Source code for

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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"""Customize generated code here.

Follow our quickstart for examples:
from typing import List, Optional
from ._models import (
    AnalyzeDocumentRequest as GeneratedAnalyzeDocumentRequest,
    ClassifyDocumentRequest as GeneratedClassifyDocumentRequest,
from .._model_base import rest_field

[docs] class AnalyzeDocumentRequest(GeneratedAnalyzeDocumentRequest): """Document analysis parameters. :ivar url_source: Document URL to analyze. Either url_source or bytes_source must be specified. :vartype url_source: str :ivar bytes_source: Document bytes to analyze. Either url_source or bytes_source must be specified. :vartype bytes_source: bytes """ bytes_source: Optional[bytes] = rest_field(name="base64Source", format="base64") """Document bytes to analyze. Either url_source or bytes_source must be specified."""
[docs] class ClassifyDocumentRequest(GeneratedClassifyDocumentRequest): """Document classification parameters. :ivar url_source: Document URL to classify. Either url_source or bytes_source must be specified. :vartype url_source: str :ivar bytes_source: Document bytes to classify. Either url_source or bytes_source must be specified. :vartype bytes_source: bytes """ bytes_source: Optional[bytes] = rest_field(name="base64Source", format="base64") """Document bytes to classify. Either url_source or bytes_source must be specified."""
__all__: List[str] = [ "AnalyzeDocumentRequest", "ClassifyDocumentRequest", ] # Add all objects you want publicly available to users at this package level def patch_sdk(): """Do not remove from this file. `patch_sdk` is a last resort escape hatch that allows you to do customizations you can't accomplish using the techniques described in """