Source code for

# coding=utf-8
# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# ------------------------------------
import datetime
from typing import Optional
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError
from azure.core.polling import AsyncLROPoller
from azure.core.polling.base_polling import OperationFailed, BadStatus
from azure.core.polling.async_base_polling import AsyncLROBasePolling
from azure.core.polling._async_poller import PollingReturnType

_FINISHED = frozenset(["succeeded", "cancelled", "failed", "partiallycompleted"])
_FAILED = frozenset(["failed"])
_SUCCEEDED = frozenset(["succeeded", "partiallycompleted"])

class TextAnalyticsAsyncLROPollingMethod(AsyncLROBasePolling):
    def finished(self):
        """Is this polling finished?
        :rtype: bool
        return TextAnalyticsAsyncLROPollingMethod._finished(self.status())

    def _finished(status):
        if hasattr(status, "value"):
            status = status.value
        return str(status).lower() in _FINISHED

    def _failed(status):
        if hasattr(status, "value"):
            status = status.value
        return str(status).lower() in _FAILED

    def _raise_if_bad_http_status_and_method(response):
        """Check response status code is valid.

        Must be 200, 201, 202, or 204.

        :raises: BadStatus if invalid status.
        code = response.status_code
        if code in {200, 201, 202, 204}:
        raise BadStatus(
            "Invalid return status {!r} for {!r} operation".format(
                code, response.request.method

    async def _poll(self):  # pylint:disable=invalid-overridden-method
        """Poll status of operation so long as operation is incomplete and
        we have an endpoint to query.

        :param callable update_cmd: The function to call to retrieve the
         latest status of the long running operation.
        :raises: OperationFailed if operation status 'Failed' or 'Canceled'.
        :raises: BadStatus if response status invalid.
        :raises: BadResponse if response invalid.
        while not self.finished():
            await self._delay()
            await self.update_status()

        if TextAnalyticsAsyncLROPollingMethod._failed(self.status()):
            raise OperationFailed("Operation failed or canceled")

        final_get_url = self._operation.get_final_get_url(self._pipeline_response)
        if final_get_url:
            self._pipeline_response = await self.request_status(final_get_url)

class AsyncAnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesLROPollingMethod(
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._text_analytics_client = kwargs.pop("text_analytics_client")
        super(AsyncAnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesLROPollingMethod, self).__init__(
            *args, **kwargs

    def _current_body(self):
        from .._generated.models import JobMetadata

        return JobMetadata.deserialize(self._pipeline_response)

    def created_on(self):
        if not self._current_body:
            return None
        return self._current_body.created_date_time

    def expires_on(self):
        if not self._current_body:
            return None
        return self._current_body.expiration_date_time

    def last_modified_on(self):
        if not self._current_body:
            return None
        return self._current_body.last_update_date_time

    def id(self):
        if not self._current_body:
            return None
        return self._current_body.job_id

