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Interface AssetConversionOutputSettings

Package version

Conversion output settings describe the destination of conversion output.


  • AssetConversionOutputSettings



Optional blobPrefix

blobPrefix: undefined | string

A prefix which gets prepended in front of all files produced by the conversion process. Will be treated as a virtual folder. Optional. If not provided, output files will be stored at the container root.

Optional outputAssetFilename

outputAssetFilename: undefined | string

The file name of the output asset. Must end in '.arrAsset'. Optional. If not provided, file name will the same name as the input asset, with '.arrAsset' extension


storageContainerUrl: string

The URI of the Azure blob storage container where the result of the conversion should be written to.

Optional storageContainerWriteSas

storageContainerWriteSas: undefined | string

An Azure blob storage container shared access signature giving write access to the storage container. Optional. If not provided, the Azure Remote Rendering account needs to be linked with the storage account containing the blob container. See https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/remote-rendering/how-tos/create-an-account#link-storage-accounts for details. For security purposes this field will never be filled out in responses bodies.

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