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Interface WebResourceLike

Package version

A description of a HTTP request to be made to a remote server.


  • WebResourceLike



Optional abortSignal

abortSignal: AbortSignalLike

Signal of an abort controller. Can be used to abort both sending a network request and waiting for a response.

Optional body

body: any

The HTTP body contents of the request.

Optional decompressResponse

decompressResponse: undefined | false | true

Whether or not to decompress response according to Accept-Encoding header (node-fetch only)

Optional formData

formData: any

Form data, used to build the request body.


The HTTP headers to use when making the request.

Optional keepAlive

keepAlive: undefined | false | true

If the connection should be reused.


method: HttpMethods

The HTTP method to use when making the request.

Optional onDownloadProgress

onDownloadProgress: undefined | ((progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void)

Callback which fires upon download progress.

Optional onUploadProgress

onUploadProgress: undefined | ((progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void)

Callback which fires upon upload progress.

Optional proxySettings

proxySettings: ProxySettings

Proxy configuration.

Optional query

query: undefined | {}

A query string represented as an object.


requestId: string

A unique identifier for the request. Used for logging and tracing.

Optional streamResponseBody

streamResponseBody: undefined | false | true

Whether or not the body of the HttpOperationResponse should be treated as a stream.


Use streamResponseStatusCodes property instead.

Optional streamResponseStatusCodes

streamResponseStatusCodes: Set<number>

A list of response status codes whose corresponding HttpOperationResponse body should be treated as a stream.


timeout: number

The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated. If the request is terminated, an AbortError is thrown.


url: string

The URL being accessed by the request.


withCredentials: boolean

If credentials (cookies) should be sent along during an XHR.

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