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Interface BlobSASSignatureValues

Package version


BlobSASSignatureValues is used to help generating Blob service SAS tokens for containers or blobs.


  • BlobSASSignatureValues



Optional blobName

blobName: undefined | string

Optional. The blob name of the SAS user may access. Required if snapshotTime or versionId is provided.

Optional cacheControl

cacheControl: undefined | string

Optional. The cache-control header for the SAS.


containerName: string

The name of the container the SAS user may access.

Optional contentDisposition

contentDisposition: undefined | string

Optional. The content-disposition header for the SAS.

Optional contentEncoding

contentEncoding: undefined | string

Optional. The content-encoding header for the SAS.

Optional contentLanguage

contentLanguage: undefined | string

Optional. The content-language header for the SAS.

Optional contentType

contentType: undefined | string

Optional. The content-type header for the SAS.

Optional correlationId

correlationId: undefined | string

Optional. Beginning in version 2020-02-10, this is a GUID value that will be logged in the storage diagnostic logs and can be used to correlate SAS generation with storage resource access. This is only used for User Delegation SAS.

Optional expiresOn

expiresOn: Date

Optional only when identifier is provided. The time after which the SAS will no longer work.

Optional identifier

identifier: undefined | string

Optional. The name of the access policy on the container this SAS references if any.



Optional ipRange

ipRange: SasIPRange

Optional. IP ranges allowed in this SAS.

Optional permissions

Optional only when identifier is provided. Please refer to either ContainerSASPermissions or BlobSASPermissions depending on the resource being accessed for help constructing the permissions string.

Optional preauthorizedAgentObjectId

preauthorizedAgentObjectId: undefined | string

Optional. Beginning in version 2020-02-10, specifies the Authorized AAD Object ID in GUID format. The AAD Object ID of a user authorized by the owner of the user delegation key to perform the action granted by the SAS. The Azure Storage service will ensure that the owner of the user delegation key has the required permissions before granting access but no additional permission check for the user specified in this value will be performed. This is only used for User Delegation SAS.

Optional protocol

protocol: SASProtocol

Optional. SAS protocols, HTTPS only or HTTPSandHTTP

Optional snapshotTime

snapshotTime: undefined | string

Optional. Snapshot timestamp string the SAS user may access. Only supported from API version 2018-11-09.

Optional startsOn

startsOn: Date

Optional. When the SAS will take effect.

Optional version

version: undefined | string

The version of the service this SAS will target. If not specified, it will default to the version targeted by the library.

Optional versionId

versionId: undefined | string

Optional. VersionId of the blob version the SAS user may access. Only supported from API version 2019-10-10.

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