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Interface BlockBlobStageBlockOptions

Package version

Options to configure BlockBlobClient.stageBlock operation.




Optional abortSignal

abortSignal: AbortSignalLike

An implementation of the AbortSignalLike interface to signal the request to cancel the operation. For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an AbortSignal.

Optional conditions

If specified, contains the lease id that must be matched and lease with this id must be active in order for the operation to succeed.

Optional customerProvidedKey

customerProvidedKey: CpkInfo

Customer Provided Key Info.

Optional encryptionScope

encryptionScope: undefined | string

Optional. Version 2019-07-07 and later. Specifies the name of the encryption scope to use to encrypt the data provided in the request. If not specified, encryption is performed with the default account encryption scope. For more information, see Encryption at Rest for Azure Storage Services.

Optional onProgress

onProgress: undefined | ((progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void)

Callback to receive events on the progress of stage block operation.

Optional tracingOptions

tracingOptions: OperationTracingOptions

Options to configure spans created when tracing is enabled.

Optional transactionalContentCrc64

transactionalContentCrc64: Uint8Array

A CRC64 hash of the block content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the block during transport. When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived with this value.

transactionalContentMD5 and transactionalContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.

Optional transactionalContentMD5

transactionalContentMD5: Uint8Array

An MD5 hash of the block content. This hash is used to verify the integrity of the block during transport. When this is specified, the storage service compares the hash of the content that has arrived with this value.

transactionalContentMD5 and transactionalContentCrc64 cannot be set at same time.

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