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Interface SearchResourceEncryptionKey

Package version

A customer-managed encryption key in Azure Key Vault. Keys that you create and manage can be used to encrypt or decrypt data-at-rest in Azure Cognitive Search, such as indexes and synonym maps. A customer-managed encryption key in Azure Key Vault. Keys that you create and manage can be used to encrypt or decrypt data-at-rest in Azure Cognitive Search, such as indexes and synonym maps.


  • SearchResourceEncryptionKey



Optional accessCredentials

Optional Azure Active Directory credentials used for accessing your Azure Key Vault. Not required if using managed identity instead.

Optional applicationId

applicationId: undefined | string

An AAD Application ID that was granted the required access permissions to the Azure Key Vault that is to be used when encrypting your data at rest. The Application ID should not be confused with the Object ID for your AAD Application.

Optional applicationSecret

applicationSecret: undefined | string

The authentication key of the specified AAD application.

Optional identity

identity: SearchIndexerDataIdentity | null

An explicit managed identity to use for this encryption key. If not specified and the access credentials property is null, the system-assigned managed identity is used. On update to the resource, if the explicit identity is unspecified, it remains unchanged. If "none" is specified, the value of this property is cleared. An explicit managed identity to use for this encryption key. If not specified and the access credentials property is null, the system-assigned managed identity is used. On update to the resource, if the explicit identity is unspecified, it remains unchanged. If "none" is specified, the value of this property is cleared.


keyName: string

The name of your Azure Key Vault key to be used to encrypt your data at rest. The name of your Azure Key Vault key to be used to encrypt your data at rest.


keyVersion: string

The version of your Azure Key Vault key to be used to encrypt your data at rest. The version of your Azure Key Vault key to be used to encrypt your data at rest.


vaultUri: string

The URI of your Azure Key Vault, also referred to as DNS name, that contains the key to be used to encrypt your data at rest. An example URI might be https://my-keyvault-name.vault.azure.net.


vaultUrl: string

The URI of your Azure Key Vault, also referred to as DNS name, that contains the key to be used to encrypt your data at rest. An example URI might be https://my-keyvault-name.vault.azure.net.

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