :keyword str format_version: File format version. If not specified, the service will use the default_version for the file format returned from the :func:`~DocumentTranslationClient.get_supported_glossary_formats()` client method. :keyword str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. :ivar str glossary_url: Required. Location of the glossary file. This should be a SAS URL to the glossary file in the storage blob container. If the translation language pair is not present in the glossary, it will not be applied. :ivar str file_format: Required. Format of the glossary file. To see supported formats, call the :func:`~DocumentTranslationClient.get_supported_glossary_formats()` client method. :ivar str format_version: File format version. If not specified, the service will use the default_version for the file format returned from the :func:`~DocumentTranslationClient.get_supported_glossary_formats()` client method. :ivar str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. """ def __init__(self, glossary_url, file_format, **kwargs): # type: (str, str, **Any) -> None self.glossary_url = glossary_url self.file_format = file_format self.format_version = kwargs.get("format_version", None) self.storage_source = kwargs.get("storage_source", None) def _to_generated(self): return _Glossary( glossary_url=self.glossary_url, format=self.file_format, version=self.format_version, storage_source=self.storage_source, ) @staticmethod def _to_generated_list(glossaries): return [ glossary._to_generated() # pylint: disable=protected-access for glossary in glossaries ] def __repr__(self): return ( "TranslationGlossary(glossary_url={}, " "file_format={}, format_version={}, storage_source={})".format( self.glossary_url, self.file_format, self.format_version, self.storage_source, )[:1024] )
[docs]class TranslationTarget(object): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance """Destination for the finished translated documents. :param str target_url: Required. The target location for your translated documents. This should be a container SAS URL to your target container. :param str language_code: Required. Target Language Code. This is the language you want your documents to be translated to. See supported languages here: :keyword str category_id: Category / custom model ID for using custom translation. :keyword glossaries: Glossaries to apply to translation. :paramtype glossaries: list[] :keyword str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. :ivar str target_url: Required. The target location for your translated documents. This should be a container SAS URL to your target container. :ivar str language_code: Required. Target Language Code. This is the language you want your documents to be translated to. See supported languages here: :ivar str category_id: Category / custom model ID for using custom translation. :ivar glossaries: Glossaries to apply to translation. :vartype glossaries: list[] :ivar str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. """ def __init__(self, target_url, language_code, **kwargs): # type: (str, str, **Any) -> None self.target_url = target_url self.language_code = language_code self.category_id = kwargs.get("category_id", None) self.glossaries = kwargs.get("glossaries", None) self.storage_source = kwargs.get("storage_source", None) def _to_generated(self): return _TargetInput( target_url=self.target_url, category=self.category_id, language=self.language_code, storage_source=self.storage_source, glossaries=TranslationGlossary._to_generated_list( # pylint: disable=protected-access self.glossaries ) if self.glossaries else None, ) @staticmethod def _to_generated_list(targets): return [ target._to_generated() # pylint: disable=protected-access for target in targets ] def __repr__(self): return ( "TranslationTarget(target_url={}, language_code={}, " "category_id={}, glossaries={}, storage_source={})".format( self.target_url, self.language_code, self.category_id, self.glossaries.__repr__(), self.storage_source, )[:1024] )
[docs]class DocumentTranslationInput(object): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance # pylint: disable=C0301 """Input for translation. This requires that you have your source document or documents in an Azure Blob Storage container. Provide a SAS URL to the source file or source container containing the documents for translation. The source document(s) are translated and written to the location provided by the TranslationTargets. :param str source_url: Required. Location of the folder / container or single file with your documents. :param targets: Required. Location of the destination for the output. This is a list of TranslationTargets. Note that a TranslationTarget is required for each language code specified. :type targets: list[] :keyword str source_language_code: Language code for the source documents. If none is specified, the source language will be auto-detected for each document. :keyword str prefix: A case-sensitive prefix string to filter documents in the source path for translation. For example, when using a Azure storage blob Uri, use the prefix to restrict sub folders for translation. :keyword str suffix: A case-sensitive suffix string to filter documents in the source path for translation. This is most often use for file extensions. :keyword storage_type: Storage type of the input documents source string. Possible values include: "Folder", "File". :paramtype storage_type: str or :keyword str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. :ivar str source_url: Required. Location of the folder / container or single file with your documents. :ivar targets: Required. Location of the destination for the output. This is a list of TranslationTargets. Note that a TranslationTarget is required for each language code specified. :vartype targets: list[] :ivar str source_language_code: Language code for the source documents. If none is specified, the source language will be auto-detected for each document. :ivar str prefix: