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Interface BlobChangeFeedEventData

Package version

Change feed Blob storage event data.


  • BlobChangeFeedEventData




api: string

The operation that triggered the event.

Optional blobAccessTier

blobAccessTier: AccessTier

Access Tier of the blob.


blobType: BlobType

The type of blob.

Optional blobVersion

blobVersion: undefined | string

Version of the blob.


clientRequestId: string

A client-provided request id for the storage API operation. This id can be used to correlate to Azure Storage diagnostic logs using the "client-request-id" field in the logs, and can be provided in client requests using the "x-ms-client-request-id" header.

Optional containerVersion

containerVersion: undefined | string

Version of the container the blob is in.


contentLength: number

The size of the blob in bytes.

Optional contentOffset

contentOffset: undefined | number

The offset in bytes of a write operation taken at the point where the event-triggering application completed writing to the file. Appears only for events triggered on blob storage accounts that have a hierarchical namespace.


contentType: string

The content type specified for the blob.

Optional destinationUrl

destinationUrl: undefined | string

The url of the file that will exist after the operation completes. For example, if a file is renamed, the destinationUrl property contains the url of the new file name. Appears only for events triggered on blob storage accounts that have a hierarchical namespace.


etag: string

The value that you can use to perform operations conditionally.

Optional isRecursive

isRecursive: undefined | false | true

True to perform the operation on all child directories; otherwise False. Appears only for events triggered on blob storage accounts that have a hierarchical namespace.

Optional longRunningOperationInfo

longRunningOperationInfo: BlobOperationResult


Optional previousInfo

Previous info for the blob.


requestId: string

Service-generated request id for the storage API operation. Can be used to correlate to Azure Storage diagnostic logs using the "request-id-header" field in the logs and is returned from initiating API call in the 'x-ms-request-id' header.


sequencer: string

An opaque string value representing the logical sequence of events for any particular blob name. Users can use standard string comparison to understand the relative sequence of two events on the same blob name.

Optional snapshot

snapshot: undefined | string

The Snapshot associated with the event.

Optional sourceUrl

sourceUrl: undefined | string

The url of the file that exists prior to the operation. For example, if a file is renamed, the sourceUrl contains the url of the original file name prior to the rename operation. Appears only for events triggered on blob storage accounts that have a hierarchical namespace.

Optional updatedBlobProperties

updatedBlobProperties: UpdatedBlobProperties

Blob properties that were updated during this event.

Optional updatedBlobTags

updatedBlobTags: BlobTagsChange

Blob tags that were updated during this event.


url: string

The path to the blob. If the client uses a Blob REST API, then the url has this structure: .blob.core.windows.net//.

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