[docs]class AsyncAnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesLROPoller(AsyncLROPoller[PollingReturnType]):
[docs] def polling_method(self) -> AsyncAnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesLROPollingMethod: # type: ignore """Return the polling method associated to this poller.""" return self._polling_method # type: ignore
@property def created_on(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When your healthcare entities job was created :return: When your healthcare entities job was created :rtype: ~datetime.datetime """ return self.polling_method().created_on @property def expires_on(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When your healthcare entities job will expire :return: When your healthcare entities job will expire :rtype: ~datetime.datetime """ return self.polling_method().expires_on @property def last_modified_on(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When your healthcare entities job was last modified :return: When your healthcare entities job was last modified :rtype: ~datetime.datetime """ return self.polling_method().last_modified_on @property def id(self) -> str: """ID of your call to :func:`begin_analyze_healthcare_entities` :return: ID of your call to :func:`begin_analyze_healthcare_entities` :rtype: str """ return self.polling_method().id
[docs] async def cancel(self, **kwargs) -> "AsyncLROPoller[None]": # type: ignore """Cancel the operation currently being polled. :keyword int polling_interval: The polling interval to use to poll the cancellation status. The default value is 5 seconds. :return: Returns an instance of an AsyncLROPoller that returns None. :rtype: ~azure.core.polling.AsyncLROPoller[None] :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: When the operation has already reached a terminal state. .. admonition:: Example: .. literalinclude:: ../samples/async_samples/ :start-after: [START analyze_healthcare_entities_with_cancellation_async] :end-before: [END analyze_healthcare_entities_with_cancellation_async] :language: python :dedent: 4 :caption: Cancel an existing health operation. """ polling_interval = kwargs.pop("polling_interval", 5) await self.polling_method().update_status() try: return await getattr( self._polling_method, "_text_analytics_client" ).begin_cancel_health_job(, polling=TextAnalyticsAsyncLROPollingMethod(timeout=polling_interval), ) except HttpResponseError as error: from .._response_handlers import process_http_response_error process_http_response_error(error)
class AsyncAnalyzeActionsLROPollingMethod(TextAnalyticsAsyncLROPollingMethod): @property def _current_body(self): from .._generated.models import AnalyzeJobMetadata return AnalyzeJobMetadata.deserialize(self._pipeline_response) @property def created_on(self): if not self._current_body: return None return self._current_body.created_date_time @property def display_name(self): if not self._current_body: return None return self._current_body.display_name @property def expires_on(self): if not self._current_body: return None return self._current_body.expiration_date_time @property def actions_failed_count(self): if not self._current_body: return None return self._current_body.additional_properties["tasks"]["failed"] @property def actions_in_progress_count(self): if not self._current_body: return None return self._current_body.additional_properties["tasks"]["inProgress"] @property def actions_succeeded_count(self): if not self._current_body: return None return self._current_body.additional_properties["tasks"]["completed"] @property def last_modified_on(self): if not self._current_body: return None return self._current_body.last_update_date_time @property def total_actions_count(self): if not self._current_body: return None return self._current_body.additional_properties["tasks"]["total"] @property def id(self): if not self._current_body: return None return self._current_body.job_id
[docs]class AsyncAnalyzeActionsLROPoller(AsyncLROPoller[PollingReturnType]):
[docs] def polling_method(self) -> AsyncAnalyzeActionsLROPollingMethod: # type: ignore """Return the polling method associated to this poller.""" return self._polling_method # type: ignore
@property def created_on(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When your analyze job was created :return: When your analyze job was created :rtype: ~datetime.datetime """ return self.polling_method().created_on @property def display_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """The display name of your :func:`begin_analyze_actions` call. Corresponds to the `display_name` kwarg you pass to your :func:`begin_analyze_actions` call. :return: The display name of your :func:`begin_analyze_actions` call. :rtype: str """ return self.polling_method().display_name @property def expires_on(self) -> datetime.datetime: """When your analyze job will expire :return: When your analyze job will expire :rtype: ~datetime.datetime """ return self.polling_method().expires_on @property def actions_failed_count(self) -> int: """Total number of actions that have failed :return: Total number of actions that have failed :rtype: int """ return self.polling_method().actions_failed_count @property def actions_in_progress_count(self) -> int: """Total number of actions currently in progress :return: Total number of actions currently in progress :rtype: int """ return self.polling_method().actions_in_progress_count @property def actions_succeeded_count(self) -> int: """Total number of actions that succeeded :return: Total number of actions that succeeded :rtype: int """ return self.polling_method().actions_succeeded_count @property def last_modified_on(self) -> datetime.datetime: """The last time your actions results were updated :return: The last time your actions results were updated :rtype: ~datetime.datetime """ return self.polling_method().last_modified_on @property def total_actions_count(self) -> int: """Total number of actions you submitted :return: Total number of actions submitted :rtype: int """ return self.polling_method().total_actions_count @property def id(self) -> str: """ID of your :func:`begin_analyze_actions` call. :return: ID of your :func:`begin_analyze_actions` call. :rtype: str """ return self.polling_method().id