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Interface ShareCreateOptions

Package version

Options to configure the ShareClient.create operation.




Optional abortSignal

abortSignal: AbortSignalLike

An implementation of the AbortSignalLike interface to signal the request to cancel the operation. For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an AbortSignal.

Optional accessTier

accessTier: ShareAccessTier

Specifies the access tier of the share. Possible values include: 'TransactionOptimized', 'Hot', 'Cool'

Optional metadata

metadata: undefined | {}

A name-value pair to associate with a file storage object.

Optional protocols

protocols: ShareProtocols

Supported in version 2020-02-10 and above. Specifies the enabled protocols on the share. If not specified, the default is SMB.

Optional quota

quota: undefined | number

Specifies the maximum size of the share, in gigabytes.

Optional rootSquash

rootSquash: ShareRootSquash

Root squash to set on the share. Only valid for NFS shares. Possible values include: 'NoRootSquash', 'RootSquash', 'AllSquash'.

Optional tracingOptions

tracingOptions: OperationTracingOptions

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