A case-sensitive prefix string to filter documents in the source path for translation. For example, when using a Azure storage blob Uri, use the prefix to restrict sub folders for translation. :ivar str suffix: A case-sensitive suffix string to filter documents in the source path for translation. This is most often use for file extensions. :ivar storage_type: Storage type of the input documents source string. Possible values include: "Folder", "File". :vartype storage_type: str or :ivar str storage_source: Storage Source. Default value: "AzureBlob". Currently only "AzureBlob" is supported. """ def __init__(self, source_url, targets, **kwargs): # type: (str, List[TranslationTarget], **Any) -> None self.source_url = source_url self.targets = targets self.source_language_code = kwargs.get("source_language_code", None) self.storage_type = kwargs.get("storage_type", None) self.storage_source = kwargs.get("storage_source", None) self.prefix = kwargs.get("prefix", None) self.suffix = kwargs.get("suffix", None) def _to_generated(self): return _BatchRequest( source=_SourceInput( source_url=self.source_url, filter=_DocumentFilter(prefix=self.prefix, suffix=self.suffix), language=self.source_language_code, storage_source=self.storage_source, ), targets=TranslationTarget._to_generated_list( # pylint: disable=protected-access self.targets ), storage_type=self.storage_type, ) @staticmethod def _to_generated_list(batch_document_inputs): return [ batch_document_input._to_generated() # pylint: disable=protected-access for batch_document_input in batch_document_inputs ] def __repr__(self): return ( "DocumentTranslationInput(source_url={}, targets={}, " "source_language_code={}, storage_type={}, " "storage_source={}, prefix={}, suffix={})".format( self.source_url, self.targets.__repr__(), self.source_language_code, self.storage_type.__repr__(), self.storage_source, self.prefix, self.suffix, )[:1024] )
[docs]class TranslationStatus( object ): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance, too-many-instance-attributes """Status information about the translation operation. :ivar str id: Id of the translation operation. :ivar created_on: The date time when the translation operation was created. :vartype created_on: ~datetime.datetime :ivar last_updated_on: The date time when the translation operation's status was last updated. :vartype last_updated_on: ~datetime.datetime :ivar str status: Status for a translation operation. * `NotStarted` - the operation has not begun yet. * `Running` - translation is in progress. * `Succeeded` - at least one document translated successfully within the operation. * `Cancelled` - the operation was cancelled. * `Cancelling` - the operation is being cancelled. * `ValidationFailed` - the input failed validation. E.g. there was insufficient permissions on blob containers. * `Failed` - all the documents within the operation failed. :ivar error: Returned if there is an error with the translation operation. Includes error code, message, target. :vartype error: :ivar int documents_total_count: Number of translations to be made on documents in the operation. :ivar int documents_failed_count: Number of documents that failed translation. :ivar int documents_succeeded_count: Number of successful translations on documents. :ivar int documents_in_progress_count: Number of translations on documents in progress. :ivar int documents_not_yet_started_count: Number of documents that have not yet started being translated. :ivar int documents_cancelled_count: Number of documents that were cancelled for translation. :ivar int total_characters_charged: Total characters charged across all documents within the translation operation. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> None = kwargs.get("id") self.created_on = kwargs.get("created_on") self.last_updated_on = kwargs.get("last_updated_on", None) self.status = kwargs.get("status", None) self.error = kwargs.get("error", None) self.documents_total_count = kwargs.get("documents_total_count", None) self.documents_failed_count = kwargs.get("documents_failed_count", None) self.documents_succeeded_count = kwargs.get("documents_succeeded_count", None) self.documents_in_progress_count = kwargs.get( "documents_in_progress_count", None ) self.documents_not_yet_started_count = kwargs.get( "documents_not_yet_started_count", None ) self.documents_cancelled_count = kwargs.get("documents_cancelled_count", None) self.total_characters_charged = kwargs.get("total_characters_charged", None) @classmethod def _from_generated(cls, batch_status_details): if not batch_status_details: return cls() return cls(, created_on=batch_status_details.created_date_time_utc, last_updated_on=batch_status_details.last_action_date_time_utc, status=batch_status_details.status, error=DocumentTranslationError._from_generated( # pylint: disable=protected-access batch_status_details.error ) if batch_status_details.error else None,, documents_failed_count=batch_status_details.summary.failed, documents_succeeded_count=batch_status_details.summary.success, documents_in_progress_count=batch_status_details.summary.in_progress, documents_not_yet_started_count=batch_status_details.summary.not_yet_started, documents_cancelled_count=batch_status_details.summary.cancelled, total_characters_charged=batch_status_details.summary.total_character_charged, ) def __repr__(self): return ( "TranslationStatus(id={}, created_on={}, " "last_updated_on={}, status={}, error={}, documents_total_count={}, " "documents_failed_count={}, documents_succeeded_count={}, " "documents_in_progress_count={}, documents_not_yet_started_count={}, " "documents_cancelled_count={}, total_characters_charged={})".format(, self.created_on, self.last_updated_on, self.status, self.error.__repr__(), self.documents_total_count, self.documents_failed_count, self.documents_succeeded_count, self.documents_in_progress_count, self.documents_not_yet_started_count, self.documents_cancelled_count, self.total_characters_charged, )[:1024] )
