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Interface SalesforceServiceCloudLinkedService

Package version

Linked service for Salesforce Service Cloud.



[property: string]: any

Describes unknown properties. The value of an unknown property can be of "any" type.



Optional annotations

annotations: any[]

List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

Optional apiVersion

apiVersion: any

The Salesforce API version used in ADF. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Optional connectVia

The integration runtime reference.

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Linked service description.

Optional encryptedCredential

encryptedCredential: any

The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Optional environmentUrl

environmentUrl: any

The URL of Salesforce Service Cloud instance. Default is 'https://login.salesforce.com'. To copy data from sandbox, specify 'https://test.salesforce.com'. To copy data from custom domain, specify, for example, 'https://[domain].my.salesforce.com'. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Optional extendedProperties

extendedProperties: any

Extended properties appended to the connection string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Optional parameters

parameters: undefined | {}

Parameters for linked service.

Optional password

password: SecretBaseUnion

The password for Basic authentication of the Salesforce instance.

Optional securityToken

securityToken: SecretBaseUnion

The security token is optional to remotely access Salesforce instance.


type: "SalesforceServiceCloud"

Polymorphic discriminator, which specifies the different types this object can be

Optional username

username: any

The username for Basic authentication of the Salesforce instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

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