[docs]class DocumentStatus( object ): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance, R0903, R0902 """Status information about a particular document within a translation operation. :ivar str source_document_url: Location of the source document in the source container. Note that any SAS tokens are removed from this path. :ivar str translated_document_url: Location of the translated document in the target container. Note that any SAS tokens are removed from this path. :ivar created_on: The date time when the document was created. :vartype created_on: ~datetime.datetime :ivar last_updated_on: The date time when the document's status was last updated. :vartype last_updated_on: ~datetime.datetime :ivar str status: Status for a document. * `NotStarted` - the document has not been translated yet. * `Running` - translation is in progress for document * `Succeeded` - translation succeeded for the document * `Failed` - the document failed to translate. Check the error property. * `Cancelled` - the operation was cancelled, the document was not translated. * `Cancelling` - the operation is cancelling, the document will not be translated. :ivar str translated_to: The language code of the language the document was translated to, if successful. :ivar error: Returned if there is an error with the particular document. Includes error code, message, target. :vartype error: :ivar float translation_progress: Progress of the translation if available. Value is between [0.0, 1.0]. :ivar str id: Document Id. :ivar int characters_charged: Characters charged for the document. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> None self.source_document_url = kwargs.get("source_document_url", None) self.translated_document_url = kwargs.get("translated_document_url", None) self.created_on = kwargs["created_on"] self.last_updated_on = kwargs["last_updated_on"] self.status = kwargs["status"] self.translated_to = kwargs["translated_to"] self.error = kwargs.get("error", None) self.translation_progress = kwargs.get("translation_progress", None) = kwargs.get("id", None) self.characters_charged = kwargs.get("characters_charged", None) @classmethod def _from_generated(cls, doc_status): return cls( source_document_url=doc_status.source_path, translated_document_url=doc_status.path, created_on=doc_status.created_date_time_utc, last_updated_on=doc_status.last_action_date_time_utc, status=doc_status.status,, error=DocumentTranslationError._from_generated( # pylint: disable=protected-access doc_status.error ) if doc_status.error else None, translation_progress=doc_status.progress,, characters_charged=doc_status.character_charged, ) def __repr__(self): # pylint: disable=line-too-long return ( "DocumentStatus(id={}, source_document_url={}, " "translated_document_url={}, created_on={}, last_updated_on={}, " "status={}, translated_to={}, error={}, translation_progress={}, " "characters_charged={})".format(, self.source_document_url, self.translated_document_url, self.created_on, self.last_updated_on, self.status, self.translated_to, self.error.__repr__(), self.translation_progress, self.characters_charged, )[:1024] )
[docs]class DocumentTranslationError( object ): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance, R0903 """This contains the error code, message, and target with descriptive details on why a translation operation or particular document failed. :ivar str code: The error code. Possible high level values include: "InvalidRequest", "InvalidArgument", "InternalServerError", "ServiceUnavailable", "ResourceNotFound", "Unauthorized", "RequestRateTooHigh". :ivar str message: The error message associated with the failure. :ivar str target: The source of the error. For example it would be "documents" or "document id" in case of invalid document. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> None self.code = kwargs.get("code", None) self.message = kwargs.get("message", None) = kwargs.get("target", None) @classmethod def _from_generated(cls, error): if error.inner_error: inner_error = error.inner_error return cls( code=inner_error.code, message=inner_error.message, if is not None else, ) return cls(code=error.code, message=error.message, def __repr__(self): return "DocumentTranslationError(code={}, message={}, target={}".format( self.code, self.message, )[:1024]
[docs]class FileFormat(object): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance, R0903 """Possible file formats supported by the Document Translation service. :ivar file_format: Name of the format. :vartype file_format: str :ivar file_extensions: Supported file extension for this format. :vartype file_extensions: list[str] :ivar content_types: Supported Content-Types for this format. :vartype content_types: list[str] :ivar format_versions: Supported Version. :vartype format_versions: list[str] :ivar default_format_version: Default format version if none is specified. :vartype default_format_version: str """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> None self.file_format = kwargs.get("file_format", None) self.file_extensions = kwargs.get("file_extensions", None) self.content_types = kwargs.get("content_types", None) self.format_versions = kwargs.get("format_versions", None) self.default_format_version = kwargs.get("default_format_version", None) @classmethod def _from_generated(cls, file_format): return cls( file_format=file_format.format, file_extensions=file_format.file_extensions, content_types=file_format.content_types, format_versions=file_format.versions, default_format_version=file_format.default_version, ) @staticmethod def _from_generated_list(file_formats): return [ FileFormat._from_generated(file_formats) for file_formats in file_formats ] def __repr__(self): # pylint: disable=line-too-long return ( "FileFormat(file_format={}, file_extensions={}, " "content_types={}, format_versions={}, default_format_version={}".format( self.file_format, self.file_extensions, self.content_types, self.format_versions, self.default_format_version, )[:1024] )